Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1949)
T H E N Y S S A G A T E C I T Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 15. 1949 PAGE TW O are here this week on business. Window Is Broken— Former Residents Here— James Olin and Lee Saxton of They will return home this week Someone knocked a three-inch N e e d v F a m ilie s hole In a liquor store window on east Lebanon, former Nyssa residents. end. Mam street about 3 a. m. Wednes folic eong. Local residents wil be given an day The culprit did not open the 4 p. m . Christmas vesper service . - , . lr door near which the window was . . . _ . .. opportunity this year to share their broken. by the church school. This candle- . ..___ . KLASS V. POWELL . , . Christmas cheer with those not so 1:. ht service will Include carols, fonunat, u themjelves. according Schoolmasters To Meet— The Snake River Valley school scripture and Christmas thoughts | ^ Mrs W. E. Schireman, home ADVERTISING KATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES oy the children's departments and service chairman of the Nyssa masters association will hold its December meeting In Caldwell as a dramatic program toy the young branch. American Red Cross, Open rate, per Inch *2 00 One Year 40c Clubs. fraternal orgamations, guests of Caxton Printers, Ltd. After people, -,And There Was No. *1 25 National, per Inch Six months 49c church service groups and Individ the dinner meeting the schoolmast R oom ", The public is invited. uals who desire to help may do so ers will view the Caxton plant. ClaA-slfieds, per word S u iv ie C o D ie s 05 2c by telephoning 61 -R and asking for ASSEMBLY OF GOD Minimum 30c (Strictly In Advance) the family by number as listed be Merl D Spiesx, Pastor General Contracting and low: Family No. 1, consists of boys Sunday school, 10 a. m. Building 8 and 5 years, 1 girl six years and Morning worship, XI a. m. Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Custom-Built Cabinets and Young People's service, 7 p. m. mother and father: family No. 2, Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Furniture girls 13, 14. and 16 years and boy Evanglistic, 8 p. m. Furniture Repairing and through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under Tuesday, Bible study and prayer 12 years and mother and father: Reftnlshing family No. 3, girls 16. 9 and 5 years the act of March 3, 1879 service. 1 to miles north of Nyssa-Panna Come out and enjoy the services. and boys 12, 14 and 4 years and Junction parents: family No. 4. girls 13 years A welcome awaits you. and parents: family No. 5, boys 14, we will meet In our own little 13. 10. 9. 6 and 5 years, baby boy 5 CATHOLIC CIIIKCH church building. Located on 2nd months and girls two years and pa Park Avenue and Third Street W HO LESALE - R E T A IL PHONE // 7 St. and Onus Ave. Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor rents: family No. 6, boys 18, 13, 11, WASHINjG. POLISHING. LU BR ICATING — ß j f ß jC jf a A A X A y Mass on Sundays at 9:30 Cate- and 9 years and girls 14 years and INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Highway 95 Phone 023J1 I IIP METHODIST COMM IN ITT chlsm at 10 a. m. Saturdays. parents; family No. 7, boy 18, girls MISSION CHURCH 8 and parents; family No. 8, boys 8, Second Street and Ennis Avenue Donald S. Campbell, Minister CHURCH OF CHRIST 6 and 1 years, baby boy 10 days old, Sunday school, 10 a. m. Don R. Maxfield, Pastor ■jlrls 3 years and parents; Morning worship, 11 a. m. 9:45 a m , church school. 10 a. m , church school hour. Family No. 9, boys 15, 8 and 5 ye- I Sermon subject Why I Believe 11 a. rn, morning worship. Ser-1 11 a m , morning worship and ars and parents; family No. 10. boys the Second Coming of Christ Is. mon “God Visits Mankind ". An- 12, 8 and 1 years, girl 9 years and Near.'' I than by the adult choir. 'There j Lord’s supper. 7:15, young people's service. parents;family No. 11. boys 19, 15 We are happy to announce that Were Sheperds" by Vincent with 8 p. m . evening worship. and 6 years, girls 12, 7, 8, 3 and | Wednesday 7:30 choir practice; 2 years, girl 7 months and parents; 8 p. m., young people's activity family No. 12, boys 10, 6, 5 and 3 night. years and boy 9 months, and par ents; family No. 13, boys 2 years ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH and 4‘a months and mother; family Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector No. 14, girls 17, 15, 13 and 2 years,! Church school, 10 a. m. boys 7, 4, 10 years and 6 days old Church services, 7:30 p. m „ every and parents; family No. 15, boys 14, 8unday evening. 11 and 1 years, girl 25 days and parents; family No. 16, girls 8, 5 MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH and 2 years, twin girls 1 year old, i A W. M. Turner boys 6 and 3 years and parents; Ml- » onary Pastor family No. 17, girls 14, 13, and 5 % Sunday school, 10 a. m. years, and 8 months, boys 9, 16, 3 Morning service, 11 a m. and 2 years and parents; family I Song service, r . M p. m. No. 18. girls 4 and 3 years and Mixed Nuts, No Peanuts, 2 lbs. Young People's service, 7:30 p m parents; family No. 19, sons 9, 7 Evening service, 8 p. m. and 3 years, girl 5 years and par Wednesday evening prayer ser ents! family No. 20, boy 3 years g Mixed Candy, 2 lbs. vice, 8 p. m. and expectant mother; family No. Friday evening service, 8 p. m 31. girl 2 years and jxirents; fam ily No. 22, boya 6, 5 and 1 years, Grapefruit Juice, 46 oz. can, 2 for SUNSET v a l l e y girls 4 and 2 years and parents, ASSEMBLY OF GOD and family No. 23. girls 10 and 8 Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Blend Juice, 46 oz. can, 2 for years, boy 3 years and parents. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 t. m. Ag. Meeting Scheduled— ft Orange Juice, 46 oz. can, 2 for Young People, 7 p. m. An agriculture extension meeting Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. will be held In Ontario Tuesday, Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. December 30. with all vocational ag riculture Instructors and veterans In c o n fo r m it y w ith O r e g o n sta te la w s th ese a r tic le s THE C HURCH OF THB Instructors In the county In at NAZARENE tendance. In addition, all school a ll c a r r y at least a 6 % m a rk -u p . Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor administrators in the county will at 10 a in , Sunday school. Russell tend. Superintendent Henry Hart ley of Nyssa will take charge of a Smith, superintendent. « 11 a. in., congregational and discussion on "The Future of Adult W E A R E G IV IN G A W A Y A G O O S E F O R X M A S . Education for Farmers". Dr H. H special singing and sermon. 7 p. m., we have three group ser Oibson of Oregon State college, will vices in the church and a prayer be In charge of the meeting. C H E C K A T S T O R E F O R D E T A IL S meeting In the parsonage. Men Are Fined— 8 p m.. evangelistic service. Dale E. Mayes and Albino Garcia Services 8 p. m. every Wednesday. of Nyssa were ares ted by a state pol- ■ ice officer December 11 on the Owy hee river on charges of violating the state game laws Mayes, charg ed with hunting without a license, was fined *50 and $4.50 court costs g . and Oarcla, charged with hunting during closed season, was fined *25 and *4 50 court costs by Justice of j the Peace Don M. Oraham. olo by Mi® Kathryn Crandall. The junior choir will sing "O Come All Ye Shepherds", a Bohemian T he G ate Citv J o u rn a l J.'o r ‘ “WART”, The Speed Cop Church Notes J o h n so n C a b in e t Shop I Nyssa Shoppers OF *§ k 1 S 8 8 8 And Nuts At NYSSA FOOD CENTER 69c 49c 69c 79c 99c B jaaj M S mvìci For The Convenience j Get Your Christmas Candy By Bingham TXsr&njSF THE The Nyssa Stores Will Remain Open Until 9:00 p. m. December 22, 23 & 24 l I THE Nyssa Retail Merchants ASSOCIATION Again in 1949 M ORE PEOPLE HAVE BOUGHT C H EVRO LET than any other make — just as they ha ve done during the total 19-year period, 1931 to date! T he men and women o f America know value when they see it! Consequently, they are purchasing more Chevrolet passenger cars than any other make . . . and more Chevrolet trucks than the next two makes combined . . . thereby placing Chevrolet first in sales this year, ¡ust as they have done for the total 19-year period, 1931 to date. FIRST In passenger car tales for '4 0 * Naturally, we and all Chevrolet dealers are deeply appreciative o f this overwhelming tribute o f preference; and we join with Chevrolet in pledging to do everything possible to give you greater and greater value in the months and years to come. How America's first service station was born O ne day hack in 1907, s Standard o f Cali fornia nun stood watching a tine o f im pa tient motorists in goggles and linen dusters ssaiiing to buy five-gallon cans o f gasoline at Standard's Seattle plant. He had an idea for sers ing customers more efficiently, more «»ns eniently. Tlie next day a thirty gallon tank which had been a kitchen water heater was in stalled opposite the main gate at the plant. T o i( were attached a raise controlled hose and a glass g a u g e . . . so gas could he poured directly into the customers' cars. im p rov ed p rod u cts they sell . . . w o u ld prohahlv nuke them hard to recognixe by the men who developed the lin t station. For (he people o f Standard today, as then, continue to seek ways to make better prod u cts- and to serve better the people who use them. (Ovt—Mmg Ht» m»x 1 2 m a k t combined) FIRST In truck ta la s for all postw ar years -------J l k rfi « f 4*1^. FIRST In passenger car sales for total 19-year period. 1931 to date FIRST in truck sales for total 19-year period. 1931 to date Thai makeshift arrangement was the tint service station in America. T od a y there are m ore than 10.000 C om pany and Independent Dealer stations sell ing Standard o f California products. 1 he sers ices and coos they offer . . . the FIRST in truck sales for '4 9 * Cables Chevrolet Co, O N T A R IO , O R E G O N FIRST In total number of trucks an road today