T h e i Classified n y s s a g a t e c it y jo u r n a l , n y s s a , FOR SALE O r e g o n T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2, 1950 FOR SALfc 1 40 acres under Shoestring ditch, two-bedroom modern house. 113.000, terms. Small home, very attractive, liv ing room carpeted, modem, good neighborhood, nice garage. 80 acres on pavement. 4-room house, $12000, terms. 40 acres, good soil, barn, house, $7,000, terms. 40 acres on pavement, 35 irrigable, now 20 acres hay. 11 acres pasture, small house, deep well. barn. $4.500. $1.200 down. 1 3/" acres, modern nearly-new two-bedroom house, on oiled road, garage, nice shrubs and yard, fruit trees, new large chicken house with brooder room and all equipment, household furniture, all for only $6.700. 80 acre dairy farm. 5 miles SW of Nyssa. 5-room basement house, $11,' 000. $6.000 down, terms on balance. 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa. 38 acres under cultivation, nearly new 4-room house, tractor and all equip ment goes. $8500 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, range permit, large basement home, nice yard. Phone 97 Robert F. Thompson FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCT Grover Cooper and her brother, Ontario lost Saturday, after having Don, spent the day at the A. R. spent two months taking care of Maxwell home in Ontario. E. J. Hobson's farm while Mr. and Reverend and Mrs. R. G. Chand Mrs. E J. Hobson toured from ler of Caldwell were Sunday guests Kansas through the southwestern SUNSET VALLEY, Feb. 3—Two states and to California visiting bones in Wallace Rataezyk* right at the Jesse Gregg home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reffett and relatives. l« i were broken in an accident on daughter were guests at a dinner James Ohard purchased a new the M. A. Rataezyk farm Thursday, party , t the home of Mrs. Alta Studebaker pickup Wednesday. morning, as he was preparing to Oharam In Parma Sunday. The | Melvin Pendarvis has a new go to town. Rataezyk drove the dinner honored Mrs. Harry Oard- Chevrolet '1 ton pickup. pickup out of the potato cellar and ner, mother, oí Mrs. Reffett. on her Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson were as he went back to close the celler birthday Sunday dinner guests at the Homer doors the pickup rolled down the j Julia Carper of Homedale was a Brewer home. Icy slope upon him. An operation Saturday overnight guest at the Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy were was performed in the Holy Rosary Claude Wilson home, attendlnf a quests at the Hugh Crocker home hospital In Ontario Saturday morn- 4-H roller skating party with Earl Thursday evening at a pinochle lng for the insertion of a metal Wilson. party. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams and , ! Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Price, re- Ladies who are making the better turned Wednesday from their wed- Mr. und Mrs. Thunnan Hill were cotton dresses in the extension unit ding trip to Tacoma. They will live Sunday dinner guests at the home work are to meet at Sunset hall in the basement house on the Lam- of Mr. and Mrs Robert Reffett. at 1 30 February 7. Mrs. Grover bert Dierklng farm near Adrian, Karen Ann Pett was a house- Cooper, unit demonstrator will give and Price will assist in the iarm- guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the instruction. Everyone U to take m* operations. Mrs. Price is the Wayne Garner over the week-end. all of their equipment to the meet furmer Jean Dlerking. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew TUluiul lng. Bwen Chard and his brother, and family were afternoon visit Frances Land arrived at the Marion Chard, left Friday evening ors and supper guests at the R. L. home of her parents. Mrs. Frank for Lukas. Kansas upon receiving Kriner home In Vale Thursday. Land, Saturday, following a recent word of the death of their father, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Roberts and appendectomy. who was almost 87 years old. family of Payette and Mr. and Mrs. M A. Rataezyk Is home Mrs. Kenneth Chard arrived Sat Mrs. Clifford Nielson and daughter. from the Holy Rosary hospital fol urday for a visit at the Ewen Chard Jill, were dinner guests at tiie Elver lowing an operation. She is still home. With Mrs. Kenneth Chard NieLsen home Sunday. confined to her bed, but visitors was her sevrn pound, six ounce son. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe were are permitted. Stephen Dell, born Tuesday, Jan-1 hosts at three tables o f pinochle Mrs. Joe Dodson, who has been! w ay 34 . last Friday evening. They served confined to her bed the past three I a boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. a late supper. months is instructed to sU up at | Harold Snyder January 2*. at the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orr and east five minutes every day. and ' Caldwell hospital. The baby weigh- daughter spent Thursday at the is finding it quite a task. lng six pounds, was named Royal parental home, visiting and help Seth Kidman has purchased the Harl ing Mrs William Orr, who will be 160-acre Terra farm in Sunset val- , and Mrs. Jof Hobson and unable to do her housework for ley. Mr. Kidman was here this family moved to their home near (Continued on Page 4) week making preparations to move his wife, Jo Ann, and daughter Shari Lynn, to their new home tills week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Kidman E. W . PRUYN are originally from Ogden, Utah, but have been living at Homedale, where Mr. Kidman has been work Auto Repairing Optometrist ing for Simplot. Virgin Seward of Nampa was a Reboring, Valve Grind Eyes Examined guest at the E. J. Hobson home Friday. ing, Lathe work. Parts Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bergam Phone 720 shopped in Vale. Ontario and Pay ette Thursday. 718 Arthur St. and accessories Jim Wolcott enlisted last Sat urday in the army air corps at the Caldwell, Idaho Ontario office and left for Boise. Phone 56-W Wolcott, a nephew of Mrs. Wilbur Chapin, has lived at the Chapin I home most of the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Oainer ar- j rived home last Friday after spend ing five days at Ogden, Utah. Mrs. Garner's mother, Mrs. W. J. C o y ! passed away after suffering from Parkin’s disease the past 12 years. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Larcy left Thursday on a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Popkins are CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS parents of a girl born Jahuary 27 at the Nyssa Nursing home. Bid E. Flanagan left Thursday WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES for Yakima, upon receiving a phone call from his mother. His father, SCREEN DOORS Senator E. J. Flanagan, was in a critical condition. Although he had Phone 118J Free Estimates pneumonia, it was necessary to op erate Thursday on his hip, which had been Injured in an automobile accident January 9. The Gregg brothers, William and Herschel, have rented Andrew Tit- land's 80 acres of land for the coming year. Tltland plans on moving to Idaho Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dtmmlck drove to Vale Friday evening to attend a polio benefit dance. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nlshltani attended the wedding of Miss Yoahia Otonl and Masa Kera Wed nesday at the Congregatlnal church in Boise. Mrs. Nlshltani and the bride were former roommates at the 'Y ' in Boise. The newly-wed COM ING SO O N ded couple will farm near Notus, Idaho. Attending the Co-Op meeting and dinner at the Cairo Orange hall Thursday were Charles Sclrweiaer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST FIFTH AND ENNIS Reffett and Orover Cooper. Mrs. Rataezyk Injured In Freak Mishap GRIGG BROS. AND BL'TLER Beal Estate insurance Loans Ontario Nyssa Vale 500-head cattle ranch, all tenced, located on oiled highway, good buildings and corrals, open range for 175 head, terms. BATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in 200-head cattle ranch, located on oiled highway, four-bedroom mod advance, is 30c. em home, terms. 150 head cattle ranch 160 acres with 105 acres cultivated, four-room semi-modem home with full buse- FOR SA L E -H Farmall tractor „ u ,, . r' ■ ment, barn, granary, hog house. FOR SALE ___________________________________ fourrow cultivator, tandem disc, I chicken house, 2 sets of corrals. 3- F O R S A L E — New two-bedroom John D**™ manure spreader, two- room tenant home. 880 acres of , ^ , . , way trail plow, hay wagon, John fenced range right. $17.000. home, stoker heat, fireplace, hard- Deere dump rake, hay buck for In 125 acres on the Nyssa-Ontarlo wood floors, full basement. $10,500. ternatlonal tractor, stock trailer. highway, top row crop land, can be Ed Knettle, telephone 148-J. 2f4xp Fa™ Master two-unit milking ma- bought in any size unit. --------------------------------------------------------- chine. Harley Dlven. six miles 80 acres with five-rootn modern F O B S A L E—Hotpolnt automatic southwest of Nyssa. 2f2xp home, machine shed, barn and stove, white porcelain top. black garage, very productive soil, $25,000, trim, left rear burner needs repair. 8ALE— Kimball upright piano, terms. as is $25. Edison restaurant and medium case; also bath tub, phone 80 acres good row crop land, 3- hotel grill, 220 volt, old model but 020J-3. 26J3xp bedroom semi-modem home. $14.- in good condition. $20. Rock Hound » , — - _____ T T ~ —J" _ 000, $7,700 down with $500 per year special gem cutter, complete with i f P . 50 * 1*7‘ on the balance. motor and all accessories, cuts gems . ’ . ° n* 80 acres, all top row crop land or diamonds, $40. Western Stores. ^ on the old Owyhee water right, no 2f2xc C' Kru1' 10 blocks north, dose to noxious weeds, three-bedroom mod ___________________________________ i railroad. Chestnut and Idaho street. ern home, machine shed, garage, litfc bam, close to Nyssa, V: down. FOR SALE—20 tons second and third cutting alfalfa hay. Grover 36 acres, row crop land, with a Cooper. 5 miles west of xOwyhee I j*“ * vtli? P * 1“ ' new modem two-bedroom home FOR SALE— 1948 Ford tractor, used JuncUon. 2f2xp I " a* Ìon* L J ^ i $3.50 per gallon Nyssa T ^— worth $8,000, $12,000, terms can be very little, good as new, 1849 John Lumber lta tfc arranged. FOR SALE—5 tons chopped hay, a ll1 company Deere automatic wire tying hay 30 acres good row crop land. 4- baler, used one season. See Robert or part. E M. Seuell, % mile north I — „ - ___ ___ . . . --------------- room home, $7,800, $4.500 down and on 3rd street. 2flxp 1POR S A L E -0 ? 0“ business oppor Cannon or Walter Cannon at Dese _________________________ __________ tunltles. Good blacksmith shop $500 per year on the balance. ret Sheep Co. ranch. 26J6x.p. 50 acres close to Nyssa, all level FOR SALE—Three-room house on completely equipped, also house goes % acre, bath room, utility room, jwlth deal, excellent location. $5000. land. 4-room home, semi-modern. FOR SALE—New and used pianos. built-ins, hot water heater, well Good paying auto repair shop build- $8.500. $3.000 down. We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. 62 acres with 57 acres cultivated, Grigg Bros, and Butler. with pressure system, water right, big. stock and equipment, busy 6cntfc at Owyhee Junction, Ralph Hoi- j Junction location, for only $7500. sandy loam soil. 5-room new mod comb, route 2, Nyssa. 2f2xp! Completely modern four rental em home with full basement and FOR SALE—Two city lots, 78 foot units, excellent location, dose to double garage. 8-cow barn, granary front, four-room house. $2500. terms. ldtfc and chicken house, 48 x 52 spud Phone 166, Teresa Byrd. FOR SALE—Seven-foot refrigerat school. Priced for quick sale. or, electric range, both in good con Three acres good land on Snake cellar, on milk and mail route. $16.- FOR RENT dition. Can be seen at Grigg Bros. river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 000. $7.000 down. and Butler office or phone 05R-11. i house, good pressure water system, 40 acres with 31 acres irrigated, 2f2xp $6.000, terms. suitable lor row cropping and dairy FOR RENT —Four-room house with Several good dwelling lota, well ranch, cow bam for 11 head, three- bath. C. S. Wright, phone 0&R-ai. lflxp F O R S A L B — Potatoes, Summy i ... ......... home, ........ . deep well, close to room orchard, Apple valley, phone Parma j 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high-1 Nyssa. $7.000. FOR RENT—Two-bedroom mod OC i t f n ! .. 22 M2. 40 acres under the old Owyhee ern home, East Second street. $45 26-*ttc ] way. next to Polar Gold storage water right, productive soil. 11-head month. About 3 acres, unimproved, edge Nyssa Insurance agency. FOR SALE— 160 acres of third unit cow bam, garage, granary, chicken 2ftfc. Black canyon land, adjoining high of town on Adrian highway, good coop, 2-bedroom semi-modern home, soil. All or any part way 30, will sell all or part. Beshey one mile off the oil, $7.008, $3.500 FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, BERNARD EASTMAN Pros., Parma phone 27M12. 26J2xp phone 63-J. • 26J2xp Insurance Real Eetate down. 20 acres close to Nyssa. cheap FOR SALE—Girl's roller skates on Phone 64 FOR RENT—Unfurnished apart water right, three-bedroom modern white shoes, size 6, cost $29 new. worn only twice, phone 110R, Mrs. POR SALE— Creto, the guaran home, sandy loam soil, $12,000, ment, Bennett apartments, one Emil A. Stunz. 26Jtfc teed waterproof paint, Creto water easy terms on the balance or would block north of Main, phone 123-J. C. H. Bennett. 601 No. First. 26Jtfc proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc trade for a 40 or 80 acre ranch. 160 acres for sale with low, down FOR SALE—Clover hay and chaff, co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. FOR RENT—Four-room apartment, phone 010-J4. 26J3xp Waterproofs by application and payment. We have sold so many ranches partly furnished, phone 328-W. permanently waterproofs walls and 26J2xc FOR SALE—150 tons of alfalfa hay. floors, inside or outside, wet or the past month we are greatly In Luther Fife. 75 baled, 75 loose. Nell Dlmmick, dry, new or old, painted or un need of new listings on farms. List FOR RENT—Basement sleeping 11 miles southwest of Nyssa. 26J2xp painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Vtfc with Mel Beck at Origg Bros, and room for man, phone 89-J. 19Jtfc Butler now. FOR SALE—Or lease, 40 acres, FOR SALE HOMES FOR RENT—Bedroom to a young eight miles below Owyhee dam, 40 Modern home, two bedrooms, Attractive three-bedroom modern couple, nurse or waitress, 158 Eml- inches free water. Emil John, % ¡hardwood floors, basement with home, spacious throughout, top lo son avenue. 12Jtfc Box 462, Ontario. 26J2xp stoker, two-car garage, very good cation in Nyssa, terms. ; location. 4-room modern home, spacious FOB RENT— Polish your own FOR SALE—Oray Toulouse breed iloors Rent our high-siieed pol Two-bedroom modern home, $3500 yard, all fenced, $4800, % down. ing geese, $10 per pair. George with easy terms. One acre with two-bedroom mod ishing equlpmenv. Easily handled Oabrlel, V4 mile southwest of Nyssa., T ^ -b ed room home with base ern home, $4,000. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. 3Atfc. ' '__________________ ltfjjxp (ment like new. modern. Insulated, Two complete business dots for F O R S A L E -U s e d Westlnghouse f xtra ^rge lot, set up with state sale. F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER range, priced to sell, $32.50, Ostrom , .it? Chadwick's camp. 20otfc Nysaa, Oregon house with two large Brothers Appliance Co., 50 north i * Apartment ' Phone 179-J 3rd. 12Jtfc apartments on ground floor, extra FOR RENT -Furnished two-room large room upstairs, three-room a- FOR SALE—Used Singer sewing cabin. Oil heat. Laundry facilities FOR SALE—Hay In stack. D. Atagl, partment In basement, $6,800. Phone 122-J after 5:30. lOntfc House with five cabins, very good machine, heavy duty; make offer. phone 014J11, Nyssa. 12J7xp Also ‘ General Electric washing ma Income, priced to sell. WANTED chine Ostrom Brothers Appliance FOR SALE—New two-bedroom NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Co. Phone 276-W. 5Jtfc WANTED—To rent 40 to 80 acre home, full basement, garage, $8,500. Ralph G. Lawrence Bernard Eastman. 22dtfc Nyssa. Oregon FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, farm in vicinity of Nyssa or Adrian new. F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent Write Ivan Atwood, Ontario, Ore 2flxp down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W gon. route 2, box 222-E. Sstfc WANTED—To rent beet ground. FOR SALE—Have farms and houses M. A. Rataezyk, route 2, Nyssa. 26J3xp for sale. Need more, list with Ken Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc WANTED—Baby sitting, call In FARMS AND HOMES FOR SALE person at rear apartment. Caldwell apartments, north of Ideal Gas and By Appliance. 26J2xp MISCELLANEOUS—Announcing to Ed Jamison and Krn Pond farmers, new reduced rates in auto 84 acres near oiled road, 51 acres WANTED—Holstein and Guernsey mobile liability insurance You can lrrlgahle, real good home, large springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and now Insure for less In the best of barn, water piped to all buildings Noel Owartney. Phone 306. Ontario. companies. See this special plan and corrals. $16.000. easy terms. Across from the Ontario sales yard. before you buy. Nyssa Insurance LODGES PHYSICIANS •0 acres, level and perfect for row 12Jtfc agency. Ralph O. Lawrence, agent. crop, on Wilder bench, good extra 105 Main street. 2ftfc large house. $26.000, terms to suit WANTED—To rent row crop land Nyssa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC buyer. suitable for potatoes and beets. Slg MISCELLANEOUS—For your fire American Legion 80 acres. This Is one of the Murakami. Rt. 1. Ontario, Ore. ldtfc and automobile Insurance see Mel Dr. J. J. Sarazln best farms In the Wilder district. Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Beck, Origg Bros, and Butler. 22dtfc Dr. K E. Kerby WANTED—Work of any kind. $36500. very easy terms. Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. Trucking preferred. Have own 84 acres on Adrian bench, this is MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Dr. L. W. Scott tiuck or drive your». Experienced Loons on farms tor refinancing, a dandy, only $25.000. All Veterans Welcome Physician and Surgeons 80 acres with good 3-bedroom with heavy rigs. Pivone 154-W 22dtio building, improvements, b u y i n g . home. This Is a steal for only $10,- Long term, low Intera«, see Gate .City Lodge WANTED TO RENT—Potato and nerd Eastman, pnone H. N; 000, good terms. L. A. Maulding, M. D. beet ground. Phone 018-J3, On No. 214 'X “ » 70. 80 acres, a good dairy set-up, tario, Oregon 24ntfc Physician and Surgeon $7500. I.O.O.F. MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar Pnone 37 80 acres 5-room house, pressure WANTED—Hemstitching, work done range loans for you to rebuild or Meets every Monday Hours; 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 system cost of water only $53 per in my home Leave with Mrs. remodel your home, bam, garage, Daily except Saturday and year, for quick cash sale. $7550. night, 8:30. Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 60 acres, 40 of this Is tops, rest Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duffln. or other outbuildings. Nyssa Lumb er Co. 29stfc South First Street orchard, garden and pasture. $16,- 24ntfc 900. some terms. MISCELLANEOUS — W e m ake C. J. Kopp, M. D. 60 acres, 6-room good house and WANTED— To ouy anything is DENTISTS loans on the new Owyhee project mafiy other good buildings, cheap beef or veal. Also custom Physician and Surgeon land, business, homes and farms. water. $ 10500 . H rash. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor DR. C. M. TYLER 15dtfc Fry Building 40 acres, good 4-room home, five age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. lZPtfc Origg Bros, and Butler. Wilson Building Office hours miles from town of Adrian. $9500 MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and Ptraoe 165-J, Nyaaa 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 40 acres, very level, piped for Ir MISCELLANEOUS free pick-up of your dead, crippled Dally except Saturday and O n c e hour* from • to S «accept rigation. abundance of water and or sick llreetock. Calls received be Saturdays, 9 to 12. The best fore 9 o'clock are picked up by Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 should raise fine spuds, good build WANTED—Male help one-man business in this area ran noon. Efficient driven. Call col ings, 99500. easy terms 100 acres. 50 Irrigable, very nice 2- be yours without capital Investment lect Payette 0190-53 or 156, or Nys J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORES bedroom home, other good build If you are over 21 and under 65, sa 102-W Idaho Animal Products have car, and enjoy good credit rat Company. Dentist ings. $16500 OJtie. 90 acres on main highway close ing. write J R Watkins Co.. 137 PAULUS Dexter Ave., Seattle, Wn. 2fgxc MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices to Nyssa. 912.000. Clinic paid tor slaughter horses Clyde HOMES JEWELRY STORE NYSSA ORBOOR Two-bedroom l a r g e attractive MISCELLANEOUS—Plano teacher Smith, phone 309. Ontario Across Union Pacific Time Inspector desires students Nyssa-Adrian vi from Ontario Sales yard. Sotfc home, all modem. $6500. small pay cinity. specialize teaching beginners, JEWELRY — DIAMONDS ment down. OPTOMETRISTS good qualifications and experience, MISCELLANEOUS—Nu muss, no WATCHES One-bedroom home, nice shade, very reasonable prices. Write Ruth fuss, call us, rockwool insulation Main Street at Second lawn, choice location, $4535, low DR. C. L. H ER^AN tf Poulsen. route 1. Nyssa. 2f2xp We have our own insulation blow down-payment, easy terms Visual Specialist One-bedroom house on sewer and MISCELLANEOUS — Outdoor toil ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp 26R) tic Room 4. Fry Building WYCKOFF paved street Pay for this by the ets. cesspools, septic tanks cleaned, any. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 1TI-J month. No down payment, $3.400 deodorized with amazing new pro MISCELLANEOUS - D uplicate car Office hours • to 12; 2 to 5 JEWELRY STORE full price. duct Just mix dry powder with and cylinder lock keye made. Hen- Official Time Inspector for A very well located business lot water, pour Into toilet. Safe, no neman'a 250tfe on main street. $2500 DR. J. A. MCFALL polslns Save digging and pump Union Pacific Three nice lots on Park avenue ing coats. Postcard or letter brings ONTARIO OREGON DR. JOHN EASLY A choice building lot and very free details H A H Distributing Por prompt ber rice call colled. small amount of money, and we ran company. P. O Box 22. Nampa Ontario—Ontario Ore in Co. to make you a Prudential F. H. A. loan ! Idaho, For sale by Farmers Supply Parma—Parma Seed Ob. M VETERINARIANS to build a home C '-o p at Nyssa and Ontario 26jtfc Nyasa—Alain plant 109 PRUDENTIAL FARM LOANS ON | Idaha Oregea gendering Ce. DR. HAL D. WHITE APPROVED FARM MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need ED JAMISON AND EEN POND money tp remodel your home or to M99O0XANBOU8—Available now. Veterinarian build outbuildings or garage? We Electrolux cleaners and air puri Phone Nyaaa S Phone 21, Ontario, Ore IS North Third Phone 2T-W ran arrange a loan for you and give fiers. Sake and service. Ed A. you up to three years to pay It.. Anderson, route 2, Wriser, Idaho, For Evening Appointments. Nysca Lumber Co. 29stfe1 phone 02V7J4. 299-J or 54-M 14Jtfc ¡ Advertising Professional ana Business Directora 27 PAGE THREE OR. C.W. GRAVES Ostrom Cabinet Shop Announcing—Coming Attraction Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Meserve, Heralds Of Christ (Dates To Be Announced Next Week) Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers Estimates- G ladly Given GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho UHM KAISER-FRAZER S r F E V f 1 1» S ervice Sales & Service If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best o f condition. ❖ BRING YOUR TROUBLES T O US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287