Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1949 FOR SALE ■ F O R R E N T — Two-room Chadwick's camp. Classified cabin. OOotfc Sunset Families Celebrate Early GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER FOR RENT—One furnished apart- Kral Estate — Insurance — Loans ment and one unfurnished a part- ONTARIO NYSSA VALE ment, Bennett apartments, one block SUNSET VALLEY, Dec. 22—Two 155 acres, 142 irrigated, 70 acres i north oi Maln' P^01“ 123_J £■ “ • families celebrated Christmas a full . , . ! Bennett, 601 north First. 22dtfc week early, due to sickness this year, irrigated free water. 72 acres *125 an were the Duty and the Field fam- acre for water. 6 room modem home, FOR SALE files. 36x36 cow barn, hog shed, tenant RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Field and home, good lettuce, onion, potato, Mrs Field's daughter and son-ln advance, is 30c. beet ground, located on oiled road, 32 acres. 15 irrigated, all In alfalfa law. Mr. and Mrs. Oordon Wood- $31,000, »11,000 down, *1,000 a year and pasture. Nice 4-room home, worth had their Christmas dinner on the balance. and the price is ridiculously low. and the opening of gifts under the 125 acres on the Nyssa-Ontario *2,800. lighted tree Tuesday evening. The I FOR SALE—Outside white paint. highway, top row crop land, can be 40 acres, very level with 30 acres, event also celebrated the third wed National Titanium. 5 gallon lots, bought in any size unit. FOR SALE very good spud land. Good set of | ding anniversary of Mr and Mrs »3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber 80 acres under the old Owyhee buildings, »9,000. easy terms. Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth FOR SALE—Combination R. C. company. 12mtfc I water right, 2 sets of improve 40 acres close to paved road. In have been visiting the past three Allen adding machine and cash ments, both semi-modern homes, very good locality, 4-room good weeks at the Field home while Mrs drawer, used only five months, per- FOR SALE—Manure delivered any- home, 5 acres certified strawber- Field has been confined to her bed fect condition, cheap. Stationery j where in Nyssa. Model A Ford, two bedrooms each, 68 acres of ries, 12 acres, 2 and 3 year old As Mrs. Field Is now improving rap- departm ent, G ate City Journal, good saddle horse, gentle for any- water right, productive soil, $12,000, peaches. This is a money maker, idly and can have visitors, Mr. and 22dtfc. one; first calf Jersey heifer. Dixie with terms. 48 acres of good laying, level $8,750. Mrs. Woodworth left December 16 —— —-------—------------------ — ------------ j Kinkade, route 2, Nyssa, Oregon. FOR SALE—14 acres of beet tops, j 15d2xc land, close to the Ontario-Nyssa 44 acres good ground, nearly new for their home In National City, hand topped K eith Tallman, 5 _________________________________ highway, 4-room home. 6-room home. *10.000, good terms. California to be with their own two miles south of Adrian on Homedale 1 FOR SALE—Good business oppor- 63 acres with 57 acres cultivated, small daughters for Christmas. highway. 22dtfc. j tunities. Good blacksmith shop sandy loam soil, 5-room new mod Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Robert „ __ - ■ - -------------------:-------— j completely equipped, also house goes ern home with full basement and Ditty were hosts to the Ditty family FOR SALE—Five acres apple orch- with deal, excellent location, »5000. double garage, 8-cow barn, granary Saturday at an early Christmas ard between Parm a ana Nyssa. | Qood paying auto repair shop build- and chicken house, 48 x 52 spud dinner at at their home. Opening Two-ioedroom house, modern except [ jn gt stock and equipment busy cellar, on mail and milk route, 2-bedroom home, nearly new. hard of Christmas gifts was held at the wood floors, situated in nice part heat, fair storage cellar, »6,800. R, . junction location, for only $7,500. $16,500. of town on large lot, single home of Mrs. Leota Ditty Saturday E. Summy, 2309 Regan avenue, J Three acres good land on Snake 80 acres, all top row crop land garage, this must be sold soon, evening, as Mr. and Mrs. Chester Boise, Idaho. 1&d2xp | river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 on the old Owyhee water right, Newell were leaving Sunday for their for cash, *2,900. F O R S A L E — Premier vacuum | house, good pressure water system, no noxious weeds, three-bedroom Large 6-room home on nice 3-acre home In Tacoma. Mr and Mrs. modern home, machine shed, gar cleaner with attachments; Two »6,000, terms. plot for only »3,500, very easy Newell visited for 10 days at the Several good dwelling lots, well age, bam. close to Nyssa, V4 down. home of Mrs. Leota Ditty, who has burner white enamel stove. Ward, terms. 40 acres with 31 acres Irrigated, Very modern large 2 bed-room home, been convalescing from an attack Lundy, Sr., Enterprise avenue. located. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high suitable for row cropping and dairy a beautiful place, »6,800, easy of pneumonia. Present for the fam 15d2xp way, next to Polar Cold storage. ranch, cow barn for 11 head, three- ily gathering were Clarence Dodson. terms. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and fam About 3 acres, unimproved, edge roam home, deep well, close to FOR SALE—150 tons of No. 1 ED JAMISON AND KEN POND ily of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. baled hay. Gerret Stam, two miles of town on Adrian highway, good Nyssa, $7,000, with % down. Real Estate and Insurance Brewer, the Robert Ditty family. 40 acres under the old Owyhee J west on Clark boulevar. 15d2xp soil. All or any part. Nyssa. Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Clar water right, productive soil, 11- FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 x 111, For Evening Appointments, FOR SALE—Block wood and green paved street, »560. ence Dodson. Mrs. Dodson had Just head cow bam, garage, granary, Phone 298-J slab wood, phone collect Emmett returned home Thursday after un Residence lots priced from »100 up. chicken coop, 2-bedroom semi 367-J4. 8d8xp dergoing a major operation the modem home, one mile off the oil, BERNARD EASTMAN WANTED previous week. Real Estate $5,000, terms can be arranged. If FOR SALE—D2 Caterpillar, in first Insurance Mr. and Mrs Nell Dlmmick and you are hunting for something WANTED—To rent house, perfer- Phone 64 class condition, Roy Holmes, 3t4 ably with chicken house. Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy re good and cheap this is it. miles southwest of Nyssa. 8d3xc FOR SALE—Have farms and houses 22dlxp turned home Tuesday evening, com 156 acres with 106 acres irri Lissman, route 2, Nyssa. FOR SALE—Potatoes and apples. for sale. Need more, list with Ken gated, sandy loam soil, paid-up WANTED—To buy baled or loose pleting a five-day visit with relatives at Twin Falls. 29jtfc water right, close to Nyssa, 4-room Summy orchard, Apple valley, phone Renstrom. Phone 264-W. straw or clover chaff. Ed Jamison. Mrs. Pete Wilson and Mrs. James Parma 6M21. 8dtfc FOR SALE—Used oil heater, five- home, soft well water, $31,500 with 22dtfc Langley were hostesses to the $13,000 down and' easy terms on room size, used 6 months, »45.50. . ... . . Worthwhile club Thursday afternoon the balance. FOR SALE—By owner, 63 acre farm, WAN TED Children to care for, at the WUson home for the annual 24ntfc 100 acres good row crop land, day 5 miles west of Nyssa, good house, Ostrom Bros. Appliance. or evening, phone 63-J. 15d2xp chrlstmas party. Mrs. Oeorge the best dairy set-up in the low good land, deep well, pressure FOR SALE Schweizer gave a demonstration of system,, F. A. Powell, 903 Schley, 40 acres on pavement, 35 irrigable, er Snake River valley, »35,000 WANTED—To buy ear corn and attractive and simple table arrange Nampa, Idaho, phone Nampa 1543-J now 20 acres hay, 11 acres pasture, worth of buildings, including a barley, Ed Jamison. 15dtic ments for the holiday table. The 8d3xp small house, deep well, barn, $4,500, mansion for your home, sandy loam WANTED—To rent row crop land 18 members present received their soil, $47,000, down. » 1.200 down. FOR SALE—One Kirby vacuum 20 acres close to Nyssa, cheap suitable for potatoes and beets. Slg gifts, revealing the names of their 1 3/4 acres, modern nearly-new cleaner, '49 model, price »69.75. M. two-bedroom water right, three-bedroom mod Murakami, Rt. 1, Ontario, Ore. ldtfc mystery pals during the past year, house, on oiled road, and the youngsters received candy A. Callister, two miles north of nice shrubs and yard, fruit ern home, sandy loam soil, $12,000, WANTED — Male help, ambitious treats. A drawing of names of Adrian, across from labor camp. garage, trees, new large chicken house with easy terms. man with car to serve 890- family mystery pals for a new year was Id4xp brooder room and all equipment, 120 acres with 79 acres culti route. We provide capital. Write held. A lunch of pressed chicken vated, small home, $12,600 with household furniture, all for only FOR SALE—Two city lots, 76 foot $3,000 own, easy terms on balance. J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter sandwiches, celery, date pudding and front, four-room house, »2500, terms. *6,700. 90 acres close to Nyssa, 30 acres avenue, Seattle, Washington. 8d6xc coffee was served. The January Four-room modern home, large Phone 166, Teresa Byrd. ldtfc meeting will be held at the home back porch, all fenced, nice lawn of free water, five-room modern WANTED TO RENT—Potato and of Mrs. Ed Steiner, who Is moving FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, and shade on a 50x120 foot lot, $2000, home with 10-head cow barn. Mi beet ground. Phone 018-J3, On this week to the Torvald Olson farm. new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent state loan, will take trailer house down, productive soil. tario, Oregon. 24ntfc Special guests for the afternoon 150-head cattle ranch, 160 acres down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. on equity, Price $3500. were Mrs. Charlie Wilson and Mrs. 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles 8W of with 105 acres cultivated, four- WANTED—Hemstitching, work done Leslie Züricher, both of Roswell. 8s tic Nyssa, 5-room basement house, $11,- roam semi-modern home with full in my home. Leave with Mrs. Louie Astoreca was taken to the FOR SALE 000; »6,000 down, terms on balance. basement, bam, granary, hog house, Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa veterans hospital In Boise. His Two-bedroom modern home, »3,500 chicken house, 2 sets of corrals, Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duftln. 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa, 38 brother, Oabriel, Is endeavoring to with easy terms. 24ntfc have him sent to an army brain acres under cultivation, nearly new 3-room tenant home, 880 acres of Two-bedroom home with base 4-room house, tractor and all equip fenced range right, $17,000. specialist. ment, like neK, modern, insulated, ment gees, »8,900. 80 acres with 65 acres Irrigated, WANTED—Holstein and auernsey Mrs. Joe Dodson Is still unable to extra large lot. set up with state 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 20 acres in pasture, 3-bedroom springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and be up, but her friend, Mrs. C. Cochell loan, easy paqments, 441 Ennis. acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, modem home with full basement, Noel Owartney. Phone 306. Ontario. of Brownsville, arrived last Satur Apartment house with two large 175-head range permit, large base 11-stanchion cow barn, orchard, Across from the Ontario sales yard. 6otfc day to visit and be with her. Mrs. apartments on ground floor, extra ment home, nice yard, $17,500. $10,500, $3,000 down, $1,000 a year. Cochelle is a former pastor of the large room upstairs, three-room a- 560 acres, 453 acres watered and WANTED— To oujr anything in Assembly of Ood church In Sunset Phone 97 partment in basement, »6,800. cultivated, 250 acres in alfalfa and beef or veal. Also custom killed valley. Robert F. Thompson House with five cabins, very good clover, two barns, three homes with and delivered to Polar Cold 1 stor FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY Dwight Ditty, six-year-old son of Income, priced to sell. two modern, $60,000, V4 down. If FOR SALE—Milk cows. Guernsey, you are looking for good dairy or age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1, iarne. Mrs. Robert Ditty, has been suffer FOR RENT ing from tonsllitis and unable to go Holstein and Jerseys. Milkers and ranch set-up this is it. 40 acres without buildings. FOUND to school. pringers. Phone Noel Owartney, NYSSA INSI'RANCE AGENCY HOMES Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Zurich and Phone 306, Ontario. Across from Ralph G. Lawrence Two-bedroom modem home on FOUND—Black and white female Nyssa Sales yard. 6otfc paved street and sewer, $3,000, $2,- shepherd dog. J. C. Olsen, highway daughter of Roswell, Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa, Oregon Bill Hamilton and daughter, Terry 500 down. 20 and Oem avenue. 22dlxc and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb *N Two-bedroom modem home on were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. MISCELLANEOUS paved street, garage, basement. James Robb Sunday. This is a good buy, very conven Mrs. Veva Castle was a house- MISCELLANEOUS—For your fire iently located, $5,800, terms. guest at the home of her daughter, Five acres adjacent to Nyssa, new and automobile insurance see Mel Mrs. Clifford Wolfe last week. On 6-room modern home with full Beck, Orlgg Bros, and Butler. 22dtfc Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe and basement, well insulated, very easy MISCELLANEOUS—Custom plow terms, good land. LEGAL ADVERTISING ing. Phone Edward Sharp, 09R-11, One acre with two-bedroom Nyssa route 1. Id4xp NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION basement modem home, *4,000. ISOLATED TRACT Two acres with 7-room home MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices PUBLIC LAND SALE with full basement, barn for 5 cows paid for slaughter horses. Clyde on paved street, close to Nyssa, Smith, phone 306. Ontario, Across United States Department of the down. from Ontario Sales yard. 6otfc Interior Bureau of Land Manage ment, Oregon District Land Office, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Portland IS, Oregon, November 10, Office space for rent. money to remodel your home or to 1949. Nyssa Post No. 79 Drive-In restaurant for sale. Notice Is hereby given that under Two complete business lots for build outbuildings or garage? We A m erican Legion can arrange a loan for you and give provisions of section 2456. R. S„ as sale. & you up to three years to pay It. amended by section 14 of the act of GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc June 28. 1934 (4$ S ta t. 1274>, and Nyssa, Oregon — pursuant to the application of Phone 179-J MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar Wllllan Norman Davis. Jordan Val FOR SALE—Unpalntea cabinets range loans for you to rebuild or ley. Oregon, Serial No. Oregon 9808. and chests of drawers. Cabinets remodel your home, barn, garage, there will be offered, to the highest G ate City Lodge are In section and can be bought or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb bidder, but at not less than $1.60 per 29stfc acre, at a public sale to be held at L. M aulding, M. D. No. 214 complete or In sections. Nyssa er Co. Physician and Surgeon Lumber company, phone 118-W. MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, 3:00 o'clock P. M . on the 10th day Pnone 37 16Dtfc Electrolux cleaners and air puri of January. 1960 next, at this office, the following tracts of land: NW W - i Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 FOR SALE— Creto, the guaran fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. NE'<i, NHNW*. SWViNWtt. SW14- I Daily except Saturday and Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, 8WV4, N'ASW*. E ttS E * . sec. 12. < teed waterproof paint, Creto water Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 14jtfc T. 32 8 . R. 40 E.. W. M . Oregon, j proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc phone 0287J4. co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no 360 acres. Bids may be made by the principal Waterproofs by application and fuss, call us, rockwool Insulation. C. J. Kopp, M. D. permanently waterproofs walls and We have our own Insulation blow or his agent, either personally at the sale or by mall. floors. Inside or outside, wet or ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp Bids sent by mall will be consider dry, new or old, painted or un any. 28mtfc ed only If received at this office painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. lTNtfc Office hours Phone 165-J, Nysaa MISCELLANEOUS- Need money? prior to the hour fixed for the sale. 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Office hours from 9 to 6 except FOR SALE—New and used pianos. Loans on farms for refinancing These bids must be accompanied by Daily except Saturday and Saturdays, 9 to 12. We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. building, improvement#, b u y i n g . certified checks or poet-office money Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Orlgg Bros, and Butler. 6mtfc Long term, low Interest, see Ber orders for the amounts of the bids and must be enclosed in sealed nard Eastman, phone 94. Nyssa. FOR RENT lAtfc. envelopes. The envelopes must be marked In the lower left-hand corn FOR RENT— New three-room un MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and er subatantlally as follows: "Public Phone 56-J PAULUS furnished apartment, phone 64. Ber free pick-up of your dead, crippled sale bid. Serial No. 0806, Sale. Jan Sarazin Clinic nard Eastman. 15Dtfc or sick livestock. Calls received be uary 10. 1990.’' NYSSA ORBOON JEW ELRY STORE fore 9 o’clock are picked up by The person making the highest FOR RENT—Three-room furnish noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Union Pacific Time Inspector ed apartment with bath, Roy Sew- lect Payette 9180-J3 or 159, or Nys bid will be required to pay Immedi ately the amount thereof. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS rigfrt, phone 63-J. 15d2xp sa 102-W Idaho Animal Products Any persons claiming adversely WATCHES Wife the above-described land are advised FOR RENT — 3-room unfurnished Company. Main Street at Second apartment, steam heat and hot MISCELLANEOUS - Duplicate car to file their claims, or objections, on water furnished, Bybee a pert - and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- or before the time designated for Room 4, Fry Building ments. Sdtfc neman's. W YCKOFF *50tfc sale. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 171-J Any person entitled to claim a Office hours 9 to 12: 2 to 5 JEW ELRY STORE FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, Dead animal* picked op free. preference right under the first pro in Apple valley, phone Parma 6m21. For prompt service call collect. viso to said section 14 as an owner Official Time Inspector lor ndtfc Ontario—Ontario Ora in Co. 5i of contiguous land must assert his Union Pacific A claim within 10 days from the date FOR RENT—Basement apartment, Parma—Parma Seed Oo. ONTARIO ORBOON 10$ of public offering and conditional phone 2$-J. ldtfc Nyssa—Main plant sale to the highest bidder and at Idaho-Oregon Rendering Ca. the expiration of said preference VETERINARIANS FOR RENT—Furnished two-room m a k e right period, if no such right has cabin. Oil heat. Laundry facilities. MISCELLANEOUS — W e Phone 122-J after 5 30. lOntfc loans on the new Owyhee project been asserted, the highest bidder land, bualneaa, homes end farms. will be declared the purchaser of FOR RENT— Polish your own Orlgg Bros, and Butler. 1 Sdtfc the land. Pierce M Rice floors. Rent our high-speed pol Manager ishing equipment Easily handled MISCELLANEOUS- Children's toys Date of 1st publ. Dec 1, 1949 by women. Nyssa Lumber company. and doll furniture made and re 6D3xp\ Date at last publ, Dec 29, 1949 lAtfc paired. 69« N Third St. A d vertisin g FARMS! SPECIALS ON HOMES professional and Business Directory LODGES PHYSICIANS SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Meets 1st 3rd Thure. Dr. K E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall 8 P. M. Dr. L. W. Scott Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome A. I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street DENTISTS Physician and Surgeon DR. C. M. TYLER Fry Building Wilson Building JEWELRY STORES J. R. CUNDALL Dentist OPTOMETRISTS DR. C. L. HERMANN Visual Specialist DR. J. A. MCFALL DR.^KH^j^SLY DR. HAL D. WHITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore j PAGE THREE Mrs. Castle drove to New Plymouth, where Mrs. Castle will visit at the Burl Collins home. Mrs. Thomas Nlshitani attended the W. S. C. S. meeting in Nyssa | Thursday. She gave a talk on "How Japanese Children Celebrate Christ mas". Mr and Mrs. C.eorge Nlshitani and daughter. Agnes, of Caldwell were supper guests at the home of Nlshitani's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and two sons were dinner guests at the Ewen Chard home Sunday. Both Elver and Clifford Nielsen have Joined the Nyssa City band, with Clifford playing baritone and Elver a clarinet. Joe Hobson, Jr. and his mother. Mrs. Joe Hobson, are at the E. J. Hobson home. Little Joe was born December 8 at the Nampa Samaritan hospital, weighing seven pounds, eight ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Beyle and three children of Rosebud. Montana were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hintz four days last week, and also visited at the Robert Ditty home. Mr. Beyle, nephew of Mr. Hintz, desires to buy land here. Mr. and Mrs. Beyle left Friday for Mon tana to sell their property and re turn here within a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James Robb visited in Caldwell Hiursday. In the even ing Mr and Mrs. Homer Diderick- sen of that city were guests at the Robb home. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner at tended the registered Hereford meet ing Thursday evening at the mem orial hall In Ontario. Attendance at these meetings seems rather light at this time of year. FREE DR. G. W. GRAVES Estimates Given On Large Or Small Jobs Of O ptom etrist Land Leveling Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 A rthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Phone 05J-3 D. O. BYBEE DROP IN AND SEE OUR CHRI STMAS SPECI ALS FISHING TACKLE SPORTING EQUIPMENT O L Y M P IC C LU B SAVE MONEY A lot of companies write the various forms of insurance—fire, auto, liability, inland marine and etc. Some are Stock companies, some are Mutuals, and some are smaller Co-op type organizations. Some pay dividends and some do not. We shopped the market very careful ly and selected several of the best comp anies so that we can write the best pos sible policy for each risk. In many cases WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Do not buy any insurance elsewhere until you have checked prices with us. You are invited to use all of our facilities. We also write life and NON-CANCELL- ABLE health and accident insurance. If you need insurance and are short on money, WE CAN ARRANGE EASY TERMS. See us at any time. Ed Jamison and Ken Pond REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 80 No. Third Phona 276-W NYSSA. OREGON FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS, Phone 298-J