Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1949)
THE N Y S SA G ATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y S SA . OREGON. PAGE FOUR Otheri* 1 11 j ii r«MI In S iiiihi ‘1 Valley SUNSET VALI.EY. Dec » —Ira Price had a new cast put on his knee Tuesday of this week. Two other Sunset Valley residents were on crutches this week. Mrs. Charles Bchwelzer fell Thursday, severely .spraining her foot, and .s on crutches. She was unable to leach her school classes. On the same day Robert DtUy sprained his ankle while helping In the beets and Is on,crutches. Mrs Leota Ditty Is bedfast due to her heart. Mr and Mrs. Helmer Hintz of Payette were Sunday visitors at the Henry Hintz home Helmer Is now employed at the vinegar plant In Payette. Mr and Mrs. Frank Briggs made a trip to Baker Friday, storing some ( le a n Williams as secretary and Cherie not to hold any more meetings until of their things at the home of Mrs. 'Farm Bureau convention in Boise Q j - i j L, , , „ * Toombs as treasurer. They decided 1950. Briggs' brother. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gibbs is chairman ol the Bon- Briggs were moving over the week ! neville women's association, while School B i t s i C I l l C I l t _________________________________________ end to White Horse ranch, where ! Mr Gibbs is secretary of the local BIG BEND, Dec 8—The Big Bend I he has a new job. Fred Mitchell left Monday by bus ' Idaho Falls association. Outstand 4-H Sunshine Health club cleaned for Taft. California to Join his wife, ing speaker of the convention was the school basement Friday alter- j who is visiting at the home of their Mrs. Wilma Sledge. American na noon. tional director, who spoke on "Re Ellis Perrill and his class visited j son. D H Mitchell. the Lower Bend Sunday school. Mr. I Birthday dinner guests at the Max sponsibilities of the Federation.” Mrs. Joe Dodson was brought ; Perrill spoke to the group. Mitchell home Friday included Mr The Wade Camp Cooking club met and Mrs Orant Patterson, Mr. and home Wednesday from the Ontario hospital. Mrs. Frank Land is help Monday afternoon with the leader, Mrs Devon Larson and family, and ing care for Mrs Dodson, who is Mrs Harvey Bennett. Mr and Mrs. Frank Mitchell Mrs 8 P. M. convalescing from her injured hip. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jones are the Larson was honor guest. House guests at the Delbert Oar- parents of a girl, born December 2. j Mr and Mrs. Roy Osburn and A son weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces, | Mrs Blanch Hite were Friday even ner home are Mr. and Mrs. James ing callers at the John Reffett home, Etherington, parents of Mrs. Garner was born to Mr. and Mrs. Keith from Utah. Stoker. The boy was named Paul visiting Mr and Mrs. Loren Hite and Mrs. Elizabeth Satterly, who has Dean. children of Haines, who were week been visiting at the home of her j The Wade P. T. A. met Friday af end guests at the Reffett home. Mr and Mrs. Robert Reffett went daughter, Mrs. Walter Hillis, the ternoon with Mrs. Harvey Bennett, j past two weeks, left Tuesday for her The president, Mrs. Leroy Bennett I to Ontario Saturday, taking his corn presided. The program preceded the to be exhibited at the Oregon state home in Burley, Idaho. Ira Chadd spent two days last business meeting. Mrs. Threlma El corn show. Reffett has also enter week helping Harry Gahan In re liot gave the principal talk and ed in the competition of yield-per- pairing his tences and roofing his presented achievement pins and cer- | acre contest William Buffington of Nampa new pressure system. Mr. and Mrs. tificates to those boys and girls who | Precision Filled was an overnight guest at the Ira j Gahan left Wednesday lor a visit completed their club work the past j year Chadd home Monday evening. Mrs | to the mid-west. Mr and Mrs. 8. E. Flanagan at Mrs. Veronica Stradley returned | Buffington, who has not been well. tended the Knife and Fork club din Friday from an extended visit with j Is Improving in health. ner in Ontario Monday relatives in California. The annual presentation of the Mrs Robert Ditty and Mrs. Clar- Mrs. Ob Butler is in the Memorial M I. A. plays was declared a suc ence Dodson attended the funeral G. H. Peirsol Phone 255-W Park hospital in Caldwell . cess by all who attended the new of Mrs. Opal Horn Friday in Nyssa. method of presentation, which In Emergency Phone 255-R Members of the Sunset auxiliary Here From Nampa— troduced the traveling players from Mr and Mrs. Pat Potter and child- ] Parma, Nyssa and Owyhee wards. met Thursday afternoon at the Mrs. James Langley and Mrs Wil home of Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy. ren, Betty, Barbara and Billy, of | liam Oregg shopped In Boise Friday, Plans were made for purchasing Nampa called on Mr. and Mrs. Ken returning with treats for the Christ Christmas gifts for veterans in the neth Renstrom Sunday. mas Worthwhile party to be held Boise hospital. All members are to Girls Hold Meeting— make candy and cookies for the vet December 15. Cherie Toomb was accepted as a Overnight guests of Mr and Mrs erans, taking them to the home of new member of the Nyssaettes Sew Delbert Garner Friday evening were Mrs. Chester Bowns at 1 o'clock on ing club at its regular meeting Nov Mr and Mrs Melvin Gibbs of Idaho the afternoon of December 19 when ember 28. The girls elected Sharon j Falls, who were neighbors years ago. the gifts, candy and cookies will be Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs had been at packed. Plans were also made for the an- tending the three-day Idaho State j nual holiday dinner for the mem- j bers and their families. The affair will be held the evening of January 15 with a turkey dinner at Sunset Optometrist hall. Harold Popkins returned Wednes Eyes Examined day from Portland, where he served GEESE as a witness in a trial. Miss Vera Faye Counsil was an Phone 720 I overnight guest of Doris McKee, DUCKS j She attended the Presbyterian 718 Arthur St. [ Youth rally in Adrian. NAM PA A birthday party was given Fri- Caldwell, Idaho ; day afternoon at the Chester Bowns home for 10-year-old Linda Bowns. CREAMERY CO. Guests included Wyonne Ashby, Lama Garner, Darvis Bergam, and N A M PA. IDAHO | Nyssa guests, Barbara McPartland and Oloria Gonyer, who were also overnight guests. W eiser Fall Thursday afternoon visitors at the SQUARE DANCE Lewis Mitchell home were Mrs. John Hamilton and two children of Prom FESTIVAL ise, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton j are houseguests at the "Doc” Raf- Saturday, December 10 fington home. Starting 8:30 p. m. Charlie Schweizer attend the Mai- j heur County Livestock association Come see and hear SRV’s meetings in Vale over the week-end. best callers and dancers in The Sunset extension unit met | action. Friday from 10:30 to 2 o ’clock at the home of Mrs. Delbert Garner. | Also 4 outstanding Mrs. Orover Cooper, unit demon Specialty numbers strator, presented the full lesson on ‘‘Oven Meals”, including meatloaf, | Weiser School Gym beets, rice, squash, and sundae pud ding. Spectators Admission 35c BINGO PARTY AND RAFFLE Catholic Church Basement SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 BAZAAR St. Anne's Altar Society SATURDAY. DEC. 10— 9. A. M. Nyssa Insurance Agency Office COOKED FOODS TH U R SD AY. DECEMBER 8. 1949 FANCY W ORK PRESCRIPTIONS OWYHEE DRUG CO. J HEAR P L A Y B Y -P L A Y BROADCAST Phillips 66 vs. U of Idaho BA SK ETBA LL GAM E THURSDAY (tonight) 8:15 P. M. DROP IN AND SEE OUR DR. G. W. GRAVES CHRISTMAS WANTED DIRECT FROM BOISE 35c OVER K W E I. 1240 K. C. YOUR SPOT FOR SPORTS Sponsored l>y your Phillips 6I> Dopier K 25c SPECIALS FISHING TACKLE SPORTING EQUIPMENT Have New Daughter— Mr and Mrs. Cliff Main returned from Portland last Friday with their new 3-months-old daughter. Karen Marie. Including tax. Sponsored by Weiser Recreation commission, with cooperation of all Weiser civic clubs. OLYMPIC CLUB • y WOMEN P R E F E R . . . Electrical Appliances! Poll takers in 75 cities asked people, "What single qift, within reason, would you like to receive this Christmas5" Judg ing by the answers— if it's a woman— it's an electric appliance. This preference is very logical. Modern electric appliances are eve appealing . . . their automatic features make homekeep ing so much easier . . . their original cost and upkeep are so reasonable. Go By Train and Enjoy Every Minute l One of the many advantages of train Most any woman would be thrilled to receive luxurious and comfort giving elec tric bedding, an automatic toaster, mixer, waffle Iron, or any of tbe dozens of gleam ing, work-saving electric appliances. travel is freedom of action. You can stroll about as you please... be perfectly relaxed as you speed to your destination. Your dealer bas a wonderful selection awaiting your choice There's an electrical applianrf to give everyone in the family a "Merry Christmas " Then, too, there's the pleasure of enjoy ing choice foods in the dining car . . . of leisurely travel in a restful, reclining coach s e at . . . sleeping soundly in a comfortable Pullman so that you arrive completely refreshed. S m your local tickst agsnt lor dotaili and roiorvationi. : I D A H O V P O WE R Does So MUCHCosts So L IT T L E ’ UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Be Speàfk - Say Union Podfk " t