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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1949 PAGE TWO Song service, 7:30 p. m. Young People's service. 7:30 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser vice, 8 p. m. Friday evening service, 8 p. m. The Gate City Jo u rn al KLASS V. POW ELL . . . - - HI BS< B U TTO N KATEH - Editor and Publisher AD V E R TIS IN G KATEH One Year 82 00 Six month» 8125 Single Copies 05 (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act - Open rate, per Inch National, per inch Classified*, per word Minimum 40c 49c 2c Church Notes We welcome and urge your at- tendance. 7 HE CHURCH OF C H R IS T Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor 10 a. m , church school hour. 11 a in , morning worship and Lord's supper 7: IS, young people's service. 8 p. m , evening worship. Wednesday 7:30 choir practice; 8 p m., young people's activity night. ST. PAU L’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH C ATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Park Avenue and Third Street Church school, 10 a m. Rev. P. J. Oat re, Pastor Church services, 7:30 p. m , every Mass on Sundays at 0:30 Cate Sunday evening. chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. INDEPENDENT B A P T IS T MISSION Srrond Street and Ennis Avenue Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. ASSEMBLY OF UOD Hterl D. Spless, Pastor 10:00 a. m , Sunday school. 11:00 a. m., morning worship. Sermon: "Faith That Has Sight and Feeling". M ISSIO NARY B A P T IS T CHURCH 7:00 p. m , young people W. M. Turner H 00 p. m , evangelistic service. Miseonary Pastor 8:00 p. m „ Tuesday, Bible study Sunday school, 10 a. m. and prayer. Morning service, 11 a. m. -f\iM ß « N O , old friends ’ won t be forgotten f *1 ¿ V in this community Not so lonq - ■ as wo have tho kind - of persons who live here now * HAPPY NEW YEAR * 1950 ' Former Residents Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Mose Soloman, form er Nyssa residents, are visiting at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon are JosePh Flake and Rosel Anderson, moving from Nebraska and will lo cate in Boise. are members of the committee, ------------------------------------------------ has the most coins in its bank, Other interesting events will be held at the parcel post sale. Proceeds wtii go toward the church building fund Mr and Mrs Erse, 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 METHODIST C O M M U N ITY CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister 9 4f> a. m., church school. 11 00 a. rn , morning worship Sermon: "Looking Forward to the New Year". Anthern: "T o Thee, O Dear, Dear Savior” . Solo by Oscar Bratton. SUNSET V ALLE Y ASSEMBLY OF GOD Kev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. Nyssa second L. D. S. ward will hold a parcel post sale, combined with a social, January 12, with various types of parcels coming from all P a r * « I ‘ he United States and also from over seas The little metal, banks that were placed In each member's home will be opened, with Parcel Post Sale Set— The geneology organization of the an award given to the family who and Mrs. Elmer Prosser. Other Christmas guests were Mrs. Flora Swlgert of Wilder and Mr and Mrs Delno Brock and Cheryl. Mr and Mrs Ed Maurer and children of Wilder called in the evening ED PRUYN GARAGE r-HONE 56 W F A IT H LUTH ERAN C HURCH Rev. Sherwln Schmidt. Pastor Christmas eve Sunday school pro gram, 8 p. m, Saturday. Christmas day service, 11 a. m. No Sunday school on Christmas ; day. M rn. \ 1 . (irtrliiit; In jured In Fall B IO BEND. Dec. 2» -Friends of Mrs j M. M Greellng have learned that ¡she fell and broke her leg. Her address is 536 Second Avenue, west, Twin Falls, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs Oarrett M untjewerff of Joseph, Oregon came Saturday to be with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Case Muntlewerff, for Christmas. Mr and Mrs. William Teter, Mr and Mrs Dale Teter and girls and Mr and Mrs. Charles W itty and boys ate Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs. Miles Teter and family The upper grade pupils at Big Bend gave a Christmas pageant The scenery and words were ar ranged by the pupils. Visitors were H O. Chandler and Bernice Chaney of Caldwell, Mr and Mrs. Jay Hoov er of Parma. Mr and Mrs. A. T. Patterson of Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winn of Adrian. Harry Hultgren and Phil Dunn of Boise and Miss Myrna Knipe of Nampa were visitors at the Horace Chaney home the evening of De cember 26. The Wade and Big Bend schools gave ttielr Christmas programs Thursday evening before capacity crowds. Big Bend's upper room pupils have been Invited to reproduce their Christmas pageant with scenery and all of the costumes at a Malheur youth rally to be held Friday at the Arcadia schoolhouse Mr and Mrs. Derrell English and Ross accompanied Mrs. Bethel Mar tin to Nampa Friday, when they had a gift exchange with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and family took Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs Robert's sister, Mr and Mrs Delbert Douglas o f Nampa. Mr and Mrs. Derrell English and son ate Christmas dinner with Mrs English's parents, Mr and Mrs Earl Clary of Roswell. Mr, and Mrs Harvey Bennett and family had Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs. Clarence K nlefel of I'urmu All of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch and their fam ilies were home for Christmas. Paul rame from Colorado, Henry from Joseph, Oregon, Homer from Cald well, Howard from Adrian and Mrs. Ferguson from Apple Valley. Mr and Mrs. John Packwood and boys had Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs. Robert Patterson of Boise. Mr and Mrs. Carl Fogleman and family of Nampa. Mr and Mrs Howard Van Water and Mr. and Mrs Boyce Van De Water enjoyed a family Christmas with Mr. und Mrs. Bill Van De Water Rev and Mrs Harold De O rofi of Boise visited Monday with Mr and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water and fam ily The Bennett families met Monday evening with Mr and Mrs. Harvy Bennett for an oyster supper Mr and Mrs Darrell English and son attended the Roswell school pro gram Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs, Robert Stubblefield and Bobby, Charlotte Chaney and Bernice and Mrs. J. R Chaney were Christmas dinner guests of the Hor ace Chaney family Mr. and Mrs WUford Prosser and baby of Pilot Rock. Oregon and Mr and Mrs Jerry Bell and Ronny of Ordance, Oregon came to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. May the It'S th i blessings of the '¿w)k New Year come to your It 'hafreer your 1950 New Year’s resolutions home in abundance. may be, we brow they were made m the high spirit o f hope and ambition. Success to all o f you. s NYSSA PHONE 42 E D E R H A R D W A R E CO. 0f£* ELECTRIC SERVICE GROWS AS SNAKE RIVER VALLEY GROWS In only twelve months, the electric system of Idaho Power Company has vir tually doubled in capacity with the comple tion of the Lower Salmon plant and near completion of the Bliss plant. The figures speak for themselves: A t the beginning of the year total capacity was 132,000 kilo watts— at the end of 1949, 240,000 kilo watts. More will come in 1950. This new power is se ving new industries — phosphates, antimony, food processing, mining and manufacturing. It makes pos (& ip iv sible the expansion of irrigation pumping for new farm aoeages It is serving the in Ntw LI i Ai;- I9.SO creased population of southern Idaho and eastern Oregon è ' • ** 1 ferri a sincere //«y* that this will l<e ¡he lest year ij jour hje. I ^ Here 's success in doinp what you Jusve / panding business concerns as they prosper and grow. There has been no power shortage in this area, and there will be none. The only areas of the Pacific Northwest where a power a sincere uish shortage exists— as it has for several years for a Happy — are those areas where the federal govern f i V 1 AVi F Year. VÄ ment has assumed responsibility for power supply. • YA* MORRISON I I I e r m e CO. It will serve new and ex to Jo and % THOMPSON OIL CO. 3rd A Main, rhane 11 ELEVA TO R IDAHO V POWER A C I T I Z E N W H E R E V E R IT S E R V E S