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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1950)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 12. 1950 In Wilder— spending nearly three weeks visiting In Payette county in the new year j Mrs Rob Thompson are still vis Tacoma visitors. Mrs. Fujlta is a Ing this time, Mrs. Bruce Pett. vis Visit Mr. and Mrs. George McKee sister of Mr Takeuchi. iting her sister at Ogden, returned at the homes of their daughter, Mrs of 1950 Hintz Is the son of Mr iting In Prosser. Washington with Saturday evening supper guests at visited Saturday at the home ol Wednesday. 1 .4***0II IM u lllM 'll H Okanu, and their daughter. Mrs and Mrs. Henry Hintz of Sunset their two sons. of Mr and Mrs. Chester Mr and Mrs. Delbert Garner and Mrs. McKees brother, James Arm Mr and Mrs. Grover Douglass of the home i vaney Arrl, at Jamieson. included Mr and Mrs. Ellis family spent Sunday In Emmett as j strong of Wilder. SUNSET VALLEY Juli 12 Lead Dinner guests at the Ewen Chard Mr and Mrs Harold Popkins mov ; Eagle Creek. Oregon were Thursday Bowns and Mrs. Ann West Mr and guests at the Dewey Gam er home j guests of Mr and Mrs. John | Field Return To Madras— Mrs Bowns dined Sunday at the ; ers of the Sunset extension unit will home Sunday Included members of ed this week from the Harley Wilson ‘ dinner — Reffett Mr and Mrs Douglass, Mrs. Cleo McDowell and children farm to the O P Counstl farm, Skeen home To Spokane— attend a preparatory lesson January three families, Doyn Price of O n known as the Knottlngham place former neighbors of Mr and Mrs ! Frank oi Madras returned to their home Mr and Mrs S E Flanagan and Mrs. Ed W arren left Sunday for 17 In Ontario The subject is 'Cloth tario. Lee Chard of Nyssa and Mr Popkins will assist in the farming Reffett at Hood River, are vLsitlng children arrived home Tuesday even- Spokane to visit her daughter and in Madras after spending the holi es Closet Accessories", which will be and Mrs Elver Nielsen and two on the ranch this coming year j friends and relatives. ing from a week's trip to Yakima son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross days at the home of Mrs. Mc presented to the unit members in sons of the valley John Reffett and Mr and Mrs. | Quincy Grover Cooper and her broth Thurman and the surrounding area. Mr. and Mrs Helmer Hintz of er, Mrs. and her granddaughter, Don- j Dowell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. February Hill returned last Friday Snyder, visiting two days Irom an elk hunt and a visit at The Worthwhile club will meet I King, Cecil Florea. na King, who has been 111. Mr. and Mrs Z Kikucht left S at Payette are the parents of a boy. and Donald at the E H Tolman the Loren Hite home at Haines, Thursday afternoon, January 19 at urday mornlnK by bus for their home weighing nine pounds, two ounces home a in night Boise, returning home Wed- Oregon the home of Mrs. Ed Steiner, with at Toppenlsh, W ashington after Their son was the first baby born j nesday evening Little Geraldine Mrs. Harry Garner and family Mrs. Andrew Tltland assisting Elect | Tolman, Mrs Orover's neice, was dined at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ion of officers will be held. ] In the hospital for treatm ent for Robert Reffett Friday. Mr. and Mrs Wayne G am er and | pneumonia. daughter returned to their own and Mrs Guy Glenn and fam- home Tom Lowe has been ill and con j ily Mr. after spending two were Sunday dinner guests at the weeks Thursday fined to his bed since January 3 j Charlie at the Bruce Peu home. Dur- Schwelzer home. Charlie Darrell and Melvin WILson have Glenn spent the holidays at the been visiting at the Ora Newgen home. home afternoons, as their mother, | Schwelzer Mr and Mrs Thomas Nlshltani Mrs. Harley WILson Is ill. son. David, were among the 19 T Sandy, after visiting at the und guests at the home of Mr. home of his daughter. Mrs William dinner and Mrs. Paul Takeuchi In Nampa Gregg, for a week, left Wednesday Sunday guests for the day ' for the Lloyd Dibble home In Apple were Mr Special and Mrs. Johnnie Fujlta, valley. Norval Snyder was a houseguest ; at the home of his sister. Mrs I Grover Cooper, Friday and Satur- CUSTOM HAY | day of this week. Snyder is on j leave from the navy. Miss Clarice Notheis and Mr and AND COMPLETE COVERAGE Mrs. Charlie Schwelze» were guests • at a canasta party Saturday even ing at the Gordon Judd home in A housewife protects a cake by cover IDAHO WRANGLERS New Large Equipment Parma. Will Handle Baled ing it. Complete coverage for your home, i Canasta players at the home of ORCHESTRA Or Loose Hay Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson Sunday car, personal belongings and savings evening Included Mr and Mrs James • Robb. Mr. and Mrs Claude Wilson may be equally as simple. But without and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbert Owyhee Corner Adm. $1.00 per couple proper protection you can lose every- son. The occasion was Mrs. Pete Phone 010R-1 Wilson's birthday. Arthur Johnson of Minot, North Dakota was a week-end guest visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen. Johnson formerly worked In thLs area and around Parma, finally returning to the Da kotas to operate his father’s ranch, j Johnson is also visiting friends yi while his father Is visiting WE RE GOING TO PUT ON A SHOW OF ART AND Idaho, in Seattle. Stringer's band of sheep SKILL RIGHT IN OUR OWN LOCAL COMMUNITY was Vaughn moved this Monday to the Oregg farm. Mr, and Mrs. Claude Waggener We are asking all prize winners from 4-H clubs, mem and Mr and Mrs. Ed Foster, all of California, visited at the ber participants of state, county and local fairs, etc., j Folsom, home of Mrs. Leota Ditty Monday PHONE 09J-3 NYSSA, OREGON granges and other organized clubs, to bring in your ] and dinner guests of Mr. and trophies and models and put on display for the week. i Mrs were Robert Ditty. Mrs. Waggener It’s fun to crochet; it’s a pleasure to see what you’ve Is a niece of Mrs. Leota Ditty, and done. Help make this national event bigger and better. Mrs. Foster Ls the daughter of Mrs. Waggener. The California visitors Have your models in . had been visiting in La Grande. Mr | and Mrs Leslie Ditty of Ontario were also dinner guests visiting with their relatives. BY JANUARY 19 Mr and Mrs Nell Dimmick, Mr and Mrs. Roy Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr., attended the Parma square dance Saturday j night Harold Peterson of Idaho Falls a business trip to this area Nyssa Oregon made last week and was a house guest at the home of his father-in-law, Olaf j Fylllngness for three days, return ing to his home Friday, i Sunday dinner guests at the Olaf Fylllngness home were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tltland und family Pete Wilson look some of his cuttle to the Ontario sale Tueesday Other visitors Included Mr. and Having sold my farm. I will sell ihe following personal Ontario Mrs. David Thomas Nlshltanl and property 10 miles south of Nyssa; go to Overstreet beet dump, son, und Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price n i l SU»k 4 Door 6 Passenger Toarbotk Sedan heads a line up of then l'/i miles north and '« mile east. and Mr und Mrs Kenneth Loren- tm a ri S U P fR S t all p o w o ro d with fhe surging new F 2 6 3 straight sen eight engine, very latest word in valve m tieait M l am i life Mr und Mrs Irvin Wolfe moved this week to their new home and farm Just a mile and u half from Kuna. Idaho Visiting five days tit the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Robb, were Mrs. Bill Hamilton and daughter Mr and Mrs. Hudson Robb arrived home Tuesday from u 10-day trip to the west coast They visited Mrs. Robb's brother at San Francisco and also at the Roy Gueck home In Klamath Falls. The Elver Nielsen family were dinner guests Monday at the Ontario lieaii' of Mr and Mrs. Clifton Niel sen Reverend and Mrs Smith of Buker -------------- Y°Ur K"V O w e, VW Look over th e 1950 B uick lin e , torque-tube drive—plus Safety-Ride visited Monday at the home of Rev w hich these tw o high-fashioned rims for comfort plus control. and Mrs Joe Dodson. They were en route to Reno. Nevada. honeys represent, und decide for T hen look a t prices -do they really lo o k HOW b u c k s ' Mr and Mrs John Reffett were yourself if thut’s truth or just talk. fit any budget? supper guests at the home of Mrs O f li v e r j Marie Black Saturday N in eteen —Y es, 19—smart new und They range from the fine-car level Members of the Sunset auxiliary r m BUICK S M Q A L 1 o and their families enjoyed their an varied models to choose from, und of the R oadmastkr down to just- imal turkey dinner and get-to-gether all with the eye-catching styling of est figures on the Thursday evening at the Sunset hall bold-lined bum per-guard grilles, above-the-low Forty-six were present. SPECIAL. Hut even are so little $ 2095.00 sleek tapering fenders, the over-all above anything else these Mrs. Bessie Etdum and both the — buy you so Herbert Bergam and Paul Bergam i£WÄO- '° f 'v — look of a jet plane in flight. many more years of happy use — families enjoyed a family dinner and give you a car of such consist- Sunday at Herbert s home Mr. and T hree full series —SPKCIAL, Sl'PER N * B U K K SUPtB 4 d o e , 6 . and R oaum aster — with S pecial ently-better trade-in value — that ***•"* dmBvmrt ***** d o o r to r , *«*• Extension Unit NATIONAL CROCHET DANCE CHOPPING HAULING JAN. 21 to 28 1950 Saturday, Jan. 14 Cow Hollow Hall GLENN I. SHORT AGAIN WE TIE IN WITH A GREAT NATIONAL SHOW Stoker Construction Company Dragline With All The Attachments Available For DRAINAGE DIGGING. EXCAVATING. CANAL CLEANING EVERYBODY'S INC. FARM SALE SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 SALE STARTS AT 1 O'CLOCK 16—CATTLE—16 1 Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs., just fresh, 6 gal. "FASHIONED for every taste Priced for every BUDGET" 1 Holstein cow, 4 yrs., just fresh, 6 gal. 1 Guernsey cow, 4 yrs., fresh sale day, 6 gal. 1 Jersey cow, 6 yrs., just fresh, 4 gal. 1 Guernsey cow, 6 yrs., springer, 6 gal., fresh March 1. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 yrs., springer, 5 gal., fresh January 20. 1 Jersey cow, 6 yrs., springer, 4*/2 gal., fresh January 15. 1 Guernsey cow, 3 yrs., springer, 4 gal., fresh January 15. 1 Guernsey cow, 4 yrs., milking now, 3 gal 7 Calves, 6 months old. Cows will be tested by sale date. MACHINERY 1 Model U. C. Allis Chalmers tractor, over drive, power take off and belt pulley. «I 1 Allis Chalmers combine. 1 Corsicana ditcher, on wheels. 1 Miskin scraper. 1 Lever type corrugator, fits tractor. 1 6-foot grain drill with seeder attachment. 1 3-section spike-tooth harrow. MACHINERY 1 No. 2 Parma lift pump and 28 feet of 5-inch CONDITIONED pipe, good as new. 1 John Deere horse mower. For Spring 1 10-foot hay rake. PLOWING and 1 Six-foot adjustable float. PLANTING 2 International electric fencers. 1 Piano in good condition. Work Don* By Factory Trained Mechanic 5 10-gallon milk cans. 1 30-gallon hot water tank, nearly new. SATISFACTION Some harness, tools, and other items too GUARANTEED numerous to mention. Telephone 270-W TERMS—CASH LUNCH WILL BE SERVED ON GROUNDS B & M Equipment Co. G. W. HUDSON, Owner Aucta. Col Bort Andoraon. Col. Joo Churcb L. H. Frltta. Clark Nvssa, Oregon models available in both standard or de luxe finish. T h ree sep a ra te pow er p la n ts — in five horsepower ratings—all more powerful, higher in compression, all Fireball vulve-in-heads — and one of them, the sensational new F-263, giving Si 'PER models extra brilliance on the road. Four w heelbases — all planned for riding comfort — with overhang re duced to make parking and garaging easier. Roominess galore, with rear seats as much as 13 inches wider. Plenty of outlook as well. And the abiding comfort of coil springs on all four wheels. And the stead) going of P A ea* r e a r B u ic k d r a ltr 1er a J r m u t t i r l i u - I J f i f M uuri 4 » Hi n h fllt- r PHONE 12 >■ u t t i m t t h l l r t m r r b u l l i you’ll find Buick reachable by buyers in any price range. So w hy not get the whole story, price and all, from your Buick dealer now? Deliveries are good, the “deal” is right, and a signed-up order steps you up to that Buick you’ve always dreamed about! T L $ 2 4 5 7 .0 0 « W o w O rly . W oioW # ’ •* * » n it) a" d '• "“ • « *'<■'. ' l o tn d , , «"»»«»*.* H w t 'i fh* Smart SAfCfAl 3- P m tB B Q f Coo p a , ona o f n v m tmari modal t Dyne flow Drtra o p tio n a l. H o r s a p e w a r — 115 with Synchro-Mesh transmit- "Bettor lw</ Stuck. POA, 1 2 2 With D y n o flo w . W A T trt* YOU* P& ce ZAM te H I II H t r ill h u ll,I t h r u , M $$ i. unity i uno», mc n . iw ». •wry Monday Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. 2nd. STREET AND GOOD AVENUE.