Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1949)
PAG E THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1949 TW O Adrian Olisrrvrs Nu-Acre* Man Is Day For Parent* Hurt In Chopper his home, and Bill Willis Is re- j family of Star. Mr and Mrs. Ed modeling his home. Frank Bicandl Wymer. Mr. and Mrs Earl Hinne- 1s remodeling the old cafe and ™an and A "? when It is done the new cafe will Wight and fairuly, Mrs. house the bus depot Wagner, all of Parma, and Mr. Mr and Mrs Earl Sarri and and Mrs. John Jarvis _ daughter were dinner guests of i M'\ a" d Mr* R F1|y , t Mr and Mrs Bob Brown Wednes- * * * * * * ,herL*^ f ' “ day on the occasion of Mr and and batoy dau«ht* r m Nampa Sun- Mrs S a rris fourth wedding annl- da£ r ^ Mrg Warwlck of pinochle club Tuesday afternoon. Two tables were at play, with high score going to Jak e Oroot and low to Mrs. Dick Oroot. Dave Hawkins was a guest at the Arthur Cook home in Ontario rec ently. Mrs. Jake Van Twist visited friends in Boise Saturday. Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail called at the Pete Van Oord home Saturday afternoon. C. M. Tensen left for Portland Wednesday for medical treatment. Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Neil and Carolyn were in Ontario Satu r day afternoon. Mrs. Boggs returned Visits At Caldwell— Mrs. J . C. Sm ith spent Friday to Nyssa with Mr. and Mrs. Shust and Saturday at the home of her er, who had gone to Nebraska for sister, Mrs. Douglas McDonald, at Caldwell. s a visit. and family. KU-ACRES. Dec. 15—Martin Jep- ADRIAN, Dec. 15—Parents day was *en lost four toes and suffered cuts observed at the Adrian high school and bruises on the leg In a hay Friday. Instead of the pupils a t tending their parents attended all chopper accident. classes. At assembly they organ Walter Sullen was an all-night ized an Adrian Union High school guest at the Ed Meroney home j P T A. Officers elected are as Monday. W" e follows: President, Mrs. Francis ■e-n?eV C. E. of the Prysbyterlan Newell The Black Canyon Water Users Deffer: vice president, Mrs. Tony church gave a banquet for the Jam es McGinnis home Saturday association will hold a pot luck Ciofalo; secretary, Mrs. Jim Dane, young people of the community. Mr;\ Reuter and Donna supper Friday, December 16 at the i and treasurer. Charles Newbtll. Joyce McGinnis and Mr. Vernon arnved Thursday ev* " ln* Parker have been 111 the past week J " “ P°tUand| Donna was there Nu-Acres hall. Each family Is to Fifty-six parents attended. f ir a physical check-up provide a covered dish. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Vander- with influenza The Adrian grade school played Mr. and Mrs. George 8m It en-| spool of Newell heights visited In Mrs Olenn Brown gave a G. H. Peirsol Phone its first basketball game with Joyed their reju lar pinochle party the Olen Brown home Friday eve pinochle party Friday afternoon. Here From Nebraska— at the home of Mr and Mrs Z. j ning. Mr and Mrs. Bob Brown enter- Parma at Parma Friday. Emergency Phone 2S5-R Mrs. Maude Boggs of Lexington, Reuter Davidson In Parma Tuesday after- j Mr and Mrs Richard McGinnis talned Mr, and Mrs Kenneth Van- L Henry n e ,lr> rvc1 u“:I and “,IU his “ “ F. „ „ Nebraska is visiting at the home of noon. On Wednesday afternoon1 and Richie and Mr and Mrs. Willie derpool, Mr. and Mrs L. H Drabert * » • atf nd?d the parliamentary her daughter, Mrs. Finley Shuster they were guests of Mr and Mrs. MoOinnls and Nellie Mae of Nyssa of Nyssa and Mr and Mrs. Earl co" test ln Unlon Prlday and S a t* T. Tensen In Nyssa where they were callers In the Alvon McGinnis Sarri at a bridge party Sunday. | urday' spent 'the af tern non playing whist home Sunday. Mrs. Jeffie Gaston and La Noane Mr and Mrs Frank Preston Whist G u b O f Mrs. Fred Warren Is 111 with shopped in Caldwell Thursday. made a business trip to Boise Wed pneumonia. Her mother. Mrs. Jim Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker . .. have purchased a new Chevrolet. I , o l 11 III 1IK1 . u f ' l ' t s nesday. Lane, is earing for her. Mr and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek ----------- Mr and Mrs. Olenn Brown were j car. and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Oras- in Ontario and Boise on business i Mr. and Mrs Olen Brown were J COLUMBIA AVE., Dec. 15—The mlck mad a business trip to Boise Thursday. in Nyssa on business Wednesday I Whist club met at the home of Friday. Mr and Mrs. Bob Eastman of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jay o of Ed Meroney attended a saddle Nyasn visited In the Jam es Mc Caldwell visited at the home of nesday afternoon. Two tables were club meeting at New Plymouth Ginnis home Thursday evening. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olen at play. Refreshments were serv- Wednesday night j ed by the hostess. Much construction Is underway Brown. A group of the Black canyon! In Adrian. Mr. W alter Pinkston Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Jake Van Twist was an Ontario water users met with Senator Olen Is building a new home for his j Mrs. Howard Hatch were Mr. and visitor Friday afternoon. Taylor In Middleton Monday. De daughter, Mrs. Ruth Petty. Gayle Mrs. Elbert Hatch of Homedale, j Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Sm it were cember 12. Martin is building an addition to Mr and Mrs. Dwaln Hatch an d ! hosts to the members of the The Farmerettes club served lunch for the P. M A. Thursday evening at the Nu-Acres hall. Over 100 persons attended the meeting. Mr. and Mrs 8. N. Taylor of Wilder were callers at the Frank Optometrist Preston home Sunday Mr and | Mrs. Bob Shaw called Sunday eve ning. Eyes Examined Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Bmtt, Sr., and Oeorge and John visited Mr Phone 720 aod Mrs Sm lt's daughter. Mr. Olenn Oallane and family In Good- I 718 Arthur St. rich Saturday. Judy Preston, Barbara Montague j Caldwell, Idaho and Jimmy Durrlngton attended a party at Nyssa Friday evening as guests of Darlene Bateman. 1 >alas Sturm, D. W Sherman, Bob Shaw, Lloyd Beuell and Ed Meroney worked at the New Plym outh fairgrounds Wednesday. They ore members of the water associ ation. Mr. anil Mrs. Tom Nedbulek and Rudy and Mr. and Mrs Oeorge Orasmlek and Dick were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ned- balek and Donna. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Sm lt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Q. Oroot of Apple valley. SEE US. Y o u can s a v e Terry Blakley spent the past m oney th rou gh our week at the Frank Preston home during the absence of Mr and Mrs. B a n k - A u t o Fin an ce M C. Seuell. The Pinochle club met Saturday P lan. N o c h a r g e f o r night with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. this service. Durrlngton and Deo Elltbee as hosts. Oeorge Orasmlek and Dwkjht Durrlngton 'tied for high score for | men. and Viola Carey was high f o r ; women. Low for men went t o ' Frank Preston and low for women Krai Estate and Insurance to Ara Mae Preston. The travel Phone 276-W ing prize was won by Isi Vona 1 Orasmlek Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Orasmlek and Dick visited Mrs. Orasmlek'» YOUR TRANSPORTATION MERCHANT parents, Mr and Mrs. Devi Olson N orthw est C asualty of Marslng Saturday. The Orange rood sign committee has completed placing signs on cross roads The signs are a great Improvement to the community. Those on the committee were Oeorge Dohner. Clyde Butcher and Cecil Evans. Several other mem ber* helped In placing the signs. <0 CHIN-UPPERS SERVE FISHERMEN. Fred tnd Bernice Camp T h e Orange wlahes to thank local of Stayton, who met as wheelchair members of the Chin-Up Club, residents for their support. have established a thriving Oregon business, despite their physical handicaps. Eight years ago Fred began tying trout fishing flies. To Boise— Today the Camps operate the Camp Tackle Co., with Stayton and Mr. and Mrs. John Ostront and Portland shops serving America’s sports fishermen. The firm, employ ‘ Mrs. Helmar Ostrom visited last ing more than a dozen persons, catalogues 400 varieties of flies and Thursday and Friday at tire home 25 of spinners. Both Fred, who is Stayton’s Chamber of Commerce of Mr and Mrs, H. A Boe of president, and Bernice are enthusiastic over cooperation they’ve received from the Stayton Branch of the First National Bank. PRESCRIPTIONS Precision Filled OWYHEE DRUG CO. 255-W J SUGGESTS... Make This An Aulomolive Christmas DR. G.W. GRAVES For Instance— DROP IN AND SEE OUR THE ONE FINE GIFT O F THE YEAR - A NEW FORD AUTOMOBILE - Or CHRISTMAS BEFORE BUYING AN "A -1" USED CAR Or One Of Our Quality Accessories Such As A Spotlight Road Lamps Back-Up Lamps Radio Heater Outside Visor Turn Indicator Non-Glare Rear-View Mirror Outside Rear-View Mirrors Under-Hood Lamp Courtsey Lamp Anti-Freeze Tires SPECIALS FISHING TACKLE SPORTING EQUIPMENT Jcimison & Pond OLYMPIC CLUB Or A Herriman Motor Co. Gift Certificate, Which May Be Exchanged For Any Merchan dise We Sell. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Qmvqm O MEAT IS I HEIR DISH. As an Eastern Oregon livestock marketer, Samuel E. Hill saw the need for a wholesale meat service in Pendleton. Three years ago he purchased a small "custom” slaughter house, serving only the individual needs of owners of hogs, cattle and lambs. With the help of his wife and son, Clinton J. Hill (now a New York art student), Hill extended the business by providing fresh and cured meats for nearby markets and restaurants. Now the Hill Meat Co. is in enlarged quarters and provides seven non-family jobs. The firm continues to advance its growth through helpful services of the Pendleton Branch of First NationaL T b* P « r*o n t y o u meet here h a v e the kind o f vi«ion a n d Initiative o n w h ich O r e g o n 's p ro s perity is b a se d . T h ey h a v e taken w id e ly d if ferent m e an s o f bettering them selves — but in each ca se th e y h a v e incre ased ou r sta te 's income, created ne w jobs a n d a d d e d o p p o r tunities for o il o f us. To he lp in d iv id u a ls help them selves and , thus, b uild O r e g o n — fam ily by GREYHOUND Don't tattle heavy holiday traffic —to Greyhound on the merriest Yule trip you've ever known I Warm, comfortable conches, fre quent schedules, window shopping •cenes, and low fain make every mile an enjoyable journey Ask your Grey hound Agent about complete travel information on am trip. LOW F AMS ÍVIRYW HÍM ! I sm tn g rlrs Phornls Sacramento Salt Lake City (Add Tai> Station at (IK M t-1 0 * (D M ( SIS Carl’s Doll House Phone 112 Nysaa b y fam ily, farm by farm a n d b usin ess b y b u si n e s s - b a n k s in the First N a tio n a l G ro u p m ake their constructive services w id e ly a v a ila b le . C om e in a n d let us k n o w h o w w e ca n h e lp you. PtO VIDfS BOX TOPS; BOTTOMS, TOO. look Rupr decided in IWO that Hood River apple and pear orchards needed a (luaett hand veneer plant to furnish clatted tops ami bottoms for fruit hoses. Assistance from First National at Hood River enabled him to start the Hood River Hot A \ curei Co. at Odell, live plant is near both the orchards ami supplies of pine and fir logs for "peeling." Today it provides ¿1 Oregon h»hs directly. 1 se of modem equip ment produces VOtXMHN) pliable "lids annually fur boars with udes and cuda of teguhuly cut lumber. BUlio O r eg o n r °G f T H r * * N Y S S A BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND