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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1949)
PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1949 6otlc 1 J. R. Watkins Co . 137 Dexter 1 or before the time designated for December 18. Mrs. Hersey, at Blackfoot, Idaho. ------- avenue, Seattle. Washington. 8d6xc « a l » John Oaatell of Portland Is vis FOR SALE Leave For San Diego— WANTED TO RENT— Potato and , Any person entitled to claim a iting his daughter, Mrs. Oeorge Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure, Jr. toft preference right under the first pro Coleman and family GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER beet ground. Phone 018-J3, On viso to said section 14 as an owner Real Estate — Insurance — Loans Mrs. Oeorge Hus treturned last this week for a two-weeks visit at 24ntfc of contiguous land must assert his week from s visit with her mother, San Diego. ONTARIO NYSSA VALE tario, Oregon 80 acres under the old Owyhee WANTED—Hemstitching, work done claim within 36 days from the date water right, 2 sets of improve in my home. Leave with Mrs. of public offering and conditional ments, both semi-modern homes, Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa sale to the highest bidder and at two bedrooms each, 68 acres of Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duffln. the expiration of said preference period, if no such right has water right, productive soil, $12,0c9, 24ntfc right been asserted, the highest bidder with terms. 48 acres of good laying, level WANTED—Holstein and Ouemsey will be declared the purchaser of land, close to the Ontario-Nyssa springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and the land. Pierce M. Rice Ed Jamison & Ken Pond A gency highway, 4-room home. Noel Owartney. Phone 306. Ontario. Manager 62 a.Tes with 57 acres cultivated, Across from the Ontario sales yard Date of 1st publ.. Dec. 1. 194$. sandy loam soil, 5-room new mod 6otfc Date of last publ.. Dec. 29. 184$. ern home with full basement and WANTED— To ouy anything in double garage, 8-cow barn, granary CALL FOR BIDS and chicken house, 48 x 52 spud beef or veal. Also custom killed NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, cellar, on mail and milk route, and delivered to Polar Cold Stor age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. lZFtfc. That bids will be received by the $16,500. undersigned until the hour of 8:00 80 acres, all top row crop land MISCELLANEOUS o'clock p. m. on the 18th day of on the old Owyhee water right, December. 1949. which bids will be no noxious weeds, three-bedroom MISCELLANEOUS — W e m a k e publicly opened at the meeting of modern home, machine shed, gar loans on the new Owyhee project age, barn, close to Nyssa, down. land, business, homes and farms. the School District Board of Union High School District No. 4. Malheur 40 acres with 31 acres irrigated, Grigg Bros, and Butler. 15dtfc County, Oregon, at the schoolhoua* suitable for row cropping and dairy ranch, cow barn for 11 head, three- MISCELLANEOUS- Herriman Mot In Adrian, Oregon, on December 20, roam home, deep well, close to | or Co. gift certificates make Ideal 1949, at 8:00 o'clock p. m„ for the Nyssa, $7,000. with t* down. gifts. Buy the certificate in any transportation of pupils during the 40 acres under the old Owyhee amount you wish. The person to school year 1950-61. Bald transportation of pupils will water right, productive soil, 11- whom you give it can then pur head cow bam, garage, granary, chase the merchandise he wishes. require two 82-passenger school or the equivalent thereof. chicken coop, 2-bedroom semi- 151xc buses, The routes of said school buses modem home, one mile off the oil, $5,000, terms can be arranged. If MISCELLANEOUS- Children’s toys total approximately 250 miles per you are huntirxj for something and doll furniture made and re day. The form of contract to be en paired. 508 N. Third St. 6D3xp good and cheap this is it. tered Into for said transportation 156 acres with 106 acres irri be determined by the School gated, sandy loam soil, paid-up MISCELLANEOUS — Tailoring and shall o a r d . Information concerning water right, close to Nys6a, 4-room alterations. Mildred Phillips, phone B home, soft well water, $31,500 with 137-W, located between south Sec which may be obtained from the $13,000 down and easy terms on ond and Third streets on Ennis. undersigned. Bids shall specify the amount per Id3xp the balance. per day to be paid by the con 100 acres good row crop land, MISCELLANEOUS—Custom plow mile tractor for transportation. All the best dairy set-up in the low ing. Phone Edward Sharp, 09R-11, necessary Information may be ob er Snake River valley, $35,000 Nyssa route 1. Id4xp tained from the undersigned. School worth of buildings, including a Board reserves the right to reject mansion for your home, sandy loam MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices any and all bids and the right to soil, $47,000, down. paid for slaughter horses. Clyde determine the best bid without re 20 acres close to Nyssa, cheap Smith, phone 306. Ontario. Across gard to which may be the lowest water rkjiht, three-bedroom mod from Ontario Sales yard. 6otfc bid. ern home, sandy loam soil, $12,000, RAYMOND H. HOLLY MISCELLANEOUS— Do you need easy terms. Clerk, Union High School District 120 acres with 79 acres culti money to remodel your home or to No. 4, Adrian, Malheur County, vated, small home, $12,600 with build outbuildings or garage? We Oregon. $3,000 own, easy terms on balance can arrange a loan for you and give First publ. Dec. 8. 90 acres close to Nyssa, 30 acres you up to three years to pay it. Last publ. Dec. 15. 29stfc of free water, five-room modern Nyssa Lumber Co. home with 10-head cow barn, 14 MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar down, productive soil. range loans for you to rebuild or Meeting Is Held 150-head cattle ranch, 160 acres remodel your home. bam. garage, By Women’s Club with 105 acres cultivated, four- or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE room semi-modern home with full er Co. 29stfc SUNSET VALLEY, Dec. 15—Mem basement, bam, granary, hog house, 60 No. Third Phono 276-W chicken houie, 2 sets of corrals, MISCELLANEOUS — We m a k e bers of the Pleasant Hour club met NYSSA. OREGON Thursday afternoon at the home of 3-room tenant home, 880 acres of loans on ranches and city property. Grigg Brothers and Butler. 15stfo Mrs. Ed Corfleld. Mystery pals fenced range right, *17,000. FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS, exchanged Christmas gfts. Mrs. 80 acres with 65 acres irrigated, Phone 298-J 20 acres in pasture, 3-bedroom MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, Corfleld was also honored with a modem home with full basement, Electrolux cleaners and air puri shower of pink and bhie gifts. fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. Guests at the Oce Sehwelzer 11 -stanchion cow barn, orchard, $10,500, *3.000 down, *1,000 a year. Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, home Monday were Mrs. Lee phone 0287J4. 14Jtfc Householder and Mrs. Gertrude 560 acres, 463 acres watered and cultivated, 250 acres in alfalfa and MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no Jackson of Caldwell, sisters of Mr. clover, two bams, three homes with fuss, call us, rockwool Insulation. Sehwelzer, and a nephew. O. J. two modern, $60,000, 14 down. If We have our own Insulation blow Ramsey, son of Mrs. Jackson. you are looking for good dairy or ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp Ramsey has Just returned from a in Alaska. ranch set-up this is it. any, 20m tfc year Harry Nakashkna of Ontario and Nyssa Sales yard. Classified Advertising RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash In advance, is 30c. FOR SALE Lumber company, phone 118-W. lSD tfc F O R S A L E -P re m ie r vacuum aA LE-O utoide white paint, cleaner with attachments; Two j National Titanium. 5 gallon lots, burner white enamel stove. Ward, | $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber Lundy, Sr., Enterprise avenue.: company. 13mtic 15d2xp ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ; FOR SALE—Now and used pianos. FOR SALE—'150 tons oi No. 1' We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively, baled hay. Gerret Stam, two miles | Grigg Bros, and Butler. Gmtfc west on Clark boulevar. 15d2xp | ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- I FOR SALE—Good business oppor- FOR SALE—Block wood and green I tunities. Good blacksmith shop slab wood, phone collect Emmett ] completely equipped, also house goes 367-J4. 8d8xp with deal, excellent location, $5000. Good paying auto repair shop build - FOR SALE—D2 Caterpillar, in firs t! mg, stock and equipment, busy class condition, Roy Holmes, 3ti ; junction location, for only $7,500. miles southwest of Nyssa. 8d3xc | Three acres good land on Snake FOR S A L E - 300 bushels of oats, 131 flver' ed*eH oi town’ ne* 24 * 34 0^ 8 ° ^ Pressure water system. miles southwest of Nyssa, Sunset I i h $6,000, terms. valley. Clifford O. Wolfe, Rt. 2. 8d2p Several good dwelling lota, well FOR SALE—Straw, 2400 bales, with located. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high some alfalfa clipping, 12c bale. Irwin Wolfe, 14 miles southwest of way, next to Polar Cold storage About 3 acres, unimproved, edge Nyssa. 8d2xp of town on Adrian highway, good FOR SALE—Potatoes and apples. soil. All or any part. Summy orchard, Apple valley, phone FOR SALE— C orner lot, 55 X 11», Parma 6M21. 8dtfc paved stre et. $560. Residence lots priced from $100 up. FOR SALE—By owner, 63 acre farm, BERNARD EASTMAN 5 miles west of Nyssa, good house, Insurance Real Estate good land, deep well, pressure Phone 64 . system,, F. A. Powell, 903 Schley, Nampa, Idaho, phone Nampa 1543-J. FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, , 8d3xp new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent FOR SALE—Parakeet birds, Mrs. down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. Sstfc Gordon Smith, 51 Locust, phone 363-R. 8d2xp FOR SALE—Have farms and houses FOR SALE—Coal heater. Inquire for sale. Need more, list with Ken 29Jtfc at Smoke shop. Id3xp Renstrom. Phone 264-W. FOR SALE—One Kirby vacuum FOR SALE—Used oil heater, five- size, used 6 months, $45.50. cleaner, ’49 model, price $69.75. M. room 24ntfc A. Callister, two miles north of Ostrom Bros. Appliance. Adrian, across from labor camp. FOR SALfc Id4xp 1 3/4 acres, modern nearly-new two-bedroom house, on oiled road, FOR SALE—Two city lots, 76 foot garage, ni< e shrubs and yard, fruit front, four-room house, $2500, terms. trees, new large chicken house with Phone 166, Teresa Byrd. ldtfc brooder room and all equipment, household furniture, all for only FOR SALE $6,700. 10 acres on highway, $2500. Four-room modern home, large Two-room house, lot 105 x 120, in back porch, all fenced, nice lawn Adrian. $1100. House with five cabins, very good and shade on a 50x120 foot lot. $2000, state loan, will take trailer house income, priced to sell. on equity, Price $3500. FOR RENT 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles SW of 40 acres without buildings. Nyssa, 5-room basement house. $11.- NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 000; $6,000 down, terms on balance. Ralph G. Lawrence 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa, 38 Nyssa, Oregon FOR SALS— Creto, the guaran 4-room house, tractor and *11 equip teed waterproof paint, Creto water- j ment goes, $8,900. 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. j acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, Waterproofs by application and 175-head range permit, large base permanently waterproofs walls and ment home, nice yard, $17,500. Phone 97 floors, inside or outside, wet or Robert F. Thompson dry, new or old, painted or un painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY m m p ro fe ssli Business I « 2i r* Ô Äi FOR SALE— Milk cows. Guernsey, Holstein and Jerseys. Mincers and springers. Phone Noel Owartney. Phone 306, Ontario. Across from ■■■ h i FOR SALE—Unpalnted cabinets and chests of drawers. Cabinets are in section and can be bought complete or In sections. Nyssa LAND HEADQUARTERS FARM SP E C IA L S NEW LISTING—60 acres very fine land, deep soil, old paid up water right, 4 room house, many other good build ings. A real low price of $16,800, terms. FINE HOME on this 84 acre farm, 51 acres irrigable, 30 acres of this is the best row crop land obtainable, price $16,000, easy terms. ONE OF THE BEST 84-acre places in the valley. The soil is excellent, every foot of this farm is row crop land, level and long runs, good buildings and new spud cellar, $25,000, easy terms. THREE BEDROOM home on this 80. This is a good dairy set-up, running water year around, only $10,000, terms to suit. Ed Jamison and Ken Fond HOMES Two-bedroom modem home on paved street and sewer, $3,000, *2,- 500 down. Two-bed room modern home on paved street, garage, basement. This is a good buy, very conven iently located, $5,800, terms. Five acres adjacent to Nyssa, new 6-room modern home with full basement, well Insulated, very easy terms, good land. One acre with two-bedroom basement modern home, $4,000. Two acres with 7-room home with full basement, barn for 5 cows on paved street, close to Nyssa, 14 down. P H Y S IC IA N S N y ssa P o s t N o. 7 9 S A R A Z IN C L IN IC A m e r ic a n L e g io n D r. J . J . S a r a z ln M e e ts 1 st & 3 r d T h u re . D r. K E . K e rb y V e te r a n ’s H a ll — 8 P . M . D r. L . W . S c o tt A ll V e te r a n s W e lc o m e P h y s ic ia n a n d S u rg e o n s G a te C ity L o d g e N o. 2 1 4 L. A . M a u ld in g , M . D. Physician and Surgeon I.O .O .F . Pnone 37 M e e ts e v e ry M onday Hours: 10 to 1" and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and n ig h t, 8 :3 0 . Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 S o u th F ir s t S tr e e t C . J . K o p p , M . D. P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n F r y B u ild in g Office hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Dally except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 T e w e l r y s t o r e s PAU LU S JE W E L R Y STO RE D E N T IS T S D R . C. M. T Y L E R W ils o n B u ild in g Phene 185-J. Ny*aa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 13. J . R. C U N D A L L D e n tis t Phone 88-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OIUPOON Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second O P T O M E T R IS T S D R . C. L. H E R M A N N V is u a l S p e c ia lis t W Y CK OFF JE W E L R Y STO RE Room 4. Fry Building Nyssa. Oregon Phone 171 -J Office hour* 9 to 13; 2 to 5 Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO ORHOON D R. J . A. M C F A L L DR. JO H N EA SLY V E T E R IN A R IA N S D R . H A L D. W H I T E V e te r i n a r ia n P h o n e N y ssa 2 7 5 -W P h o n e 21, O n ta rio , O re MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and free pick-up of your dead, crippled or sick livestock. Calls received be fore 9 o’clock are picked up by noon. Efficient drivers. Call col lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Company. 6Jtfc. MISCELLANEOUS—For really per sonalizing your gifts, try gold stamping. Beautiful lettering done Office space for rent. on napkins, stationery, book match Drive-in restaurant for sale. es, leather goods and special oc Two complete business lots for casion ribbon. Gate City Journal. sale. - 23Jtfc. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- neman’s. 250 tfc Nyssa, Oregon Phone 179-J FOR RENT LODGES MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Loans on farms Tor refinancing, building. Improvements, b u y i n g . Long term, low interest, see Ber nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. SAtfc. FOR RENT—120-acre farm, first and second units, Black canyon. 4 miles northeast of Notus, modern house, electricity, part row crop, part alfalfa and clover. Phone 873-W. Caldwell. 8d2xc Dead animals picked up hva For prompt service call collect. Ontario—Ontario Grain Co. 63 Parma—Parma Seed Co. 26 Nyssa—Main plant 100 Idaho-Oregon Rendering Ce. MISCELLANEOUS—Pour your In FCR RENT — 3-room unfurnished surance needs of any kind see apartment, steam heat and hot Mel Beck. Origg Bros and Butler. water furnished. Bybee apart Gmtfc ments. 8dtfc FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. In Apple valley, phone Parma 6m21. Sdtfc FOR RENT—Basement apartment, phone 29-J. ldtfc FOR RENT—Furnished two-room cabin. Oil heat. Laundry facilities. Phone 122-J after 5:30. lOntfc LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT PUBLIC LAND SALE United State* Department of the interior Bureau of Land Manage ment, Oregon District Land Office, Portland 18, Oregon, November It, 1949. Notice is hereby given that under FOR RENT—180 acre row crop and provisions of section 2455, R. 8., as dairy ranch, close to Nyssa, phone amended by section 14 of the act of 179-J. 6otfc June 28. 1934 (48 8 tat., 1274), and pursuant to the application of FOR RENT— Polish your own Wllllan Norman Davis, Jordan Val floors. Rent our high-speed pol ley, Oregon, Serial No. Oregon 0808, ishing equipment Easily handled there will be offered, to the highest by women. Nyssa Lumber company. bidder, but at not less than $1.50 per SAtfc. acre, at a public sale to be held at 3:00 o’clock P. M„ on the 10th day FOR RENT— 80 acres good row of January. 1950 next, at this office, crop land. 8ee Mel Beck, Origg the following tracts of land: NWH- Brothers and Butler. 226 tfc NE14, N*4NW14, 8W14NW>4, 8W14- F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. 8W>4. N'vSW‘4. E ‘48E>4. sec. 12, Chadwick's camp. 20otfc T 32 S . R. 40 E., W. M.. Oregon, 360 acres. Bids may be made by the principal WANTED or hto agent, either personally at W ANTED— Children to care for, the sale or by mall. day or evening, phone 63-J. 15d2xp Bids sent by mall will be consider ed only If received at this office WANTED—To buy ear com and prior to the hour fixed for the sale. barley, Ed Jamison. lSdtfc These bids must be accompanied by certified checks or post-office money WANTED TO RENT—*0 to 100 acre orders for the amounts of the bids I row crop or diversified ranch. R e and must be unclosed In sealed ferences furnished, call me at envelopes The envelopes must be 010J5 or see me 1 % mile west of marked In the lower left-hand corn ¡Owyhee comer. Wilson Winter er substantially as followi: "Public 8D2xp sale bid. Serial No. 0808, Bale. Jan , WANT^p—To rent row crop land uary 10. 1950.” The person making the highest suitable for potatoes and beets Big Murakami. Rt. 1. Ontario. Ore ldtfc | bid will be required to pay immedi ately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely WANTED — Male help, ambitious Merle Pamancf were visitors at the Thomas Nlshitanl home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Chadd and daughter were guests Sunday at the Conley Locket* home In Wil low Creek, visiting Mrs. Chadd’s sister. Attending the concert In Ontario Weneaday were Mrs. Thomas Nlsh itanl, Mrs. H. Roger, Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell and Mrs. Plersoll. Lew McCoy made two Itrips to Wallowa this week, trucking home cattle that had been on pasture there. A black and white heifer, ap parently tout has been staying a- round the Nelson Field home the past week, with no one claiming ownership. Miss Clarice Nothete, Mrs. Albert Nothela and Mrs. Elmer Clonlnger drove to Reno, Nevada Saturday to medt W. E. Wllllard of Sea Beach, California. Mr. Wllllard plans on visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nothela. Chet Corfleld and Mr. and Mrs. Art Hann will leave this week-end for a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Paul House and family are moving over the week end to property located 3/4 of a mile from Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes having been making plans for moving this week to their farm formerly owned by Helmer Julum near Oene’s store. Mrs. Harry Rataesyk was honored Thursday night at a family party at the Caamier Rataegyk home, celebrating her birthday. Present were the Frank Rataesyk and M. A. Rataezyk families end Wallace Raltaezyk. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Iverson of Hansen. Idaho spent four days as housegueet at the Lyman Pomeroy home last week. Mr and Mrs. Nell Dtmmlck and Mr and Mrs. Lyman Pwneroy left Friday on a trip to Twin Falla and Hansen, Idaho. Arcadia Sunshine Club Will Meet ARCADIA. Dec. 16—The Arcadia Sunshine club will meet December 16 at the hone of Mrs John Shenk for their Christmas party. The mystery sisters will be revealed and gifts exchanged. Vaughn Stringer ground com on the Theo Makherly place Friday. Jimmy Liaanan returned Sun day from Union, where he went with a group of F. F. A. boy* Miss Orare Tarr of Wilder, Mrs. Earl Petit of Welser and Mrs. Harold Houston of Arcadia visited Mrs. Oeorge Moeller Friday after noon. Norman Hlpp was a business viator in Baker and Enterprise last week. Members of the Oregon Trail Bunday school met Wednesday nktht. December 14 at the home of Wilma Bullard to dlacum plans for the party tor Ml American Bunday schools December 30 at the Arcadia school house. man with ear to serve 8*0-family the above-deectlbed land are edvlaed \ The Arcadia Sunshine club will ¡route. We provide capital. Write to file their claims, or objections, on give a Christmas program Bunday. CATTLE SALE Having sold my place. I will aell the following cattle at my home. AVi miles west on Alberta avenue. Thursday, Dec. 22 SALE STARTS AT 12:30 P. M. 90 HEAD of CATTLE 8 Registered Hereford heifers* four with calves, two springers, two open. 1 Holstein cow, 5 years old. 5 G uernsey heifers, with calves 3 Durham heifers, with calves. 2 Holstein heifers, with calves. 4 Holstein heifers, springers. 10 G uernsey heifers, springers. 10 Durham heifers, long yearlings, bred. 10 Durham heifers, yearlings. 4 Durham heifers, 8 months old. 4 Holstein heifers, 8 months old. 1 Durham steer, 8 months old. 4 Durham steers, 5 months old. 1 Hereford steer, 2 years old. 2 Holstein steers, 8 months. 10 Calves from 4 to 6 months old. TERMS—CASH Glen Suiter, Owner LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers L. H. Frltts, Clerk