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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1949)
77ie NYSSA TY JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1949 Parties Are Helil At Buena Vista BUENA VISTA, Dec. 15—Mr. and Mrs. Glen Holfman entertained at Sunday dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and family and Mr. and Mrs. Claude "Day and children. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks spent the week-end at Hunt, Idaho, where his brother has a homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and Alva, Jr., were Sunday dinner guests at the James Washburn home near Caldwell. Mrs. Wash burn is a niece of Mr. Goodell. Mrs. Delbert Cleaver entertained the Out-Our-Way club Thursday afternoon with their annual. Christ mas party. Games were played, with Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mrs. S. B. Hoffman and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver winning prizes. Mrs. Glen Hoffman was in charge of games. With 13 members attending, Christ mas gifts were exchanged. Refreshments of cream chicken, rolls and coffee were served. Glen Hoffman is leveling land for Loyd Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver en tertained with a party Saturday night at their home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie. Refreshments were serv ed. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes and Bonnie moved Friday to the farm they recently purchased from Hel- mer Julum. Edward Topliff spent Sunday af ternoon at the Irvin Topliff home in Newell Heights. Women Enroll For Dressmaking unit Sixty-one Malheur county wo men enrolled in extension dress making schools, according to Mir iam Colford, county home demon stration agent, at a preliminary meeting held December 6 at the Boulevard Grange hall. Miss Murle Scales, Oregon exten sion clothing specialist, showed samples of new materials on the market and told the women how to measure accurately before sel ecting their patterns. She also gave a demonstration on shrink ing of cotton material. To shrink without preying, she placed the folded material In a pan of warm water until It was thoroughly soaked, then she rolled it in a Turkish towel until most of the water was out. When she unrolled it and placed it on a clothes rack folded In half, she pulled It to get the grain even. To aid in this she snipped the selvage y o ////g / o o ä ' about every six inches. It dried completely without a wrinkle. Nine leaders selected for their outstanding ability to sew will con duct the schools throughout the county. They include Mrs. Emil Wahleke, Nyssa; Mrs. Grover Coop er, Sunset valley; Mrs. E. D. Smith, Vale; Mrs. Cliff Jordan, South White Settlement: Mrs. Truman Barlow, North White Settlement; Mrs. E. W. Ker, Hyline; Mrs. N. R. Tuppeny, Parma; and Mrs. Everett Hopkins. Ontario Heights. These leaders will be further train ed in new methods of dressmaking by Miss Lucy Lane, extension cloth ing specialist. “ I have a youthful appearance, and I feel that a lot of credit Club Elects Officers— for my young look goes to my The Arcadia Livestock club held Ironrite Automatic Ironer. This election of officers at a meeting w o n d e rfu l m ach in e is th e held at the home of Parley Felk greatest health-, labor- and time- December 9. The new officers are saver I own. W ith its two com as follows: President, Don Bowers; pletely usable open ends, my vice president, Virginia Com; sec Ironrite will iron everything I retary, Francis Felk; reporter, ran wash, quiekly and beau Glenda Moss; song leader, Virginia tifully— from linens to shirts, Mallett, and activity chairman, frilly wash dresses and ruffled Lynnette Hickman. New members curtains.” were welcomed into the chib, which now has 16 members. Refresh ments were served. The next meet ing will be held January 9 at the home of Glenda Moss. Ta Hold Turkey Shoot— The Adrian Lions club -will hold I R O N S A N Y T H IN G Y O U a turkey shoot Sunday, December CAN W A SH 18, beginning at 10 a. m., in the Adrian Legion hall. Prizes will be turkeys, ducks and chickens. The proceeds will be placed In the Nyssa Adrian football field lighting fund. Visit Nephew— and Mrs. George McKee were Furniture Co. in Mr. Nampa to visit their ONE BLOCK WEST OF DEPOT nephew, Bud Sunday Armstrong, who Is seriously ill in the Mercy hospital. My Imnrile helps me keep a naya M rs. j . J. Mors 304-40 F ra n k lin Koad Franklin Village. Michigan Mrs. Grider Goes To Winter Fair Mrs. Hope Grider returned last week from Toronto, Canada, where she was a guest at the Canadian Royal Winter Fair held in that city. This fair features the largest agricultural exhibit in the world. The exhibits are all in one large building that covers 26 acres of land. This year's fair contained exhibits from all of the Canadian provinces, 18 states of the United States, Ireland, Chile and Mexico. Over 6000 head of cattle were on exhibit. Including some of the mid get breed from central Washington. Mrs. Grider mentioned the inter esting flower exhibit which featured chrysanthemums and roses. One of the most interesting exhibits was the one of 180 varieties of tropical fish. Mrs. Grider's trip to Toronto and return was made by plane. Contest Judges Announced— W. O. Peterson of the Nyssa Furniture company has announced that Mrs. Bernard Eastman, W. L. Adrian Defeats McPartland and Mrs. Ruth Bybee Jordan Valley have accepted invitations to serve as judges in selecting the winner The Adrian high school basket of a refrigerator to be given away ball team defeated Jordan Valley locally as part of a national con high school 38 to 31 on the Jordan test conducted by the Crosley divis ion of the Avoo Manufacturing cor Valley floor Tuesday night in the poration. The three judges will first game of the year for the choose the best answer to “Why Antelopes. I should be given a new 1960 Shel- George Schiemer of Adrian and vador refrigerator", as written on Dorrance Jordan Valley played an entry blank to be provided, outstanding of ball. The lead switch without obligation to all contest ed several times the con ants by the Nyssa Furniture comp test, a B district during any, Crosley dealer. Today is the The Adrian javees encounter. the final deadline for entry into the Jordan Valley scrubs by defeated a score of contest. The Shelvador refriger 31 ator to be awarded by the local to 7. furniture company is one of thous ands to be given away by Crosley dealers throughout the country in Bernard Eastm an a $2,000,000 ‘‘giveaway”. Thanks Expressed For Yanks— The American Legion auxiliary has expressed thanks to organiz Phone 64 ations. school children and other Individuals for their contributions Nyssa, Oregon for "the Yanks who gave’’. SECO N D Dinner Planned— ! Monday morning, was taken to the hospital at Nampa. He re- A bazaar and dinner will be given i Mercy turned home Wednesday and will by the Owyhee Ward Relief society ! be confined to his bed for three of the L. D. S. church Friday, December 16. The dinner will be ! weeks. served at 7:30, followed by the sale, Leave On Trip— In the Adrian grade school build and Mrs. Oeorge N. Bear ing. A program will be given dur left Mr. Saturday, December 10 for a ing the dinner hour. visit In Idaho and Washington. They will visit relatives at Priest Suffers Heart Attack— and Sandpolnt, Idaho and Jim Norris of Newell heights, River lone, Washington until alter the who suffered a heart attack early first of the year. SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR CHRISTMAS The folks at home will enjoy our fine comb and extracted honey SEE YOUR GROCER FOR "H ONEY" FOSTER'S HONEY It 's th e o n e fin e c a r lo w -p ric e fie ld You'll find Ford even finer for '5 0 . . . full of luxury-car qua lit Ye», Ford'» the only low-priced cor with »uch feature» a» the new, quiet 100 h.p. V-8 engine . . . »¡lent, round-conditioned ride .. , "Fashion C ar" styling— more beautiful than ever. And the *50 Ford gives you more hip room, more shoulder room than any other car in the low-price field. It 's 5 0 - W a y s Yes, you'll find the *50 Ford packed with new surprises. You'll find a luxurious new foam rubber seat cushion over non-sag front seat springs .. . sparkling new upholstery fabrics . . . new push-button operated rotary door locks that open with finger tip ease and close with a hushed, solid sound . . . extra "weather-conditioning” in 41 areas . . . and a host of other new features that will add to your pleasure . . . to your car's life. l.ow dow n paym en t — eaay credit tc r m i. Ask a b o u t a FR E E H o m e D em on stration. Iro n rile FREE COFFEE DOUGHNUTS also Free Baking Demonstration of the i f 'Brown-N-Serve" if if HOT ROLLS i? » The astounding new rolls we make for you to brown in your oven in 7 swift minutes. These rolls may be purchased a t y o u r neighborhood grocery. DEMONSTRATION STARTS AT 10 A. M. SATURDAY DECEMBER 17 Brown n Berve hot rolls No ■ iii t f I No k o o riio t! b F r o tk , H o t, Hoayoohi! Serve ’em as you need them. % Store the rest. Several days on the shelf. Two week* in your refrigerator. Dehooue! S e e # • • Toll« the wh««l at your Ford D«al«r'i and try the “♦t tT of tbit exciting 1950 Ford. F««l the imooth "M id SM p" Rid« on Ford*« bump-«rating spring» . i , f««i 35% «a>i«r »lop» wMi Ford*» "King Six«” Irak«». Yei, drive a *50 Ford and yow l too why Ford’s th« ont tint car in Its* low-price field. H e a r ••• a n d F e el the difference in your future , • . with a future built in at y o u r F O O D D E A L E R ’S Standby for oth er" B row n 'n S w W produca com ing up toon I THE NYSSA BAKERY Formerly Sugar City Bakery B ill WWt# vdroN I b(M tv Ml a ble et extra cost B uy 'em fully* formad in • . . . don* browning. takes oni> sweet 7 Work? Carpor and John Emory S E C T IO N H errim an M o to r Co.