THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1949 Nu-Aores Road Signs Erected (Continued From Page 4) duet "I Heard the Bells of Christ- mas Ring,” Mrs. Martin told a Christmas story and George Gras- mick read of Christmas customs in other lands Mrs. Johnson exhibited a table display of various Christmas customs and told of a talk she heard given that afternoon given by an English lady about Christmas cus toms. Leon Burt closed the pro gram with a solo. Mrs. Glenn Osborne’s brother. Carrole Capper of Platteville, Colo rado has been visiting at the Os borne home for a few days. YOU MAY WIN b e at NYSSA FURNITURE Friday 23rd 4:00 P. M. tractive with arrangement of flowers in a special Christinas container and red tapers. Presiding at the tea . table were Mrs. Thomas Jones and | Mrs. Prank Jayo. Arrangements for j ENTERTAIN PINOCHLE CLUB the tea were made by Mrs. J L. | Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton enter Herrlman. Mrs. C. A. Mally. Mrs. Mrs. Groot. : tained Saturday evening for the Mr. Thomas Jones and _ 8_ and Mrs. club with four tables of DELPHI ANS MEET pinochle Mrs. Ed Jamison and C. C. •'World Views and World Peace” , Cotton received prizes for high score and Mrs. Walter Pox and John Bar was the topic of the Delphian study group which met last Friday morn nett. the traveling prizes. ing at the home of Mrs. Dale Garri -5 - son. Topics were discussed by Mrs. CHRISTMAS TEA HELD The Nyssa Catholic church was Bernard Eastman. Mrs. Gerret Stam. the scene of Christmas tea held last Mrs. J J. Sarazin and Mrs. Prank Thursday afternoon for the purpose Morgan. Mrs. Garrison was leader of welcoming the new members of of the group. —8— the parish. The tea table was at- CHRISTMAS DINNER GIVEN The members of the Sarazin clinic staff were guests at the an General Contracting and nual Christmas dinner given by Building the doctors of the clinic on Tues Custom-Built Cabinets and day evening. Places were laid for Furniture 16 guests at the dinner held at Furniture Repairing and the Doll House. A gift exchanged Refinishing was held following the dinner. 1H miles north of Nyssa-Parma Junction CLUB G iv is DINNER A Christmas dinner was given last Friday at the I. O. O. F hall for the members of the Chatterbox club and their families. The chicken din ner was served at tables attractive Highway 95 Phone Q0SJ1 with Christmas trees and Santa Clauses. Following the dinner the club members exchanged gifts and PAGE FIVE FOR RENT — Unfurnished four- P. Atagi. both of Nyssa. room apartment, east 4th and COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Bower avenue, phone 193-W. 22dlxc Esther J. Foster vs. James D. Foster, divorce. Arthur Higashi vs. Calvin K. Ken dall, recovery on note, $1,250 Kujo Yamane vs. Jim Hiroshi Yamane, divorce. Social Elites -s - Johnson Cabinet Shop PHONE / / 7 — ¿iy SJCZA j W A S H IN G . P O L IS H IN G . L U B R I C A I IN C 1949, we re-live the |Oy that comes to us across the cen turies May this season bring you nothing but happiness Miss Lucille Daly and John R. Dewey, both of Nyssa, were married by the bride’s father. Rev. John F. Daly, Sunday, December 4. The young couple are making their home In Nyssa. (Moore Photo) Tie best tay lo say it is the tay every oae says il-fit b a simple 'M erry Christmas" OWYHEE DRUG CO. . IDAHO POW ER BLDG. H. Peirsol Phone 255-W Nyssa Insurance Agency R A LPH G. LAW RENCE. AGEN T NYSSA, OREGON the guests received treats. Christ- mas carols were sung, and the af ternoon was spent In playing bingo. The first meeting of the new year will be held at the Leslie Topllff home, with all members asked to be present to make plans for the com ing year. | Palisades when the members en- »ertained their husbands. After the chicken dinner, the following program was presented with Edison child acting as toastmaster: vocal duet by Charles Peterson and Mark Moncur, a trumpet solo by Don Moss: readings by Lucille Pett and Mrs. Carl Burningham, and Christ CSLUB HAS DINNER mas carols sung by the group. The annual Christmas party of The evening was concluded with the Amity club was held at the dancing and a gift exohar^e. Mrs. Verne Moncur was in charge of arrangements for the party. EAR CORN WANTED D. O . BYBEE PHONE 05J-3 SID E PAST PRESIDENTS MEET The past presidents club of the American Legion auxiliary met Mon day evening for a social meeting at the home of the president. Mrs. H. O. Hopkins. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their kindness and sympathy during our recent bereavement. The Family of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Skubal Too Late To Classify WANTED—Work of any kind. Trucking preferred. Have own truck or drive yours. Experienced with heavy rigs. Phone 154-W.22dtfc FOR SAX®—Co-op tractor. See Mrs. Terra at Andrew Anderson home, No. First street. 2212xp. FOR SALE—One pair registered Chinchilla breeding stock. 482 Ennis avenue. 22dtfc. O U R SINCEREST W ISHES FOR A BRIGHT A N D MERRY C H R IS T M A S GO OUT TO ALL OF Y O U . BOB THOMPSON MIKE MICHAELSON INSURANCE— RE AL ESTATE FOR SAX®—New two-bedroom home, full basement, garage, $8,500. Bernard Eastman. 22dtfc Furniture Clearance ► Simple, un ad orned thoughts are best at 9 Days Left Ends Dec. 31 Get In On These Outstanding Values Now C h r i s t m a s . S o we Armstrong Linoleum, 6,9, and 12 foot widths, sq. yd. 75c Armstrong Quaker Rugs, 9x12, sizes to 12 by 15 ft. $8.50 would only wish you a Oil Heaters, at our cost, also used ones joyful and happy holi- Coal Heaters and Circulators, used $ 19.50 to $34.50 Electric Range, L & H, regular $269.50 $195.00 Breakfast Sets, Table and Four Chairs, finished $22.50 Chests, 5 drawers, unfinished $12.95 Platform Rockers ............................. $29.50 Davenos ...................... $69.50 Floor Lamps, two groups $10.50 & $11.50 Spring-Filled Mattress and Matching Box Spring $39.50 d a y s e a s o n , wh en every slep you take in creases your desire to be a friend to man. % * «etti eutimie And a Merry Christ mas to you. Bedroom sets, dining sets, daveno sets, occasional tables, cribs, pads, hi-chairs, desks, everything goes at sacrifice prices. Sale Ends Saturday Night, December 31 FARMERS' SUPPLY CO-OP ED. CASE’S FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER U. S. Highway 20 North of “ Y”