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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL« NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1949 PAGE FOUR ter* names will be drawn. Pictures | kinds of Bibles The Junior depart will be taken of the member* in ment will also share some of the observance of the 25th anniversary things they have been learning of the club. There will be a filmstrip portraying Woody Brewer of Ontario was a Monday morning breakfast guest in "How We Got Our Bible" the T H Brewer home CHt’ RCH OF CHRIST Mr and Mrs. Charlie Schweizer Don R. Maxfield, Pastor called Sunday evening in the Lee 10 a. m , church school hour. Householder home. Mrs. Schweizer 11 a. m.. morning worship and is still walking on crutches after hurting her lei; in a fall several Lord's supper. 7:15, young people's service. days ago. 8 p. m . evening worship. Mr and Mrs Russell Patton and children and Mr and Mrs. R. L. Wednesday 7:30 choir practice. Patton were Sunday dinner guests j 8 p. m.. young people's activity in the Clayton Patton home. Mr night. and Mrs. Russell Patton left early INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Monday morning for their new MISSION home at Moses Lake, Washington. Meetings Held at I. O. O. F. A Atagi bought Patton's place here. Temple. Mr and Mrs Byrd Walters had Sunday school. 10 a. m. dinner Sunday evening for Mrs. Classes for all ages Ellis Walters, Mrs. Ralph Jones of Morning worship. 11 a m. Boise, and Mrs. Martha Haggard of j MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Long Beach. W. M. Turner Mr and Mrs. Lee Strickland were Mite unary Pastor Wednesday evening guests in the Sunday school, 10 a. m. Lee Householder home Mr. and Mrs Russell Patton and children and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton and children were Thursday evenlr»; dinner guests in the R. L. Patton home Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams were hosts at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward and family of Parma, Miss Gertrude Al- mon and Marie Coat and Betty Lou ] Smith of Ny&sa. Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson and Ellza- | beth of Caldwell called in the Jesse Ditty home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clafalo of PHONE 09J-3 ! Adrian were guests in the Kenneth McDonald home Friday evening af ter the football game between Wil der and Vale, which they attended. Mr. and Mrs Charley Culbertson and Larry attended the Owyhee Riding club annual Christmas ban quet. Mr. and Mrs. S. D Bigelow were Sunday dinner guest-s in Payette at the S. T Calhoun home. Mrs. Martha Klingback and Fred and Becky Lou Qregg went to Pay ette Sunday to attend a birthday I dinner at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Jay Duncan for Mrs. Alzada lie Bord of Bay City, Oregon Also oresent were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald De Bord of Payette. Mr and Mrs. Chester Rockwell and children and Mrs. Ray Lapier, all from Wapato, are visiting here j In the Herschall Gregi; home for a few days. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and children were Sunday evening Inner guests In the Lynn Kygar OWYHEE. Dec 8— Mr and Mrs T. H Brewer attended the funeral of Jeule Houston In Ontario Wed nesday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Orant Patterson, Mr and Mrs. Devon Larson and Mr and Mrs Prank Mitchell were Friday evening supper guests In ' the Max Mitchell home. The occ asion was In honor of Mrs. Devon Larson on her birthday anniver sary. The O K K. club will hold Its annual Christmas party Thursday,' December 15 at the home of Mrs Ellis Wallers. A potluck lunch will be served at 1 o'clock, after which officers will be elected, gifts will be exchanged and new mystery sls- I.. I). S. 2ml Ward E. W . PRUYN Club Will Hold Parly ChriittinyH BAZAAR Auto Repairing L. D. S. CHURCH Reboring, Valve Grind FRIDAY, DEC. 9 8 P. M. Refreshments, Pish Pond, f ancy Work And Guilts To He Sold r ing, Lathe work. Part* and accessories DOOR PRIZES PUBLIC INVITED Phone 56-W 1949, at 8:00 o’clock p. m.. for the transportation of pupils during the school year 1950-51. Said transportation of pupils will require two 62-passenger school buses, or the equivalent thereof. The routes of said school buses total approximately 250 miles per day. The form of contract to be en SUNSET VALLEY tered Into for said transportation ASSEMBLY OF GOD shall be determined by the School Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor B o a r d , Information concerning Sunday school, 10 a. m which may be obtained from the Worship services, 11 a. m. undersigned. Young People, 7 p. m. Bids shall specify the amount per Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. mile per day to be paid by the con Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. tractor for transportation. All necessary Information may be ob CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tained from the undersigned. School Board reserves the right to reject That bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 8:00 o’clock p. m. on the 16th day of December, 1949. which bids will be publicly opened at the meeting of the School District Board of Union High School District No. 4. Malheur County. Oregon, at the schoolhouse In Adrian, Oregon, on December 20, Morning service, 11 a. m. Song service, < :*) p. m. Young People s service, 7:30 p m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser vice, 8 p. m. Friday evening service, 8 p. m. Blouses and Sweaters S2.00 to S2.49 Skirts, Dan River Material. Also Tweed S 3 .5 0 -S 2 .0 0 Dresses. All KINDS S4.98 to $2.98 Housecoats $2.99 to S5.50 Suits and Coats All Reduced We have fancy aprons, luncheon sell, pajamas and leather gloves. Come in and see our stock for your Christmas buying. Belly's Dress Shop Bernard Eastman Inaurane« Real Estate Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers Stoker Construction Company Special Christmas Sale any and all bids and the right to determine the best bid without re gard to which may be the lowest bid. RAYMOND H. HOLLY Clerk. Union High School District No. 4. Adrian. Malheur County, Oregon. First pvbl Dec. 8. Last publ. Dec. 15. Estimates G ladly Given Dragline With All The Attachments A vailable For DRAINAGE DIGGING. EXCAVATING. CANAL CLEANING NYSSA, OREGON GEORGE I. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma. Idaho Attention Farmers We Specialize In Farm Implement Repair home. Mrs. Ralph Jones of Boise and Mrs Martha Haggard of Long Be ach. California were overnight guests In the Byrd Walters home Sunday. Church Notes ASSEMBLY OF (lOD Sterl I>. Splrsi. Pastor for Ch —— /Vf orn¡ng" BULOVA! I Sunday school, 10 a m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Young people, 7. p. m. Evanglistlc. 8 p. m. Tuesday Bible study and prayer I service. 8 p m. Come and Join us In worship as I a welcome awaits you. THF CHI RCH OF THB NAZAKFNF Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school. Russell Smith, superintendent. 11 a m , congregational and speclnl singing and sermon. 7 p. m , we have three group ser vices In the church and a prayer meeting in the jmrsonage. 8 p m , evangelistic service. Services 8 p. m every Wednesday. FAITH LUTHERAN (TU RITI Rev. Sherwin Schmidt. Pastor Sunday school, 9 45 a. m. Divine worship, 11 a. m. 1HF MFTHOD1ST COMMUNITY CHURCH Donald 8. Campbell. Minister 9 45 a. m , church school. 11 a. m.. morning worship. Ser mon: "The Search for Truth." Anthem: "Adore and Be Stili" by Oounod Solo by Leon Burt, "Bless This House" by Bray. 7 p m . Youth Fellowship 8 p m , evening service. In keep ing with universal Bible Sunday the Intermediate« are planning an Inter esting display of many types and The all-year y iff that M AKES C H R IS T M A S fora pnotographer Th« new # Bring In Your Farm Implements For Overhauling And Repair FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL ALSO PARTS FOR KIEST LIFTER LOADER Factory Trained Repairman B. & M. E Q U I P M E N T CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer During J 949 A CHEVROLET ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS METER This overwhelming preference k • vonoMol l i la w led Good *•» a w l« and lH«v Aad to « , H m »< Chevrolet trucks give more Jor the m oney/ stems from just one fact: **** r*tu l " booed on in com plete but conclusive nationw ide registration figu res. I »port or kogMooc. ko* ko MwOlod to «•> Ik« 0 * « l tisiirto "«totoc «Mk o tolMOtV." Evans Studio m preferred hg truck users over the next two m akes com bined Exposure vm n»-i 'Vy/i Cables Chevrolet Co. ONTARIO, OREGON