Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1950)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2. USO PAGE SIX with a large cake appropriately dec orated for the occasion. Ouests included Mr and Mrs Houston Wilson, Mr and Mrs Prank Watd and Mr and Mrs Wilson and Philip Richard Mr and Mrs Wilson were presented with two pieces of lugg D EI.PHIANS S^TUDY PROSE Mrs Wesley Browne entertain age. ed the members of the Delphian - 8 - ______ society at her home last Friday B IR T H D A Y OBSERVED morning, with Mrs. Oerret Stum as Mrs Roy Barnes entertained Sat leader on the subject Forms of urday afternoon for her son. Jimmy, Prose Literature", 'topics of tlie on his tenth blrtliday. Sixteen i subject were discussed by Mrs. guests spent the utu-rnoon playing j Orant Rinehart. Mrs. Bernard bingo The guest ol honor received j Eastman, and Mrs Browne a number of gifts. Ice cream and birthday cake were served by the Eh HUSBANDS OU GUESTS O F CLUB hostess • Mrs. Orant Rinehart was hostess to the members of her Tuesday E N TE R TAIN OUESTS evening bridge club and their hus Mr und Mrs Oeorge M cKee en bands at a party given at the Rine tertained at dinner 8unday for Mrs hart home lust week Following the Margaret Clark and Mrs. Irene plute salad supper, four tables of Stivers, both of Wilder. bridge were in play, with high scores - I being held by Mrs Ron Whitaker, DINNER CLUB MEETS Mrs Dennis Fatih, Howard Love- Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown en Joy and Oeorge Vaughan. Mr and tertained the members of the W ed Mrs Fateh were guest players. nesday evening dinner club last -8 week The group had dinner at the HONORED A T SHOW ER Moore hotel and played bridge at Mrs. Sterl D. Spies/, was hostess the Brown home, with Jared Lewis at a pink and blue -hower Friday. and Richard Forbes as guests. High Junuury 20 for Mrs. Richard Imbler score was held by Ron Campbell of Nu-Acres, Sixteen guests were and second high by George Mitchell present. The afternoon was spent Informally and refreshments were E NTE R TAIN S CLUB served by the hostess. Mrs. Robert Wilson was hostess - x _ to her Tuesday afternoon bridge V IS IT O R HONORED club this week, with Mrs Lloyd Mr and Mrs Wilbur Holcomb en Lewis as guest player High score tertained for Miss Leta King of was held by Mrs Wayne Morris und Beverly. Kentucky at a dinner at low score by Mrs. Lloyd Lewis their home Sunday Guests Includ - 8 - ed the R M Coohrun. A. A Bratton. M A R R IA O E ANNOUNCED Oscar BrulUili, Ben McConnell, Mr, and Mrs. Fern Pemberton Melvin Splt/e. Clyde Schuer and Runcorn have announced that tlieir Charles McClure (amllirs and Don daughter, Lelu Irene, and Lloyd E. Sutherland and William lines of Lundy will be married Saturday, Wlnthrop February 4 at 3 o'clock In Grace manor In Portland. A reception PINOCHLE CLUB E NTE R TAIN E D will be held following the ceremony. Mr and Mrs. Harry Klngrey en Mr Lundy, who Is employed by the tertained Saturday evening for their Western Corrugator company in Mr. and Mrs. Pinochle club High Nyssa, Is a son o f Mf. and Mrs. P score was belli by Harry Klngrey E. Lundy. und low score by by Wyatt Smith - 8 - Traveling prizes went to Mrs Wyatt SEW ING M EETING HELD Smith and Wulter Fox. A 4-H sewing meeting was held 8 at the home of Mrs. M W Myers A N N IV E R SA R Y D INN E R O IVEN January 27 by the Needle Bells club Mr and Mrs..Barney Wilson were A 4-H flug and an American flag guests of honor at a dinner at the purchased by the club were shown home of Mi and Mrs Dwight Wy- to the girls by their leader Root ckoff of Vale Sunday The occasion beer and pie were served by the murked their 30th wedding anni serving hostesses. Curole Mink and versary. The table was centered Brendu Myers b u r ia l i\oti's I - 8 - CARD P A R T Y SPONSORED The Oregon Trail Orange spon sored a pinochle party In the Ore gon Trail achoolhouae Friday even ing for the benefit of the polio wurd ol the Malheur Memorial hos pital Eleven tables of pinochle were In play, with Mrs. Harlan Dlven, Wilson Winter, Oeorge Cleaver and Oscar Kurtz winning high scores Mrs I.a Vcrn Cleaver and Gene Stephen won low »core. Hostesses for the event were Mrs Wilson Winter. Mrs James Stephen. J r . Mrs Oeorge Cleaver, Mrs H ar lan Dlven and Mrs Fern Runcorn. - I - ______ ENTE R TAIN S A T DINNER Mr and Mrs Maurice Judd en tertained Sunday with a dinner celrbratlng the birthday annivers ary of their daughter. Mrs John Downer of Caldwell Pluces were set for ten guests D INN ER P A R T Y G IVEN Mr and Mrs. Walter Dunn enter tained at a dinner purty last Sat urday evening at the Moore hotel ballroom A steak and chicken din ner was served, with places set for 2» guests. Following the dinner, square dancing was enjoyed to • Plenty o f reserve power for tough going. A battery for almost every make o f truck. A ll are In te rn a tio n a l-a p music furnished by the Fair orch estra. Out-of-town guests Included Mr and Mrs. Don Fuhardy and Mr and Mrs James Buchanan of Boise Mr. Fuhardy and Mr Buchanan are | square dance Instructors. - proved. See us for all truck battery and ignition service. FOR YOUR PLU M BIN G O wyhee Truck and Implement Co. NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Vuur International M rC o rm lc k l l q l . Phone 24% Call J. C . SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa I N T E R N A T I O N A L TRUCKS Phone 78-J -ATTENTION FARM ER S- WE ARE SELLING RANCHES FAST AND NEED IMMEDIATE LISTINGS GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER NYSSA, OREGON NYSSA ' PRO GRAM Telephone 108 TH EATR E FRIDAY A N I) SATURDAY. FEBRUARY J-4 8 - A M IT Y CLUB MEETS The members of the Amity club were guests of Mrs Charles Peter son last Friday evening. Mrs. H. O Hopkins was guest speaker, tell ing of her trip to Belgium and France last summer Home movies were shown by the hostess. R e freshments were served at the close of the meeting - 8 - FIRKSIDE M EETINO HELD A fin-side meeting was held at the home of Luther Fife Sunday, January 30 Mr Palniore of Vale showed slides tluit he took while on a mix,Ion to Europe and the B ri tish isles. The meeting was held under the direction of the Junior Kills, with Non! Child acting as chairman. Refreshments were served to 25 persons. 8— E N T E R T A IN S CLUBS Mrs Burnall Brown was hostess to two of her bridge clubs during the past week. Last Thursday Mrs Brown entertained the members of her afternoon club with Mrs. Camp bell Huer and Mrs. Ron Campbell as guest players The prize for high score went to Mrs Ed Frost and the traveling prize to Mrs Tom Eldrelge This week the members of the Tuesday afternoon club were guests of Mrs Brown High score was held by Mrs Clyde Snider and second high by Mrs Kenneth Cot tle Mrs Robert Dunbar was a guest player III Scri ni li« f ir m i... Tit Çttätut tf m MSSIIN PLRYS "Pride Of The Yankees" Kced Campbell Reed Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W. Campbell, was ho nored by friends at a farewell party held Friday evening In the L. D. S. bapel, prior to his leaving to fill a mission in the northeastern states, with headquarters in Chicago. Bishop Dean Fife, master of cere monies, Introduced the following program Vocal solo. Janice Camp bell. "Indian Love Call"; reading. "Forcast of a Missionary", Carol Flinders; electric guitar selections, Bovd Leavitt: two accordian num bers, Reed Ray; series of numbers requested by the la rue audience, Mrs. T. Carol Bybee on her electric solo-vox: piano solo. Betty Fife; comic experiences and words of ad vice to the new missionary, talks given by D. O. By bee. Edward Lea vitt. Bishop Hubert Christensen and Walter Ashby, all of whom had been on missions; talks. Ernest Bunn and Grant Evans, who have sons on missions now. and vocal solo, Caro- 'ee Bingham. T h e remainder of the evening was spent hi dancing to music -furnished by Cook's orches tra. Refreshments were served by Mr, Dana Fife and Janice Camp bell. (Evans Photoi McKay Kni|>hu*iz 4 ‘s Conservation Need IContinued from Cage 1) added that "We will have to spend money to advance with our progress. States all over the nation are in desperate highway conditions. The coast states are particularly in a bad spot because of the great influx of new population. I think it will take us about four years to catch up on our highway program". During the dinner, served by the home economics girls under the direction of Mrs. Charles Steffens, a quartet, billed as "The Four Lamp Lighters", sang three numbers. Home on the Range". "Sing a Little Tenor" and "Llebestrand" and a short encore Members of the quartet were Ron Whitaker. Hugh Tobler. Charles Peterson and Mark Moncur. They were accomp anied at the piano by Mrs. Carlos Buchner. Oovem or and Mrs McKay, ar riving In Nyssa at 12:40 p. m.. two hours late, by train, were met at the depot by a group of Nyssa resi dents. Mrs McKay was taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herrlman and Governor McKay was escorted to a Lions club luncheon, at which he was guest of honor. The wives of the chamber of com merce directors and officers and members of the entertainment com mittee entertained Mrs McKay at an informal affair at the Herrlman home in the afternoon and at a reception held In the home of Mr and Mrs Fred W. Bracken from 5:30 to 7 p. m. A fter the Lions luncheon, Oov- ernor McKay went to the Malheur Memorial hospital, the new L. D. S. chapel, the new school building and the Nyssa factory of the Am alga mated Sugar company The hosts were Jake Fischer, president of the hospital association; Arvel L. Child, president of the Weiser L. D. S. stake: School Superintendent Henry Hartley, and Jed Lewis and Burnall Brown, sugar company officials. I)r. J . J . Sarazin Is H onored At Dinner (Continued from Page 1) in prospect in Oregon will not be available until 1953. "There are two things that can be done to increase employment— the further processing of crops and processing of fibers and wool and lumber crops". Continuing his emphasis on the need o f processing of crops through the use of electric power, the gov ernor pointed to the sugar factory at Nyssa as an example. "One of the outstanding plants in Oregon Is operated by the Am al gamated Sugar company at Nyssa. The beautiful thing about it is that the company Is doing a marvelous job. It employs in the winter the same people who work on the farms in the summer. "Natural resources are not worth while until someone goes to work. Work is what has built this country. The things that have made America great are predicated on the Christ ian principle that the government QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS dueto EXCESS ACID F r n BookT «N s o f H o meT rea tm ent the t M ast Help or It W ill C ost You Nothing O ver three million bottles o f the W il l a r d T r e a t m e n t have been sold fo r relief o f symptoms o f distress arixing from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess A d d — Pear Dlgastlen. tou r or Upset Stomach. G m i I h m i , Heartburn. Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess A d d . Sold on 15 days’ trial! Ask for “ W illard's Message” which fully expíelos this treatment— free— at NYSSA P H A R M A C Y Mat. Hat.. t:3t: Adm 10c He, Inc Tax Admission Evenings 44r-9. tne. Tax LARGE SIZE S CANS MILK 59$ 49$ 25 POUND SU N D A Y AN D M ONDAY. FEBRUARY 5-6 Ingrid Bergman— Joaeph Cotten Michael Wilding— Margamt Leighton PICKET FLOUR $ 1 .4 9 JELLO "Under Capricorn" IN TECHNICOLOR CARTOON Sun. I N ; MIRACLE-WHIP T U E S D A Y AN D W EDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 7-8 The greatest story ever told The story of Jesus on the talking screen (or the first time LARGE SIZE Glngnr Prtaen— Fornnt Taylor IN COLOR TIDE M atinee Tnredav and W ed at 3 to Admtssien adults M r; I hlkirru iJc Admisaien A rm in g . 44c Hr. Inc Tax IN TECHNICOLOR The story of an unforgettable woman, her loves, her triumphs and her heartache» livening» M r -t r Ine. Tax QUART SIZE SALAD DRESSING "The Prince Of Peace" "Look For The Silver Lining" SA LE CALENDAR PU B LIC FARM SALE— February" 10. 1 p. m. three miles east of Weis er or 12 miles from Payette on Pay ette and Welser highway Just across track from Feltham packing house. 8 Quprnsey cows, farm machinery, 120 New Hampshire red hens. W illie Maxson, owner. Anderson and Church, aucts. PU B LIC FAR M SALE—Three miles west of Ontario, or one-half mile east of Malheur butte, or one and one-half miles west of Ontario air port. Thursday. February 8. Sale starts at 1 p. m. 26 cattle, 10 ten- gallon milk cans, Universal milking machine, and hay. Terms: Cash. Joe Coda, owner. Cols. Bert Ander son. Joe Church. Red Fritts, auc tioneers. L. H. Fritts, clerk. D R I V E T HE O N L Y " S ' WITH PR O VED FULL JEWELED POWER• KlfKHAEFM ribrcury "S U P E R H a lt and R oller Soaring construction throughout tor • a tie r ite m , im oofher op eratio n, m or« pow «r, longer engine life . Full R everte, Full W eed lete O p eratio n , S a fe ty Tilt Mondi# lo r quick, e o ty ongle ed|uitm en! and more then a ico re o f other $ 1 8 3 .5 0 features I 5 D AVENPORT & JACOBS 814 River St. Ph. 576-W Payette. Idaho ■i ■ i saMi m m m m ■ — —■ - NEWS VIEWS B Y LEW H E R R IM AN There Is a lot o f talk in the public journals these days about an H-Bomb. This is an A-Bomb with higher education. The "H " refers to hydrogen, the "bomb” re fers to a jolt that would jar the eye-teeth on a petrified dinosaur. The A-Bomb had come so far we thought there was no room for Im provement . . . . but the report on the new super-bang Is that it is a thousand times rougher than the old-fashioned A-Bomb. Give or take a few hundred either way and It’s still enough to tip a tight derby. Some body better step in and take those fancy Christmas chemical sets away from the scientists. Did you see where the British radio has banned Jokes about the British govt.? The last thing you can afford to do is to lose your sense of humor about yourself. There's nothing funny about big auto repair bills and accident e x pense. There's no need for them either. You can always drive in for regular service and check-up to H E R RIM AN M O TO R CO. Phone 77. W e'll keep your car running safely and smoothly. THE OASIS OWYHEE JUNCTION Herriman Motor Company 4 POUNDS LARD 49$ BACON SQUARES 17$ POUND PICNIC STYLE HAMS 29? POUND SAUSAGE BOX .Admission Evening. I k W, Ine. Tax Adm 5$ Adm. M r V . ler. Tax TH U R SD A Y A N D FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9-10 June Havw Ray Bolgnr Gordon MacRao- CharlU Rugglea FO R SALE—Purebred rat terrier pups, phone 330-R after 5 p. m. 2f2xc FRESH PORK in Mat Too Late To Claiaify W H EN C H IL L IN E S S 18 Hsl THE A IR , NUCOA THE STO R Y OF LOU O KH RIO . . . you’ find out why io many of your neighbors arc getting paid more than you are for the time and effort they spend milking cows! SURGE milking is Money- Making Milking! I FOR SALE—Girls ice skates, size J 5, like new, phone 104-M. 2flxc Symptoms of Distress A rising from 2 POUND PACKAGE with Gary Cooper—Teresa Wright 1 is the servant of men. who have an opportunity to do something for ¡themselves Too many are putting ■ security ahead of opportunity. When men make a crutch of the government, they are on their way to becoming political cripples . Paying tribute to Nyssa for rais ing so much money for the Malheur Memorial hospital. Oovemor M c K ay closed his address with the remark that "you have set a stand ard for the rest of the state". T ill ISflll U IM Mil Ml n. February 7 and 8 M ATINEE BOTH D AYS Admiauan 50c and 25c NYSSA THEATRE 49$ 2 BOXES 49$ 191- pound FRESH GROUND BEEF 35$ POUND FRANKFURTER WEINERS 29? POUND WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET PHONE 284-W PRICES GOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY NYSSA, OREGON