PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1949 * « • »nd Mr and Mrs Jake Tullla, Mrs Alice Adams, Hugh Adams and Jenkins was thought to have been ed home to spend Christmas with | Jr . and Colleen of New Plymouth Miss Myrtle Winn, all of Vale, Mrs en route to Pearl Harbor He will his parents. Mr and Mrs. Roy I'a r t v I* (¿ ¡v e il Mr and Mrs Allen Ballard and J P Ichall of Ontario and Vein be home until December 29. and will Bowers. Pauline of Parma called at the Tom oarett of Boise | then go to Pearl Harbor. Mr. and Mrs Warren of Adrian | NU-ACRES. Dec 2#— Approximately Evans home Sunday evening r and Mrs. Carlo# Randolph a n d __ Mr ________ and Mrs ____ Sam ______ Henne went were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr 250 were present at the Community Mr and Mrv Sherman Keck and Melvin of Madras spent Friday with to Nampa to eat Christmas dinner Christmas party held In the hall family spent Christmas day with Mr Mr and Mrs prank Ned balek while with Mr and Mrs D F Flanary and Mrs J. O. Lane. Their daugh ter, Nina, who has been staying In Thursday night The youngsters all A J? Keck and family of on u ,elr wajr spend the holidays and family had a chance to talk to Santa, and the Oregon Trad community with relatives in Caldwell and Mr and Mrs George Grasmick the Lane home during her mothers receive gifts. Refreshments were Mr and Mrs Kalph Baxter spent ¡gampa While here Friday they and Mr and Mrs. Ben Raymer of recent illness, returned home Thurs served after the gifts were distrib Christmas day in Boise with friends called on Mr and Mrs. George Boise spent Christmas day with Mr day. Gregory and Francis Thiel re Leo Ellibee and children had Orasmlck. uted and Mrs. H. P. Ostirmller in Fruit- turned home Friday from an ex Christmas dinner guests of Mr Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs Christmas dinner guests at the land and Mrs Ed Meroney were Walter D L Durrington Roy Lobb home were Mr Dobb s | Mr and Mrs George Grasmick tended trip through Nebraska and Mr and Mrs Ira Tlsh of Green- mother, Mrs. Jimmie Lobb. and Mr visited Mr and Mrs Levi Olson in South Dakota. Cullen. Mr and Mrs Elbert Robln- leaf had Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs Elmer Lobb and Dick and Marsing Monday. Mrs. Grasmick's The L. L. Kreager family are and Mrs Cecil Evans and family. Charlene of Toppenlsh, Washington grandmother is seriously ill in the spending the Christmas holidays Mr and Mrs Pat Hohstadt and Mr and Mrs Bill Lobb and family Good Samaratln hospital in Nampa, with their daughter, Mrs. Dave Hall G eneral C ontracting and family had Christmas dinner with of Caldwell. Lola Illett of Frultland. Christmas dinner guests at the and family at Coolidge. Arizona. Building Prancine Lovelace, who Is attend Mr and Mrs Bert Ivie of Frultland Mr and Mrs Hugh Smith of New home of Mr and Mrs M C. Seuell Custom-BuPt Cabinet* and Mr and Mrs Tarken Johnson and Plymouth and Mr and Mrs Jake were Mr and Mrs E. M Seuell and ing college in Arizona. Is spending fu rn itu re children had Christmas dinner with g ^ a fe r of Caldwell Darryl of Nyssa, Mr and Mrs K L. her vacation with her parents, Mr F urniture R epairing and Mr Carrel of Nyssa Mr Carrel is Mat Henne. who has been vLslting Baker and family of Weiser and Bet- and Mrs Howard Lovelace. 8he R rfinlsh lng Mrs Johnson’s father come by plane to Boise and her 114 mile* north of Nyasa-Panna his brother. Sam Henne, and other ty Busktrk of Parma Mr and Mrs Alton Bales and relatives in this part of Idaho re Junction Mr and Mrs F C. Fry received parents met her there girls of Frultland spent Christmas turned to his home in Salem Mr and Mrs D. L. Hurst, Mr. a telephone call Monday from their eve with the Pat Hohstadt family son, John in Detroit, saying that and Mrs Hershel Thompson. Mr. Mr and Mrs Thomas Nedbalek Jo h n so n C a binet The Jim Me D Roe home was the and Rudy were Christmas dinner John and his wife are parents of a and Mrs. A1 Thompson and C. M. scene of a Christmas dinner for the guests of Mr and Mrs Prank Ned- baby girl, first grandchild of Mr. Beaumont attended the annual meeting of the Malheur County following Mr and Mrs Carl Me D balek and Donna Sh o p and Mrs Fry Phone 023J 11 Rot’ and family of Ontario. Mr. and Mr and Mrs Richard Jenkins of Mr and Mrs Olen Osborne spent Jersey Breeders association In On Highway 96 Mrs Ernest Adams and daughter, pnntland spent the week-end with Christmas with Mrs Osborne’s sis' tario. Ross Lane In working for the the F C. Fry family While visiting ter, Mrs. Henry Storm and family Christensen Motor company of .Saturday evening they were all of Nyssa. Mr and Mrs L. G Hawley and Caldwell since he resigned as tester pleasantly surprised when Roger | Jenkins of the U. S. navy appeared. Dick spent Sunday with Mr and for the Malheur County Dairy Herd Mrs. L D Climer and twin daugh Improvement association. Keith Lane is home from the ters Boise. CtgtC Mr In and Mrs. F. A. Johnson and Nampa Business college until Jan a * Bob Sanders and Mr and Mrs Leon uary 3. Burt and Rodney spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Carl Peterson Visit In Adrian— Mr and Mrs Kenneth Elliott and and family in Greenleaf. Mrs Ed Meroney received word Wilbur Jackson of Corvallis visited Christmas afternoon of the death of over the week-end at the home of her brother in Pocatello Christmas Mrs Threlma Elliott In Adrian. They left Monday, accompanied by eve Mr and Mrs. Sam Johnson had Mrs. Jimmy Wilson and son of On Christmas dinner with her folks in tario, for Klamath Falls where they will visit at the C W Wilson home Vale Mrs Robert Shaw’s father, Mr. before returning to Corvallis to re- : Hite of Vale has been seriously ill. sume their studies at Oregon State Pic. Robert Johnson spent the college. Christmas holidays with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson. To Utah— Pic Johnson will be stationed over Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ray and seas when he returns from his fur family and Mrs Dale Blngman left Monday for Utah, where they will | lough. Mr and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy visit for a week. Nothing is called on Mrs. G G. Wherry and Mr and Mrs. Bill Harm and children Here From Portland— Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wieneke of more convenient in Payette Saturday Bill Hansen and Viola McLain of Portland arrived last Wednesday to visit their son. Ward Wieneke, and Frultland were callers at the Fry than the New Year family. home Saturday evening A great number of folks from this community attended the basketball for a game in Frultland Friday nignt when Burns and Frultland played. fresh start at life. k Frultland victorious again has not fé ll 5 lost a game this season. 4 Mr and Mrs. Tom Evans and Best of luck £ Janice had Christmas dinner in 3 Nampa with Mr. and Mrs Palmer H Ross and family. to all of you. jq Jimmy Jones of Fruitland was an 5 j overnight guest of Larry Jenkins J Thursday. They attended the Christ- m q mas party at the hall. C o m m u n i t y Xma*. GREETING We commend the New Year to you as an opportunity to embrace twelve months ol happy achievement.. r « jo r H appy t \ N ew Y ear _yso BRACKEN'S VI \ \ ^ I s hope l you strike | it rich § this year. STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY - Grlgg Bros. & Butler g Real Estate, Insurance and Loans MEI. BECK « 5 » Dinner« Feature Xm as. O bservance •i KINOMAN KOLONY, Dec 29—The observance of Christmas day was featured in the Kolony by the many gatherings of families and friends for dinners. Mr and Mrs. Lynn Hurst entertained for their daugh- j ter and husband. Mr. and Mrs Carroll Retlg of Boise and Mr and I Mrs. A. J. White of Frultland Mr and Mrs. Ouy Moore and family had Mr. and Mrs Snead and sons. James and John of Letha and Rudy Zimmerman as their guests. Mary : Ann Thiel was a guest of Myrna Lane Mr and Mrs. William Toomb i nti rhuned for Mr. and Mrs. Wes- , ley Piercy, Thruman Piercy, Marg- | aret Oarwood, Mr. and Mrs James Phifer and Kathy. Mr and Mrs Oardon Toomb of Nyssa and C. M | Beaumont. Mrs. Ruth Petty and children were guests of Mrs Petty's parents. Mr and Mrs Walter Pinkston. Mr. and Mrs. Max Howard and Denny were guests of Mr. and Mrs Tom Burningham of Nyssa Rev. and Mrs. Moore of Adrian were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. j and Mrs J G. Lane. Clarence Little, who Is working for Sam Shaw at Willow Creek, return- I N e* yEAn _ 3 tl*4 û(Lé1 . I tl*4 ct), <f a timi LOTS OF LUCK TO YOU FOR THE WHOLE YEAR 9 £ * \ . \ Â tu*4 ujotcinj. W L Ÿ* AHEAD. IkM ÜË Henneman Hdwe. Beauty Nook ag 1950 A wealth of Item year Crcctimjs to Dll New Year cheer OUR HEARTIEST WISHES GO WITH YOU THIS NEW YEAR S DAY FOR ' M A BRIGHT AND PEACEFUL 1950 a y ad the good things of *? 5 0 N l b ' ^ yoofs to enjoy Thf bell;« ring out (he joyous New Year and iheir melody carries the refrain old, but ever new — success and happiness lo you. Herriman Motor Co. OWYHEE DRUG CO. IDAHO POWER BLDG. G. H. Peirsol Renstrom Insurance Agency Phone 255-W 9 A