THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 26. 1950 PAGE FOUR N u -A rre s hosts. High prizes went to Ethel Durrington and Frank Pres­ ton and low to Prank Nedbalek and Ara Mac Preston. The traveling prize went to Henry Orcutt. Mary Jo Jenkins attended the basketball game in Emmett between Frultland and Emmett Pnday night. Pruitland won again. Ralph Walker of Redmond, Ore­ gon visited his mother, Mrs Ralph Busier, while he was attending to business matters here, Ed Meroney attended a fair board meeting at New Plymouth Monday evening. Mr. Tyler and Mr. Blazer o f Em­ mett were business calllers at the M C. Seuell home Hunday after- I noon. Mr. and Mrs L D. Cllmer and girls oi Boise were guests of Mr aa Grun*i»* Program Is (»¡ven NU-ACRE8, Jan 26—Only a few Nu-Acres Grangers attended the Grange meeting Thursday night in the hail, but they were well repaid for their attendance. Visitors were Ed White of Payette, formerly of New Hampshire, Mr and Mrs Strickland of Frultland and Ted Horth of Nampa Mr White show­ ed scenic views of well known land­ marks in the U 8 and Hawaii The pinochle club held its regular party Saturday night in the hall wllti Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Orasmlck and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ned hales QUICK R ELIE F FROM Symptom* of Dlstro** Arising from General Contracting and Building Custom-Built Cabinets and Furniture Furniture Krrmiring and Kefinlshlng STOMACH ULCERS dueto E X C E S S A CID F r o e B o o k T e lls o f H o m a T r o a t m o n t t h a t M u s t H elp o r It W ill C o s t Y o u N o th in g O ver three m illion b ottle eo f the W 11. l a an TacATMKNT h ave been sold for re lie f o f •yinplom M of(llN treM arising from tt a m a c h find D u o d .m l U le w s du e to Crest* A d d — Cow Digestion, Sour or Upsot Stom ach, l ‘A miles norm oi isyssa-Panna Junction Joh nson Cabinet Shop Gostlnotr. Heartburn, Sleeplessnett, etc., due to Crcess Acid. Hold OB IS d a y e ' tria l! Ark for ''W illa r d 1* M sssa g s" which fu lly explain* thlg treatment —tree— s t NYNHA PH AR M AC Y Highway 95 Phone 023J1 -FARMERS Inland Marine Insurance written on farm machinery costs very little more than ordinary fire insurance, yet covers all risks of loss or damaM<*- Come in and let us explain this better type of insurance for farm machinery. Ed Jamison and Ken Pond REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 60 No. Third Phone 276-W N YSSA . OREGON FOR EVE N IN G A PPO IN TM E N TS , Phone 298-J and Mrs. L. G. Hawley over the week-end. Richard and Mary Lou Orasmlck had a Canasta party with Don Jen­ sen. Rudy Marostica, Betty Butcher of Nyssa and Wanda Lee Shaw of Pruitland as guests. Refreshments were served at me end of the even­ ing. Geraldine Fry spent Thursday night with Mr and Mrs. Jenkins in Fruitland Sunday afternoon the children of the Fry. Sager and Evans families with their guests held a coasting party. The Do-More 4-H clubs will sponsor a pancake supper at me hall Saturday. January 28. Serv­ ing will be from 5 to 9. The public is invited to attend. A normal charge will be made Mi and Mrs Roy H off and his mother of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. E. M Seuell and Dorothy Lobb of Nyssa and Betty Buskirg of Parma were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. M C. Seuell and Lloyd Sunday. Mrs, H off is the former Jean Blak- esley. Donna Nedbalek was an all night guest of Joy Cullen Thursday. Kyle Sager had a birthday party Monday evening. Beverly Covington of F niltler'd was an all-night guest o f Phyllis Evans Sunday. Joy Cullen has the chickenpox this week. Mrs. lorn Evans and Janice at­ tended a pink and blue shower Thursday in Parma for Mrs. Hal White at the home of Mrs. Loraine Heeb Mr and Mrs. M C Seuell and Lloyd and Betty Buskirk made a business trip to Nampa Saturday. Mrs L. G. Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. William Grasmick made a business trip to Boise last week, Mr and Mrs. Ed Meroney were Thursday visitors in Payette. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Baxter vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Robar in Boise Sunday. Mrs But Hohstudt and Dennis visited her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ivle. in Fruitland Thursday. In the afternoon Mrs. Hohstudt and Mrs. Ive went shopping in Ontario. Shower Is Given Because O f Fire AD R IAN , Jan. 26—The Ridgeview community gave a miscellaneous shower Monday tor Mr and Mrs. • Red" Wells, whose home burned last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. English of Nampa visited their daughter, Mrs. Gayle Martin Monday. Little Helen Martin is ill with the chickenpox. Mr and Mrs. Robert Toombs, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toomb and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Toomb visited In me Vernon Parker home Sunday. The A. and B. Extension club met Tuesday In the agriculture room at me high school. The members made shoe rack*. Mrs. Eearl Sarri and Mrs. Betty Brown were hostesses at a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Robert Brown Tuesday in the Presbyterian hurch basement. Mrs. F F. Cummings and Mrs. Bessie Alger o l Boise visited Mrs. Robert Brown Tuesday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Oayle Martin were Patricia 3mlth and Calvin Martin. Mr and Mrs. Glen Brown were n Ontario on business Sunday. Later In the evening they visited at the Jim Attaberry home. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Matthews have moved into one of the Parker houses. Mr and Mrs. Byron Pounds and family have moved here from Port» land. Mrs. Fred Warren has returned from Los Angeles, where she vis­ ited relatives. Mrs, Henry Reuter and Donna left Thursday for Portland, where they will consult a doctor about Dorra’s arm. Dr. Sllzer, professor of religion at the college o f Idaho, conducted morning services at the Presbyter- ain church Sunday, due to the ab­ sence ot Rev. Henry Moore, who left Sunday morning for Portland to conduct a funeral. Ttie Free Methodist church is holding revival meetings for two weeks. ‘Evangelist Biggerstaff is Visit In Weiser— conducting the meetings. Mr and Mrs Ward Wleneke and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Garry visited last Sunday at the Wayne visited Mrs. Clarence Mull home of Mrs. Wieneke’s father, N of Nyssa Sunday. L. Kimball, in Weiser. Robert Toomb, Sr., of Nyssa is convalescing at the home o f his home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Steel­ man were former Adrian residents. daughter. Mrs. Vernon Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Clafalo have Mrs. James McGinnis was in purchased a new Plymouth car. Caldwell on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman of Council were over-night guests F ri­ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray day of Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Elliott of Wilder. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ana Deirking. Mrs. Steelman visited her pinochle club at Mrs. Carl Hill sMrs. K. I. Peterson were Mr. and Mrs. w. E. Pelrcy, Mr. and Mrs. A i Thompson, Mr. ana Mrs. Carl ■uni and Mrs. Henry Moore. The occosion was Mr. Peterson's birth­ day. __ ________________ M AR R IAG E LICENSES Robert F. Zimmerman and Mary Louise Seal, both of Vale. Every time you moke a coll from your telephone you're making a "good buy/ When you consider how much you get from your telephone, in friendship, convenience, good times and security, a n d h o w little it in comparison with most other things you buy, you realize that te le p h o n e service is one of today's biggest bargains. MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. W e take the Woes and Worries f of Weather f '- T 1 .... — * NR of the grandest things about your Buick is the way you can ignore the season—chew your way through gravel and dust alike, splash through the wet stretches, snug and secure even on slippery pavements. O B ut bear this one thought in m in d ... A LIFT Rough road conditions call for special attention to your lubricants. T ire s should be checked for correct inflation — for deep, clean tread that bites on a slick surface. Brakes won’t stop you with a sure and gentle touch if the master cylinder needs more fluid, or if an air-bubble has worked itself into the line. These things, and more, should be checked to keep your Buick at its best. FOR THE E Y E S . . . The normal human eye is a wonderful organ. It has every­ thing it needs to function properly— except its own lighting If that sounds like more than one thought to bear in mind — just drive into our shop and tell the man, " LUBM CAM E, please." system We must furnish that light at night and indoors— and the O ur winter I.ubricare treatment covers all these points —with specially trained mechanics following factory specifications as they go over your car from end to end. better the light the more the eye will see Colors will take on new life; reading, study and chores will require less energy In fact, good lighting gives a real "lift" to your home . . . and D rive in this w eek, w hy don’t you? T h e price is sur­ prisingly low. T h e peace of mind is priceless. to your eyes. And good lighting is so easy to have at very little cost Another floor or table lamp, or a rearrangement of the ones vou have may be all that's needed to brighten up your home Just filling all the sockets with the right-size light bulbs helps tremendously. Just remember that the eye is continually taking countless pictures and like a camera, its subjects must have plenty of light Better light means better sight and when you protect your eyes, you protect your family's as well. I D A H O V POWER rtb s T U G iy Do«» So MUCH-Costs So L I T T H ' Roberts Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. PHONE 12