PAGE SEVEN THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 IflSO Ontario Takes Lead In League By D. W. Patch The list of undefeated teams in the S. R. V was reduced to Ontario and Emmett as a result of the past week’s play. One of these leaders will be toppled when the Tigers and Huskies battle it out in Emmett Tuesday, January 10 in the league's top billing for the night. From now until the league’s finale February 24 upsets may be expected to be commonplace The two leaders. On tario and Emmett, will find Fruit- land, Vale. Payette and Weiser very much in contention for the S. R. V. crown. Both Payette and Weiser have shown recent scoring power while Vale and Fruilland are at present only a game back of the leaders. (Ontario dropped Emmett Tues- IT WON T BE LONG NOW UNTIL SPRING IS HERE Let Us Prepare Your Car Or Truck For Trouble-Free Driving We Have An Adequate Stock Of Parts And Trained Mechanics To Install Them On Any Make Of Car 8. R. V. weekly basketball sum- rnary S. K V. standing as of January 7, 1950 Pet. Won Lost Team » 1000 « 0 Ontario 1000 0 4 Emmett 800 4 1 Vale 750 I 3 Fruitland 400 3 3 Payette 400 2 3 Weiser 250 1 3 Nyssa 166 5 1 Parma ooo 0 5 ' New Plymouth throughout the contest and had 10 men figure in the scoring column. The Weiser Wolverines pulled a last minute rally to drop Nyssa 41- 39 in an overtime tilt at Weiser. T h e Wolverines, who had miser able luck at the free throw line all evening and trailed by 7 points with four minutes to go, suddenly got their shooting eyes and tied the ball game up at 35-all at the end o f the game. J. Ecker spark-plug ged the rally. In the overtime per iod a basket by Gentry Walker in the final minute salted the game for the Wolverines. The top scor er of the contest was Kahe W illi ams, Nyssa center, with 12. He was closely followed by J. Bicker with 11 The preliminary game was won by the Nyssa frosh-sophs 27-13. The Ontario Tigers, after main taining their league leadership by dropping Fruitland 36-32, went out side the league Thursday evening and dropped a close 41-38 decision to the host Meridian team H ie Tigers played at Meridian without the services of Lowell Kolbaba. tea true leading scorer, who sustain ed a bruise in the Fruitland game. Coach Ron Runyan took no chance of aggravating the injury by play ing Kolbaba in a non-league tilt. Jackson led the Tiger scoring with 11 points. The undefeated Tiger frosh-soph team won from M eri dian 26-15. The Adrain Antleopes earned a pair of victories the past week. On Tuesday they dumped Harper 40- 24 and on Friday measured Mar- sing 39-33. day night by a score of 34 to 28). The Emmett Huskies dropped Vale out of the unaeieatea class oy win ning a 45-37 game at Emmett. The Huskies, after trailing by a 23-21 score at the half, regained a narrow 5-point advantage at the end of the third quarter and widened the advantage to a 46-37 decision ut the end of the game. The Huskies col lected 15 baskets on 47 attempts for a 319 average from the floor while the Vikings netted 10 baskets on 39 j attempts from the field for a 390 average The game wus decided at the free throw line and Donald Dal- berg's Huskies hit 15 out of 21 charity tosses for 714 average, while the Vikings shot a respectuble 17 out of 28 for a 607 average. The Husk ies turned in the season's best per formance at the free throw line. Mullins topped all scoring with 12 points while Bates was high for the Vikings with 8 points. The Vale frosh-soph edged the baby Huskies 32-29 in the preliminary. Henry McOinley’s Frultland G riz zlies bounced back from their nar row 38-32 loss to Ontario to hang a 31-20 loss on the Parma Panthers. The Grizzlies led at all quarters and although the game was a low-scoring affair the Grizzlies were never close ly pressed. The Fruitland attack P O ST OFFICE EMPLOYEES was spearheaded by Moore who ENTERTAINED dumped in 16 counters for high The employees of the Nyssa post scoring honors. Vickers led the Panther scoring with 7 points. The office and their wives wire guests Fruitland frosh-soph won the pre at a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis last Sat liminary 33-16. The 24 guests The Payette Pirates, after drop urday evening. ping their first three league games, gathered for a potluck dinner, fol jumped into the win column the lowed by an evening of canasta. past week with a pair of dlcisive High score was held by Mr. and victories. On Tuesday the Pirates Mrs. Rosel Anderson and low score Invaded Parma and came home by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali. —8 - with a 42-20 victory and on Friday ST. P A U L ’S G U IL D MEETS they played host to New Plymouth The members of the St. Paul’s and won an easy 53-25 decision. In the latter game the Pirates led guild met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Bernard Eastman Officers elected for the coming year are Mrs. Bernard Eastman, presi dent; Mrs. J. L. Church, vice presi dent, and Mrs. Hilda Tensen, sec retary-treasurer. During the even ing, plans were made for the Epiphany dinner to be held at the parish hall January 18 at 7 p. m. —8— E N T E R T A IN A T P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner en- evening with a canasta party. Mr. tertained at their home Sunday and Mrs. Qrant Sasser won the prize for high score and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Myrick the traveling prize. burial Notes Or Truck. USE OUR BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN IF YOU WISH HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Your Transportation Merchant E N TE R TAIN S D INN ER CLUB The Wednesday evening dinner club were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell, where bridge was in play following a dinner at the Moore hotel. High score was held by Ron Campbell and second high by A. H. Boydell. what they did Christmas day. Mrs. Pounds read the reports of the com munity service group. A fter fames were played a lunch was served. A sewing meeting will be held Friday, January 13. ENGAGEM ENT' ANNOUNCED The engagement of Miss Nori Kldo. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Y. Kido of Nyssa, and John Kondo, son o f Mr. and Mrs. J. Kondo of Jamison, was announced at a dinner given at Taks cafe in Ontario De- The NEW j cember 26 for 40 friends and rel- I atives of the young couple. I Miss Kldo is laboratory technician for the Ontario clinic and Mr. Kondo is a student at the university of Ore gon Law school. The wedding will be an event of next summer. T oo Late T o Classify 12J1XP Parma Junction. FOR SALE—Two-piece modern liv ing room set. air-foam cushions, used only a short time, phone 286-J, evenings. 12j2xp FOR R E N T —Three-room furnished house in Nyssa at 133 Ennis avenue. | *25, we pay water, phone 3035, ! Vale, Oregon. 12J2xp S T R A Y E D -B la ck spotted sow, in Nu-Acres community. Heber Grigg. 1 FOR R E NT—Two apartments, fur mile east, mile south of Nyssa- nished and heated, phone 63-J.12J2xp Automatic Maytag Washer Will M ake Its Appearance In Nyssa At The Nyssa Furniture Store— Your Maytag Dealer THE NEW 1. Fully Automatic Control MAYTAG I 5. Safety Lid Simply » t the timer control dial . . . your washer does the work while you relax. 2. Gyraioam Washing Action Proved through use in millions of Maytag Washers , . . Washes clothes really clean, gently, quickly. 3. Automatic Tempera ture Control Your washer quickly and completely shuts off when the lid is raised. This means complete protection and con venience for you and your family. 6. Scientific Balancing Internal mechanism spins like a top . . . smoothly . . . quietly . . . elimi nates vibration . . . maintains perfect balance. 7. Torque Limiting Clutch An engineering marvel that prevents overloading of the motor . . . adds years to the life of your washer. Just set the temperature control dial to "hot” or ‘warm ” to control water temperature. 8. Easy Installation 4. Top Loading 9. Sealed-In-Oil Power Unit Eliminates bending . . . permits easy adding or removing of articles after starting of your wash. It’s simple to Install your Maytag. bolting down required. No Permanently sealed at the factory with a life time lubricant. Place Your Order N ow For The Mogt Talked About Washer $289.95 $28.95 Down $3.95 per Week Mr. a Ernaat Bunn. aervica manager for Nyssa Furniture w ill attend school in Boise, sponsored by the Maytag company for the purpose of receiving factory instructions on the N E W A U T O M A T IC M A Y T A G . YOUR MAYTAG DEALER NYSSA FURNITURE CO. One Block West Of Railroad Depot SEW IN G CLUB MEETS The Nyssaettes Sewing club met at the home of Onna Pounds Mon day, January 9 at 4:30. Interesting reports were given by the girls on January Shoe Clearance MONDAYS Z o o / a // a ro u n d / / a n d y o u 7/ /n ow //ÿ y o u r B Æ S 7 1 A / / -A /tO f/JV Z) £ V V / NOT BLUE ANYMORE Group 1 Ladies' Dress Shoes Now that automatic home laundries do the heavy work, and so beautifully, wash day isn't called Blue Monday any more. Many Varieties And Styles Values to $4.95 W ith an automatic washer, you need only put in the dirty clothes, set the dial, and go about your other chores, or take time off. When your clothes are clean, the automatic washer SALE $1.99 shuts itself off. It's so easy to do, pick any time of day, or any day of the week to do the wash. Ladies' Dress Shoes And if you have an automatic dryer you don't have to wait for a nice day for clothes to dry, 'cause it's always fair weather in an automatic dryer. No mat- ¿g . # ter what kind of washing machine you use, a dryer always saves you time, energy and money. A ll automatic home laundry equip ment is economical to use and it's avail able in your price field. Your dealer can help you enjoy wash days, no matter what day of the week, or weather Group 2 Many Varieties And ZZ/tS T . .and/Finest.. .atZowest Cost/ Only Chevrolet brings you all these major advantages at lowest cost — NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHER * NEW TWO-TONE FISHER INTERIORS • CENTER-POINT STEERING * CURVED WINDSHIELD wMh PANORAMIC VISIBILITY’ • BIGGEST OF A U LOW-PRICED CARS • EXTRA-ECONOMICAL TO O W N -O P E R A T E -M A IN T A IN * PROVED CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES Styles Values to $5.95 SALE S2.99 INTRODUCING CHEVROLET’S EXCLUSIVE NEW rO W E R ^ ^ Come in and see our many other clearance items. We now have a complete stock of children’s Poll Parrot shoes. Wilson Bros. Dept. Store i daho ¥ power ¿ i Does So MUCH- Costs So UT T L I I X-Ray Shoe Fitting Phone 32 NysM Cables Chevrolet Co. ONTARIO, OREGON