Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. Xmas. Program O f Hoop Schedules O f Lower Grades To Nyssa Teams Set Be Held Dee. 14 The schedules of the Eagles and The lower grade Christmas pro gram will be held Wednesday even ing. December 14 at 8 o'clock in the Nyssa gymnasium. The theme of tthe program will be "Winkum, Blinkum and Nod's Travels". The program will be di vided as follows: Oregon Trail “Sky Travels” ; first grades. "The Nativity"; third grades, “Christmas StarUght Parade"; Arcadia, second and third grades. “ Rudough, the Red-Noses Reindeer"; second grade. “ The Christmas Tree” ; Arcadia first grade. "Christmas Toys” and fourth grade. "The Christmas Gift”. The committees in charge are as f o l l o w s : Program—V. Fothergill, chairman; C. Notheis, Mrs. Castro and* Mrs. Ballentyne, and decor ations—Dorothy Edholm. chairman; Mrs. Chadwick. Mrs. Teague and Mrs. Ballentyne. Start Work On Building— Holcomb and Main, contractors who have the contract to erect an addition to the city hall to serve as a fire station and library have start ed work on the building. They are not bound by any stipulation as to completion time, but are pushing the work during favorable weather. Probably 60 working days wil be re quired for the project. VfilHe WATT BY ROLAND & ROY 5 ?. lease don't give Our store the air When your washer Needs repair. •sidenfial « Commercial Wiring MW Bracken’s, the two Nyssa basketball teams entered in the Idaho-Oregon semi-professional league, were an nounced this week. The semi-pro season will be open ed December 30 with a jamboree to be held in Payette December 30. The Eagles home games will oe played as follows: Tuesday. January 10. Vale; Friday. January 20. Welser. Friday, January 27. Bracken's; Tuesday. February 7. Emmett; Feb ruary 11, Bracken’s; February K, Ontario; February 23. New Plym outh, and March 2, Payette. The Bracken schedule is as fol lows: January 5, Weiser; January 19, Payette: January 27, Nyssa Eagles; February 2, Ontario; February 11, Nyssa Eagles; February 17, New Plymouth, and February 25, Emmett. COMING EVENTS December 9— L. D. 8. second ward bazaar. December 10—Adrian Community church dinner and sale. Job’s Daughter parcel post sale, 8:30 p. m. St. Anne's Alter society bazaar. December 12—Blood bank at Methodist church. St. Paul's Qulld meeting at Mrs. Hilda Tensen's home. December 13—Eagles pre-school clinic at Eagles hall. Grange In stallation, Oregon Trail schoolhouse. A. N. K. Garden club meeting at Mrs. Frank Morgan's home. December 14—G r a d e s c h o o l Christmas program. December 15—Job's Daughters in stallation. Methodist Women's so ciety, Mary and Martha circle at the home of Mrs. Clyde Snider. Dorns circle at the home of Mrs. L. E. Robbins. Wesleyan Service Guild at the home of Mrs. Dennis Patch. December 17—Book club Christ mas party at the home of Mrs. Hilda Tensen. Concert by the Nyssa municipal band. Dance by the Eagles auxiliary. THURSDAY. DECEMBER «. 1949 PAGE SEVEN Return From Trip— Mr. and Mrs. George Schiemer of Nyssa rural route returned home last week-end from a trip into the south ern states. They went to Denver. New Mexico and California and home by way of Portland after a visit of 16 days with friends and relatives. They went to Boulder dam and visited at several parks en route south. BIG STAGE SHOW—All Free! PLUS NEW COLOR MOVIES To Clothing Sent H ospital- Through the efforts of the welfare committee of the American Legion auxiliary, with Mrs. E. H. Fleshman as chairman, 40 pounds of clothing were recently sent to the families of men in the veterans mental hos pital at Roseburg. The group also has a quilt they have made that is to be sent to the Roseburg hospital EDUCATIONAL, TRAVEL, COMEDY AND OTHER FEATURES AT OUR FREE FAMILY PARTY Too Late To Classify FOR SALE—Weaner pigs, second house east of highway on Klamath avenue. Virgil T. Krause. 8dlxp WILL BE PRESENTED A GREAT NEW VARIETY PROGRAM WANTED TO RENT—80 to 160 acre row crop or diversified ranch. R e ferences furnished, call me at OlOJo or see me 1 14 mile west of Owyhee corner. Wilson Winter. 8D2xp. A SHOW WORTH CO M IN G MILES TO SEE AND HEAR YOU C A N T AFFORD TO MISS IT TOR RENT—New modern 3-room apartment, unfurnished, automatic heat, phone 186 -J. Bdlxc. A PROGRAM FOR BOTH YOUNG AND OLD On The TOR RENT—Modem house, 3 rooms and bath, Lloyd Focht, north 5th, after 5 p. m. 8dlxp. FOR SALE—D2 Caterpillar, in first class condition. Roy Holmes. 3'4 miles southwest of Nyssa. 8d3xc MISCELLANEOUS- Children's toys and doll furniture made and re paired. 588 N. Third St. 8D3xp FOR RENT — 3-room unfurnished apartment, steam heat and hot water furnished. Bybee apart ments. 8dtfc FOR SALE—Eight head of dairy cattle, $160 per head if all eight are purchased; also one red Durham heavy springer. Devon Larson, four miles west and V4 mile north of Beet Growers To Meet— Langton's corner. 8dlxp The annual district meetings of the Nyssa-Nampa District Sugar Beet Growers association were an FOR SALE— 1939 four-door Nash, nounced this week. The sessions radiant heater, over-drive, good will include the following meetings: motor and paint, cheap. A. Vald- December 12—Oregon Trail. Luce eras, east end Chestnut street, by 8dlxc and Nyssa, 1:30 p. m., Nyssa gym tracks. nasium; and Kingman Kolony, 7:30 FOR RENT—120-acre farm, first p. m„ Adrian grade school building; and second units, Black canyon, 4 December 21—Vale, 2 p. m., com miles northeast of Notus, modern munity hall, and Jamieson, 8 p. m„ house, electricity, part row crop, part community hall, and December 22, alfalfa and clover. Phone 873-W, Oregon Slope, 8 p. m.. community Caldwell. 8d2xc hall. FOR RENT—80 acres, row crop land, Here From Klamath Falls— cash rent, Marion Chard, Box 814, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Orelle and 462 N. 6th St., Nyssa, Ore. 8dlxp Buell Orelle of Klamath Falls, for- | mer Nyssa residents, were visitors FOR SALE—Block wood and green last week at the home of Mr. and slab wood, phone collect Emmett 367-J4. 8d8xp | Mrs. William Schireman. G ene Straub Playing Your Muaical Favorites On Banjo And Accordian In Person Stage Royal Whirlwinds Stan Kramien Sensational Skating Team hA«ljr Of Magic And Fun Russ Miller and Company Featuring A Variety Of Unique Entertainment NO SALES TALK— JUST ENTERTAINMENT BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY MONDAY, DECEMRER 12 BEGINNING AT 8:00 P. M. NYSSA THEATER If you haven't already received your free family ticket you m ay d o so at the OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY YOUR INTERNATIONAL McCORMICK DEALER 4th and Main Nyssa, O regon AUCTION On the Grounds of New L. D. S. Chapel - Alberta Avenue DECEMBER 15 -11 Yearling Durham, vaccinated, bred. Roan Durham, B months. White faced, 1 V 2 years old. Registered Jersey, 15 months old. Jersey, bred. 4 CO W S 2 Jersey cows, extra good. 1 Guernsey springer, 6 years. 1 Jersey springer. 4 Calves 11 Steers $1 5 car overhaul job. NEW AND USED CARS 3 or 4 new cars. 2 Used Trucks. 1 Case motor oil. 6 PIGS About 30 ton o f fertilizer. Dempsey corrugator. Tandum disc, practically new. 1 Grain binder. Eversman leveler, 9 ft. blade. 1 Iron-tired wagon. 1 Beet cultivator. 2-way John Deere plow. 1 Two-wheel stock trailer. 1 Skill saw, good condition. $ 1 0 repair job. Fat, 18 and 16 months. Durhams, long yearling. Durham. BOO pound steer. Guernsey. Holstein. Registered bull, papers. Beef critter. 1 Chester white gilt, purebred papers, bred. 3 Hogs. 2 Weaner pigs. 1 Ewe. 2 La mbs. 1 Ton o f alfalfa hay. 2 Tons o f haled straw. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. All New Electric vulcanizer, like new 1 hand truck. 2 Good veal. 1 Whiteface, fat. 1 Red Hereford yearling. 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 HOT LUNCH SERVED IN NEW BUILDING MACHINERY 27 HEAD CATTLE 6 Heifers 1 1 2 1 1 a. m. with MANY MORE ITEMS NOT MENTIONED BUILDING MATERIALS 100 Sacks cement. 12 Squares aluminum corrugated ro o f ing. 150 Pounds nails. 1 I. H. C. refrigerator, 8 cu. ft. White electric ironer. Two automatic dishwashers. Washing machine, twin tubs. Buffet. Table lamp. Writing desk. Metal kitchen stool with steps. Large rocker. Red chair. Blue chair. Green Hassock. 2 Steam irons. 3 Radios, (u se d ). Mahogany end table. Overstuffed furniture. Large blue table lamp. I.arge mirrored framed picture. Beds. 1 Parker pen. Bicycle. White throw rug. 1 Starter set pottery. Two upholstered chrome children’ s chairs. 1 Miniature cupboard. 3 Girls’ baby buggies. Old rose double duty bathroom set. 2 Tricycles. Children’ ? upholstered chrome dining set. 1 Load o f fire wood. General electric pop-up toaster. General Electric waffle iron and sand wich grill. Two General Electric clocks. FOOD 2 250-pound sacks Picket flour. 2 dozen 2 V 2 pound cans honey. $ 1 5 0 worth o f groceries. WEARING APPAREL 2 0 0 pairs ladies’ Nylons. POULTRY 1 0 ,0 0 0 New Hampshire baby chicks for spring delivery. TURKEYS 25 Fat hens. 25 Ikying hens. 4 Game roosters. Purina stovepipe chicken feeder. Jamesway 8-gal. waterer and stand. LOOK THESE OVER FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING I ! ! Proceeds To Go For New L. D. S. Chapel Building Fund T m iU f S __ C A S H TERMS—CASH AUCTIONEER SERVICE CONTRIBUTED BY COL. BILL LANE