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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1949)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1949 I exchange wishing her season s greet . Mrs. Ed Steiner and their daugh Family Dinners ings. Elmer Steiner. Mrs. Addle Ezell, Served In Valiev Mr. and Mrs. Orover Cooper and ter. Mr and Mrs. Erwin Char land, and SUNSET V ALLE Y, Dec. 29—Christ mas eve supper guests at the Doyn Price home In Ontario included the families of Ewen Chard. Kenneth Chard and Elver Nielsens. Mrs. Nielsen phoned her sister, Mrs. El mer Conley, at Battle Creek, Mich igan that evening during the gift FOR YO U R PLU M B IN G NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call J. C. SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J Miss Mertrude K ing enjoyed Christ- | mas dinner at the Dwight Pllne ! home in Ontario. Harley Wilson has completed en closing the back room of his house, and is inssulating the building Mr. and Mrs. Wilson spent Christmas | in Roswell at the Charlie Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Popkins are visiting at the Prank Lands’ home while Mrs. Popkins is convalescing fiom her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and two sons and Mr. and Mrs Ewen Chard were dinner guests at the Ernest Smith home Sunday. Harry Counsll, student at Cor vallis, and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Coun- sil and family were dinner guests at the O. P. Counsil home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hann and Chet Corfield arrived home Wednesday from a 10-day trip through Cali fornia. The Ed Steiner family were mov ing their belongings to the T. Olson farm over the week-end. Mr. and Mr and Mrs. James Chadd and daughter were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd Sunday. Mrs. Ezell, mother of the Steiners, arrived Tuesday from Junction City. Oregon for a visit. Both the Herbert Berg am family and Edwin Berg am family and Mrs. Bessie Eidum had dinner Christmas at the Rob Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs Robert Albritton of Elgin arrived Saturday at the Ira Price home for Christmas week-end. Both families were dinner guests at the Ed Price home Sunday. The Earl Strickland home was the gathering place for the families of the four Strickland sons. Don, John, Ray. and Olenn, and their families on Christmas eve. Olfts were open ed. Sunday evening supper guests at the home of Mrs. Lila Mitchell in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rooks tool and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Orr were hosts to M r and Mrs. Elmer Scott and family of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and family and Mr. r appy New Year Greetings The time is come again when we take stock of the opportu nities which lie before us, and TREAT it is our hope that will mean YOURSELF the most successful TO A FUU of all New Year* DAY OF for you. HAPPINESS FLETCHER OIL CO. Paulus Jewelry and Mrs. Dave Orr and family at a dinner at their home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corfield were Sunday dinner guests at the Art Hann home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orr and daugh ter were guests at the Weldon Cox home in Parma for Christmas day. Thursday evening supper guests at the Don Franklin home were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar and Maxine. Mr and Mrs. Franklin enjoyed Christmas at the parental Franklin | home in Nyssa. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe Christmas eve in- I eluded Mrs. Veva Castle. Mr. and Mrs Burl Collins of New Plymouth and Mr. and Mrs Harold Ackerman and sons of Payette. The Clifford W olfe and Irvin W olfe families, Mrs. Veva Castle, and Mr. and Mrs. Burl Collins drove to Nampa Christmas to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe and family. Mr. and Mrs James Robb were dinner hosts Sunday to five families at their home. Included were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed and child ren, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb and Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Crutchfield and son, Brian, were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Olaf Fylllngness Sun day. Reverend Alla Cockell left Thurs day for Brownsville, Oregon after visiting Mrs. Joe Dodson and the past two weeks. Mrs. Dodson is still confined to her bed by a hip injury. Reverend Joe Dodson received a happy surprise this week. Members of the Assembly of God church pre sented him with a new desk. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland and children were Saturday evening sup per guests at the John Qrottviet home in Nyssa. The two families celebrated Christmas dinner Monday at the Titland home. Little Allen Titland has had an infected ear. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reddekopp and children. Marilyn, Gilbert, and Paulette, of Portland arrived Sat urday evening to spend Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy. The women are sisters. Reddekopp owns and operates a line of trucks on the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Park of A l bany, Oregon and Miss Sophia Rataezyk arrived Friday at the home of M r and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk, parents o f the two women. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dlmmick and Klaas Stam were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pyllingness. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bowns and family dined at the Ersel Beus home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Folkman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Had ley. and the Vem Garner family were Sunday dinner guests at the Delbert Garner home. Mr, and Mrs. H. K. Hashltanl and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishltanl and son. David, were Sunday dinner guests at the Roy Hashltanl home In Ontario. Mrs. Nishitani and her father, Mr. Hashltanl drove to On tario one evening to see Miss T an aka, noted Jananese actress in her personal appearance at the com munlty hall. Arriving at the C. T Okano home to spend Christmas with their par ents were Mido Okano o f Pullman, who Is a student at Washington State college. Chlyo Okano of Chi cago and Tets and Yoko Okano. students at Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland and daughter had turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith north of Nyssa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Oregg and children enjoyed Christmas eve at the home of Mrs. Martha Kllngback, and Sunday dinner at the Wallace Oregg home. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Oregg are planning on moving to Madras for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard and two children of Bates, Oregon ar rived Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner for the holi days. The Howard fam ily went to Boise Saturday to be with his par ents for Christmas eve. Mr. and PAGE FIVE Mrs. Turner joined them all at the Howard home In Boise for Christ mas dinner. Daaghter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason of Nyssa are the parents of a daughter bom last Thursday at the Holy Ros ary hospital. \ for 195Ö* q A7 To Portland— Henry Hartley left Sunday even ing for Portland, where he under went minor ear surgery Tuesday morning. He will return to Nyssa the last of the week. IN M EM O RY O f our beloved son, Ployd Byrd, who passed away Dec. 26, 1947. A heartache, a tear, and a sigh. Dear Floyd A wish that can never come true today brings the saddest of mem ories As we whisper "W e ’re still missing you” . Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Byrd and family L E G A L AD VERTISING IN THE C O U N T Y C O URT O P THE STA TE O P OREOON FOR TH E C O U N TY O F M ALH EUR NOTICE T O CRED ITO RS In the Matter o f the Estate of JAMES R. CHANEY, Deceased NO TICE 18 H EREBY O IV EN that the undersigned, Horace F. Chaney, deceased, by the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and has qualified as such. NOW. THEREFORE, all persons having claims against the estate of James R. Chaney, deceased, are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same, with proper vouchers, duly verified, within six (6) months from the date of this Notice, to the undersigned. Horace F. Chaney, at the law office of Harold Henlgson at Nyssa, Oregon, which place the undersigned selects as his place of business In all matters connected with said estate. Dated and first published, Dec. 29, 1948. Last publication. Jan. 26. I960. HORACE F. C H AN E Y Administrator o f the Estate of James R. Chaney, deceased. C INTCR MOUNTAIN co m p tu u t 1950 • A nd the best o f the N ew Year * a * V*.*.V.i*/* HERE’S HOP1NQ Y O U R N E W YEAR HOLDS REAL JO Y AS is happiness for all '•'•v k EACH N E W H O U R UNFOLDS. o f you. ‘ •••;.» .*:■> '-• ¿ t& H k . Ed Jamison and Kan Pond Real Estate and Insurance Nyssa, Oregon WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE unw , • i • At a time when conviviality reigns among all men, we join in the annual mood to proffer to all the people of our town a wish for a mighty Happy New Year May you prosper acaording to your desires in 1950 . MB ty ~!~JtXti á hop* tin t tkt JTt.yi of 1950 mill P ht htimminy with conltntmtut OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY 4th and Main Nyssa, Oregon foot til A n d all the cheer o f the of you. N e w Year is rightfully yours FT vtty lltlppy AJtw Iftot. for the taking. A. E. (Ed) C H I L D WtUIRN "Your Phillips 66 Agent" Auro SUPHV CO. W. H. LEM ON, Dealer 217 Main 4 Phone 244-J