THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 26. 1950 PAGE TWO The G ate Citv Jou rn al KLA8S V. POW ELL E ditor and SU B SC R IPTIO N HATES Published every T h u rsd a y E ntered a t th e postoffice through th e U nited S ta te s th e a ct Publisher A D VERTISING KATES $2 00 One Y e a r __________ Six m onths $125 Single Copies ___.05 (S trictly In Advance) O pen ra te , per In c h ______ N ational, per Inch Classifieds, per word 30c M inim um 40c 49c 2c a t Nyssa, M alheur C ounty, Oregon. a t Nyssa, O regon for transm ission Malls, as second class m a tte r, u n d e r of M arch 3. 1870 Church Notes 8 UNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY O P GOD Kev. Joe E. Dodson, P astor Sunday school, 10 a. m. W orship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic m eeting, 8 p m. W ednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. 1 IIE M ETHOD IST COMMUNITY CHURCH Donald S. Cam pbell, M inister 9:45 a m , ch u rch school. 11 a. rn , m orning worship. S e r m on: "Exploring th e O ra n d C anyon of th e B ible’’. A nthem : "Seek Ye th e Lord" by R oberts w ith solo by H ugh Tobler. T h e Junior choir will also sing. 6:30 p. m , school of m issions. T h e program begins w ith a fellowship supper a t 6:30 o ’clock and continues w ith classes a t 7 for th e d iffere n t age groups—all studying Ja p a n T he close of th e school will be a th irty - m inute movie, "T h e K yoto S to ry "— th e story of a O . I. In Ja p a n who discovers C h ristia n m issions am ong needy people and also w ith th e Jap an ese girls In a local h igh school. CHURCH O F C H R IS T Don It. Max field. P astor 10, Sunday Bible school hour. In our contest, th e Reds (H enry Storm , c ap tain ) a re trailin g th e Yellows (Don R. M axfleld. cap tain ) by a 'slim m argin. ! 11, m orning w orship a n d Lord's supper. C harles A. A ddlem an of P o rtlan d , sta te sec re tary -d irec to r of C h ristia n churches of O regon, will be guest speaker. 2. Fellow ship d in n er of five ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH churches a t W elser Rev. C. L. C allahan, Rector 7 30, young people’s service and C h u rc h school, 10 a. m. song service.. C h u rc h services, 7:30 p. m., every 8, evening w orship service and S u n d a y evening. L ord’s supper. Rev J o h n Daly, form erly pastor of the F irst B aptist CATHOLIC CHURCH | ch u rch of E m m ett, will bring the P a rk Avenue a n d T hird S treet message. Rev. P. J. Gal re. P astor 8, W ednesday evening, youth a c M ass on S undays a t 9:30. C a te tivity night. All young people are chism a t 10 a. m. S aturdays. invited regardless of c h u rc h a f filiation. FA ITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Hherwin Hrhm idt, P astor L. D. S. 1st WARD 8 u n d a y school. 10 a. m. D ean Fife. Itlahop M orning service. 11 a m. Sunday. 9 a m., S unday school C o nfirm ation class, 10 a. m. S a t 10:30 a m . priesthood m eeting. 6:30 urday p. m , sa c ra m en t m eeting. T h ursday, 2 p m.. relief society MISSIONARY B A PTIST CHURLII 4 p. m . prim ary. 7:30 p. m , M. I A W. M. T u rn er M issionary P asto r INDEPENDENT B A PTIST S unday school. 10 a. m. M ISSION M orning service. 11 a. m. Second S treet and E nnis Avenue Song service, c a u p. m. Sunday school, 10 a m. Y oung People's service, 7:30 p m. Classes for all ages E vening service, 8 p. m. M orning worship. 11 a. m. W ednesday evening p ray er se r Topic "T he O re ate st Need". vice, 8 p. m. E vening service, 7:45 p. m. F rid ay evening service, 8 p. m Rev. D aniel H ager, o u r evangelist, bringing th e message. T opic "W hat M any (io n trilm te Hell Is Like!" T h ere will be m eetings every In Polio D rive EVANGELISTIC SERVICES AT INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MISSION 213 E N N IS A V E. NYSSA, OREGON Every Nlghl. 7:45, Jan. 29 To Fab. 4 P la in —T r u e T o T h e B ib le G o sp el P re a c h in g Daniel Hager—Evangelist WELCOME Rev. Ray Bohler, Paator Drive into our completely equipped garage for auto service at its best! Our skilled mechanics will overhaul your car and advise you on all needed re pairs. Have your car checked today and forestall faulty operation which may prove fatal. You'll like our low prices and be completely satisfied with our expert work. HERE'S WHAT WE LL DO: M o t o r — Install piston rings, grind valves, adjust points, clean carbureter check timing, spark plugs, fuel and water pumps, make all needed repairs. Entire transmission and differential checked B r a k e s — Mechanical or hydraulic brakes tested, relined, tightened, adjust ed or repaired. B o d y — Fenders straightened, cracks mended, dents removed. We'll make your car look like new with a new paint job Try our complete Lubrication Dept. STOP IN TODAY FOR SERVICE For Greeter Valuaa la Naw or Used Cara So* Ua WAGGONER MOTOR CO. YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 162 GOOD AVENUE PHONE 180 Wa Aim To Taka Cara Of Our Own a tio n directors. T he term of A rt H eap of F ru ltla n d wlU expire this year. I t will also be necessary to elect a d irector to fill th e unex T h e P a y e tte N ational F arm L oan pired term of W illiam A. Hoover, association will hold its a n n u a l deceased. m eeting F eb ru ary 2 in P ay ette, ; A wild Ufe picture will be shown H erbert J. Davis, se c re ta ry -tre a su r- | by th e Id a h o fish and game d e p a rt er, announced today. T h e m e e tin g ,! m ent. to be held a t th e P o rtia club hall, j wUl be preceded by a d in n er s ta rt- , CaUed To N ebraska— lng prom ptly a t 12 noon. Mr. a n d M rs J. C K rul and son, W illiam T DoWns, president o f ; Bob, left W ednesday n ig h t for th e association, will preside and will H em ingford, Nebraska, where they Introduce th e principal speaker, A r- I were called because of th e d e ath nold Anderson, regional m an ag er of | the federal land bank. A brief business session will be highlighted by a re p o rt by Mr. Davis on th e progress of the local farm er-ow ned cred it Institution, and by th e election of two associ ta in W illiam Brown, d e p artm en t c h airm a n of th e a n ti subversive com m ittee. R obert Talbot, com m an d er of th e local Am erican Leg ion post, a n d Mrs. K erm lt L ienk- aem per, p resid en t of th e Legion ASSEMBLY O F GOD I auxiliary, have asked th a t anyone Sterl D. Spies*. P asto r wishing to a tte n d the dinner, m ake S unday school. 10 a m. reservations w ith them by Monday, M orning worship. 11 a m. Ja n u a ry 30 T hey are also asking Y oung people’s service, 7 p. m. th a t all legion a n d auxiliary dues Evangllsttc. 8 p. m. be paid, so th a t th e a n n u a l report T uesday p rayer Bible study 8 m ay be m ade a t th e district con p. m ference A welcome alw ays aw aits you a t all th e service*. R eturn From C alifornia— Mr a n d Mrs. Leslie Stoker and THE CHI ECH O F THE fam ily have retu rn e d from C ali- NAZARENE j fornia. w here th ey a tte n d ed th e Rev. E. J. W ilson. P astor Rose Bowl football game. Mr and 10 a m , Sunday school. Mrs R ayle S to k er recently retu rn ed 11 a m., serm on a n d com m union | from U tah. service, 7 p m „ young people, teenage a n d Junior services. 8 p. m., Evangelistic service. 8 p. m , T uesday, Ja n u a ry 31 we a re sta rtin g our revival, w hich will con tin u e th ro u g h F eb ru ary 12. w ith Rev. W H. M inor and M r and Mrs. C rane as th e workers. evening th is com ing week, M onday, Ja n u a ry 30 th ro u g h S a tu rd ay , Feb- 1 ru a ry 4. W e welcome you to come and h e a r th is m an speak. YOU Too Late To Classify SALE—1949 F ord trac to r, used very little, good as new, 1949 Jo h n Deere autom atic w ire ty in g hay baler used one season. See R obert C annon or W alter C a n n o n a t Dese re t Sheep Co. ra n ch . 26J6xp. for FOR SALE—K im ball u p rig h t piano, m edium case; also b a th tub, phone 020J-3. 26J3xp ARE INVITED To Hear These Christian Workers —ATTENTION FARMERS- WE ARE SELLING RANCHES FAST AND NEED IMMEDIATE LISTINGS Rev. W. H. Minor, Minister, GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER N Y SS A , O R E G O N Mr. end Mrs. A. L. ( STÉÉ» O n T \IT-W ART S h e ' s « m a t ’ s W ITH leaving me THt TH IS Crane, By Bingham ‘WART”, The Speed Cop MATTS“ T hom seewabt - tme longer QW| p w i v t s A Ç A H S E R V I C I o S T Song Evangelists, CAf t t I'M G O N N A T A K E IT / SACK ' BERRETT -- ^ o E A v ic r THE FA STE» IT W lU GO Hi» CAR " A * SifiV'CCO -— — xßEfoRf Jan u ary 31 Through F eb ru ary 12 ro o Every .night at 8 o'clock and 11 a. m. on Sundays These are d a y s that try men's souls—but the Gospel of Christ still meets the need of every heart B jaa M S m m ci WHOLESALE-RETAIL PHONE - WASHING. POLISHING. LUBRICATING — Church Of The Nazarene LOCATED AT FIFTH AND GOOD AVENUE E. J. Wilson, Pastor / ¡7 NYSSA. OREGON iù f b tfa JC U . APPLE VALLEY, J a n 26—Conley W ilson u nderw ent surgery M onday a t th e Mercy hospital In Nam pu M r and Mrs. Cecil Leigh e n te r tain e d Mr and Mrs Sam F rettw ell o l P a rm a and Mr and Mrs Albert F rettw ell of Boise a t d in n er Sunday Mr. a n d Mrs. T rom el of P a rm a were Sunday d in n er guests of Mr a n d Mrs. Ed H enderson. T h e 4-H has been holding th eir m eetings on F riday evening a t the Bell hom e M r and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell were visitors a t the V nnlandtng- ham hom e Monday. M any folks have c o ntributed to th e m arch of dim es in th is com m un ity Anyone who has not c o n trib u ted m ay do so by contacting Mrs. C larence F rltts. R everand T hom pson was a S u n day d in n er guest of Mr a n d Mrs. S h e rm an W ilson. M r a n d Mrs. C larence Brown re tu rn ed S unday evening from a trip east. T hey h a d very good w eather while visiting h e r sister. Mrs. T u r- a n o of Buffelo. New York. T hey stopped In M issouri to visit his folks. Mr a n d M rs Price of N am pa were visitors a t th e B E. P lltch er hom e M onday. T he P. T A sponsored a supper of chicken a n d noodles a n d oyster stew In th e schoolhouse basem ent T h u rsd a y evening A large crowd enjoyed th e supper and program . Dw aln W ilson had a birth d ay p a rty T h u rsd a y w ith 23 guests p re s ent. d a m e s were played a n d r e fresh m en ts were served. T he young people of th e ch u rch held a ping pong p a rty In th e ch u rch basem ent S a tu rd ay evening a n d w ent to Caldwell Sunday n ig h t for a yquths rally Ellis a n d O arold H orn a n d th e ir fath er. H enry H orn, w ent to C a ld well M onday evening Ml and Mrs W ald o Sm alley will hold a fa rm sale F ebruary 6. T he W 8 C. 8, will serve lunch. Hetty S m ith sp en t F riday nig h t w ith N adine Sew ard In celebration of N adine's b irth d a y D r and Mrs. R A. Kellogg gave a b irth d a y p a rty In honor of D arroll W illiam s T uesday evening. Introducing a Great Load-Master "105” Engine It’s the most powerful truck engine in Chevrolet history! And it’s here now to give you s new high in on-the-job performance for your 1950 hauling. Set F o r O n ta rio A DV AN CE - DE SI GN TRUCKS D* I E R F O R M ANCE 1* LEADERS • Thrift-Master Engine also delivers more power with improved perform ance. Come in and look over these new Chevrolet Trucks in the light of your own hauling needs. See all the impor tant improvements for 1950. See how Chevrolet offers just the model you w ant-w ith more power and greater value than ever! This great Load-Master Valve-in- Head engine with 105 horsepower enables you to speed up heavy-duty . schedules — complete more deliveries in less time. And for light- and medi um -duty hauling, Chevrolet’s famed Idioti Merlin«: At th e d istric t conference of th e A m erican Legion a n d Legion a u x il iary held In O n tario F ebruary 5, Sam Bowe. sta te legion com m ander from (.H ants Pass, a n d Mrs. Sadie O ra h a m of Corvallis, sta te a u x iliary president will be special guests along w ith o th er sta te o f ficials from these two o rganisations T h e conference will begin a t 2 P m a t th e new v e te ran ’s m em orial h a ll on 8th and Id a h o stre et in O n tario A d in n er served a t 8 30 will be followed by a talk by C ap- of Mr. K ru l’s b rother, P ran k . T hey wUl be away from Nyssa a bout a week. F arm L oan G ro u p P lan s G a th erin g D* T a ylo a d 1 * L eaders D* lOPUlARITY 1* L • eaders ht 1 * P ric e L e a d e r s Cables Chevrolet Co. O N T A R IO , O R E G O N ■ M H M M M M M M H I mmmtummimmammmKatmm M O K I CHECAERBOAffP CHUCKLES ■ From Your Purim» Dealer MM A S K U S FO X r a t i CULLING SCR v ie s ct/UMcia^ . B / e o s — Let us cull your birds . , . give you a more profitable flock . . . save money on feed. Ask us ab ou t this special service and make a dale now. TOBLER'S FEED <5r FUEL ì