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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1950)
JOURNAL U ieN Y S S A GAI VOLUME XXXXV NO. 5 Boy Scout Week To Be Observed By Ny ssa Troops Plans Are Outlined; Fin ancial Drive W ill Be Opened Next Week Nyssa Scout officials made ar rangements at a luncheon held in the Doll House Wednesday noon for the annual Boy Scout finan cial campaign to be conducted next week. City solicitors will hold a kick o ff breakfast at Brownie’ s cafe at 6:45 Tuesday morning, February 14. They will start soliciting im mediately after the breakfast and will try to complete the project in one day. Team captains in town are W ar ren Farmer, Olean Wells, Dr. C. L. Herman, Tom Seppich. Henry Zobell, Bernard Frost and Bob Thompson. Solicitors in the rural area will be Melvin Jensen, team captain: V em Beasley, Leslie Burbank and Melvin Beck. Each of the four men will choose five helpers, mak ing a total of 24. Team captains will meet next Tuesday noon in the Doll House to arrange their cam paign. In observance of National Boy Scout week, the Nyssa troops will hold various events this week and next week. The Nyssa L. D. S. second ward troop will hold a court of honor Sunday evening at 8 o’clock in the church. The second ward will hon or the Boy Scouts at a banquet to be held in the new church on A l berta avenue Thursday, February 16. Troop No. 19, sponsored by the Lions club, and scout officials will meet tonight to plan for Boy Scout week observance. Troop 45 of the L. D. S. first ward has made no definite plans. Every troop in the Ore-Idaho council is doing its utmost to raise funds through various group act ivities and doing individual odd jobs on Saturdays and after school to send one member of each troop to Valley Forge for the 40th anmver- ary Jubilee 'of the ¿By Scouts of America, according to Elden Yer- gensen of Nyssa, chairman of the Malheur district of the Ore-Idaho council. Forty thousand Boy Scouts will assemble at Valley Forge the latter part of June from all parts of the United States, Canada and other nations. Only one member from each troop will be permitted to make the trip and he will be chosen on the honor and merit sys tem of the Boy Scouts. In addition to Elden Yergensen and other Nyssa men who are officials in the Malheur district are Robert Thompson, finance chair man and Tom Seppich, leadership and training chairman. THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1950 Campaign W ill Be Ended Next Week Officers Still Seek Clues To Co-op Burglary Jed Lewis, district manager of the Amalgamated Sugar company, said Wednesday that the company will finish slicing beets probably February 13. Completing the slicing operations February 13, will give the crews an opportunity to finish the production of sugar the 16th or 17th. Figures on production during the present campaign will probably be available next week. New Rural Fire Truck Is Given Tests By State Pupils Present Lions Program Morse Believes Hoover Report Is Good Policy More than $1300 was collected in the polio fund drive which ended in tills community this week, according to Mrs. Henry H. Hartley, Nyssa chairman. Thieves Seeure Almost Money collected from the “ iron Senator Speaks In Vale, Ontario; To Talk In $1800 In Cheeks And lung" cannisters in local stores a- mounted to $254.54, making a total Nyssa In Spring Cash In Nyssa of $1319.54 collected by various methods dining the last lew weeks. United States Senator Wayne L. City and state police officers were Only $3000 was raised in the en Morse, who delivered addresses in ¡till seeking clues today into the tire county last year. burglary of the Farmers Supply co Ontario and Vale Wednesday after op at Nyssa, which lost $1799.26 in noon and night, said while visiting i Sunday nkiht break-in. in Nyssa yesterday afternoon that As burglars had done a few he will deliver his next Malheur weeks ago, the theives broke a rear county talk in Nyssa when he re window, reached through the hole Nick Toole of Ontario submitted turns to this section on a campaign and unlocked the window and en the low bid to the state highway tour, probably in April. tered the building. Believed to commission on the Dale Garrison The senator delivered a talk on have actually seen the attendant corner section of the Nyssa-Adrian taxes, labor, the economic situation hide the money, the burglars appar secondary highway this week. ently lost no time in going to a nail Toole's bid. one of two submitted, and the Hoover government re-or keg and extracting the bagful of was for $24,912. T ile contract, ganization plan at a luncheon a t checks and cash. when awarded will call for 0.51 mile tended by a capacity crowd in the Unlike the theives who carried of grading, surfacing and oiling, Moore hotel in Ontario at noon and away the cash register in the first delivered a Lincoln day address in burglary, the Sunday night culprits and also furnishing crushed mater the Vale community hall last night. apparently did not enter the front ial in stockpile. Toole's bid was referred to the He was guest of honor at a small part of the building and did not state highway engineer with auth dinner party held in Vale prior to steal anything except the cash, a- I f the night meeting. mounting to approximately $150, ority to award the contract. Exhibiting the oratory that he and the checks, totaling almost Toole is given the contract, C. E. usually does in all of his public Leseberg of Nyssa will do the grad $1700. addresses. Senator Morse declared Clyde Foreman discovered the ing. Work on the project, including that the Hoover report on the pro burgalry when he drove a co-op the elimination of two curves, will posed re-organization of the United , truck back to the building. States government Is the soundest Clyde Wakefield, who is in charge probably not be started for 30 days report for the re-organization o f of the Nyssa plant, and at least or longer. the government ever given to the one policeman, believe the two bur American people. glaries were committed by the same Cora L it Graham " I am not going to stop the fight person or persons. to have the Hoover report adopted Persons who issued checks to the SiiccuinliK At Home as a national policy. However, I co-op last week are asked to notify ^ n o t advocating its adoption O f Niece In Nyssa rtm the firm. without study and change. The reason it has not been adopted is Mrs. Cora Lee Graham died at because everybody wants economy the home of her niece, Mrs. C. A. in every state but his own". | Wernick, in Nyssa last Sunday a f Before entering into a discussion ternoon at 4:30. of taxes, Senator Morse referred to Mrs. Graham was born February the national deficit of five billion The Weiser Wolverines held onto 15, 1881 in Missouri and lived at dollars a year in the federal budget their good-luck charm Tuesday Twin Falls from 1914 until last as an outrage and said he Is going n'ljiht. when they defeated the spring. She came to Nyssa in May to "do something about It; not just Nyssa Bulldogs on the Nyssa floor to make her home with Mrs. W er talk about it” . nick. whom she reared from child by a count of 50 to 49. Speaking of taxes, the senator In the last two years, Weiser has hood. asked "W hat do you want? Juggling Funeral services were held W ed nosed out the Bulldogs by narrow of percentage rates? All that would , margins three times. In addition nesday in the Christian church in give you would be a cheaper dollar. to their one-pont victory this Twin Falls. Interment was in the Unless we do something about the week, the Wolverines defeated Twin Falls cemetery, with the Nyssq tax problem were are going down Nyssa in overtime periods twice. Funeral home in charge. the road to further economic re Last spring Weiser won over Nyssa striction” . I by 15 points. Senator Morse said the first prin Vern Wilson Will The Bulldogs took an 11 to 8 ciple of taxation Is that it should lead at the quarter, but slipped Seek Re-Election be based on ability to pay. The sec behind to 22 to 28 at the half. ond is that it should eliminate the They caught the Wolverines and Announcement was made this principle of economic vulnerability. overtook them, 41 to 38, in the week that Vernon R. Wilson of He did not say so directly, but in third period. Again the Bulldogs Vale has filed for re-election on ferred that the excise taxes, which weakened and the Wolverines went the republican ticket for the office were conceived during the war as an ajiead one point. of state representative for Malheur effort to promote war production, The Nyssa players were Lowe 6, county. should be repealed. The senator Holcomb 10, Williams t. Pecka 7, Wilson will not be in the county pointed out that the excise taxes Pounds 16, Hale. Hunter, Bowen 1, during the primary campaign, as he were designed to restrict private j Marcum and Wilson. has gone to Portland to enter Em business because the government As play in the Snake River anuel hospital for the purpose of wanted all passible facilities for league nears a close for the season, correcting an injury to his back, prosecuting the war, but now ex the Bulldogs will meet New Plym - according to John L. Caldwell, J r, pansion and not restriction of bus 1 outh here Friday night and will who will handle Wilson's campaign. iness Is needed. play Fruitland next Tuesday night. Advocating expansion of the na Caldwell said " I believe Wilson In the preliminary game Tues has made a very fine record in the tional economy, Senator Morse said day night, the frosh-soph team past session of the legislature. All "Labor Is being fed a phony argu defeated the Weiser five by a score the senators and representatives ment that all you have to do is tax of 58 to 19. with whom I have had any contact capital to solve the problem. That (Continued on Page 2) have spoken very highly of his work.” Music Clinic Is Toole Offers Low Hoad Bid Quarters For Machine In Fire Station To Be Ready This Week The new $12.000 fire truck o f the Nyssa Rural Fire Protection dis trict arrived in Nyssa Tuesday and was given a thorough test of its pumps and other facilities at the Snake river bridge Wednesday morning. H. E. Marguellng of the engineer ing department of the Oregon in surance rating bureau was here yesterday to make the test of the truck and Inspect the district. The new white truck, one of the most up-to-date on the market and con siderably larger than the old city machine, was driven to Nyssa from California by Ovid A. Barklow of the Coast Manufacturers of Cali fornia. The Coast Manufacturers built the fire fighting equipment on the Ford chassis. The new addition to the fire station is practically completed, so that the new equipment can be housed there soon. Holcomb and Main, contractors, expect to pour the concrete floor of the new building this week. The truck will be placed in use when the first fire call is Issued after the city volunteer firemen become famlhar with its operation. $1319 Is Raised In Polio Drive The two pictures snapped by William Wahlert show Nyssa dig- ring out from under its heaviest snowfall in several years. The snow-removal project was conduct ed by the Nyssa Road Assessment district and the city of Nyssa. In the lower picture Dale Garrison of the road assessment district is shown talking to W. S. Britton, operator of the loader. Ed Htelnke of the city street department is shown on the extreme right. Group Selected For Dairy Show Heaviest Snowfall Committees for the spring Jersey show to be held in May were sel ected at a meeting of the Malheur County Jersey club in the high school building in Nyssa last Sat urday. President Rosel Hunter and Sec retary Hope Grider are co-chair man for the spring show. Other committee chairmen were named as follows: Rosel Hunter, trophies; C hiriey Grider, disease committee; William Toomb, production awards; Richard Wilson, judging; M r s . Orlder, publicity and finance; Mrs. William Toomb, lunch and Leeds Bailey, registration. The club also drafted plans for awarding a heifer to a F. F. A. member this year. The vocational agriculture teachers in the county met with the club to draft rules for the contest. As a result o f the new plans, the club will award [ heifers to both Future Farmer and 4-H members this year. Pupils of the Nyssa Junior high school presented a program at the luncheon of the Lions club in Carl's Doll House Monday noon. The pupils participating in the program were introduced by Jun ius Tanner, president of the stud ent council. Sylvia Jayo explained the student council, which Includes student body officers, committee chairmen, and others and acts as a contact group between the teach Federal Money ers and student body. Granted Airport Other speakers and their subjects were Ruth H erm an , social affairs Congressman Lowell Stockman at the school; Kristin Rinehart, Co. Health Croup dancing arrangements; P h y l l i s notified the G ate C ity Journal this Plans Discussions Cheldelln, talent show to be held week that the civil aeronautics ad February 23 and school news ministration has approved an ap The quarterly board meeting of paper: Ned Snider, activities during propriation o f $6000 under the the Malheur Tuberculosis and the noon hour, and Carole Whitak federal aid airport program for the Nyssa airport. Health association will be held at er. summary. T h e money was granted for the Moore hotel Monday evening, grading, drainage, stabilized landing Moving To Nyi February 13 at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Orafty and tester strips, access road and The "town hall” meeting will feature discussion groups on the and son. Craig, of Ontario are oc turfing. C ity officials said they had not subjects of the annual chest x-ray, cupying the former Roy Dames social hygiene, health education. residence on Third street, which asked fo r the money and did not know whether it was granted on a Christmas seal sale and rehabil- they recently purchased. Mr. O ra f ty is employed as repairman and federal-city co-operative basis. ation. Discussion leaders will include F. trouble shooter" by the Malheur O. Sherer, director of the social Home Telephone company. Because Nyssa Implement hygiene division of the Oregon Tub of the growth of Nyssa. the te le Company Moving erculosis and Health association; C. phone company has decided to R. Bradford, x-ray survey consult employ a permanent resident re Owners of the Nyssa Implement ant of the Oregon association: Dr. pairman here. company are moving their business F. O. Graeber of the county health department, and other officers of County Teachers To Meet— this week from a building at the The Nyssa Education association Stunz lumber yard to the new the county association. Bernard Frost building on highway will be host to the teachers of the Dessert and coffee will be served prior to the evening's program, with county at a dinner to be held Thurs 20 adjourning the Williams food a cover charge of 50 cents. Reser day at 7 o'clock in the home eco market. They plan to complete the vations should be made with Mrs. nomics room of the high school move by the end of the week. Because of having adequate dis June Davis, executive secretary of building, according to Mrs. Dorothy Nolan, president of the Nyssa play space, the concern will add the county association. teachers organization. A social more hardware and accessory items. evening will follow the dinner, with Annual Dinner Held— The business, owned by Ormond Plans are being made for the an- j bridge, canasta, table tennis and Thomas and Frank Parr, was estab nual Masonic George Washington square dancing provided for the en lished by Thomas and Emil Stunz in 1946 Parr bought the 8tunz dinner to be held in the home eco tertainment o f the guests. nomics room of the high school j interest in the business in 1947. building Tuesday, February 21. Tick Return From Nevada— ets for the dinner may be secured i Mr. and Mrs Victor Marshall and Livestock Club Meets— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parker re- \ The Arcadia Livestock club met from Orant Rinehart. turned home Monday from Reno. January 27 at the home of Oarth Nevada, where they spent a week Olsen. W ith the president. Don Undergoes Operation— Mrs Don Engstrom underwent a with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Schweizer.; Bowers, presiding, a committee was major operation at St. Luke's hos They went to Virginia City, Carson I chosen to give a demonstration at the next meeting, which will be held pital in Boise Monday Melvin City and other places of Interest. February 10 at the home o f Ted Spitz is substutlng for Mrs. Eng Bowers. Members of the demon strom as a teacher in the Nyssa Take Vacation T rip — committee are Olertda high school. Mr and Mrs Robert Talbot left stration Monday on a two-week's vacation Moss, Frances Ftek and Lynnette trip. They will go to San Fransico Hickman. Refreshments were serv Leave For Salt Lake— Mr and Mrs. Arvel Child left and other California cities and ed. Tuesday morning on a trip to Salt places of interest return by way of Lake City. They will be gone for Seattle, where they will visit rela T o Locate Here— tives. a week or more Mr and Mrs Rex Ure and family of Ogden arrived In Nyssa Wednes To day to locate. - He is a son o f Mrs. Returns From Sooth— Mrs J. L Herriman want to Mamie Baker and a brother of Mrs Mrs E. H Fleshman returned to her home in Nyssa last week after Boise Tuesday to be with her moth Howard Myrick a six weeks visit at Ooktsboro, er. Mrs. Katherine Daly, who is Prayer Day T o Be Observed— North Carolina with her mother, ill at the M 8. Ayers home. Women of the churches of Nyssa who is ilL Here Frau will join in the observance of the Raymond Ross of Council. Idaho World Day of Prayer February 34. Returns From Hospital— Terry Thompson, son of Mr and visited from Sunday until Tuesday The meeting this year will be spon Mrs. Robert Thompson underwent at the home of Mr and Mrs Oeorge sored by the St Paul's Episcopal an operation at the Holy Rosary Mitchell. Mr. Rom la a nephew of guild, with Mrs. Orant Rinehart as chairman, at the Methodist church. hospital last Wednesday Mrs Mitchell Quickly Remo veil Nyssa's heaviest fall of snow in several years, amounting to about 9 inches, was cleared from the business section without delay last week-end. The Nyssa Road Assessment dis trict, with the co-operation of the city, removed the snow in about | 48 hours with a blade, power shov els and trucks. By the first of this week the traveled portion of the streets was entirely cleared of snow. Parcel Auction Nets LDS $1560 The parcel post auction held last Saturday night by the Nyssa L. D. 8. second ward in the gymnasium for the benefit of the church build ing fund netted $1560.50. The auction was sponsored by the geneology committee, headed by Ersel Beus. Joseph Flake and Rosel Anderson. The committee also pre sented a variety program during the evening. A feature of the program was the opening of the family banks con- | tainlng money for the church. Vern Beasley won a blue satin quilt for having the most money in his bank and donated the quilt to the church. D. O. Bybee bought the quilt for $60 and donated it and Tren Jones bought it for $75. The original bid was $55, making a total of $190 for the quilt. William Beus won second prize of a child’s wagon, which he donated to be re-auctioned. I t finally sold for $35. Alvin Swenson won third prize, a red velvet pillow. Donors paid $186 for the privilege of writing their signatures in a Book of Mormon, which will be kept on the pulpit in the nrw Nyssa tabernacle. Called To Idaho— Newbem Olenn left Sunday for Rigby. Idaho to attend funeral services for his brother. Merl Olenn, who had been bedfast for a year. The deceased, who would have been 41 years old February 24, spent most of his life in a wheelchair. He is survived by his parents, four sisters and two brothers. Funeral services were held in the Rigby L. D. S. church Tuesday. Takes Position In Idaho— Chet Molser. former manager of the Idaho-Oregon Rendering comp any plant at Arcadia, has taken a position as assistant manager of the Idaho Animal Products company at Nampa. His fam ily will remain here until the close of school. Par tial operations of the Idaho-Oregon company will be continued at the Arcadia plant. Former Doctor Here Visit*— Dr C A Abbott of Paisley. Ore gon visited last week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Eddie Powell and , with other friends in Nyssa. Dr. ! Abbott, who formerly lived In Nyssa. was en route to Sheridan Wyoming Placed On 4 II-Star»— Pete Shaffield. tackle on the Vale high school football team, has been chosen as a member of the Oregon all-star eleven that will play the Portland all-stars in Portland next August under the auspices of the Shrine He is the only Malheur county player chosen for the team. Bulldogs Lose To Weiser 50-49 Set For Payette A large number of Nyssa high school students will participate in the annual Snake River valley music clinic to be held in Payette February 16 and 17. The band, mixed chorus and orchestra will go to Payette for the clinic. The students will start rehears ing Thursday and will continue re hearsals Friday. They will present a concert Friday night, beginning at 8 o'clock. Nyssa residents are invited to attend, but are advised by Director Lynn Lawrence to go early in order to gain admission to the gymnasium, where the concert will be held. Ouest directors will be Kerm it Kosch of the University of Idaho, band; Prof Lochery o f the Uni versity of Idaho, choruses, and John Best of Boise Junior college, or chestra. One of the highlights of the con cert will be the finale, in which the band, choruses and orchestra I will participate. Ward Changes Made— Mrs. Wilford Mitchell, chairman o f thè L. D. 8. girls committee of the second ward, has resigned her position and Mrs. Kerma Olsen has succeeded her. Mrs. Olsen chose as her counselors Mrs. Oeorge Lou Ison and Oladys Peterson. Mrs. John Savage and Miss Noia Drown were Installed as primary teachers. Them Baker, member of the second ward bishopric, was the speaker at the Owyhee L. D. 8. services Sunday night. Former Sheriff Here— Vern Thompson, former Weber county sheriff at Ogden, Utah, was an overnight guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. D. O. Bybee Wednes day of last week. Thompson is also the former owner o f the trained palomino stallion used in the movie "Montana", which was shown in Nyssa theater last week. Thomp son is also a member of the famous sheriff's posse in Ogden. Here From Lewiston— R. K. Lovejoy of Lewiston, Idaho arrived Sunday for a visit at the Pre-School CUnic Held— The pre-school clinic for child home of Mr and Mrs. Howard ren from 4 to 6 years will be held Lovejoy. at the Eagles hall Tuesday. Febru- ! ary 14 at 2 p. m. The Eagles aux Visits In Payette— Mrs. Tom Eldridge visited over iliary. which has been sponsoring the clinic, will be Joined by the local the week-end In Payette and at P. T. A. as co-sponsors of the health tended a birthday party at the program. All mothers Interested In home of her sister. Mrs William having a thorough health check Carpenter, In honor of their moth up for the pre-school child are er, Mrs. Oertrude Fulton asked to support this program. Dr. , Kenneth Kerby will be the examin Annual Meeting Set— Kite annual meeting of the Farm ing physician at Tuesday's clinic. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. ers Co-operative Creamery company Chet Mother are In charge o f the will be held at the O ay-W ay hall near Ontario Thursday, February | arrangements. 16 at 10 a m. The stockholders will elect officers and transact other Beet Growers Ta Meet— Plans have been completed for business the meeting to be sponsored by the Amalgamated Sugar company for Leave* For Ogden— Mrs C. A. Mally left Wednesdsy beet growers in the Eagles hall Wednesday. February 15 ht 2 p. m. for Ogden, where she will visit her The meeting win be one of a series daughter. Miss Helen Marie Mally. to be held throughout the county. and her sister. Miss Nora O'Brian Problems o f general interest to beet I Another sister from the east will growers will be discussed and ; come to Ogden for a visit with Mrs motion pictures 4rlll be shown ! Mally and Miss O'Brian Mulheur Angling Rules Unchanged At its January 28 meeting, the Oregon state game commission ad opted final angling regulations for 1950 The greatest change from the tentative angling regulations, which were announced two weeks ago, was the changing o f the opening date in zone 3 and in the southern half of zone 2 to May 1. The only change in zone 8, which includes Malheur county, was the setting of the open season on Bridge and Mud creeks to the period June 1 to September 30. inclusive. Complete compilation of the ang ling regulations will be published in the February issue of the Oregon state game commission bulletin. The Oregon angler's guide, which Is the official synopsis of regulations, should be ready for distribution by the middle o f March, officials said. Take* Game Position— Kenneth Cochrun. son o f Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cochrun of Nyssa. has taken a position as supervisor of the state game department In tl.e Klamath Falla district. He was graduated from Oregon State col lege In December. Called To California— Mr. and Mrs. Finley Shuster left Wednesday for Parris, California, where they were called because of the illness of Mrs. Shuster's moth er, Mrs. Maude Boggs. Mrs. Boggs is staying at the home of another daughter. Mrs. H. H. Ward. Here From Madra Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gannon and family of Madras are visiting at the home of Mr. Oannon's mother, Mrs. Luther" Fife. Red Cross Chairmen Meet— Mrs. William Schireman attended a meeting of the County Red Cross chapter chairmen at the home of Mrs. Fred Olmstead o f Ontario. Meeting with the group was Miss Florence Little o f the Oeneral Red cross office in San Francisco