THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 195Û amhing Started At Tensen Sheds burial Lott's LUMBIA AVE., Feb 2—Mrs BRIDGE CLUB PLAYS lenn Cooper. Mr and Mrs. Melvin Artie Robertson entertained linen. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot the Mrs. members of her Thursday after- id Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were I noon bridge club at her home, with -ong those who attended the Co- Mrs. L. A. Mauldlng as a guest play­ p meeting at the Boulevard Orange er. High score was held by Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell and second high by 11 Thursday. Dinner guests at the Jake Relk Mrs. Frank Morgan. ome in Caldyvell Sunday were Mr. CLUB HAS TAFFY PULL nd Mrs. Gerrit Stam. The members of the Needle Lambing has started at the C. M. Belles 4-H club enjoyed a taffy pull ensen sheep sheds. Ontario visitors were Mr. and at the home of their leader. Mrs. Merlin Meyers, last Friday after­ Mrs. Pete de Leeuu. Pete Tensen and Klaas Tensen noon. Following the taffy pull, the attended the potato and onion girls worked on their project. growers meeting in Ontario last - 8 - GROUP HAS PARTY week. The married folks class of the Mrs. John Lucky was an Ontario Nyssa second ward M. I. A., called visitor Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Joe Dirkson of the special Interest group, gave a Richland were dinner guests of Mr. party for all Its members Friday and Mrs. Jake Oroot. Mr. and evening at the church. Games were Mrs. Dick Oroot called in the af­ played under the direction of Mrs Kerma Olsen. New dances were ternoon. Fred Levi made a business trip to taught by Mr. and Mrs. Nell Peter­ son and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Salt Lake City recently. Mr. and Mrs. Oerrlt Oroot of Jensen. Refreshments were plan­ Apple valley entertained Sunday ned by Mrs O P Williams. The afternoon for Mr and Mrs. Pete group meets each Wednesday even­ Tensen, Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon ing at 8 o'clock for an hour of Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot, special interest study. Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of DANCE WELL ATTENDED Newell heights and Mr. and Mrs. Z Many young folks of the many Davidson of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Qerrit Stam were wards of the L. D. S. church a t­ hosts at dinner Friday for the fol­ tended another series of their lowing relatives: Klaas Stam and "Lucky Clover" dances Saturday Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail, night at Weiser. Admission is tree, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa but by tickets only. These tickets are available through the various and Fred Koopman of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot were L. D. S. bishops. hosts at a luncheon Sunday. Ja n ­ LUNCHEON HOSTESS uary 22. Places were laid for 10. Mrs. Houston Wilson was hostess Fred Koopman of Vale called on Mr. and Mrs. John Lacky Friday. at a luncheon at her home Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. John Broad return­ day afternoon for the members of ed Sunday evening from a two- her afternoon bridge club. Mrs. Ed weeks vacation at Long Island. Knettle was honored, prior to her New York, where they visited rel­ departure for Boise, with a hand­ kerchief shower from the guests. atives. Darwin Jensen was in Ontario Following the luncheon, three tables of bridge were in play, with prizes Monday. going to Mrs. Eldon Ulmer for high score, Mrs. June Schoonover of Students Visit— Miss Janice Frost and a college Parma for second high and Mrs. friend, Miss Jewell Emerson, visited Ward Wieneke for low score. Ouests over the week-end at the home of were Mrs. Eldon Ulmer, Mrs. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost. Mrs. Wieneke, Mrs. Warren Farmer, Mrs. Frost took them to La Grande Howard Lovejoy and Mrs. Robert Wilson. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tai F unaU kl were married in the First B a p tist church In P o rt­ land recently. Mrs. F unataki is the form rr Nobl O- kano, d au gh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Okanu of N yssa. The nrw lyw eds are living in Corvallis, where sh e Is a dl * eticia n a t O regon S ta te college and hr is fin ish in g his senior y e a r of study. ( Logan - Ma rkham photo) THE GENERAL. . . . . . ed. They were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mendazona, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jayo and family of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Sillonls and family of OWYHEE, Feb. 2—Revival meetings Adrian. were opened at the Owyhee Com­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack W afers of munity church Wednesday at 8 p. Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests m. Rev. John Kopp of Yakima is the speaker.. Meetings will con­ in the Ellis Walters home. In the tinue each evening except Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Walters call­ through February 12. ed in the Orville McEwen home. Mr. and Mrs. Htpollto Mendn/ona Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton entertained with dinner on Sunday were Saturday dinner guests in the in celebration of the birthday an­ Jake Oroot home. Mr. and Mrs. niversary of their daughter. Ther­ Fred Norman were also guests. esa. Twenty eight guests attend- Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Barker and family and Homer Brewer were | Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall had dinner Sunday evening In the Lee Strickland home. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McMiUlan and Kathy of Boise were week-end vis­ itors of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner. Oary Douglas celebrated his sixth j birthday Saturday evening at a family dinner at his home. Ouests were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell j and sons and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. 1 Knowles and sons. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen. Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ekanger ¡and Marilyn were Sunday dinner ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bige* low. Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves of Nyssa and Mrs. Reeves' mother, ; Mrs Laura Ditty of Appleton. Kan- | sas, Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson and | Elizabeth of Caldwell and Jesse Ditty, Jr. of Boise had Sunday din­ ner in the Jesse Ditty home. Mrs. Ray Franklin and Trula of Parma spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Qerald Slippy and sons. Mrs. Martha Kllngback. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and Mrs. Mar­ tha Kllngback made a business trip to Payette Wednesday. Claude Skinner is convalescing | at home after being in the hospital | with pneumonia. Mrs Martha Kllngback and Fred Just look at lhia value. You get 10 pieces in all for the price of a suite were dinner guests Sunday in the alone, including a full-size bed. chest, mattress, springs, bed lamp, bench, Jess Oregg home. Other guests I were Rev. and Mrs. Robert Krlner night stand, vanity, and two boudoir lamps. A beautiful, famous I and family and Mrs. Annie Oregg make modern bedroom suite with all the neodod accessories. A refresh­ and Herschal Oregg and children. ¡The occasion was the birthday of ingly new design, priced low. Herschal Oregg and also Phillip ! Krlner, who will celebrate his sec- (ond birthday in February. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and children spent Sunday in Homedale at the Ray Fletcher home. Revival Meetings Opened At Owyhee REFRESHINGLY BEAUTIFUL NEW COMPLETE BEDROOM GROUP $ 189.50 Includes 10 Pieces Attractive New Modern Styling MODERN LIVING ROOM GROUP Too Late To C la ssify WANTED—Children Phone 63-J. to care for. 2f2xp I FOR SAI j E— White Rose seed pota- | toes grown from purple tag foun­ dation stock Jake Fischer, phone 05R-1. ZFtfc. FOR RENT— Small furnished house for rent. See Bernard Frost. 2F2rp. FOR SALE Bulova wrist watch. phone 005f21, O. P. Council. 2ftfc. Includes 8 Pieces Greatest Value In Many Years Start February Right With A New Living Room Suite $ 189.50 Her* U a fin* group you can easily * I ford. It includes the sofa matching chair, cocktail chair, three living room tables and two modern lamps. All for the price of a suite alone. Visit our store now. See this modern en­ semble on display. VETERANS $ 18.95 DOWN PAGE FIVE Buy These Groups Now. Pay When You Receive Your Dividend Your certificate of insurance is all you need. Visit ot»r store today and . . . SAVE $ 15.00 a MONTH PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY STORES "Your Dependable Furniture Store" Nyssa Ontario Vale Payette f / < Financial r e s p o n s ib ility l a w s H av a t e e t h i n them. You sheuld p r o - feet yourself today w ith prapar Insurant#. Wa have |ust the policy y o u need. ED JAMISON and KEN. POND R eal E stetr and Inaurane« NYSSA. OREGON RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY T h e Capital Stock Company of Preferred Riskf G E N E R A I T » AMERICA LOOK! LOOK! See, Drive and Own One of Waggoner Motor Company's USED CARS 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe— 8-tube Philco radio, all-weather dual Chrysler heat­ ing and air conditioner. Spot light, new tires. This is an excellent car throughout, $ 1345 . 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan— Here is a car you will have to see and drive to ap­ preciate. It has very low mileage, Comfort Master heater and seat covers. It looks and drives like new $ 1245 . 1947 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan— Heater, windshield washers, mechanically good. Drive it away for $ 995 . 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero Sedan— Beautiful two tone paint, under seat heater, low mileage $ 1295 . 1947 Ford Super-Deluxe Tudor V8— Low mileage, radio, heater, seat covers, a really clean car $ 1045 . 1939 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Tudor— If you really want some good transportation at a reasonable price, see this one for $ 241 . V • ' * 1941 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Tudor Sedan 1941 Ford Deluxe Sedan 1939 De Soto Club Coupe 1937 Ford Coupe 1937 Chrysler Royal Sedan SEE OR CALL CHARLES R. PETERSON. SALES MANAGER WAGGONER MOTOR NYSSA. CO. OREGON PHONE 180 N orthwest C asualty Does your property quality tor this Common-Sense fire insurance plant Ask us— no obligation. Also These Other Low Priced Values YOU MAY BE THE LOSER S company far owners of soled properties. In a d d i ti o n fa caraful cholea of risks, the GENERAL a lta inspects the properties it insures In order to help owners reduce fire haz­ ard ta an absoluto minimum. Th* GENERAL is a strong capital stock company, rated highest possible by national Insurance rating authorities. “ Some buildings are bad fire in­ surance risks. Most good modem buildings are bound to have fewer fires. T h at’s what I like about the G e n e r a l ‘preferred risk* plan. It recognizes this fact. It hasn’t made the owner of good properties pay fo r th e fir es t h a t m u c h more frequently occur in bad structures. T h a t is hoW t h e G e n e r a l has, through the years, saved 15 % and more on fire insurance costs for preferred risk property owners.”