THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1949 Donald Grant and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and children and Park Kriner were Sunday din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Owyhee, Dec. 29— The Owyhee Gregg. Sunday school held its Christinas Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer went program Sunday morning with each to Burns Sunday of last week and class participating. Rev. Robert returned Tuesday. Kriner held services after the pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Hipólito Mendazona gram and again in the evening. were hosts at dinner on Christmas j During the afternoon Rev. and Mrs. day for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Kriner and family an. Fred Kling- Joe Totoricka of Boise, and her [ fcack were dinner guests in the sister, Mrs. Arana, and family of Nampa. William Gregg home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy had ; Mrs. Martha Klingback, Mrs. An- me Gregig, Herschal Gregg and to take their son. Eldon, back to the[ children, Mr. and Mrs. George | hospital in Portland Saturday af- ¡ Gregg and children, Mr. and Mrs. ternoon as the child became worse Program Is Given By Sunday School Visit In Vale— Here From Colorado— James Armstrong, naval recruiting officer at Orand Junction. Colorado, | and Albert Armstrong, who is at­ tend Mesa college, left for their home Tuesday after visiting last week with their brother, Allan Frost, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost. [S ervice A FULL LINE OF FRESH DRESSED POULTRY SIX DAYS A WEEK OVEN OR PAN READY IF DESIRED Also FRESH EGGS We Wish To Take This Opportunity To Say HAPPY NEW YEAR To All Our Friends and Customers. CURRY PRODUCE PHONE 17-W S c h ec k fo r value \ Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon Sales & Service If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan­ ics to put your car in the best o f condition. NYSSA, OREGON WE HAVE Bernard Eastman KAISER-FRAZER Dragline With All The Attachments Available For DRAINAGE DIGGING. EXCAVATING. CANAL CLEANING FOR YOUR POULTRY NEEDS Here For Holidays— Mr and Mrs Hugh Tobler and Mrs. Blaine Ballah and son, Mr and Mrs Gene Fischer were Arthur, arrived in Nyssa last week guests Monday evening at the home to visit her mother, Mrs. Frank of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Furson of I Morgan. Vale. Stoker Construction Company PHONE 09J-3 PAGE SEVEN A group of second grade girls are the middle of December. The nine shown as they represented the girls trained for the dance by Mrs. "Tinsel Fairies” in a grade school D. O. Bybee, are as follows: Front ; Christmas program presented during row— (left to right) Marleen Cooper, Connie McCrady, Sharon Jaques and Dianne Maulding. back row— Joan Young. Bonnie Walker. Celia Bybee, Christine Vrndrrll and Judy Lewis. again. He has been improving al­ | college in Boise, the George Oregg though under constant care of a 1 family, the Jess Gregg family and physcian since he was brought the Kenneth McDonald family. home from Portland several months Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar and ago. Bob Rice took the Slippys in children and Mr. and Mrs. Merle his car and will bring them home McClure and children were Christ­ mas dinner guests in the Charley Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton, Culbertson home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jungquist and Mr. and Mrs. Ohet Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wilson left Monday sons of Anderson dam spent the week-end at the home of her par­ for Los Angeles, where they will at­ tend the Rose Bowl football game. ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Huber and son Mrs. William McEwen and Eve­ lyn and Ethelyn of Ontario spent of Meridian, Mr. and Mrs. George Monday sitting with Mrs. Ellis Wal­ Nein of Fort Morgan, Colorado and Mr. and Mrs. Werner ■ Peutz and ters. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty are en­ Wanda were Sunday dinner guests joying a visit from their son, Jack in the William Peutz home. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ciofalo of Brook of Billings, Montana, this Adrian were Wednesday evening week. Mrs. Gertrude Jackson of Cald­ guests in the Kenneth McDonald well is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee home. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters and Householder, and other relatives for Mrs. Ellis Walters went to Boise a few days. Mrs. Martha Klingback had her for Christmas dinner, Mrs. Walters family for a Christmas eve party in the Rex Walters home and Mr. Saturday at her home. Guests were ! and Mrs. Byrd Walters in the R. C. Fred Klingback, who is home from Jones home. Mrs. Ellis Walters re- ; turned that evening by bus. but Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters will spend a week there. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty were hosts Monday evening for the fol- lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Peutz, Sr., Lawrence Peutz, William Peutz, Jr„ Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda. Miss Elizebeth Atkeson and Glen Osburn of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. George Nein of Fort Morgan, Colorado, Jesse Ditty, Jr. of Boise, and Jack Brook of Billings, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston and children of Haines are visiting in the Omar Kite home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty and Jack of Billings, Montana were dinner guests on Christmas day in Nyssa at the Jake Groot home. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Scholl and children of Buhl, Idaho were over­ night guests Thursday in the Char­ ley Culbertson home. The Scholl family were on their way to Ellens- burg, Washington to spend the holi­ days. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and Mary Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman and children, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and daughters were guests at their annual Christmas eve party, held this year at the Howard Evans home in Parma. On Sunday most of the Brewer family met in Ontario at the Ernie Barker home for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toyne and son of Seattle arrived Friday at the Kenneth McDonald home. Friday evening the two families went to Homedale where Mr. and Mrs. Toyne will spend some time in the homes of their parents before returning to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and children were Christmas dinner guests In the Roy Fletcher home in Homedale. Mrs. Oertrude Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strickland were dinner guests In the Vic Marshall home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Houston Dunaway are moving to Caldwell this week. They sold their home place to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hartley and their place near Owyhee dam to Delos Foster. Fred Klingback attended a Sun­ day school party of the young people’s class Monday evening at the O. E. Cheldelln home. The group played and sacked the candy and nuts given to the children of the Sunday school Christmas morning. ♦/CHECK FOR PERFORMANCE ! WIHe WATT BY ROLAND 4 ROY the all new remington personal typewriter t's New Year's Eve And time to laugh But please don't hog The phonograph. ß BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30— East o f Town Ontano, Oregon Phone 287 V may be there H EA R T AS Y O U M EET EACH SUCCEEDING DAY O F THE NEW NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY John Ostrom-Owner Me Mr. and Mrs. Marion Kurtz of Newell heights are spei ding the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kurtz of Klamath Falls. The Merl and Dudley Kurtz families will also be guests at the William Kurtz home. IT'S YOURS FOR THE ASKING COME IN TODAY FOR YOUR FREE 1950 DIONNE QUINTUPLET CALENDAR EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 31 Until Further Notice SATURDAY CLOSING WILL BE 6 Value ia assured, because here’s the newest product o f the proudest, the FIRST NAME IN TYPEW RITERS- Remington Rand! It’s a l l n e w , new in design, new in engineering, as FREE' •'Tout* Method Trpxtg MttmctMa ' Boo* m 4 ' How Toe Spo« It" Stationery Department The Gate City Journal Phone 118-W To Klamath Falls— COMPANY — brings you a new portable in a thrilling new design with the new Miracle Tab! year / Residential Commercial Wiring SERVICE CAI.1S PHONE 111M H I-W ATíO No NYSSA, sweet a piece o f typing mechanism as you’ve seen in many a long day. Performance is assured by the 15 exclusive and plus value fea­ tures built into this handsome new portable typewriter. It gives you brilliant typing that is thrill­ ing to experience. Smooth as a piece o f fine silk. Easy to operate — it has the features usually found only on office typewriters. Come see it today. Experienc. the thrill o f typing at is beat. alw ays A S O N G IN Y O U R ' TIME p. m. This New Closing Time Will Be Observed By The Following Stores: "SWEET SIXTEEN" "Sweet Sixteen"; another one in that erar popular and ever growing aerlea of th# world famoua Dionne Quintuplet Calendars. It'a youra for lhs asking—come in—register—and gel your copy today. Ed Jamison Cr Ken Pond Real Eatate and Inauranca Nyssa, Oregon Phone 276-W BRACKEN'S NYSSA FURNITURE CO. PETERSON FURNITURE CO. INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE JACKSON JEWELRY STORE GOLDEN RULE STORE WILSON'S DEPT. STORE BETTY'S DRESS SHOP THE DIME STORE