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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1949)
THE NYSSA CATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1949 Classified Advertising PAGE THREE WANTED—To rent 80-acre dairy Program la Given Istratlon of such federal farm pro FOR SALE PMA Committees grams farm. Have machinery to handle. as agricultural conservation, By Sunday School GRIGG BROS. AND SUTLER Dallas Ooff, foute 2, Parma. 29d4xp price supports, acreage allotments, Are Re-Elected Real Estate — Insurance — Loans marketing quotas, sugar program ONTARIO NYSSA VALE w ANTED—To rent row crop land Apple Valley. Dec. 29—The local school held its program last All county committeemen were and federal crop Insurance. 155 acres, 142 irrigated, 70 acres suitable for potatoes and beets. Sig Sunday at the church, with about re-elected at the county conven The community committeemen irrigated free water. 72 acres $1.25 an Murakami, Rt. 1, Ontario, Ore. ldtfc Sunday 100 present. tion of the production and mark Include the following: Nyssa, S. E. acre for water, 6 room modern home, WANTED — Male help, ambitious The W S. C. S. met with Mrs. eting administration held in On Flanagan, chairman; E. H. Brandt, Ted Dick last week for its Christmas 36x36 cow barn, hog shed, tenant man with car to serve 800-family party. The members exchanged tario last Saturday. RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in chairman: Sam Hartley, reg home, good lettuce, onion, potato, route. We provide capital. Write gifts. Mrs. Clarence Frltts and Mrs. The members of the county com vice ular Ira Ure, first alter advance, is 30c. mittee are Glenn L Hutchinson beet ground, located on oiled road, J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter Waldo Smalley were co-hostesses of Ontario, chairman; R. H. Woods nate, member; and Roy Holmes, second $31.000, $11,000 down. $1,000 a year avenue, Seattle. Washington. 8d6xc ' _.Jfr *nd Mrs' Q»-™1«1 Horn and of route 3, Weiser, vice chairman: alternate, and Adrian, L. L. Kreag- ___________________ Ellis Horn were Thursday visitors I Luit Stam of route 1, Nyssa, regular er. chairman: K. I. Peterson, vice on the balance. chairman: Oerret Timmerman, reg FOR SALE—Two city lots, 76 foot 125 acres on the Nyssa-Ontario WANTED TO RENT—Potato and °f Mr i" d of j member; S. K. Skinner of Jordan ular member: Arthur Sparks, first FOR SALE who celebrated their wedding front, four-room house, $2500, terms. highway, top row crop land, can be ,__. I Valley, first alternate, and Frank alternate, beet ground. . Phone 018-J3. On- Nyssa anniversary, and Joseph King, second I Marchek of Harper, second alter FOR SALE—One pair registered Phone 166, Teresa Byrd. ldtfc bought in any size unit. alternate. tario, Oregon 24ntfc Mrs. Conley Wilson has been ill nate. Chinchilla breeding stock. 482 Ennis ; FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, ar acres under the old Owyhee with Influenza, but is feeling much Previously seven community com avenue. 22dtfc i new, F. H. A. financed. 10 per cent water right, 2 sets of improve WANTED—Hemstitching, work done better. mitteemen were elected and each ments, both semi-modern homes, Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Kellogg were I selected FOR SALE—New two-bedroom down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. two bedrooms each, 68 acres of in my home. Leave with Mrs. Sunday a delegate to attend the dinner guests of Mr. and Saturday meeting. Thirty-five far home, full basement, garage, $8,500.1 8stfc waiter right, productive soil, $12,000, Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa Mrs. Dwight Seward. Bernard Eastman. 22dtfc FOR SALE—Have farms and houses with terms. Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duffln. The Dwight Seward family spon mers who will serve as community FREE committeemen for the year 48 acres of good laying, level 24ntfc sored a dinner and gift exchange P.M.A. C. ¡ for sale. Need more, list with Ken FOR SALE—Combination R. were elected last week. They will to the Ontario-Nyssa Monday for Mrs. A. S. Seward and 28Jtfc land, close 4-room Allen adding machine and cash Renstrom. Phone 264-W. home. WANTED—Holstein and Ouemsey Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Don Seward, be responsible for the local admin- drawer, used only five months, per FOR SALE—Used oil heater, five- highway, 62 acres with 57 acres cultivated, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Seward, Mr. fect condition, cheap. Stationery room size, used 6 months, $45.50. sandy loam soil, 5-roam new moi- springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and and Ed Wilde, Dr.' and Mrs. department, Gate City Journal. Ostrom Estimates Given On Large Noel Gwartney. Phone 306. Ontario. R. A. Mrs. ero home with full basement and Bros. Appliance. 24ntfc Rev. and Mrs. Em 22dtfc double garage, 8-cow barn, granary Across from the Ontario sales yard. mery Kellogg, Rathbum, Mr and Mrs. Or Small Jobs Of SALE and chicken house. 48 x 52 spud 6otfc Sameuls, Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Olb- DR. G. W. CRAVES FOR SALE—14 acres of beet tops, 40 acres on FOR 35 irrigable, cellar, on mail and milk route, son. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Seward, hand topped. Keith Tallman, 5 now 20 acres pavement, Optometrist hay, 11 acres pasture, $16,500. Land Leveling To ouy anything in Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Saunders and miles south of Adrian on Homedale small house, deep well, barn, $4,500, 80 acres, all top row crop land WANTED— beef or veal. Also custom killed children of all the families. They highway. 22dtfc. $1,200 down. Eyes Examined on the old Owyhee water right, | and delivered to Polar Cold Star- will have their dinner in the base FOR SALE—Block wood and green 1 3/4 acres, modern nearly-new no noxious weeds, three-bedroom age. Phone 31-M or 011-JL lZFtlc. ment and then have their tree. two-bedroom house, on oiled road, slab wood, phone collect Emmett garage, nice shrubs and yard, fruit modem home, machine shed, gar A. 8. Seward left last week by Phone 720 MISCELLANEOUS 367-J4. 8d8xp trees, new large chicken house with age, bam, close to Nyssa, 4 down. Phone 05J-3 train to spend Christmas with his 40 acres with 31 acres irrigated, MISCELLANEOUS—For your fire brothers and sisters in Montana and 718 Arthur St. FOR SALE—Potatoes and apples. brooder room and all equipment, suitable for row cropping and dairy . . . . . . . . , D. O. BYBEE Summy orchard, Apple valley, phone household furniture, all for only ranch, cow barn for U head, three- and automobile insurance see Mel Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann left Caldwell, Idaho Parma 6M21. 8dtfc $6,700. room home, deep well, close to Beck, Grigg Bros, and Butler. 22dtfc Friday to spend Christmas in Salt Four-room modern home, large Nyssa, $7,000, with 44 down. _______ _____ __ prices Lake City. FOR SAIJ5—Outside white pamt, back porch, all fenced, nice lawn 40 acres under the old Owyhee MISCELLANEOUS—Highest ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ and Mrs. H. L. Pace went to paid for slaughter horses Clyde Los Mr. Angeles National Titanium. 5 gallon lots, and shade a 50x120 foot lot, $2000, water right, productive soil, 11- Smith, phone 306, Ontario, Across for the Christmas holi $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber state loan, on will take trailer house head cow bam, garage, granary, from Ontario Sales yard. company. 6otfc days. 12mtfc on equity, Price $3500. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rider were chicken coop, 2-bedroom semi 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles SW of FOR SALE visitors in Weiser Sunday modem home, one mile off the oil, MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Nyssa, 5-room basement house, $11,- Two-bedroom modern home, $3,500 $3.500 down. If you are hunt- money to remodel your home or to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Reed. Mrs, 000; $6,000 down, erms on balance. $7,000, with easy terms. something good and cheap this build outbuildings or garage? We Cecil Scott and Lorlne and Wanda Two-bedroom home with base 80 acres, 11 m' es SW of Nyssa. 38 for can arrange a loan for you and give and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reed and it. ment, like new, modern, insulated, acres under cv .ivation, nearly new is 156 with 106 acres Irri you up to three years to pay 1L Robert were Tuesday dinner guests extra large lot, set up with state 4-room house tractor and all equip gated, acres sandy loam soil, paid-up Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc of Lawrence Reed of Vale. loan, easy paqments, 441 Ennis. ment goes, - ,900. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boston and water right, close to Nyssa, 4-room CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS Apartment house with two large 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 home, soft well water, $31,500 with MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston were Sun apartments on ground floor, extra acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, $13,000 down and easy terms on range loans for you to rebuild or day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES remodel your home, barn, garage, 1 Earl Boston large room upstairs, three-room a- 175-head range permit, large base the balance. ment home, nice yard, $17,500. or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Leigh were partment in basement, $6,800. 100 acres good row crop land, Phone 97 29stfc Sunday visitors of Mi. and Mrs. House with five cabins, very good SCREEN DOORS the best dairy set-up in the low er Co. Robert F. Thompson income, priced to sell. Stanley Leigh of Emmett. er Snake River valley, $35,000 MISCELLANEOUS—Available now. FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Free Estimates Henry Horn and Ellis Horn Phone 118J worth of buildings, including a Electrolux cleaners and air puri and Mrs. Ralph G. Lawrence went to Vale Sunday to for your home, sandy loam fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. visit children FOR SALE!—Unp&mted cabinets mansion ^ I Nyssa, Oregon and Mrs. R. C. Hlld, Jr. $47.000, 44 down. Anderson, route 3, WeLser, Idaho, • Mr. Mr. and chests of drawers. Cabinets soil, and Mrs. Dwight Seward were 20 acres close to Nyssa, cheap phone 0287J4. 14jtfc FOR SALE—Milk cows, Guernsey, are in section and can be bought water in Nampa Thursday. right, three-bedroom mod Holstein and Jerseys. Milkers and complete or in sections. Nyssa em home, Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstehsen of Cald MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no sandy loam soil, $12,000, springers. Phone Noel Gwartney, Lumber company, phone 118-W. easy terms. has purchased the home of Mr. call us, rockwool Insulation. well 16Dtfc 120 acres with 79 acres culti fuss, Phone 306, Ontario. Across from and Mrs. Irvin Rider, $rt>o will move We have our own insulation blow to Meuller Furnaces- Nyssa Sales yard. 6otfc FOR SALE— Creto, the guaran vated, small home, $12,600 with ing Nyssa. machine. Stunz Lumber comp Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitman and 20m tfc FOR SALE—Good business oppor teed waterproof paint, Creto water $3,000 own, easy terms on balance. any. and Mrs. Mitchell were Sunday tunities. Good blacksmith shop proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc 90 acres close to Nyssa, 30 acres MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Dr. Link Belt Stokers visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Olive Smith of free water, five-room modern completely equipped, also house goes co, plaster, niortar and terrazzo. and other friends. Loans on farms rot refinancing, home with 10-head cow bam, 44 with deal, excellent location, $5000. Waterproofs by application and building, improvements, b u yi n g . Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and Don, Mrs. Good paying auto repair shop build permanently waterproofs walls and down, productive soil. term, low interest, see Ber Weiser, Mrs. Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. ing. stock and equipment, busy floors, inside or outside, wet or 150-head cattle ranch, 160 acres Long Harry Lindquist were Sunday dinner junction location, for only $7,500. dry, new or old. painted or un with 105 acres cultivated, four- nard Eastman, phone 94. Nyssa. Estimates G lad ly G iven SA tfe. guests of Mrs. Martha Norland. Three acres good land on Snake painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. lTNtfc room semi-modern home with full Norine Garrett came Thurs basement, bam, granary, hog house, MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and day Miss river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 will stay at the Garold Horn SALE—New and used pianos. chicken house, 2 sets of corrals, free pick-up of your dead, crippled home and until house, good pressure water system, FOR We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. 3-room tenant home, 880 acres of or $6,000, terms. sick livestock. Calls received be Mr. and Sunday. Mrs. Forrest Reed were Gmtfc fenced range right, $17,000. Several good dwelling lots, well Grigg Bros, and Butler. fore 9 o’clock are picked up by in Boise Thursday shopping. They 80 acres wltli 65 acres irrigated, located. GEORGE J. KINZER noon. Efficient drivers. Call col had dinner at the C. C. Meltvelt FOUND 20 acres in pasture, 3-bedroom lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys home. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high home with full basement, 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Mrs. Clarence Frltts and Mrs. way, . . next . . to Polar Cold storage . FOUND—Two-year-old H o l s t e i n modem HEATING 11-stanchion cow bam, orchard, sa Company. Wife. Everrett Collins were co-hostesses . b °™ .aC^ SV.i.nli ^ . V . e i!' steer, reverse C brand on right hip, of town on Adrian highway, good has cropped left ear, owner can $10,500, $3,000 down. $1,000 a year. MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car at a bridal shower given at the 560 acres, 4S3 acres watered and soil. All or any part. Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho In honor of, Mrs. EUa Mae by paying for ad and feed. cultivated, 250 acres In alfalfa and and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- church FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 X 119, claim Lee, formerly Ella Mae Nichols, who Leslie Ditty, Sunset valley. 29d2xp clover, two bams, three homes with neman’ s . 250tfc paved street, $560. many lovely presents. The two modern, $60,000, 44 down. If Dead animals picked up free. received Residence lots priced from $100 up. FOUND—Black and white female you hostesses served refreshments to 21 are looking for good dairy or BERNARD EASTMAN shepherd dog. J. C. Olsen, highway ranch set-up this is It. persons. For prompt service call collect. Insurance Real Estate 20 and Gem avenue. Phone 06J-4. Ontario—Ontario Grain Co. 61 Nyssa Girls Win Second— 29dlxc Two-bedroom HOMES Phone 64 28 The Nyssa Tapperettes, formerly modem home on Parma—Parma Seed Co. 100 students paved street and sewer, $3,000, $2,- Nyssa—(Main plant LaFrawn School of Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Dancing of of the 500 down. Nyssa, who have been Two-bedroom modem home on MISCELLANEOUS — We m a k e studying with the Travelstead School paved street, garage, basement. Dancing In Boise the past season, on the new Owyhee project of This is a good buy, very conven loans second place In the grand finals land, business, homes and farms. won iently located, $5,800, terms. the Star theater at Weiser Wed 15dtfc at Five acres adjacent to Nyssa, new Grigg Bros, and Butler. nesday winning several FINE row crop 160, all piped and sprink 6-room modern home with full LEGAL ADVERTISING valuable evening, prizes Their accompanist basement, well Insulated, very easy ler system, saves 14 acres of land that and manager, Mrs. D. O. Bybee, has terms, good land. FOR PUBLICATION played for the girls In over 30 would otherwise be wasted by ditches. One acre with two-bedroom NOTICE ISOLATED TRACT performances. The girls are Nan- basement modern home, $4,000. PUBLIC LAND SALE nette Bybee, Phyllis Hadley and Good buildings. Right in the heart of a Two acres with 7-room home United States Department of the Lorraine Fischer, Jolean Hunter with full basement, barn for 5 cows Int, rior Bureau of Land Manage- assisted the girls, with her acro fine district, $42,000, easy terms. on paved street, close to Nyssa, ment Oregon District Land Office, batic number. Mr. and Mrs. Jake LODGES PHYSICIANS 44 down. 18, Oregon, November 16, Fischer, Mrs. Rosel Hunter and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Portland 1949. Dean, accompanied the girls to Nyssa Post No. 79 BEST soil in valley, 84 level acres, near SARAZIN CLINIC Office space for rent. Notice is hereby given that under Weiser. The girls will entertain a American Legion Drlve-ln restaurant for sale. beet dump and warehouses. provisions of section 2455, R. S., as group at the Wilder auditorium Dr. J. J. Sarazln Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Two complete business lota for amended by section 14 of the act of Wednesday evening. A new dance. schools, This is really one of the best row crop Dr. K E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. •ale.GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER June 28. 1934 (48 Stat., 1274), and "Top Hat” and "The Harem Dance” will be finished In the spring. Celia pursuant to the application of farms obtainable, $25,000, half down, Dr. L. W. Scott Nyssa, Oregon Wlllian Norman Davis, Jordan Val Bybee has been - booked for the Physician and Surgeons All Veter-’"'3 Welcome Phone 179-J balance easy terms. ley. Oregon, Serial No. Oregon 0808, Weiser talent show February 8. there will be offered, to the highest rMrMDWMrMrMriwMrunwiwu Gate Citf * odge FOR RENT bidder, but at not less than $180 per L. A. Physician Maulding, M. D. No. * i acre, at a public sale to be held at GOOD HOME on this 84 acres, 51 irri FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, and Burgeon 3:00 o’clock P. M., on the 10th day 1 .0 .0 . I with bath, heated. Roy Sewrlght, gable, 30 is very level and good. This Phone 37 January. 1950 next, at this office, 29d2xp of the following tracts of land: NWVI Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Meets ev? r» Monday phone 63-J. would make a nice combination dairy NEW YEAR % , N44NW44, 8W44NW44. 8W44- Daily except Saturday and 8:3' FOR RENT—One furnished apart NE SW44. N44SW41, EV4SE4i, sec. 12. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 night, or row crop set up. ment and one unfurnished apart South First Street 8., R. 40 E., W. M . Oregon. ment, Bennett apartments, one block T 360 32 acres. north of Main, phone 123-J. C. H. C. J. Kopp, M. D. DENTISTS may be made by the principal Bennett. 601 north First. 22dtfc or Bids Many other good farm listings to his agent, either personally at Physician and Surgeon DR. C . M. TYLER choose from. FOR RENT— New three-room un the sale or by mall. Fry Office Building Bids sent by mall will be consider furnished apartment, phone 64, Ber Wilson Building hours nard Eastman. 15Dtfc ed only If received at this offloe Phone 165-J, Nyssa 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 prior to the hour fixed for the sale. WELL LOCATED 2 bedroom home, a Office hours from 9 to 8 except FOR RENT — 3-room unfurnished These Daily except Saturday and bids must be accompanied by apartment, steam heat and hot beautiful fenced yard and shade. Small Saturdays, 9 to 13. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 checks or post-office money water furnished. Bybee apart certified orders for the amounts of the bids down payment, $33.50 per month on bal ments. 8dtfc and must be enclosed in sealed J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORES envelopes. The envelopes must be ance. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, marked In the lower left-hand com Dentist in Apple valley, phone Parma 6m21. substantially as follows: "Public Phone 56-j PAULUS Sdtfc er sale bid. Serial No. 0606. Sale. Jan Sarazln Clinic LARGE LOT with NEW 2 bedroom home, 10, 1950.” OREGON JEW ELRY STORE NYSSA POR RENT—Basement apartment, uary The person making the highest The old cares extremely well constructed. $5,000, easy phone 29-J. ldtfc bid will be required to pay Immedi Union Pacific Time inspector terms. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS OPTOMETRISTS FOR RENT—Furnished two-room ately the amount thereof. and worries WATCHES cabin. Oil heat. Laundry facilities. Any persons claiming adversely above-described land are advised Main Street at Second DR. C. L. HERMAM Phone 123-J after 5:30. lOntfc the For $900 you can buy one, and we to file their claims, or objections, on Visual Specialist POR RENT— Polish your own or before have passed. the time designated for have them to $6,800. All excellent buys. Room 4, Fry Building floors Rent our high-speed pol W YCKOFF Nyssa. Oregon Phone 171-J ishing equipment. Easily handled sale. Any person entitled to claim a by women. Nyssa Lumber company. preference light under the first pro May the year JEW ELRY STORE Office hours 9 to 12; 3 to 5 SAtfe. viso to said section 14 as an owner Official Time Inspector lor land must assert his DR. J. A. MCFALL FO R R E N T —Two-room cabin. of claim contiguous Union Pacific be fullj within 30 days from the date Chadwick's camp. 20otfc of public DR. JOHN EASLY ONTARIO OREGON offering and conditional sale to the highest bidder and at WANTED REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE of joy^ the expiration of said preference VETERIN ARIAN S period, if no such right has 60 No. Third Phono 276-W WANTED—Work of any kind right Trucking preferred. Have own been asserted, the highest bidder NYSSA. OREGON DR. HAL D. WHITE truck or drive yours. Experienced i will be declared the purchaser of Miners Veterinarian with heavy rigs. Phone 1M-W.23dtfc the land. FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS, Pierce M. Rice Barber Shop Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore WANTED—To buy baled or loose Phone 298-J Manager straw or clover chaff. Ed Jamison. Date of 1st publ, Dec. 1. 1948.. 23dtfc Data of last publ . Dec 29. 1949.1 Ostrom Cabinet Shop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — Professional and Business Directory START THE NEW YEAR Buy A Nice Farm Or Home Ed Jamison and Ken Pond