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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON PAGE SIX I l r r c F o r H oliday*— H e re F ro m P o c a te llo — M W. Keveren of Spokane U vis Mr and Mrs. A1 Nye and son of iting at the K. E. Keveren home Pocatello are visiting at the home [ of Mr and Mrs W. A. Nye. during the holiday*. I LUMBER BARGAIN t § n °- Dimension Thousand F t . $ 3 2 .0 0 Thi* lumber 1« qraded by an association grader. It mitat be taken in truckloads. down and*balance when delivered Auxiliary II o I i I h X m as (ia llirrin » THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1949 Pleasant Hour club and their fam- death of Ralph Davis, Mrs. Chap- llies met Thursday evening at the in’s brother. Miss Beth Chapin, who Cow Hollow hall for their annual “ teaching in the Madras schools, SUNSET VALLEY, Dec. 2»— Mem bers of the Sunset auxiliary met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Chester Bowns for the final wrapping and packaging of gifts for the veterans’ hospital In Boise. Be sides SO personal gifts of socks, shav ing lotion, cigarettes and pipes, 80 coffee cans were filled with cookies and candy for the veterans. Mrs Bowns served lunch to the ladles I upon completion of the work Mr ! and Mrs. Edwin Bergam and daugh ter, Paula, made a trip to Boise Tuesday to deliver the Christmas gifts to the hospital. Mrs Charlie Schwelzer, who sprained her foot has discarded her crutches, but went to Ontario Tues day to stay at the Prank Zeller home while being treated for a very pain ful carbuncle on her shoulder. The past week has been a busy one with last minute shopping, Christmas school and church pro grams and parties. The Chalk Butte Grange members gathered at the Cow Hollow hall Tuesday evening for a potluck supper. A Christmas program and treats for the children were arranged. Members of the I tables were festive with holly, rein- Irvln Wolfe and Mr and Mrs deer and Yuletide decorations. Fifty- Clifford Wolfe and daughters took four were present when Santa pre- a load of hay Thursday to Irvin's sented .treats. new farm near Kuna, Idaho. All Mr and Mrs. Z. Kikuchi of Top- were dinner guests at the Otto Wolfe penlsh, Washington arrived Wed- home In Nampa, nesday for a visit at the home of Mr and Mrs Wally Orcutt and their daughter, Mrs H. Okano family of Welser were Tuesday sup- Members of the Owyhee young per guests of Mr and Mrs. Elver people's class and their teacher, Mrs Nielsen. William Oregg. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Langley were Mrs. O. E. Cheldelen Monday even- hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson lng Instead of the regular Christ and family and Mr. and Mrs. Homer mas exchange, the group furnished Brewer and daughters for dinner gifts for a needy family. The 16 Christmas day. Word has been re members practiced musical numbers ceived that Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hob for the Sunday Christmas program son will spend the hoUdays with Mr. and sacked candy. Hobson's brother at Roswell, New Mrs. Elver Nielsen was completely Mexico and then continue on to the taken by surprise Sunday when Pasadena Rose parade. friends arrived unannounced laden Mr and Mrs. Joe Hobson and fam with dinner. The occasion was Mrs. ily drove to Boise Monday for the Nielsen’s birthday, and those present family Christmas dinner and gath were the Ewen Chard and Kenneth ering at the A. R. Herring home. Chard families and the Doyn Price family of Ontario. Charlies McCoy and Donald Low Adult Education of Ontario returned last Sunday Is Discussed At from a four day trip to the Orand Coulee section. They visited also at Leaders Meeting the Larry Dimmlck home in Yakima. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson en The place of the public schools j tertained In their home Thursday in the agricultural education field evening a pre-Christmas pinochle was discussed at a meeting of Mai- ; party. Ouests Included Mr. and Mrs. heur county high school agricult Fred Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. Elver ure instructors, veterans agricult Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed, ure instructors and superintend Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe, and ents and principals in Ontario Mr. and Mrs. James Robb. A late Tuesday night. lunch was served. The concensus of the group Mrs. Devon Larson gave a dem seemed to be that there is an In onstration on candy making at the creasing demand for adult edu Tuesday meeting of the Owyhee cation in all fields of endeavor, Relief society. An exchange of gifts including agriculture, and that the was held. schools should do all they can to Mr and Mrs. John Reffett re satisfy this demand or need. ceived word that their son. Jack of Leaders attending the meeting John Day, underwent an appendix included Ralph Morgan, state sup operation this week and will be un ervisor of agricultural education; able to come for the holidays. Prof. H. H. Gibson, director of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reffett and daughter observed Christmas with agricultural education at Oregon State college; Allen Lee, assistant the Harry Gardner family Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Buffinfton of state supervisor of education, and Stanley Green, assistant state vet Wallowa were overnight guests of the I eonard Newgen family Tues erans supervisor. The dinner meeting attended by day. and of the Lewis Mitchell fam ily Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Buf 25 persons was held in the East fington are leaving after Christmas Side cafe. on a trip to Las Vegas. Nevada and to California. They spent Christmas at the William Buffington home In Nampa. Mrs Lynn Buffington vis ited her brother. Wilfred Gilbert, who was In the Ontario hospital. Glenn Larson left last Thursday for Los Angeles after visiting at the home of his brother, Devon for three months. James Langley flew his brother- in-law, Joe Hobson, to Boise on bus iness Wednesday. Friends surprised James Robb Sunday evening, arriving to cele brate his birthday. Friends included Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dldericksen of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Elver Niel sen. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Hamilton, and Mr and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe. The evening was spent In visiting and playing cards. Week-end guests at the Robb home were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Diderlcksen. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and A Happy daughters were dinner guests at the Irvin Wolfe home Wednesday even New Year in ing. The occasion was Irvin’s birth day. The Irvin Wolfe family post poned moving to their new home the grand near Kuna until after the end of 1949. old way is Wilfred Qilbert spent three days In the Holy Rosary hospital re our hope ceiving treatment for pneumonia. Mr and Mrs. Harley Wilson vis for you. ited over the week-end in Haines. Mr and Mrs. Casmler Rataezyk and daughter left Tuesday for Bat tleground, Washington to spend the holiduys with Mrs. Rataezyk’s par ents. Reverent R. L. Kriner and fam ily of Vale were Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. William Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin arriv 50 N. 3rd St. ed home Thursday, returning from a two-weeks trip to Lincoln, Ne braska after receiving word of the m For the best in Neu Yean. w r refer \ou to G nr it a cha rue you some gooJ. WILSON’S SUPER MARKET P. O. BOX ”C’ ' M P P y ': . A/etv.V. Reason We wish you fhe best kind ol a year with no had tails NYSSA THEATRE Jackson Jewelry NYSSA. OREGON YE/lg/j s e n ***’ re etinciô Bring to the birthday oi the year all the happiness you are able and it will repay in kind throughout its hie h ip p y YEAR 950 \he New Silver Bells OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc.-Nyssa HEARTIEST NEW YEAR .. .W hat a w orld of merriment their melody foretells. Proper music, indeed, for the New Year. Mir MAY H T T YEAR AHEAD BE A U Y OU WANT IT TO BE POWELL SERVICE BOB THOMPSON MIKE MICHAELSON IN SU R AN C E— REAL ESTATE ftt He* Year knag roi aad roan ti mr Iran MARSHALL-WELLS STORE Sewright and Terry, Owners