TH E N Y SSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L , N Y SSA . OREGON TH U R SD A Y . JA N U A R Y 2«. 1950 PAGE S IX Mortal Notes WEDDING HELD IN ADRIAN M i« MaQory Jr.m e *, daughter of Mrs. Vern Bullet, of Adrian, be came the bride of Ernery Ear. C om - eron, m i of Mr and Mrs J E Cameron of Adrian, at an a o’clock ceremony performed KatunJay even- mz. January 14 at Uie Ad.ian Com munity church. Rev Henry Moore officiated at the double ru»; rites, which were witnessed by 90 relatives and friends of the young couple 'Itie church was decorated with potted plants. The wedding m arch es were played by Mr* Janies P hi fer Hoi, ISIS were Miss D .retla Van de Water and Jack Naylor The 'sndle-. were lighted by Miss Jean Mullen arid Mr* Debees Kharp The bride, who was given in m ar riage by her u n '> Mike Fitluan, wore a gown of white satin made princes* style, with long pointed sleeves and a lace y o k e The fin ger-tip veil of net trimmed In lor e was held in place by a coronet of seed pearls The bride carried a white Bible with white rosebuds Miss Joyce Jrllnek served as maid of honor for her sister, and Miss Fern Cameron, sister of Uie groom, was bridesmaid Both wore aqua taffeta gowns and carried nosegays of pink and white carnations The •room was attended by his brother, Keith Cameron while Eugene Davis, cousin of Uie groom, served Ml to XO members bjr the boK eu. meet at the home of Mrs. Harold cities, counties and state police. ! Siason. February 2. with Mrs. Glen The total net will be $35,627,000 ¡misted by Mr- Emma Keaier "In the growth and our desire to , Hoffman as co-hostess Members FIR E S ID E MEETING HELD are to take their club books of last grow, we will find certain restrict A fireside meeting was held at year to the meeting. A decision ions that we have not had in these tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. must be made about continuation wide open spaces. The tourist trade benefits us. but the roads leading Williams Sunday evening after of the extension work and plans for Into the cities are the most vital", church, with 25 young folks a t state grange exhibits. said Mr Baldock “In your quest for —I — tourists, do not overlook the trade tending Charles Peterson spo<te area”. and also showed colored slides of Speaking of the proper use of the interesting -pots in Utah and also Tell O f Plan* highways. Mr Reynolds said “The of army life The program con roads don't belong to the state sisted of vocal solo* by Mrs. Farrell highway engineers. The roads be 'C o n tin u ed from P a g e 1) Peterson. Miss Phyllis Bair and miles of state highway in Oregon long to you people and you should Charles Peterson Refreshments remember that the man who over were served by Mrs O P Williams are located in district No. 5 Of Mias Lucille Mltchel Is chairman of the 2200 miles. 392 are located in loads his trucks damages your roads. Malheur county Only two counties Such damage will retard your en the young folks group. in the state have more state high tire road program. Transportation ways than Malheur county, which can be very costly If you do not COUPLE HONORED Mr. and Mrs Burnall Brown were Is 13th In assessed valuation in have good roads. " I think the county court and In 194« Malheur county | guests of honor at a dinner party Oregon given at the home of Mrs. Frank received 18 per cent of the state county commissioners have done an Morgan, with Mrs Morgan and Mrs. highway funds, amounting to 191.- excellent )ob In Malheur county. The city of Nyssa received We approve their appointment of George Mitchell as hostesses. The 000 a county engineer". buffet dinner was served from a »5 ¿00 in 1849 Mr Reynolds. Mr. Baldock and The state contemplates having table attractive with red and whit« carnation and silver candleholders $40,715,000 to spend on highways Ed Chldsey of La Orande, division with red tapers Centering the card in 1950. but it will not be able to engineer, were Introduced by the tables m ere red tapers in holders keep it all. Some of it will go to chamber president, Jam es W. Leslie. containing red carnations An eve j'r r / ning of bridge followed the dinner, ** : e -J9 * ■ with prizes going to Mr and Mrs. Clyde Snider and Mr and Mrs. Lew Herriman. as usher A reception was held in the tiiu rd i parlors immediately follow ing the ceremony. The besuUfully dec orated < awe was served by Mrs. Cased, who also baked tbe cake Joyce Je..r«ek and M.v Fern Cameron poured Mr*. Delores ftharpr » * . in ■ barge of Use guest book, and Mrs iiarvey Bennett and Margaret Bennett had charge of the gift table For her d ajgh e r '. wedding. Mrs. Buiien wore a grey siiarkskln sent wiu. a cor, is.e of pins ariiations. I t * groom s n o liiu wore a dress of blue silk, s id a corsage of pink tarnation* Both the bride and groan are graduates of the Adrian high school The couple yill reside tn Caldwell until spring. Wneii they will move to the Wade community. «There Uie groom wll be engaged in fanning Slate Official* PARKW EU. PARTY GIVEN Miss Rose Warner was. guest of honor at a farweli party given by the Metlasdul Youth Fellow-Tup at the ihurch Hunday evening Games were enyoyed and refreshments served M i* Warner was presented wlU. an M Y F pin from the group Hhe will leave this week. wlUi her parents. Mr and Mrs Ellli Warner, for Coquille - h _________ CLUB ENTERTAINED The members of the Tuesday evening bridge club met this week at the home of Mrs. Lew Herrunan High score was held by Mrs Ed Frost and second high by Mrs Frank Morgan ANNUAL LUNCHEON HELD The annual luncheon of the Tues day afternoon bridge club was held at the home of Mrs Bernard Frost this week Assisting hostesses were | Mrs. Clyde Snider. Mrs Kenneth Cottle and Mrs Campbell Baer. High scores for the afternoon were j held by Mrs. George Mitchell and Mrs Burnall Brown. Mrs. A. H. j Boydeli was a guest of the group. HOLLINGSWORTHS' TRACTOR TIRE REDUCTION SALE! % Save up to 42 per cent over present day prices! • All new tires of the three popular malseel • Get yours while they le s tII Sise P ly Reg. P rice Sale P rice 7-24 2 ft 25.20 $18 20 10-24 0 50 05 42 71 13-24 0 88 10 54 34 10-28 4 5075 41.14 11-28 4 04 80 4522 13-28 fi 06 25 06 75 14-28 (1 118.05 80.54 9-32 4 50 40 37 80 0-30 4 57.00 41 74 10-80 4 68.85 41.71 11-30 0 80 80 «2 8» 10-38 4 7280 52 76 11-38 4 72.80 5378 10-38 0 83 80 57.65 11-38 0 83.80 68.85 11.38 B ice G rip 0 128 30 90 00 11-42 111.70 83 78 0 (Plus Excise Tax on Above Prices) HOLLINGSWORTHS'. INC. NYSSA PHONE 142 NYSSA PR O G R A M Telephone IOÖ THEATRE SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 "Special Agent" with W illiam E y lh e—George Reeve* "Shadows Ol The West' with W hip W lleon— Andy Clyde Mai. $ » l . I'M . Aiim M r-b . lac. T a i Admission t imings 44c 4, Inc. Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY. JANUARY 29-30 B a ity Hutton— V ictor M atura W illiam D am araal— Ju n a Havoc In "Red. Hot. And Blue" Bouncing B etty hack attain In the kind of rythm packed, n o t us comedy you love Mai. $•■., t:M ; U n M i-lr, lav. T a t Admission livening* 44c *r, Inc. Taa TUESDAY, JANUARY 31 "Farewell To Arm»" with Halan Hayaa G ary Coo par A R E -R E L E A S E C A RTO O N , M U SIC A L AND O TH ER S P O R T S M a H r M. lav T ax WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1-2 "Montana" With E rro l F ly n n — A lexia Sm ith M a Cuddlaa Su kall Kvwalaga 44«-*» lac. Taa -9 -s- H. E. GLUB TO MEET The Oregon Trail H. E. club will oÆsSWA _ Let this y o u n g CUBster" > show you the FARM AU CUB! Make a date for Mr and M m Huy Hadarnori ul church by Kev. Badao Manuko. The Nyna were married January I In the bride U the funner Miss Joye A tag I O n t a r i o Community Methodist of Nyaaa. Harano photo, a demonstration your farm today ! LOCAL G IR L WEDH thimble; Mr* Harazln the dime and Mlw. Beverly Harris, daughter of Wealey Browne, the ring. Rev and j Mrv Harriett Harris, became the ; Mrs. C. L. Callahan of Ontario were ] . . . y o u ’ll bride of Charles II Hu-wart, son uut-of-town guests at tlie dinner f in d o u t of Mr and Mrs George Btewart of _« w h y s o Ontario, at ceremony performed | BIRTHDAY OBSERVED last Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock many o f your neighbors a rc Mrs Dale Overxtake entertained In Wlnneniuccu. Nevada ul a dinner Saturday evening on getting paid more than you The bride wore a navy blue ta f the occasion of her husbands birth feta afternoon dress with black ac- day. are for the time and effort Following the dmner, two reason.", and a corsage of red rose tables of bridge were in play, with they spend milking cows! buds and white carnations The high scores being held by Mrs SURGE milking is Money- couple were attended by the bride'« Dennis Patch and Walter McPart- sister and husband. Mr and Mrs. land. Making Milking! Delbert Malloy , -5 - Mr Hlewart uttended the Nyssa PIONEER DAUGHTERS HAVE YOUR SURGE SERVICE DEALER schools and is employed by the MEETING Owyhee Drug company The groom The Daughters of Utah Pioneers. D A V EN PO R T & JA C O B S a graduate of the Ontario schools, j Nyssa camp, held their monthly is a produc e Inspector for the stale meeUn({ Thursday at the home of 814 R iv er St. Ph. 576-W department of agriculture Mrs. John Hchenk. with Mrs Fae P ayette. Idaho The couple will reside in Nyssa. I Duffin presenting the history, and - I - Mrs. Howard Baer, giving the HHOWKR IH GIVEN lesson, on "Hardships of the Pioneer Mrs Arlen Haroldsen was honor- j Women". Refreshments were serv- ed guest ul a pink and blue si tower, j given Friday afternoon at the home i ot Mrs. D O liybee, with Mrs Ben Hartley and Mrs Ruben Haroldsen | as hostesses Mrs Frank Pike was In charge of Uie games Mrs Erscl ¡ Beus received high points for the first two game Mrs Vern Beasley I won ihe first prize and also the j traveling prize Mrs Jarvis M it chell was awarded the consolation | prize A lunch was served to 32 j BY LEW IIKKKIM AN women and seven children Mrs j When the time comes for Uncle Haroldsen received many lovely i Ham to say, "Put a little something "double" gifts. In the pot. boy," he means put It 1 - In That's why more auditors are WKDNEHDAY CLUB Pt.AYH Mtsa Katherine Peterson e n te r -1* 01" « 10 I * >‘sed to check more tallied the members of her Wed income lux returns this year While nesday evening bridge elub last most ineoine tax mistakes are acci Wednesday evening. High score dental as slipping on a bar of soap, was held by Mrs Ed Frost and low one out of every three returns ex score by Mr*. Hurry Anderson. amined lust year still owed some Quests for the evening were Mrs folding money to Uncle Sugar. This Anderson. Mrs Wilton Jackson. year the internal revenue blood- Mrs Emma Qulnby and Mrs T J hounds are going to watch things Hillinun even closer. They expect us to _|__ take all legal deductions and ex- BOOK CLUB M EETS emptlons but they don't expect Mrs. Maurice Judd entertained u* 10 ttlt M» It's worth remember- I live members of the Kingman Kol- *"*■ ony Book club at her home last Hat- i 1,1 Sen Antonio a watchdog dls- uiday afternoon Mrs Ella Sm ith appeared while a house wa-s being reviewed the book ' Where'er I robbed. then came back and bit the j Roam" Guests for the uftemoon investigating policeman. And you were Mrs Frank Miller. Mrs O ernt Uiink you're confused Don't be I Timmerman. Mrs Carl Hill and confused when It comes to making Mrs Darlene Talbot. “ *°od used car buy. We have the j beat selection in town And you ! EPIPHANY DINNER GIVEN < ** depend on getting an ubaol- j The members of the Ht Paul's l,tely square deal when you drop Episcopal church gathered last Wed- 111 ° J HERRIMAN MOTOR CO i nesday evening to observe the an - ‘ *J" onf 77. < Dual Epiphany dinner Mrs C L. j 1 Callahan had charge of the group entertainment The cake for the dinner was furnished by Orant Rinehart. In tire serving of the cake. Bernard Eastman received the Watch for this live-wire "CUBster" in your neighborhood. He’s driving s shiny red Farmall Cub tra cto r-w ith a trailer full o f modern Cub implements hooked behind. W hen you see him — ■top him sod make a date for a demonstration right on your cu n plate! This young hustler will be happy to show you the Farm all Cub "complete power-farming package’’— and show you how you can put it to work to increase your profits! That’s his jobs W ith no obligation . So invite him in. O r calf us and say, "Send a CUBster right aw ay!" And ask him for the m e i full-of-facts booklet, "Farm ing with the Farmall Cub." Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 242 J NEWS VIEWS m NYSSA The Maytag automatic washer J The completely automatic washer that gets clothes really clean! Herriman Motor Company YOU WILL BE NEEDING MAIL BOXES SOON Sev eral Types Of R eceptacles A vailable Make Your Selection Now. For Carrier Service You Must Have A Mail Receptacle EDER HARDWARE CO. Oety Maytag could build an automatic like thist it feature* the famous Maytag Gyra- f.Him washing action that gets your clothes spotlessly clean. What a worker it ia! Playdothes, grimy ovrraJ*. rugs, lingerie . . every thing washed with perfect safety All ths work is done for you. Just set two simple dials Then your time's your own until you'rs ready to tak* out your clothes. This automatic ia built to give you fineet service I t’s genuine .Maytag construction in every part. Come in today and see it in action. Liberal trade-in Easy monthly payments NYSSA FURNITURE CO. YO U R M A YTA G D EA L E R One B lock West O f Railroad Depot 7W ft 4