Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1949)
v iâs& 1 ™ «v y , '- ^ — B a ' • % » raeNYSSA JOURNAL THE N Y S S A G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL. N Y SSA . OREGON. TH U R SD AY. DECEMBER 22, 1949 C. M. Tensen Is In Portland Hospital C O LUM BIA AVE., Dec. 22—Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma enter tained at cards Wednesday after noon for Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Mrs. C. M. Tensen left Thursday for Portland to be with her husband, who is a patient at the Good Sam aritan hospital in Portland. Klaas Tensen and Tom Lowe also left for Portland Wednesday. Business visitors in Ontario W ed nesday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Mr and Mrs. Niss Hatt of the Owyhee section called on friends of this community last week. Mrs. Dick Groot left Saturday evening for Jasper. Minnesota for a visit with her daughter and son- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Fields. LUMBER BARGAIN No. 3 Dimension Thousand Ft. $32.00 This lumber is graded by an association grader. It must be taken in truckloads. % down and balance when delivered N Y S S A L U M B E R CO. » John E. Ostrom, Owner M SEASON May the stars the heavens shine never before on your Christmas happiness this year. BRACKENS Leveling Work Is Done In Valiev SUNSET VALLE Y. Dec 22— Mr and Mrs. Delbert Oarner made a trip to Ogden last Wednesday, taking Mrs. Garner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Etherlngton to their own home In that city. Mr. and Mrs. Etherlngton had spent two weeks vlsiUng In the valley. Mr and Mrs. Oarner returned home via Wendover and Wlnnemucca. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Field and daughter, former residents of Sun set valley, farmed near Rupert the past year, but have returned to this area. At present they are living in the tenant house of H. K. Hashi- tani, as Mr. Field will help farm Hashitani's land north of Nyssa. Don Btrickland has had much land leveling done by Hawkins, fill ing In a draw west o f the house. Hawkins is doing sub-soiling for Andrew Titland now. Week-end guests at the Olaf Fyllingness home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson of Idaho Falls Mr. and Mrs. Fyllingness celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary Saturday. Mrs. Bernard Ekanger and daugh ter. Loreanne. of Idaho Falls were week-end guests at the Andrew Ek anger home. Mrs. Ekanger and daughter accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Peterson in the drive from Idaho Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Oregg return ed Wednesday evening after spend ing two weeks in Madras, making preparations to move to Madras for the coming year. Jim Baird received word this week of the death of his father at C><per- ior, Wisconsin. Members of the Chalk Butte H. E. club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ira Price. The afternoon was spent In doing tex tile painting, and making plans for Christmas treats. Mrs. Ira Price and daughters, Fern and Bernadine, shopped in Nampa Saturday. Marian Price, who is taking a course in beauty work in that city, accompanied her mother home, visiting until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Thomson left Wednesday by bus for Prosser. Washington to spend the holidays with Mrs. Thompson's sons. Mrs. Wayne Oarner and daughter, Nor ma and both the Vern Oarner and Delbert Garner families attended the L. D. 8. R elief society party and bazaar In Adrian Friday evening. Little Pattle R effett and her brother, Johnnie, arrived Tuesday for a visit at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett. Johnnie and Pattie’s older sister. Rosemary, was to have her tonsils out Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin left last Friday for Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr*. Chapin had received word of the death of her brother, Ralph Davis. Many of the high school students In the valley went to Jordan Valley Tuesday evening for the game, see ing their own boys victorious. Taking a day for shopping In Caldwell Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Walt Hints. Mr and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis, Mrs. Claude Briton, and Mr and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Other Caldwell shoppers were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd. Ontario shoppers this week In cluded Mrs. Anna Gregg, William Oregg, Mrs H. K ./ Hashltanl. Mr*. Thomas Nlshitanl, Mr. and Mrs. James Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Mr and Mrs Walter HUlls, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dimmlck and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis were hosts at a pinochle party In their home Tuesday evening. Quests included Dale Limbough of Wallowa, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Briton, Barney Verewolfe, Mr. and Mrs Leonard Newgen, Dave Garrett and son of Wallowa, and Mr and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Overnight guests at the Pendarvis home were Dale Limbough and Dave Garrett and son. who had brought a load of Christmas trees from Wallowa. Visitors calling on Mrs. Nelson Field this week were Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer, Mrs. O. P. Counsll, Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, Mrs. U. E. Parker, and Mrs Lew McCoy. This Is the first time since in early Nov ember that Mrs. Fields had been permitted to have callers. Birthday Party Given Fo r Girl BUENA V ISTA , Dec. « — Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Edward T op liff and Reta Mae and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff spent Saturday evening at the Ethel Ooodell home near Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ooodell and Alva, Jr., spent Sunday afternoon at the Ethel Ooodell home near Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver were In Welser Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Armstrong and daughter left for a visit In California. Undergoes Operation— Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cleaver enter Mrs. Ward Tyler returned to her tained at dinner Sunday In honor home Sunday following an emerg of their daughter. Evelyn, on her ency appendectomy performed at the third birthday. Quests were Mr. Holy Rosary hospital. and Mrs. Oeorge Cleaver, Mr. and Treat The Fam ily To A Merry Christmas DINNER At Brownie's C afe m Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and boys and Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Brian, and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and family were In Nampa Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ekanger of Sunset valley spent Thursday at the James Stephen, Jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff were served a turkey dinner at the R oll and McKinstry home in Payette Wednesday evening. Mrs. M cKln- .stry is a cousin of Mr. Topliff. A cousin from Illinois was also visiting at the Mckinstry home. Leave For Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Chet Mosler and Barbara will leave Friday for P ort land to spend the holidays with Mr. Mosler’s mother, Mrs. Grace Mosler, and other relatives. Leave For Holiday«— Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding and children left Wednesday for Oresh- am. where they will spend the holl- | days with relatives. Season's Merriest Greetings W e pause in our effort to render service to wish TURKEY DINNER WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS 0 W e and our employes wish you • M E R R Y C H R ISTM A S 1 for 1949 and A H A P P Y N EW Y E A R for 1950 BROWNIE’S CAFE each and every one of our loyal friends the blessings of a glorious Christmas and the good fortune of a Happy N ew Year. 0. K. RUBBER WELDERS Si2i2iSi»2i2l3t3SSSjSl»SiSSâi flete's holiday tefreshmtfrt for Your . Brick! IME’S coming when the air is full of good spirits, and we all feel pretty chipper—but what about that faithful Buick o f yours f T W et winter driving is roughest on cars — and ev en though it still handles like a sweetheart, your Buick may have slipped a notch or so in performance, or gradually acquired a squeak you haven’t been aware of. i SECOND SECTION So do Ais • • Bring it to us for one of our winter tune-ups, plus a special w in ter L U B R IC A R E treatm ent. (T h is Lubricare is something you and your Buick should know about — it’s an over-all trouble-check, plus a wonderfully thorough lubri cation routine)) Between these two refreshing treatments, you’ll have all your B uick’s glad and b re e z y p o w e r back — plen ty o f Fireball soomph to [flill you out of any traffic fuss. Y o u ’ll have a quiet- riding body and chassis that make every mile a glad glide. And you’ have top mileage efficiency, with a motor that starts on the coldest morning as quick as a scared alarm clock I W hy put it off? Our service is quick and ex p ert, our prices lower than you’d think. The driv ing pleasure you get is immense. Phone us now and make a holi- date (or bringing your Buick’s spirits up to those of the season! Henneman Hdwe. Jackson Jewelry * PH O NE 12 Roberts Nyssa, Inc. 2nd. STREET A N D GOOD AVENUE.