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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1950)
PAGE TWO THE N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON Ihe Gate City Journal KI.A.SM V. POW ELL Fdltor and PublU hrr Evening service, 8 p. m Wednesday evening prayer ser vice, 8 p. m. Friday evening service, 8 p. m A p p le ‘ Valley Has 10 Ki'low Weather S|p«*l Removed From .Vlan’ii Eye BUENA VISTA. Feb 2— Lester Cleaver had a piece of steel re moved from his eye Saturday by a TH U RSD AY. FE B RU ARY 2, 1950 Mrs Cowger Thursday night. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schafer and family of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs Tom Nedbalek and Rudy and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ned balek visited Mr. and Mrs. Gras- mlck Sunday afternoon on their farm in Sand hollow Mr and Mrs. Dwight Durrington and Wayne, Clyde Butcher and Mr. and Mrs BUI Orasmick and R ich ard went to Boise Friday to see the Johnny Olson "Ladies Be Seated" program Mr. and Mrs Pat Hohstadt and family had dinner Sunday In Fruit- land with Mr and Mrs. G R. Tyree. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Loyd and Betty Buskirk were d in ner guest Saturday evening of Mr and Mrs. Roy H off of Nyssa. The Do More 4-H clubs held a pancake supper at the hall Satur day night. The supper was well a t tended. i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mlekan of Ontario Wednesday evening. Mrs. F. A. Johnson entertained Monday night in observance o f Mrs. doctor. ________ | M r and Mrs. Harold Nlckles of A PPLE VALLEY, Feb 3—Mr and Ontario spent 8unday evening at One Year 12 00 Open rate, per Inch 40c Mrs Earl Boston gave a birthday the Alva Ooodeil home Six month« (1 26 National, per Inch 49c party Sunday in Honor of Mrs, Mrs. Maize is visiting at the home Bingle Copies . . . 05 Classifieds, per word 2c Boston's mother. Mrs D A. Rods ; ° t her son, Ernest Maize after vti «Strictly In Advancei Minimum 30c ers. The guests were Mr and Mrs j ¡ting at the home of her daughter, D A. Rodgers and Ruby. Ed Brum- : Mrs. S. B Hoffman, baugh and Bob Shlppy. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon Jack Wilson went to Boise Mon- Mr and Mrs ^ Vem cleaver were day to have an operation on his Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission leg at St. Alphonsus hospital. He In Nampa . through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under will be there about three or four . ar^ H<rwar<f y r-„ests the act of March 3, 1879 talned Saturday evening Guests days. were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver. ______________________________ ________ Mr. and Mrs Curtiss of Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orlffltts. Mr and were guests of Mr and Mrs. Jack Mrs Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs evening this week, Monday, January Wilson. Jim Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. 30 through Saturday, February 4 The W 8. C. 8 met with Mrs. Claude Day. We welcome you to come and Charles Pitman Wednesday of this Those attending the co-op meet ing at the Boulevard hall Thurs- hear this man speak. | „ „ . _ . 8UNHKT V A I.LEY ' The Nyssa Nazarene church will day from this community were Mr ASSEMBLY OF OOU | hold revival meetings until Feb- and .Mrs Leslie Topliff. Mr and CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev. Joe E. Iiodson. Pastor j ruary 12 The singers. Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Maxflrld, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m A. L. Crane of Nampa, are staying Edward T opliff, Mr and Mrs. 10. Sunday Bible school hour. Worship services, 11 a. m. j at the Dwight Seward home during James Stephen, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Young People, 7 p. m. 11, morning worship and Lord's the revival. Alva Ooodeil and Mr and Mrs. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. supper Due to the fact that the Riddle James Stephen, Sr Mrs. Edward Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. 7:30. young people's service and home was burned to the ground T op liff won one o f the door prizes. song service while the children were at school Mrs Loyd Cleaver entertained FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 8. evening warship service and and Mr Riddle was In the east, the the Out-Our-Way club at her home Kev. ttharvln Kchmidt. Pastor I-ord's supper women of Apple valley met at Mrs Thursday afternoon with seven Sunday school, 10 a m. R A. Kellogg's home to tie a quilt members attending. Refreshments Morning service, 11 a in to help them. L. D. H. 1st WARD of fruit salad, cake and coffee were Confirmation class. 10 a m Sat Dean Fife, Bishop Mr and Mrs Carey Pox were served The next meeting will be urday Sunday. 9 a in , Sunday school. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and held at the Alva Ooodeil home 10 30 a m., priesthood meeting. 8 30 Mrs. Dwight Seward. February 9. A valentine gift ex 7 IIE METHODIST COMM UNITY p in , sacrament meeting Oren Newgen and Art Johnson change will be held. CHURCH Mr and Mrs. George Cleaver at Tliursday. 2 p in , relief society were guests Saturday at the Jack Donald S. Campbell, Minister tended a card party at the Carl 4 p rn , primary. 7 30 p. m., M. I A. Wilson home. 9 45 a. m , church school. Mrs Henry Boston and children Seburn home Saturday evening. Billy and Jimmie Bishop have were Sunday evening dinner guests 11 a m , morning worship. Ser ASSEMBLY OF GOD mon: "Life's Indbgreusable Quality". of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston. been ill with colds. Sterl D. Spies z. Pastor Anthem: "Seek Ye the Lord” by I^-roy Seward took a group of Sunday school, 10 A. M. Roberts. young people from Nyssa for a Morning worship, 11 A. M. INii-Acres House Is 7 p. m , youth fellowship. sleigh ride Monday evening behind Young people's service, 7 P. M. 8 p. m „ evening service Discus- his tractor. Evangelistic. 8 P M Destroy«*«! Bv Fire i inn "Oettlng Help from the Bible" Tuesday, prayer service and Bible Mr and Mrs. Chos Mann, Clar The i m p Studying tin- Bible dally study. 8 P M ence Lee, and De Var Woodward NU-Acres. February 2—The resi will meet to share experiences wltti A welcome awalls you at every were Saturday evening dinner dence occupied by the Cecil and each other. service. guests of Mr and Mrs. H. L. Pace. Hugh Riddle family was destroyed Ten below weather was felt here by fire Friday about 12:30 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST THE CHURCH OF THE In the valley Tuesday night Cecil Riddle Is in Missouri, where I MISSION Mr. and Mrs. Everett Prltts of he was called because of the death NAZARENE Second Street and Ennis Avenue Caldwell were Sunday visitors of of his mother. The three children Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a in. Mr . . anil Mrs. Clarence 10 a m . Sunday school. . _ _ Frltts. ,,,, were in school and Hugh was a- Classes for all ages Mr and Mrs Oeorge O rlffln are s, |n the houge but he escaped 11 a m , sermon urut communion Morning worship, II a in. the parents of a boy born In the <allh^ ugh he was usm* crutches Be- service. Evening service, 7:45 p m j ,.aUse 0f nis condition. Riddle broke 7 p m., young people, teenage Ontario hospital Rev. Daniel Hager, our evangelist, and junior services. I a window in the girls’ room and j bringing the message 8 p. m„ Evangelistic service liillH O I * U ft V Is |.saved some clothing. By the tim e! • There will be meetings every 8 p. m . Tuesday, January 31 we t . ihe attracted the attention of neigh- j are starting our revival, which will C.IVPfl By Lions bors by sounding his car horn. continue through February 12. ---------- I nothing could be done to save the with Rev W. H Minor and Mr. and AD R IAN, Feb. 2 Mrs. Earl Sarri | building or contents Neoma is stay- | Mrs. Crane as the workers. and Mrs. Robert Brown gave a pink ing with Mrs. Bud Mootz, Melva and blue shower Wednesday for and Alvin with the Art Hann fam Inaurane* Real FMaU MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs. Sonny Franklin at the Glenn ily and Hugh at the Hank Blanch W. M. Turner ard residence. Brown home. Missionary Pastor Walter Cullen spent Saturday The Lions dub sponsored a bingo Sunday school. 10 a. m. party in the high school building night and Sunday with his daugh Phone 64 Morning service. 11 a. m. Wednesday evening. Proceeds went ter. Joy, at the Ed Meroney home. Donna Lee Nedbalek attended a Song service, I : JO p. in to the fund for the lighting of the Nyssa, Oregon Young People s service, 7:30 p m athletic field Mrs. K. I. Peterson birthday party for Gaylee Myers won the door prize, an electric ¡at the home of LUida Dorothy in toaster Prizes were given to the 1 Frultland Sunday 'afternoon, students selling the most tickets. j Mrs Kimble Durham was honor - Donuld Leroy NewblU and Don | ed at a pink and blue shower at the louiduu hall Friday. Hostesses were Mrs Visitors in the Howard Hatch Merle Thomson and Mrs. Ed Mer- home Wednesday were Mrs Dick oney. The guest of honor received Dragline With All The Attachments Wight and son. Mrs. Mary Hlnemau many useful and lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston and and (laughter. Mrs Thatcher W ag Available For ner. Mrs. Etta Myers and Mrs. Ed Mr and Mrs Bob 8haw had din | Wymer, all of Parma. The oc ner In Ontario Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Richard Jenkins casion was Mrs Hatch's birthday DRAINAGE DIGGING. EXCAVATING. Don Landau Is attending Nyssa had supper with Mr. and Mrs F. C. high school this semester. He Is . Fry Sunday. CANAL CLEANING slaying with his brother, ltay, und ' Mr. and Mrs Vance Wllkerson of Nampa visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy | lainlly. PH O NE 09J-3 N Y SSA , OREGON Mrs Bill Willis gave a birthday Lobb Mr and Mrs Joe Perez and%tam- | dinner for her mother, Mrs. Alvin | McGinnis, Friday evening. Those ily of Parma were callers at the [ present were Mr and Mrs. James H E Sager home Sunday after MeOInnis. Joyce, Junior and Alvon. noon. Mr and Mrs Harry Wood. Henry M Dick Wight und children of ! Parma were week-end guests of Mr. Blanchard. LeRoy Barney. Mr and HOLLINGSWORTHS' Mrs. M. C. Seuell, Mr and Mrs H und Mrs. Howard Hatch Mr and Mrs. Walter Looney and E. Sager. Mr and Mrs F C. Fry. son of Caldwell visited the Bill Mr and Mrs Tom Evans, Sr . and L. O Hawley were among the local looney family Sunday Mr und Mrs Robert Eastman of residents who attended the annual j Caldwell visited Mr. und Mrs. Glen co-op meeting at the Boulevard Brown Hunday The afternoon was hall Thursday Mrs. F. C. Fry accompanied the siient playing canasta Mr and M s Dick Krrigh are the two Frultland sixth grade classes parents of a baby born Friday at and their teachers. Mrs. Williams the Nyssa nursing home Mrs and Mrs Hunnlck. on a tour of the Kretgh's mother came from Buhl sugar factory last Tuesday Saturday to stay with the family. Marjorie Sager, who teaches In Mrs F F Cuiumlng of Boise Apple valley, visited with the Harley spent Tliursday and Friday with her Sager family Sunday evening, daughter. Mrs Bob Brown Mrs. Robert Mills and Lkrry of S iv * up io 42 pwr coni over proaont doy pricool Verda M cKee left Sunday for La Portland, Orvll Tish of Newberg. A ll now llroo oi iho throo popular makoa! Cross. Washington, where she will Oregon and Mr and Mrs Ira Ttsh spend the remainder of the school of Greenleaf were Sunday visitors Got youra whllo thoy Usili of Mr. and Mrs Cecil Evans ; term Mrs Bessis Cowger of Orofino Mr and Mrs Glenn Brown at Sale Price Ply Reg. Price Sise tended a meeting of their pinochle lias been visiting her niece. Mrs 2 $1826 $ 25 20 • Mr and club Thursday at the Dale Ashcraft Hoy lob b the past week Mrs lob b gave a dinner honoring home. 42 71 56 »5 10-24 6 Mr and Mrs. A. C. Henderson and Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Wayne 54 34 88 10 6 13-24 visited In Notus Saturday CUSTOM H A Y Tom Smith and Mr and Mrs. 56.75 41.14 ÏÏÏ-28 4 Jim Coon and Betty of Notus were CHOPPING Sunday dinner guests of Mr und AND 1 4 11-28 M H0 Mrs Elmer Sparks Mr and Mrs Howard Hatch. Mr HAULING 6» 75 13-28 • and Mrs Vernon Parker and Mr Naw Large Equipment and Mrs Lou Pratt attended the 80 54 14-28 118 05 6 W ill Handle Baled I Jons club banquet In Ontario Sat urday evening. Or Loose Hav 37 80 50.40 »-32 4 Mr and Mrs Jim Stephens have GLENN L SHORT purchased a farm on ihe Black 57 60 41 74 »-36 4 Canyon project near Caldwell Jim Owyhee Corner MeOInnis and Rich Holly are doing Phone 010R-1 41 74 68 85 4 carpenter work in the house this week HI BH CKIPTION HATES A D V E R T IS IN G KATES Church Notes B e rn a rd E a stm a n Sam Phillips birthday. Those pres ent were Mr and Mrs. Carl Peter son and family of Greenleaf and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Burt and Rod ney. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller of Par ma had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Osborn on M- Ostrom’s birth day Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike EarlywUie have been “ snowed in" at Seattle for over two weeks In the past two weeks they have seen the sun three times Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry made a business trip to Payette last Thurs day. Among those attending the Fruit- land-Middleton basketball game In iFruitland Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Durrington, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. William Orasmick and Mr and Mrs Leon Burt. Fruilland won the game. The game was the first game out of 46 that Middleton has lost. Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell and children of Nyssa and Betty Buskirk of Parma were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bryn Hart of Boise. Glen Osborn has been sick the pest week. Mrs. Pat Holistadt and Dennis spent Thursday in Frultland with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Bert Ivle. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter went to Caldwell Friday night to see the Idaho Falls and Caldwell basket ball game. MACHINERY CONDITIONED For Spring PLOWING and PLANTING Work Done By Factory Trained Mechanic SA TISF A C TIO N G U AR AN TE ED Telephone 270-W B & M Equipment Co. ... PETERSON FURNITURE CO. yssa Nyssa, Oregon Ontario Vale Payette The one fine car in the low-price field! A few minutes at the «hoof will tell you Ford's the quality car in its field. For sound conditioning keeps your ride noise-free. ••Hydra-Coil” and "Para-Flex” Springs blot out the bumps. And, seated on Ford s foam-rubber, non sag front seat, you’ll feel you'ie riding in one of America's costliest cars. Stoker Construction Company TRACTOR TIRE REDUCTION SALE! M ÏÏM IT-36 6 86 80 02 M 10-38 4 72 80 ,r'2 70 11-38 4 72 80 53 78 10-38 6 83 80 57 65 11-38 1 — 83 80 68 85 11 38 Rice Grip 1 128.30 »0.00 8 111 70 83.78 11-42 M uv •TISI DRIVI” TH« 'SO FORD AT YOUR FORO DCALIR'S It will open your eyeaf TU »»ly cor » Its M d with AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE! Herriman Motor Co. ■H R W m M M R M M R R M R R B M H M M M CHCCKEBOQARP CHUCKLES • From Your Purina Dealer CALL US for FREE CULLING SERVICE W e'11 cull out the loafer*— the feed wasters Make your flock more prof itable And this service is FREE. Call for a culling appointment (Plus Excise Tax on Above Prices) HOLLINGSWORTHS', INC. NYSSA PHONE 142 TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL