* I . i i è v'V * ^ r r r r i y v - ' i y .•yAteHK». « ^ ; ^ , f ■ --3&ÌJ ITY JOURNAL r/ieNYSSA VOLUME XXXXV NO. 3 Mail Carrier Service To Be Started Mar. 1 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 26. 1950 State Officials Architect . Raps Colo™| 1 li? 0 ,T " r fy Will Play Joint C. Morrison ror Nv**a Court Team Tell Of Plans Negro Ohosts, outstand | ?A r P A O ( j Y t r a r L Hospital Stand lng Fisher's I U1 I l U i l U Vf t i l IV colored court jesters, will meet _______ $ 4 7 0 Contributed In Campaign For Paralysis Funds T1,e P°Uo campaign organization! had received $470 from contributors j j in the Nyssa area up to Wednesday | a Nyssa town team in a basketball ( •». i night, according to Mrs. Henry H. I on the Nyssa floor Friday Garrison Corner H u l s I Hartley, Nyssa chairman. Inspector’ s Report I s 1 game night. January 27. Tlie $470 included the proceeds In the preliminary game, start­ Asked; NyH.su*Ad r¡a n of the Ontario-Nyssa basketball Filed; Directors, Off* ing at 7:30. the Eaglees will play game played several days ago and Two Carriers Will Make Survey Planned icers Elected Eagles Beat Vale Bracken's in a regular semi-pro donations from 170 individual con­ Richard Diven In league contest. The two teams will tributors and organizations. 2 Trip* A Day Under Named Alternate 69 To 6 4 In Hot Charles Reynolds of La Grange, In a verbal attack that came as then furnish the opposition for the The committee mailed 1600 fold­ New Arrangement Ohosts. member of the state highway com­ a complete surprise to local resi­ ers for the convenience of contrib­ For Scholarship Contest At Vale The colored players, most of them mission, who was in Nyssa Wednes­ utors in making donations, and only dents. W. H. B Herrington of Port­ Tlie post office department, land. one of the architects employ­ college men. are full of tricks. Out day with two other officials of the 170 have been returned. The Carl Raymond Orey scholar­ The Nyssa Eagles defeated the Money will be collected January ship for Malheur county for 1960 through Deputy Postmaster General ed on the Malheur Memorial hos­ of 63 games played this season, Oregon highway department, said Vale entry in the Idaho-Oregon 31 from the containers placed in pital, brought to public view at the the Ohosts have lost only two. has been awarded by the Union Semi-pro Basketball league Wed­ V. C. Burke, has notified Postmaster The visiting players are comedi­ the department has issued a call business houses. annual meeting of the hospital as­ ans. top ball handlers, trick shot Pacific Railroad company to Ju­ nesday night by a score of 69 to 64 Lloyd W. Lewis that orders have for bids on a project designed to sociation Monday night a controv­ been issued for the establishment of lian Hagood of Ontario. ersy that has developed over the artists, hidden ball tricksters and eliminate the curves at the Garri- l i i « I Ig G x fy w T i l on the Vale floor. all-around hoopsters. son corner southwest of Nyssa. 1 II wiring of the new building. Richard Diven of Nyssa was Atkins of Vale was high point city delivery service at Nyssa, in­ Mr. Reynolds also stated that the Pacing back and forth near the named as alternate, so that if Ha- man of the game with 16 points. cluding the delivery of parcel post, highway department will soon make rear of the study hall in the high yood does not use the scholarship Bob Church paced his team with effective March 1. a survey of a proposed new high­ school building. Mr. Herrington de­ The Ny.ssa Bulldogs won their "The establishment of city deliv­ way from the Fox farm on high­ first basketball game in several next fall, Diven will have an op­ 15 points. Other high scorers were clared that he “had been mad all H. Wilson with 13 and Tom Moore ery service on a two-trip basis dally, way 20 northwest of Nyssa to the starts Tuesday night, when they de­ portunity to use it in 1961. day" because C. H. Morrison, Ny.ssa Oregon Trail schoolhouse, and in­ feated the Parma Panthers on the The winner of the $100 scholar­ with 11. electrician, had asked the state in­ except Sunday and holidays, ln both Nyssa led most of the first half Outstanding specialists in the dicated that the section will be Nyssa floor by a score of 32 to 24. ship to Oregon Stale college is spector to inspect the electrical the residential and business dis­ and all of the second half. The fields of crop and livestock produc­ built when money is available. work in the building. The Bulldogs gained enough determined on the basis of 40 per tricts, is approved”, Mr. Burke said. score at half-time was 32 to 25. cent on project program, records tion and dairying will speak at the State Highway Engineer R. H. Declaring that "I think you have points in the last half to clinch the The Eagles will play Welser here "We are authorizing two regular Baldock of Salem told members of victory after playing on even terms and story, 30 per cent on scholas­ carrier positions and auxiliary as­ rlngton stated that “We can't build be sponsored'by the United States the chamber of commerce at its with the Panthers in the first half, tic standing and 30 per cent on Monday night, January 30. Bracken's, Nyssa's other entry in sistance of five hours per day. you a hospital without your support. | National bank in the Boulevard weekly luncheon Wednesday noon which ended in a tie. The locals character, interest, qualities of “ You will note that city delivery that "It is a pleasure to be around made 12 points while holding Parma leadership and community and the league, last Its last two games, Morrison is not qualified to inspect Orange hall February^ l and 2. falling before New Plymouth Wed­ service is not to be given to any Harry Sandqulst, Malheur county a growing place like Ny.ssa; to see to six. the building as an electrical in­ The three-quarter time extre-curricular activities. Selection of the winner and al­ nesday night of last week 46 to 47 house or business place which does spector. We are going to ask Gov­ agent, said the two-day Institute how much progress has been made” . score was 20 to 18. Mr. Baldock said $18.000.000 were ernor McKay to bring an electrical will be opened at 70:30 a. m. Wed­ Pounds of Nyssa and Vickers of ternate was made by a committee and Payette 33 to 42 last Thursday not have a number nor to any house nesday. A noon lunch will be serv- ____ ____ last Friday. nigiit. which does not have a suitable mall spent last year in the construction Parma tied for high point honors and plumbing inspector with him receptacle or door slot, as well as when he comes to Nyssa. We are ed each day by the Home Economics j and re-construction of highways in with nine points each. a walk from the street to the resi­ club o f the Boulevard Grange each Oregon. The amount of money ap- going to do you a good job and we Nyssa players were Pecka, Bowen Vale’ s Fishier* Hermann Tells O f dences” . aren’t going to have any undermin­ day under the auspices of the bank, propriated by the national congress 6, Williams 7, Lowe 6, Holcomb. „ ... "Dairyhiif, 1950 Style", will be the j . j the. states for highway work is Marcum 2, Hale 2, Hunter, Wilson ing. I am demanding that we have Hospital Group Mr. Lewis said he has received Defeat HullltOf'* sufficient equipment to place city inspectors here next Monday when title o f the first talk Wednesday j determined by a series of formulas and Pounds 9. ------------ morning following a colored movie so that Oregon always knows how the governor is in town.” The Nyssa B squad defeated the The Nyssa high school boxing The members of the Memorial delivery service ln operation in After the meeting. Bernard Frost. film that will open the morning ! much it will receive when a bill is Parma flash-sophs by a count of j team last a match to the Vale Hospital auxiliary were told of the Nyssa. Ewalt, . extension The city of Nyssa and Lions club passed. The state commission has 42 to 14. an active member of the hospital session. , . Harold , . ,__, _ I Vikings in the Nyssa gymnasium memorial hospital founders service been allocating construction funds association, told Mr. Herrington | A i M The Bulldogs will play Emmett before a fairly large crowd Wed- organization and of some of Its have completed the work of erect­ State college, will lead a discussion to the five divisions in the state on on tthe Emmett floor Friday nignt nesday night. that Mr. Morrison is as well quali­ proposed services by Dr. C. L. Her­ ing street signs and re-numbering fied as anyone in the Snake river in the new developments in dairy the basis of population, area and of thLs week and will meet the Vale All of the fights were hotly con mann at the meeting of the aux­ the residences ln town, except for management and in the dairy in­ road need. Eastern Oregon receives Vikings in Nyssa next Tuesday tested. With no knockouts record­ iliary at the parish hall Monday the actual placing of the numerals valley to pass judgment on electric­ dustry. on the houses. These numerals about twice as much as it would get al wiring. You have no right to ed, all decisions were made by the afternoon. Following the lunch, H. V. Pence, on the basis of population and reg­ night. come here and attack one of our vice president of the John Deere judges. Dr. Hermann told of the public have been sent to all house oc­ business men, who was' acting to Plow company, will talk on “ In ­ istration. This is fair, Mr. Bal­ The results, with Nyssa fighters relations committee that is now be­ cupants ln the city and should be protect the interests of the com­ dustry and Its Relation to Agri­ dock said, because the great areas named first, were as follows: ing organized and of the value of tacked onto the residences Immedi­ of eastern Oregon bring more fed- munity.” Skeen, 101, won over Chadwick such a group to the public ln dls ately. Mail service will be with­ culture” . The afternoon session eral funds to the state than it would Mr. Morrison, who wired one of ,.,111 „i..„ i_ 1 ,- j . „ „ „ 100; Oorrell, 126, won over Udy, 125; seminating facts concerning the held until these numerals have otherwise get. The state is asking the additions to St. Luke's hospital J. Toombs, 128, lost to Smith, 125; hospial. Such a group will be In­ been placed ln the proper position. At the regular meeting of the led by Dudley th federal government to double Publishers of the Gate City Jour­ in Boise, said Wednesday 'Know­ Sitton, discus^on and an Illustrated talk on _ Oregon Trail Grange Tuesday night, Lay, 134, lost to Palmer, 136; Kelch formed so as to give correct infor­ nal said arrangements will be made ing that there were defects in the •Planning the Farm Home" by . lts annual appropriation to the Dale Garrison af the Nyssa Road 133, drew with Eagan, 131; Batt mation concerning the hospital and to have the newspaper delivered by wiring and knowing that they would John Campbell, rural housing ape- Assessment district asked the farm­ 135, lost to Parks, 134; Mayden its construction and management, carrier along with other mall to be covered wltli plaster, I felt it was cialist of Oregon State college. 1 Mr' Reynolds told the chamber ers to haul small loads to help avoid 147, decisioned Kendall, 146; Cor- and prevent erroneous rumors from residents electing to have their my duty as a stuckltolder to report The Thursday morning session' tbat " we wi‘ ‘ do everything pos- damage to the roads during the field, 141, drew with Fulwyler, 140; being circulated. mall delivered to their houses. the defects to the proper t •ptof- wlll feature an explanation and dla- ! s“ >le that you get your Just thawing season , Rhodes, 147, defeated Ingram. 146 Dr. Hermann mentioned other Kles, tile'only persons with can' pass mission on the Oregon milk market- shar* °* highway funds. You aie Chard, 14$. lost to Miles, 152; Suiter, phases of arork that might be car­ George Cleaver, agriculture re­ on them. The report af the auth­ ing administration. Speakere at the ! Pr°Vd of t' ie develoJpm.tIni , you porter, talked about the surplus 168, lost to Kendall. 171, and Long, ried on by such a committee that Grltlpp Elected orities on the wiring certainly sub­ afternoon session will be Lola : bave m»de in Nyssa and Malheur commodity set-up and a meeting of 171, lost to Sheffeld, 185. will benefit both the community stantiate my contention in the Brooke, former 4-H chib member o f ' county. Certainly you have some the potato and onion growers held Dairy Group Head and the hospital. This committee matter. ; Ontario; LeRoy Warner, soil specla- j rot«* problems. As you grow you in Ontario Tuesday, Garret Btam will be composed of representatives Fotuto And Onion The report of the inspector, list of Oregon State college: Jared will have more problems’ from the leading organizations of spoke on subsidies, E. L. Jamison on Charley Orider of Nyssa was through the state labor commission­ LewLs.district manager of the A m a l-! District No. 5 has been fortunate government control, Frank Parr on the communities of the hospital elected president of the Malheur Growers Meet For er, W. E. Kimsey, has been filed gamated Sugar company, and Ro- in the matter of highway apport­ legislation and LeRoy Herrman on County Dairy Herd Improvement district. with the hospital board and the city io n W Every, extension entoniolo- j ioninent-s, Mr. Reynolds said East- the co-op meeting to be held today. Annual Gathering During the business meeting. Mrs. association at a meeting held ln gist of Oregon State college. j em Oregon has the size and the _________ of Nyssa. Mrs. Fran ____ Parr announced a card Ed Frost, president announced that Ontario last Saturday. Joe Dyer, manager of the Ontario i coastal areas has the population, j party ^ j,ejd at the Oregon" The inspector said the operating Fred Burgess of Vale was elected The Malheur County Potato and at the meeting ln February the an - room, delivery room and anesthetic branch of the bank, said all farmers Twenty-two hundred of the 7.300 Trail schoolhouse Friday evening Onion Growers association elected nual election of officers wtil be held. vice president; Ed Kerr of Oregon tContinued On Page Five) and other persons interested i n . (Continued on Page 6) | for the benefit of the polio ward of slope, secretary-treasurer, and will- Tlie group voted to collect coupons _ .. , . , , I three directors at Its annual meet- agriculture, are Invited to attend Uie Malheur Memorial hospital. , m held ln Ontario Tuesday. for pottery dishes that are being lain Toombs of Kingman Kolony the institute. | The public is invited to attend the J |am H a r l l ( , y o f N y s s a w t t s r P . given away at local stores. Coupons and Rose! Hunter of Nyssa, direct­ Local leaders To Fared Fosl Sale party. elected as a director at large. The may be given to Mrs. Harry Miner ors. S e c to r s are Earl Wlnl- or Mrs. Dennis Patch. Mrs. Harry Attend Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fingers and j other A report was given by the D. H. Planned By L. I). S. Block O f Dimes Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baer becam e1 gar of Ontario and Louis Pratt of Miner, treasurer of the organization I. A. tester, Lawrence Jackson. He new members of the grange. Flu lined By F. F. A. At least seven local leaders of reported a balance on hand $2,- indicated that he has more herds Adrian. Members of the second ward of Those appointed on the hospital­ Malheur county will attend the an­ Ben Davidson, administrator of 062.45, which will be used for hos­ to test than he can handle and if the L. D. S. Geneology association ity committee are Mrs. Oarret pital furnishings. the number Increases the associ­ The Nyssa chapter of the Future nual eastern Oregon 4-H club lead­ with Ersel Beus as president, will Siam, Frank Parr and Mr. and Mrs. the Oregon potato commission, ex ation will need to employ another plained the operations of the com sponsor a parcel post sale to be held Farmers of America will sponsor a ers conference to be held in La Alva Goodell. tester. mission, which is levying a tax of at the high school gymnasium Sat­ block of dimes stunt on Main street Orunde January 31 and February Bernard Frost of the Idaho Pow­ IIolHtoin Dairy in Nyssa Saturday afternoon, Jan­ 1 and 2. urday evening, January 28. er company showed two movies, one and one-half cents per hund­ The local leaders Include Mrs "Highway to Hawaii" and "Pro­ red pounds on potatoes for the pro­ This sale will feature articles sent uary 28. beginning at 1 p. m. Group Or^anizoti Ny**a Farm Bureau According to R. V. Wilson, F. F. Marian Peterson. Rldgeview; Mrs. gress of the Snake' motion of the industry's Interests. from all parts of the United States and from Finland and other Europ­ A. advisor, each dime contributed Alice Williams, Ontario; Mrs. Ev­ Contributions given during the! Fart of the revenue will be used in Center I* Formed The Malheur County Holstein ean countries. Other features of by persons on the street will be erett Taylor, Cairo; Mrs. Threlma silver drill, amounting to $6, were betterment of the farm labor Dairy club was organized at a meet­ pasted to a piece of paper tape. Elliot, Adrian; Mrs. Marcella Wil­ the evenings entertainment will be given to the march of dimes. situation In this area. A Nyssa center of the Farm ing held in Ontario Tuesday. a program of songs and dances, The boys hope to secure enough 10 son. Big Bend; Mrs. Kenneth Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox and A- M libra th, potato disease Ed Ker of Oregon slope was Bureau was organized at a meeting games and a cake walk. Lunches cent pieces to extend the length Donald. Owyhee, and Mrs. Margaret Mr and Mrs. C. H. Bennett fur- ‘.peclalUt at Oregon State college, elected president: Louis Wettsteln held January 12. McKague. Ridge view. ' ________ will be on sale during the evening. of one city block. nislied refreshments o f .sandwiches and O. B. Thompson, entdmologist of Cairo district, vice president: The officers are O. E. Cheldelin, Out-of-state speakers will Include I and coffee at the college, talked on potato Grady Romans of Wlllowcreek, president: Howard Bair, vice presi­ All families of the second ward ; diseases and control of wire worms secretary-treasurer, and O. D. Ful- dent; Roland Maw. secretary, and will take their banks to the party To Speak ln Home Church— Miss Emma NeLson of Chicago, field j __ and a prize of a satin quilt will be Rev. Don Maxfield, pastor of the representative of the national com­ Auxiliary Installs— and onion maggols at tlie meeting, wvler of Vale and Kenneth Nielsen C. 8. Wright, director. Mrs. Rich­ given to the family with the largest 1 First Church of Christ ln Nyssa. mittee on boys and girls club work Officers of the ladies auxiliary j which was attended by 130 persons. of New Plymouth, directors. ard Maw was elected associated amount in Its bank. The public Is will speak Sunday morning and and Dan Warren, state 4-H club of of the Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. j --------------------------- The organization, designed to pro­ women's chairman. invited to attend this parcel post evening ln his home church at Pay- Idaho. Elwaln H Greenwood, Port­ F„ at Welser were installed Jan- Luncheon Conference Held— mote better dairying and better Hol­ The Nyssa center has not selected sale, the proceeds of which will go ette. Mr Maxfield started attend- land. secretary of the Oregon Bank­ uary 23. Four of the new officers The school lunch conference held stein herds, held a general discus­ a time for meetings. At the meet­ to the church building fund A door lng the Payette church at the age ers association, and Dr. Lester A. were not present and will be in- Saturday at the Lindberg sion. ing. the center expressed opposition prize will be given away | of three weeks and attended until Klrkendall. newly-appointed pro- S t a l l e d at the regular meeting In school In Ontario was attended by to a postal rate Increase. --------------------------- shortly after he accepted Christ at fessor of family life education at pelt uary They Include Mary El- 35 persons from the county. Tlie llonorrd On Birthday— A Vale center was organized Jan­ Suffers Neck Fracture— the age of 12. when his family Oregon State eoltege. will speak guix 0j Nyssa. left aid to the past group heard Mrs. Laura Wells and Edward Hharp of Adrian, was uary 14, making six centers ln the Marian McCarthy of Nyssa sus- moved to Caldwell. In Mr. Max- --------------------------- president. The auxiliary Includes Mrs. Mary Hammel. school lunch honored guest at a party given county. tained a fracture of the neck in field's absence. Charles A. Addle- Future Homemakers Elect— the lodge at Ny.ssa. I specialists, tell of the work of this Tuesday nigiit in celebration of his an automobile accident near Em- man of Portland will speak at the Election of officers for the com- -------------- - -------- -- department. Mrs. Wells stated that 20th birthday Bunco was the di­ Sewing Classes Begin— the school lunch commodities were version of the evening, with Dayle mett Saturday morning about 10 o'- morning service and Rev. John Daly lng year was held by the Future Brother Dies— The adult sewing classes to be clock. Her sister. Lola Oonzales of of Nyssa. former pastor of the First Homemakers of America at a meet- E. C. Crandall received word last purchesed from government sup- Stoker receiving first prize, Arlen held at the high school under the Nyssa, was not Injured when the Baptist church at Emmett, will de­ Ing in tne high school building week of the death of a brother, plies and that last year the lunch Haroldsen the consolation prize, direction of Mrs. Charles Steffens, Monday. Delores Coffman was Rcuel O. Crandall of Cheyenne, program in Malheur county cost ap- and Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell, traveling were organized last week automobile driven by Mrs Me- liver the evening sermon. Tlie elected president, Bonnie Kress lev.; Wyoming. proxlmately $3.000 ln cash and Refreshments were served to 18 classes will start meeting Wednes­ Carthy hit an icy spot on the high- --------------------------- vice president. Marzine Gardner, ----- - —- $4.000 in commodities Films were guests. Another party was given day evening. February 1 at 7 p. m. way and went out of control. The Nyssa Nursing Home— shown dealing with school lunches in honor of Mr. Sharp the previous Instead of on January 30, as prev­ machine did not overturn, but the Birth this last week at the Nyssa secretary; Lucille Hill, treasurer • hurch People Meet driver was thrown Into the back Nursing Home: January 20, a son ! Alice Kamatsu and Palsy Yone- Tlle , e Christian churches of and tbe saving „ f vitamins. Mrs. evening, with many of his relatives, iously announced. These classes seat. weighing 7 pounds, born to Mr. and 1 yoma, historians, and Fredrie Fife, “ ** valley, Welser. Payette, Vale, Katheryn Claypool gave a history and older friends present. Refresh- will be held Monday and Wednes- ---------------------------Mrs S. J. Lemon of Nyssa; January reporter. Ontario and Nyssa, will meet ln | 0f the school lunch program ln Mal- ments were served to 16 guests. He { day evenings from 7 until 9, and House Planner Here— 22. a daughter, weighing 7 pounds, j Welser at 2 p m. Sunday for their tieur county, stating that one of the received many lovely gifts. on Saturday afternoons from 1 until John Campbell, rural housing 4 ounces, bom to Mr, and Mrs . | Attend Dinner Dane«— regular fifth Sunday fellowship din- fu-st hot lunch programs conduct- 4 p. m. The class quota is almost specialist from Oregon State college. Eugene Simpson of Nyssa; January | Ten couples from Nyssa attended her at}d *P*ci»l services. Mrs. Kay ,.d was at the Kingman Kolony rogra xm Conducted— completed so anyone Interested Is ln Ontario January 34 through 23. a daughter, weighing 6 pounds, the annual dinner and dance of the Parrish of the Welser church will school. Much of the hot lunch pro- The should contact Mrs. Steffens at the 27 for the purpose of assisting fam- 4 ounces born to Mr and Mrs. Olan j Idaho Riding association ln the I be in charge of the services. All (ram jn th* schools ln this county atlon of the Malheur Memorial hos­ high school. llies with new house plans or re- Pruett of Vale; January 23. a son O. O. F. hall in Caldwell Tuesday members aand friends of the Nyssa has been carried on under the am pital Is sponsoring a question and pU. „ of lhe p T A At a modeling thetr present home He weighing. 7 pounds. 8 ounces, born evening. Following the dinner the church are invled to attend. answer period over KWEI, Nyssa Former Pastor Visits— will keep appointments in tlie to Mr and Mrs W L. Hoskins of 1 annual election of officers was held . ~ ~ i lunch was served, featuring dishes station, at 5:50 Wednesday even- Rev and Mrs. Henry J. Oem- appropriate for a school hot lunch. ings . The public is Invited to send j hardt returned to their home ln county agent's office at the city hall Nyssa. and January 23. a son weigh- ; The dinner and dance was attend- Attends Nusrrymen Convention— Mrs. Glenn Suiter attended the | During the afternoon, Henry End- ln Ontario each afternoon he is ing 8 pounds. 8 ounces, born to Mr ed by approximately 350 members in questions concerning the hospital Idaho state nurserymen's convent- irSi county sanitarian, spoke to the and these will be answered by Dr La Grande Tuesday morning after here. Appointments may be made and Mrs Keith Tallman of Nyssa; --------------------------- visiting at the home of Mr. and loti held at the Boise hotel last group. The meeting was presided by telephoning 174. January 24, a son. weighing 8 Represents club— C. L. Hermann, secretary of the Mrs. CUtf Main. They attended a -------------------------- - pounds. 15 ounces, bom to Mr. and : Mrs Charley Orider, secretary of Monday and Tuesday. over by Mrs. W W. Foster, county founder organization. meeting in Caldwell Monday. Returns To California— Mrs. Louis Vickers of Parma, and the Malheur County Jersey club. president of the parent-teacher Mrs. T J. Hillman, who has been January 24. a son. weighing 9 left Wednesday morning for Port- To Visit In California— association. Talent Show Scheduled— Coming Events— Mr and Mrs. William Coleman, visiting at the home of her daugh- pounds. 9 ounces, bom to Mr. and land and Salem. She will represent The Methodist Youth Fellowship Friday, January 27—Delphians at ter, Mrs Wilton Jackson and fam- Mrs Dallas Troughton of Parma the local club at the annual meet­ who recently moved to Nyssa from Riders Will Meet— will present a talent «how in the the home of Mrs. Wesley Browne. Uy. returned to her home In Victor­ ing of the Oregon State Jersey club Toppenlsh. Washington, have gone The Owyhee Riding club will hold MelhodLst church Wednesday even Amity club at the home of Mrs W. to California for a six-weeks visit Its annual meeting ln the Oregon ville. California after a month’s vis- Here From Vo lng. February 1 at 8 o ’clock. Tickets O. Peterson. It in the Jackson home Mrs Hill­ Mr and Mrs Tom Kennlxon and Ge To I Uh— Trail schoolhouse January 31 at 8 may be secured from Dorothy Saturday. January 28—Parcel post Returns From Hospital— man was accompanied back to Cali­ family of Vale were In Nyssa Wed- Mr. and Mrs Don Moss and fam- sale at the gym, sponsored by the Mrs Chet Sage returned last p m. Officers will be elected and Erwin or Betty Wlnchell. fornia by Mrs Harry Collins, who nesday to attend to business and Uy left Wednesday for a business Sunday from the Holy Rosary h o.- j biwlnew will be transacted second ward Oeneology association. will visit with relatives. visit friends. trip tc Utah Mr. Moss parents ac- pttul in Ontario, where she under­ Truck Overturns— Wednesday. February 1—Talent - | companled them A loaded lumber truck overturned show, sponsored by the M. Y F of went a major operation last week St U nis Visitors Here— To Attend Meeting— Visitor Leaves— } . . Mr and Mrs H C Davis of 8t on the western approach to the the Methodist church. Kingman Elder William Turner and fam­ M W Keveren. who has been Skating Party Held— Louis are visiting this week at the Snake river brldfe at Nyssa some Kolony Orange benefit party at ( i m To California— ily left Monday for Mitchell. Ore­ visiting at the K. E Keveren home Members of the three 4-H sew- Wednesday home of Mr. and Mrs Clyde Solder time Wednesday nltht. The driver j Adrian trade school, Ole Dvr land left gon to attend a meeting of the since the Christmas holiday», left In« dubs of Nyssa atteended the night for Loguoa Beach. Call- Mrs Clara DavU of Boise Is also at Thursday, February 2—Executive Middle Oregon Baptist association, for his hotne ln Spokane Tuesday! 4-H skating party held ln Ontario fomla, where he will visit his sister, the Snider home. Mr Davis Is a disappeared, and city police officers were still searching this m orning1 meeting of the P. T. A. at grade to be held January 27 to 29. morning. | Saturday afternoon. Mrs Springe brother of Mrs Snider for details of the accident | school American legion auxiliary. Bank Sponsors Farm Institute Panthers .‘52-24 Protection Of Roads Is Urged \