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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1949 PAGE EIGHT Outsiders Vi*il In A drian Home* AD R IAN , Dec 29— Mr and Mrs. A C Henderson and Mr and Mrs. Jess Norris and Larry were Saturday evening guests of Mr and Mrs, Bill Looney Mr and Mrs James McOlnnis and family, Mr and Mrs Bill Wllles and family, and Mr and Mrs. Alvon McOlnnis were Christmas dinner guests of Mr and Mrs W illie Mc- Oinnls in Nyssa Mr and Mrs. George Cartwright spent Christmas in the Kay Cart wright home at Big Bend Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Brown were Mr. and Mrs Robert Eastman of Caldwell. Mr and Mrs. Bob Brown and Ralph Moore Mrs Jimmie WiLson and son of Ontario visited Thursday with Mrs Threlrna Elliot Mr and Mrs. Paul Hatch of Burl ington. Colorado visited Tuesday in the James McOlnnis home. Christmas dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Dan Holly were M r and Mrs Prank Miller, Mr and Mrs Oarett Zimmerman. Arthur and Alvin Holly and son and Mr. and Mrs William Olover of Illinois. Mr and Mrs Earl Basri and daughter are spending the holidays in Hamilton. Mantana with relatives. Mr and Mrs. James McOlnnis and Joyce and Junior and Howard Hatch THE SANDS OF TIME N o M atter H ow You Tell Tim e A N E W YE A R D awns at 12 P. M „ D ecem ber 31st. At That M om ent A n d A lw a y s W e W ish You . . . M ore p e a c e of spirit . . . M ore health, happiness! . . . M ore friendship true! . . . M ore jo y an d gladness! NYSSA FURNITURE CO. 1 Block West o f R. R. Depot À NEW YEAR-1950 attended a family reunion Monday at the H. R. Hatch home in Big Bend with dreams. lighter h e a rts . . . brighter Let's celeb ra te the a c h ie v e ments of 1949 and toast the hopes of 1950. H a p p y N ew Y e a r to a ll our customers an d friends. WAGGONER MOTOR CO. NYSSA, O R E G O N TH E NEW TE LEPH O N E DIREC TO RY „ reasonable 1, Nyssa. W. D. Rinehart, route erly come before the meeting or any 29D2xp. adjournment thereof By order of the Board of Super M ISCELLANEO US - Build it with visors. Dated at Nyssa. Oregon, this rock! Wether it be a home or a 15th day of December, 1949 N YS S A -A R C A D IA D R AIN AG E business building, for durability, beauty and economy, you can't beat D IS T R IC T By Harold Henigson. Secretary native stone. I f you are thinking First publ. Dec. 29. 1949 of building, let us give you a figure; Last publ. Jan. 5, 1950. you will be surprised We specia lize in patios, fireplaces and chim OWYHEE R ID IN G CLUB, INC. neys. Simulated cut stone with a N O TIC E IS H EREBY G IV EN slab mantel makes the most beaut iful fireplace We have rock of all that, pursuant to the Laws of the State of Oregon and the by-laws of colors, black, red, brown, gray gra the corporation, the annual meet nite. yellow sandstone and mixed ing of the stockholders of the Owy colors. Drop a card to Webb Pen- hee Riding Club, Inc. will be held .it nie, route 2. Nyssa, or call at rock the Oregon Trail Schoolhouse, M al house on Columbia avenue. 29d2xp heur County, Oregon, on January 31, 1950. at 8:30 o'clock P M lor the election of Directors for the ensuing year and lor the trarlsaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjourn ment thereof. Only holders of capital stock of the corporation of record at the close of business on December 31. 1949, will be entitled to vote at such meeting and at any adjournment thereof. By order of the Board oi Directors. Dated at Nyssa. Oregon, this 28th day of December. 1949 N O RA SNODGRASS, SE C R ETARY First publ. Dec. 29, 1949. Last publ. Jan. 5, 1950. LEGAL ADVERTISING N YS S A -A R C A D IA D R AINAG E D IS T R IC T T o the Land Owners of Nyssa- Arcadia Drainage District: N O TICE IS H EREBY G IVEN that pursuant to the by-laws of the District, the annual meeting of the land owners of Nyssa-Arcadla Drainage District will be held at the City Hall in the City of Nyssa. Oregon, oq January 10. 1950, at 2:30 P. M for the purpose of electing one Supervisor and for the transaction of such other business as may prop- (Ö rm in q s SINCERE AND GAY THE LAND BANK WAY Merry Christmas and a r-Happy and Prosperous New Year Y O U C O ULD M AKE A MISTAKE BUT IT ISN'T LIKELY IF Y O U USE OUR INVENTORY SHEETS $1 PER P A D O F 100 Gate City Journal Too Late To Classify Seal V olunteer* Year D in n e r * . . Served At B uena „ Those spending Christmas day in the A C. Henderson home were BUENA V ISTA, Dec 29—Many fam- Mr and Mrs Bill Looney and boys. 1 lly dinners were served in this com Mr and Mrs Elmer Sparks and munity as part of the Christmas Wayne of Adrian; Mrs. Lorraine | observance. Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram ate Olennen and boys. Albert Tiltson and Mr and Mrs Elvin Bondi and dinner at the E. L. Jamison home family, all of Emmett and Mr and in Nyssa. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Top- Mrs Jim Coon and Betty of Notus. lilf entertained the following at din Mr and Mrs. Jess Norris and ner: Mr and Mrs Edward T op liff Larry snent Christmas at the Jim and Rita Mae. Mr and Mrs. Irvin NorrLs home In Newell heights. Mr and Mrs George Cartwright Topliff, Mrs Ethel Ooodell and fam were Monday dinner guests of Mr. ily of Vale, Mr. and Mrs Chester and Mrs Jess Norris. Ooodell of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs James McOinnis and Joyce Leonard Duncan of Jordan Valley, shopped in Caldwell Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Dick Holly and T im Elizabeth Ooodell of Emmett and Mr my and Mr and Mrs Olenn Pounds and Mrs Roland McKlnstry of Pay visited in Vale Sunday. ette. Guests at the Alva Ooodell Mrs, Betty Korman and Kristine home were Mr and Mrs Henry are visiting in Boise this week. Estrick and Vaughn of Meridian and Mr. and Mrs Charlie Johnson of Mr aand Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Parma spent Christmas with Mr and Gary and Brian. Mr and Mrs. Jim Mrs. J eff Williams Brooks ate dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs. E. E Eastman and his brother, Bill Brooks. Mr and Mrs. Olen Brown were in Mr and Mrs. Howard Day and Caldwell on business Tuesday. Jerry and Sandra attended a family Miss Ruth Eastman of Spokane dinner at the Claude home. Mr. and is spending the holidays with her Mrs George Cleaver entertained parents, Mr and Mrs E. E Eastman. I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver and Mr and Mrs Clarence Jacobson Linda, Alva Ann, and Newell. Mr of Corvallis are visiting her parents, and Mrs. La Vem Cleaver ate dinner Rev and Mrs Moore. at the John Bowen home. M r and Miss Elinor Edwards is spending Mrs. Lester Cleaver and family were the holidays in Seattle. guests at the William Orr home. Those spending Christmas in the Mr. and Mrs. 8. B Hoffman has as E E Parker home were Mr. and their dinner guests Mr and Mrs. Mrs. C liff Looney and son of Cald Ernest Maize, Mr. and Mrs Jim well, Elmer Parker of Fruitland, Ritchie and Oarnet Belle and Rob Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Parker and ert, Mrs Maize of Nebraska, mother family, and Mr and Mrs Vernon of Mrs. Hoffm an; and Mr. and Mrs Parker and family. Olen Hoffman and Olendia. Hank Moore of Sterling. Kansas August Bartholoma of Haigier, U spending the holidays with his Nebraska and John Bartholoma parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry E. called at the Alva Ooodell home Moore. Thursday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Elliot and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Mr Wilburn Jackson of Corvallis spent and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver were in the first part of the holidays with Nampa Friday. Mrs. Threlrna Elliot. They then Mr and Mrs. Alva Ooodell attend went to Klamath Falls to visit the ed a chili feed at the C. H. Keushlng C. W Wilson family Don Elliot and home in Ontario Tuesday evening. Don Hanson accompanied them to Corvallis Mr. and Mrs Bob Patterson are spending the holidays in Cary, Idaho FOR S A LE -- A good milch cow. Hcrrelli Praises Each of us is looking forw ard to the N e w |.’ a n , j ] y fresh. G. avenue. W. Pennie, Columbia 29Dlxp FOR SALE—Six dairy heifers. Devon Larson, 4 miles west, mile north of 29dlxp Announcing today that the 1919 Langton’s comer. Christmas seal sale has had the FOR SALE— Bed, twin beds, dining services of a record number of vol table and chairs, platform rocker unteers, Ted Berreth, county seal and refrigerator. See Mrs. O. D. Sale Chairman, paid a special trib Pike at Oarrison’s corner. 29d3xp ute to the many women in this com munity "who have devoted precious FOR RENT—Three-room furnished time and energy to make this year's house in Nyssa at 133 Ennis avenue, campaign a success." phone 3035, Vale. Oregon. 29d2xp "Although busy with Christmas shopping and Holiday preparations," W ANTED — T o care for children, said Mr Berreth, "these women day or evening, phone 83-J. 29d2xp gave generously of their time to the seal sale, realizing the importance FOR SALE— Dexter washer, almost to community welfare o f the M al new. Haroldsen's Radio shop, phone 29dtfc heur County Tuberculosis and 271-W, Health association's projects, which FOR SALE—Two registered Jersey are financed by the sale of Christ bulls, sired from world record sire mas seals." Women volunteers, he pointed out, from Canada, holds record in Ore were at work on the campaign long gon for two consecutive years. Papers 29dtfc In advance of the opening date of furnished. Phone 288-W. the sale, November 21, engaged in FOR R E N T —Large stock farm, 560 such operations as checking mailing acres, two miles southeast of Parma, lists, folding seals, and addressing 220 acres crop land, 230 acres irri envelops They plan to continue gated pasture, plenty of water, two their work for the tuberculosis as completely modern houses. Appli sociation for the first few weeks of cant must have adequate financing the new year, or for as long as they See O. F. Andrews, Ontario, 14 Ouss are needed, Mr Berreth added building, phone 130-J. 29dlxc Many Malheur county residents have not sent in their contributions FOR R E NT —60 acres for cash rent. for their seals received in Novemb 40 plowed, rest alfalfa and clover, er," the county chairman added. with house. W rite box 335, route "One hundred per cent cooperation 1, Ontario. 29d2xp is needed as the proceeds from the FOR S A L K 160 acre ranch, 120 1949 Christmas seals will be the sole financial support of the association acres under cultivation, ideal row In it's 1950 program of tuberculosis crop and dairy ranch, about 12 a- cres more can be reclaimed, three- prevention and control." room house, two-room apartment, Leave For Portland— soft water, artesian well, good e- Rev. Donald S. Campbell and qulpment. shed and cow barn. daughter. Dorothy, left Monday eve Four miles southwest of Nyssa, O- ning for Portland, where Dorothy legon on Enterprise avenue. Price i will have a medical check-up. ; $26,000, $6,000 down, balance very "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY" HERE'S A MOTon OVERHAUL By PLOTNER com ew w HE'S PPOMISEP TO HAVE THE J O B DOME VL ° u% \ _ ^ NEXT TIM E. L A H O R **' GUAPA, //¿RRIMAM MOTOR CO. box 137 Ai V i * A , 0*E60* PHOMt 7 7 You are invited to enter... Will Be Closed LEARN In A Few Days A n y nam e ch an ges or corrections must b e received at the N yssa office, teleph on e 174 NOW * , W e add our voice « to the chorus o f A those hoping that 195° will he a year f of joy and satis- HAVE ON F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S T H R O U G H THE P R E F E R R E D R I S K PLAN Ask note if your property qualifies! faction for everyone la** C- I MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. HOW T HOU SANDS SAVED 15% • a in our towa CORDON’S DRIVE-IN , MOM, R enstrom I nsurance A cency Strong Capital Stock Protection