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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1949 PAGE SIX # o a ’A w N 8 C i and Marylin Myers were chosen to I “ \ 11 T I ' i X P1“ '1 the Christmas party to be held I c il / w \ i 4 v XI December 16 at tne home of Mrs Sydney Walker Doughnuts, punch -J - and cider were served by the serving CHRISTMAS MEETING HEI.D hostesses. Sally Lawrence and Mary The home of Mrs Frank Morgan lin Myers. was the scene of a number of attrac - I - GIVE DINNER tive and unusual Christmas arr Mr and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman en angements. presented by Mrs. Bud tertained at a dinner Sunday in cel Wilson, who spoke to the garden ebration of their 10th wedding ann club members on arrangements for iversary. Ouests were Mr. and Mrs. the Christmas season In speaking Jim Ritchie and family, Mr and to the group, Mrs Wilson told of Mrs. Claude Day and family and some fo the customs of other coun their grandmother, Mrs. O. H Maze tries that might be used In the Am of Calloway, Nebraska A pink and erican arrangements for the holidays white cake served as a centerpiece and of the principles of design that for the table Gifts were presented should be followed for Christmas to Mr and Mrs. Hoffman by the arrangements Mrs. Wilson made a guests. number of arrangements, which in cluded a mantel arrangement of ex GIRLS PLAN PARTY panded plastic and candles, a mad The Needle Belles 4-H club held onna and candle arrangement, a a regular meeting Friday, December giant candle and cone arrangement, D at the home of the leader. Mrs. two displays that feutured silvered M W Myers. The time was spent In branches and weeds, used with stars sewing Sully Lawrence. Carole Mink and Christmas tree ornaments, a and Marylin and Brenda Myers are door display and some examples of planning a Christmas party to be "conversation pieces". held at the home of Mrs. Sidney A&sisting Mrs. Morgan with re Walker Friday evening. December 16 freshments was Mrs Maurice Judd. with Mrs Threlma Elliot of Adrian The luncheon tables were centered and the girls' mothers as guests. with red tapers and cedar sprigs. Root beer and cookies were served At the close of the afternoon, a by Gloria Gonyer and Jean Walker gift exchange was held. Mrs. Clyde Bidder was a guest for the meeting. CHRISTMA8 PARTY HELD The annual Christmas party of ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB the Future Homemakers of the Nys Mrs. Albert McKlmmy was hostess sa high school was held Tuesday to the members of her Wednesday afternoon In the home economics evening bridge club at her home last rooms During the afternoon, Chrlst- week. Mrs. Robert Wilson held high j mas carols were sung and extempor- score and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis low | aneous talks on "Joys of Homemak —I— ing'' were given by Betty Hill. Mar- GIRLS MEET zine Gardner, Bonnie Ward and A meeting of the Needle Belle 4-H Phyllis Galloway. Bingo was played, club was held at the home of Mrs. j and gifts chosen by the number re M. W Myers December 2. The girls vealed on oranges presented to the voted Sharon Self Into the club. guests. The time was spent In sewing. Sully A lunch wa served at tables cen Lawrence, Carol Mink and Branda tered with red and white tapers and a Christmas arrangement. Special guests for the afternoon were the homemakers’ mothers, Mrs. Ron Campbell and Mrs. 8. P. Bybee. —I — DINNER CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herriman en tertained the members of their Wed nesday evening dinner club last week Bridge was In play at the Herriman home, following dinner ut the Moore BY LEW IIKIMtIMAN hotel In Ontario High score was Tills Is the time of year when held by Mr. Herriman and second folks go around muttering, "Next high by Mrs. George Mitchell. year I'm going to do my shopping In July." We are all burning a- GUILD HOL&S MEETINO round like Jet-propelled bees in Mrs. Hilda Tensen was hostess to clover, attending to presents, cards the members of the St. Paul's Epis trees, dinners and ull Die fixing copal guild at her home Monday ev Never do so many of us do so ening During the business meet mu h In so short a time, if we ing (ilans were made to provide ar- may be forgiven a little Yuletlde cribbing. Some folks prrttend they're tired of the whole exciting whirl. Some of us even groan it Isn't worth It. But would we give It up If we had a chance? Nope. Tired or not tired, Christmas stirs our hearts and spirits. We could n't do without It. An Ontario pro|»rietor of a monu ment works reported the theft of Estimates Given On Large a 200-lb. urniilte tombstone That's taking too much fur granite. Or Small Jobs Of Don't take your car for granted . . Olve that auto careful attention Land Leveling now or you'll |my for your neglect later with repair bills,,, Drive In for protective automotive service at HERRIMAN MOTOR CO phone 77. NEWS VIEWS F REE Phone 05J-J Herrim an M otor Com pany D. O. BYBEE NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17 "Trail Of The Yukon" Christmas cantata, L D.S. church, j and Mrs. Charles Bale of Parma, December 13, a girt, weighing 6 Ontario. pounds, 5 ounces, and to Mr. and Monday. December 19— Eastern Star _______ Mrs. Don Storry, December 13, a installation. Masonic hall. A.A.U.W. at the home of Mrs John (Continued from Page 1) son, weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces. Easley. Ontario. proving the rate increase that "H ie Tuesday. December 20— Ruth and evidence disclosed that the Malheur C2 ? IIN9 0 E,V “ com „ „ , . Saturday. December 17— Nyssa com- Naomi circle. Methodist Women s Home Telephone company was op- mumty ^ nd concert. society, at the home of Mrs. Dale Overstake. MR AND MRS CLUB MEETS had bw n, 1*vU»« at Hlne*' 0 r ®8°n erating at a loss under present j boo * club Christmas party at the Wednesday. December 21— Upper rates. H ie deficit amounted to home of Mrs. Hilda Tensen. ___ Mr. and Mrs. George Henneman *or Vie *aat **ve ^ears' went »2123 for the first seven months Sunday, December 1 8 - Christmas grades program, Nyssa gymnasium entertained the members of their Boise two weeks ago. Methodist | Kingman Kolony Grange card par Funeral services will , be vesper service at the Sunday evening bridge club at their .. conduct- _ .. of the calendar year 1949 and was ty, Adrian grade school building. home last week High score was held ed at 2 p. m. today In the Robin- church. by Ron Whitaker and second high son-Alslp chapel in Nampa, with expected to amount to $3639 for I by George Sallee. W1* Rev. A. D. Hurt of Boise of- the full calendar year of 1949. The _x__ ficlating. Interment will be in the new tariff will give an estimat- j • t a t . ( ■ Cloverdale cemetery. Mr Sage, who was bom in Wat ed increase in annual income as ] cuou. Indiana , „ uuum June . 19, . . ____ erloo, 1885, follows. lived Basic exchange rates $33- in the Lower Fain-lew district of 866; toll rates $1800 and supple Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. mental and miscellaneous equip- _______ i ' the Boise valley for 25 years prior “ “ _ .. . . . , .... ' to moving to Hines. He was a ment »2726. Speaking on the subject of the member of ^ Gospel church. “The total o f these increases is P !Ve^.PIIi!" ..°i.8p. i V“ , Mr Sage had visited at Nyssa oc »38,192 per annum, which if grant the Cornerstone of Living", Rev casionally. ed, would provide for the company Edward A. Groves of St. Michael's Survlvors are the widow, Mrs. more than 5*4 per cent return on Episcopal church of Boise, told a Gertrude Sage of Boise: two sons, its base rate. The decreases large crowd at a meeting of the Ira of Nyssa and VUus of Ontario: should be taken from basic ex Nyssa P.T.A. last Thursday night two daughters, Mrs. La Verna change rates. If rates filed for that "Perhaps the most noticeable Barnes of Boise and Mrs. Viola Mae two-party business service are re- j thing today Is the lack of a sense Smith of Hines; two sisters, Mrs. duced by 25 cents per month in of values". Nina Brenier of Salina, Kansas and the three exchanges served by the | "We need to impress that upon Mrs Pearl Archer of Junction City, company this rate increase will | our children", the clergyman said. Kansas; 12 grandchildren and two be reduced by »1660. “Our children are growing up in “The company has increased the [ an environment in which they feel great grandchildren. telephones on its exchanges be- [ everything must have a price tag tween 1909 and August 31. 1949 on it and if it doesn't it doesn't Polio Center I n by 2260 stations. The company's j seem much good Some persons are in telephone plant has Needed In Area Investment highly educated, yet have no sense been increased since the end of of values and they are dangerous. the year 1941 by $242,733. The Many times we see the dollar sign iContlnued from Page 1) budget of the Malheur Home Tele- on something before we see the stated T. C. Seppich, president of phone company for the year 1950, value sign. the Nyssa Lions club at the Mon- | which was received in the com- "To have a sense of values, we day noon report luncheon of the I missloner's office December 1, 1949, w ell-being o f the man b eh in d the It's always a good investment to make must give life a firm foundation. A workers of the hospital campaign calls for new construction during wheel, to make more profits for the the driver of your truck more comfort life that does not display a weil- when he presented 1500 dollars to the year 1950 to an amount of owner. Now's the time to get seat cov able! Schedules are better maintained, kept cornerstone is a life that you the hospital supplemental cam »115,580, of which »62,000 Is for the ers and cushions, heaters, floor mats, truck efficiency improves, and your and I shun. You and I don't like paign. According to Mr. Seppich, construction of exchange lines. trouble lights and safety equipment — profits go up. a building that has foundations that thLs money was given by the and a lot of other items to make driv "The testimony of a company's You'll find a complete line of cab- are poorly maintained. We look to people of this area for the hos witness was to the effect that the ing easier. Help your driver do a better comfort needs here in our showroom - the material foundations and some pital at carnivals and other events company plans in 1950 included job for you. Stop in-soou! all designed to add to the safety and times full to maintain the values of sponsored by the Nyssa Lions club. completion of the necessary con- j our own lives’ In behalf of the numerous don structlon to furnish all farmers | O w yhee Truck and Implement Co. " You know that whatever your ors to this fund, he urged every in or near their exchanges with children will to do, they do You effort be made within the next telephone service. Your International McCormick Hqts. The company and I must use our willpower on few days in order to assure the Phone 245 plans to spend the bulk of its 1950 these values if we are to make them completion and opening of the con- budget for this purpose. part of our living and the living of tageous disease section of the hos “ A reasonable rate base for the our children". pital. Seppich said, “ It is un Malheur Home Telephone company Pointing out that a person could thinkable that the people of east build his life on faith, hope and ern Oregon and western Idaho, is..... »354,204. If the present de love. Rev Oroves said "No kind of at present, have no hospital that ficit operation of the Malheur Home Telephone company is permitted hope or faith can be adequate with will receive Infantile paralysis to continue, its credit will be im out love". cases and that the doctors of this "The most dangerous Idea Is the area have been directed to send paired. The company still holds Idea that things have no value ex all victims to Walla Walla or Boise. a considerable number of unfilled cept that which they will bring on We can correct this now if all, orders for telephone service and the market", Rev. Oroves said. "Let who can do so, subscribe within therefore finds it necessary to in us develop our own unique sense the next few days and make the vest in new capital plant. The company is entitled under the law of values". present hospital financing cam to receive a reasonable return on Referlng to Sir William Osier, Dr. paign a success". its net plant devoted to the public William Temple and Oliver Wendell JTea Rose Four Gore Special service, and that a return of 5 ‘4 Holmes, the clergyman said "I Cantata Given— per cent is a reasonable rate of commend them to you as men wiho A Christmas cantata will be given had a proper sense of value toward at the Ontario L. D. S. church return.” The actual order of the utilities life". Sunday evening. December 18. One Lynn J Lawrence, accompanied of the sloists will be Charles Taylor, commissioner reads as follows: “ It is ordered that the Malheur Home by Mrs. C. W. Buchner at the former Nyssa resident. Accomp Telephone company may file tariffs piano, played two violin solos. anying the cantata will be a violin and schedules not inconsistent with Group singing was led by Mrs. trio composed of Angela Peterson, Josephine Rlgney. The songs sung Nlnl Child and Loura Schenk, all the findings and conclusions here inbefore set out to become effec by the audience were "Joy To the of Nyssa. tive January 1, 1950". World". "O Little Town of Beth lehem ', O’ Come All Ye Faithful” Named To Club— and "Silent Night". Mrs. Oeorge Ross Grover, son of W. J. Orover Iris Grower Visits— Arecent visitor at the home I C. Henneman gave a humorous of Nyssa, is one of 20 ____________ students who reading. have been elected into"_ associate ! o t Mr and Mrs- Glenn Suiter was ] Refreshments were served in the membership of "t h e Condon club. Tel1 Muhlsteln, Iris hybridizer and i Provo, Utah. Mr. | home economics room after the geology and geography honorary and j grower from Provo. meeting. service organization on the Univer Mühlstein has done outstanding sity of Oregon campus. Orover is work in the iris field, and Is thej Itances Scheduled— a Junior major in business adminis originator o f "Pink Formal”, winner j The L. D 8. first ward has sched tration. of one of the highest awards given I uled a dance for Friday, December for iris. 23 and the second ward has arrang Daughter Born— ed to give a dance New Year's eve Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Jackson of Babies At Nursing Home In the Nyssa gymnasium. A square Nyssa are the parents of a daugh Born to Mr. and Mrs. John [ dance session will be held in tthe ter born December 9 at the Holy Lucero, December 9, a girl, weigh- | gymnasium December 29. Rosary hospital In Ontario. lng 7 pounds, 10 ounces; to Mr. [ 1 tides for two Christmas baskets for |T(||n»|-ul JH Held needy families. For Nile S. Sage For the program. "A Christmas Story", was told by Mrs Frank Mor- ------------ gan. and The Llttlest Angel" was Nile Sidney Sage, 64, father of told by Mrs Hilda Tensen Refresh- j j ra c. Sage of Nyssa, died In a ments and a social hour concluded horoluJ Motlday night, the program. _ Sage, a retired farmer who m Men's Boxed Gift Set, 3 pair $1.00 Men's Sheeplined House $4.95 Slippers Boys' Cowboy Boots Pacific Mills Bath Sets SBr-ffe, Inc. T si WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21-22 JOHN PAYNE—GAIL RUSSELL STERLING HAYDEN In "El Paso" IN COLOR A super western about a city without a soul. ALSO UNUSUAL OCCUPATIONS Admiaaton Evening. 44c-*c, la c. Tag Ladies' House Slippers $2.65 to $4.95 Is C o m in g T o T o w n Heavy Weight Plaid Flannel Shirting 59^ yd. THI S S A T U R D A Y DECEMBER 17 TREATS FOR ALL THE CHILDREN COM E EARLY AND DO YOUR SHOPPING AT THE — GOLDEN RULE — AND — dime s t o r e - Adm ission E v en in g . 44c 9c. Inc. T a * Adm. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL All Ladies' Coats and Suits tt Off SANTA CLAUS Mat. Hun., 1:30: Adm. 3ltr-9r, Inc. T ax An exciting WHODUNIT, unfolding a mystery in a small town. $2.98 Men's Sport Shirts $2.95 to $4.95 So powerful in its conflict and passion that you will never forget. CARTOON KRIDIG HARE WILLIAM BENDIX DENNIS O KEEFE BARBARA BRITTON $6.95 Boys' Gene Autry House Slippers $1.98 SUNDAY AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 18-19 "Cover U p" $1.98 Lace Trimmed Slips WALTER CATLETT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 BARGAIN NIGHT Best truck service in town a t - Me (//riser contMrÁr¿/e o/r Me joA /s a Mr y o u / M ai. Hal.. *:J 0 ; A dm . 30r-9e, In c. T ax Admliudaii E v en in g . 44c-», Ine. T a x "House Of Strangers" »c. Iii I*. T. A. Talk "Leave It To Henry" EDWARD G. ROBINSON—RICHARD CONTE SUSAN HAYWARD In , telephone *irm To Boost Rates V allies Covered KinBY GRANT—SUZANNE DALBERT RAYMOND WALBURN rg. | Toys And More Toys—Dolls, Trains, Buggies, Cars, Tops, Guns, Books, Games And All The Rest. toys , —DECORATIONS OF MANY KINDS— We Also Have A Good Stock Of Slippers Shirts, Gloves, Hose, Robes, Dresses, And We Can't Name Them All, But You Can Find What You Want At The - GOLDEN RULE STORE - Sheer, sm ooth -fitting wonders — made for com pliments! Made to flatter your very own skin tones.. .and there's one that's especially right for you at our hosiery department, in your | f size and leg-length. T hal BRACKEN'S'LL., - Telephone 47-W Nyssa, Oregon