Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1949)
* THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER PAGE FOUR Christman party of the Owyhee Community cluD was neld at the home of Mrs Ellis Walters, with Mrs Oerald Slippy as co-hostess Thursday. December 15. Tables set OWYHEE. Dec. 22—The annual for the 26 members who attended were decorated In Christmas colors, and hand crocheted nut cups in the form of miniature cups and saucers adorned each setting. The center- piece was a large beautifully decor ated cake in observance of the 25th ■ » ' 1 anniversary of the club Numerous pictures were taken during luncheon and later around the lighted Christ mas tree, where gifts were exchang ed Officers were elected as fo l lows: Mrs Werner Peutz, president; Mrs. Charley Culbertson, vice presi dent and Mrs. Orville McEwen, sec retary and treasurer Mrs Charley Bradley of Nampa, who is an hon orary member of the O. K. K , was present. The Adrian P. T A. met Thurs day evening at the schoolhouse. The program included a dance, "China Doll", by Nanette Bybee and Phyllis Hadley, a song and dance by Celia Bybee, "T h a t’s My Weakness Now” and a song and dance, "A in 't Bhe Sweet” by Nanette Bybee and Phyllis Hadley, accompanied by Mrs D. O. Bybee Mrs. Jess Rigney of Nyssa gave an Interesting talk on 'The Exceptional Child’. Plans were discussed for the parties to be given when Christmas treats will be presented to the school children and ?/ } pre-school children. The members decided to purchase a projector for the student body. Refreshments were served by Mrs Raleigh Chamh- erlaln, Mrs Wilson Winter and Mrs. Charley Culbertson. Mr and Mrs Prank Zimdar and * * 4 * family of Parma spent Sunday a f ternoon In the 8 D Bigelow home Mi and Mrs J. B Mitchell re turned last week from a five-weeks trip to Kim. Colorado Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin and Trulu of Parma were Saturday dinner guests in the Oerald Slippy 3rd A Main, Phone 11 home. Mr. and Mrs Jack Walters of Nyssa who recently returned from a Officers Elected Bv Owyhee (lluh J* \9 Av‘ Here’s success (?■ in doinp what you have / to Jo and •" f , a sincere wish £ " for a Happy VA? • ' New Year. TH O M P S O N O IL C O . [ wedding trip to California, were Sunday evening dinner guests in the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs. Ellis Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters were also guests. The Busy Cooks 4-H club held a Christmas party at the home of Maxine Kygar Friday evening. Oifts i were exchanged and games were played, after which refreshments of jello, cake and cocoa were served | by Mrs Lynn Kygar. Several members of the Owyhee Community church have been work ing this week on seats for the church, which they hope to have finished by Christmas. Rev Robert Krlner will deliver a message at the Owyhee Community church Sunday, December 25. A Christmas program will also be pre- ] sented that day by the classes of the Sunday school. Mr and Mrs. Earl Kygar and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Bob Rice. Mr and Mrs George Neln of Fort Morgan, Colorado arrived Saturday evening at the home of their daugh ter. Mrs Werner Peutz, where they plan to spend the holidays.. Mr. and Mrs Norman Douglas and sons were Sunday dinner guests in the J B Mitchell hojne. Lynn Kygar and William Peutz. Jr., went to Wallowa last week and had their cattle shipped here on the railroad. Mr. and Mrs Henry Slippy had dinner at the Oerald Slippy home Sunday. Jesse Ditty received word Thurs day of the death of his brother, Edward Ditty, at Appleton, Kansas Mr Ditty formerly lived In Nyssa. M r and Mrs. Jet Pullen and family of Brandon, Oregon were supper guests in the S. D. Bigelow home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbertson shopped in Caldwell Friday. Dick Pullen of La Orande was a Sunday evening dinner guest in the 8 D. Bigelow home. Mr and Mrs. Clayton Patton were hosts at dinner Saturday evening for Mr and Mrs. Lem Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Oroot and Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKImmy, all of Nyssa Two Owyhee girls were given out standing improvement awards in the junior band for their improvement In pluylng their saxaphones They were Virginia Cook and Mary Ellen 22 . 1949 1949 ;• ; . * • •• • * In the sam e cheery m an n er *. the w ords “ M e rry C h rist' 'f t w ! m a s” come to you w ith our hope th a t a ll the se aso n s xY-'T ? h a p p i n e s s a n d joy be yours. iNTERMOUNTAIN tu m itu r* c mmtmtm a — — * m m S aa WILSON'S DEPT. STORE Williams. =■) ■ G B E -E T in G S ) l » 4 Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy and Mr and Mrs. Neil Dlmlck were Sunday dinner guests In the R. L. Patton home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Love are enjoying a visit this week from his brother, Corporal Calvin C. Love of the 5039th air depot wing air force command at Fort Richardson, Alaska Monday evening dinner guests in the Russell Patton, Sr home were Mr and Mrs Raleigh Chamberlain and Jimmy and Marion Chamber- lain. May v'tk°r 1 I be Merry Ï “ and \Q49 fjj §>nrial i\utcs - CEREST GREETINGS GO O U T T O Y OU AT THIS HAPPIEST SEASON OF THE YEAR. hearts, the gieatest 5 - C H R ISTM AS P A R T Y HELD The Christmas party of the Ore gon Trail 4-H Busy Needles Sewing club was held Saturday at the home of Lila Mae Holmes The 12 mem bers present answered roll call with what they wanted for Christmas. After the business session, the girls sang carols, played games and ex changed gifts. Refreshments were served The next meeting will be held January 5. OUR WARM AND SIN- â holiday of all renews its happiness each year. A very Merry Christmas. NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY John Ostrom-Owner Phone 118-W » & ? to all of you. May no cloud appear to disturb its serenity. B ES T W ISHES 1949 - I - ( 1IRI.S HOLD P A R T Y The Sydney Walker home was the scene of a Christmas party for the Needle Belles 4-H club Friday night, December 16. The girls were host esses to their mothers, who enjoyed the girls singing Christmas carols. The program included a brief history of the club, read by Oloria Oonyer; a demonstration on making a needle case. Carole Mink and Brenda Mvers, a Christmas story as told by a stocking, Jean Walker, and a talk by Mrs. Threlma Elliot of Adrian on club work and her trip to Chicago last year Two games were played. Refreshments were ■-erved, followed by a gift exchange among the girls Each member gave | her mother a felt butterfly potholder j that she had made Lapel pins were given to the girls by their leader. | Mrs Merlin Myers. HAPPY HOLIDAY Cherished in our NYSSA ELEVATOR P H O N E 42 ED PRUYN GARAGE P H O N E 56-W ~t~ \ \ 'c add our voice * to the chorus ot iC those hoping that 195° will be a year ^ o f |oy and satis- | # an faction for everyone in our tow a GORDON'S DRIVE-IN Ebay Q r EE T i nGS • 1949 MAY ALL A/./v the tklutgs o/ great foy be yours in full this Christmas MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. THE SEASON’S BEST BE YOURS THIS CHRISTMASTIME. Renstrom Insurance Agency Father Die» Rev Donald Campbell left Sunday i evening for Pukwana. South Dakota where he arms called because of the death of his step-father. B. W. Rein- I hardt. ■* . JOB’S D AU G H TE R ’S IN S T A L L At an impressive ceremony held last Thursday evening at the M a sonic hall. Donna Cheldeltn was in- j 'tailed as honored queen of Bethel | 33 of Job’s Daughters. Installed to serve with Miss Cheldelin for the coming term were Donna Trabert, senior princess; Bonnie Ward. Jun ior princess: Bonnie Kressley, guide; Patty Orunke, marshal; Donna Lee Wilson, recorder; Patty House, Jun ior custodian Loretta Russell, sen ior custodian; Joanne Garrison, librarian. Corabelle Coleman, mus ician Marlene Moss, chaplain. Dar lene Sessler. treasurer: Betty Boenlg, Doris Rigney. Phyllis Cheldelin, Jen nie Eachus and Olenda Moss, mes sengers; Lois Wilson, Inner guard; Keltha Strasbaugh. outer guard, and Ann House, guardian of the lights The open installation was con ducted by the retiring honored queen. PhyllLs Galloway assisted by Mrs Ortand Cheldelin. installing chaplain. Mrs Bernard Frost in stalling secretary; Ann House. In stalling Junior custodian; Teresa Jensen installing senior custodian; Betty Wlnchell. installing guide; Ellen Bates, installing marshall, and Mrs Bud Wilson, installing mus ician At the close of the ceremony a short program was presented, con sisting of talks by Dr and Mrs L. A. Mauldlng. advisors for the group, and a piano solo. "Berceuse” by Phyllis Cheldelin