Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1949)
THE N Y S S A G A TE C IT Y JO U RN AL. N YSSA. OREGON. TH U R S D A Y , DECEMBER 8. 1949 PA G E TW O Liieiiiployniunt In I lo u n tv In c ru a H u s Salem, Dec 8— <Special) Oregon’s unemployment Increased by ten thousand November to reach 55,300 on December 1. nearly 53 per cent above the figure reported by the 26 local offices a year ago. the Stale Unemployment Compensation Com mission said today. Last year the seasonal upturn dur ing November was 12,000, followed by 20,000 In December, while layoffs during the prolonged cold spell brought the number to an all-tlinc peak of 93,000 In mid-February A d dition of about 15,000 to the state s FREE Estimates Given On Large Or Small Jobs Of Land Leveling Phone 0!)J-3 D. O. BYBEE “W AKT”, The Speed Cop labor force during the past year has helped to keep this winter’s total about the same number above a year ago and may bring a higher peak by mid-winter, officials said. The number now actively seek ing Jobs Is about 8 per cent o f the available labor force, while last winter the top was nearly 14 per cent. Although seasonal slackening of lumber, logging and construction contributed to the growing unem ployment, most of the Increase was attributed to early completion of harvests and food processing oper ations all over the state. Canneries and parking houses were slowing down both in Eastern and Western Oregon, reports showed. Unemployment more than doubled In the Ontario area, climbing from 300 to 685 during the month. Cor vallis with 750, Hood River with 600 and Lakevlew 'w lth 300 also had big increases. W hile the number of Job-seekers Increased from 20.200 to 22.900 In the metropolitan tri-county area, the percentage upturn was among the smallest In the state. Only 100 was added to the Oregon City total, now reported as 1.950. Salem's 5,000 persons without work In the Marlon-Folk county area was an Increase of 1350 in November, while Eugene’s total went to 4,650, about 600 higher than a month be fore. Pre-School Clinic Held— NEWS OF RECORD Another in the series of pre m a r r ia g e l ic e n s e s school clinics sponsored by the Matt Schaefer of Vale and Eileen Nyssa Eagles auxiliary will be held Alberta Eagan of Payette. at the Eagles hall Tuesday, No-1 Mitsuru Nakamura of Weiser and vember 13 at 2 p. m. Dr. M aulding' Karie Chieko Hirata of Parkdale. will be present to give a thorough Oregon. check-up for these children. This Jack W. Walters and Betty Lou is a free service that Is being o ffe r Tillman, both of Nyssa. ed to pre-school children, and Che John R. Dewey and Marian Lucille Eagles auxiliary will assist, if ne Daly, both of Nyssa. cessary, in any follow-up work that Marcos V. Veristain and Dixie M is needed. Anyone interested in Lewis, both of Vale. this service Is asked to call Mrs. Joseph T. Ivie of Shoshone, and Robert Thompson to make arrange Mary E. Michael of Twin Falls. ments. C O M PLAIN TS, C IR C U IT COURT G rad e Ann Hummell vs, Wallace Achievement Program Held— A 4-H Achievement program in D. Hummell, divorce. Vale Consumers co-op vs. Goldie the Lower Bend district was held recently, following a community Goodman, recovery on account, dinner at the schoolhouse. Shirley $276.35. Irvin F. W olfe vs. Fred Babcock, Chaney was chairman of the affair and served as announcer for the fo l recovery on account, $1.000. Valley Wholesale and Warehouse lowing program: Skit by LaDawn Wooley, Dorothy Stradley, Gladys Molt. Marianne Stradley and Rob erta Reno; report on the 4-H sum mer camp by LaDawn Wooley; re port on the 4-H summer school by Benny W itty and a duet by Dorothy Furgusen and Marianne Stradley The following awards were made: two first-year pins; two sec ond-year certificates; two third- year certificates; a five-year gold pin to Shirley Chaney and a sixth year certificate to Benny Witty. Achievement certificates for 100% completions went to the two health clubs and to the cooking club led by Mrs. Zeb. Wilson. Visitor* Return From Nevada Trip A PPLE VALLE Y, Dec 8—Mr. and Mrs Conley Wilson and small son visited In Caliente. Nevada for a week with -Mrs. Wilson’s sister and her brother and his wife. They returned Saturday night. Mr and Mrs Conley Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Cald well. and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Caldwell. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Leigh and Beulah were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. J M. Leigh in hon or of Mrs. Cecil Leigh. Pred Stuket of Eugene was a vis itor Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pritts. Mrs Agnes McFarland was the W S. C. S. hostess at her home | Thursday of this week. Mr and Mrs. Birdies Stephans and son, Roy, of Culver stayed a week with Mr. and Mrs Cecil Leigh. They were Monday visitors of Mr and Mrs. Stanley Leigh of Emmett. Mr and Mrs. Forrest Reed and Robert and Mrs. Ella 8tethans were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs C. C Meltvelt of Boise The ladies of the community serv ed lunch at the Locklear sale W ed nesday. A Bible club meeting was held at Mrs. Kenneth Saunders’ home last Enters Hospital— The next meeting will Luther L. Fife, local contractor Tuesday. and former president o f the Weiser be held December 15 at 8 o’clock. stake o f the L. D. S. church, enter ed the Holy Rosary hospital Tues Visits in Baker— Mrs Webb Pennie is visiting fri day for medical observation. ends and relatives In Baker this week. . BARLEY WANTED By Bingham l Visit in Boise— Mrs. E. H. Fleshman and Mrs. Don Oraham were Boise visitors Monday. While in Boise they visit ed Mrs Joe Maughan and her mother, Mrs. Louise M cOavln, who Is convalescing from an operation. D. O. BYBEE PH O NE 05J-3 company vs. Yellowstone Inc., recovery on contract, International Harvester vs. Columbia Blvd. Fish replevin. Sulphur, $1301.77. company Market, PE TITIO N S. PRO BATE C O URT Estate o f Patrick Henry Johnson, deceased. General Contracting and Building C l .»Jin-Built Cabinets and Furniture Furniture Repairing and Reflnishing lt t miles north of Nyssa-Parma Junction Johnson Cabinet Shop Phone 023J1 Highway 95 SAVE $85.00 and Treat the Family to the Finest! Give the Marlborough FM-AM RADIO PHONO Was 241.50 Now only IC / 5 0 U O See It— hear ltl You’ll be amazed at Its rich tone and smart looks. W E HAVE A G O OD SELECTION OF T O Y S AND GIFTS— SHOP E A R LY OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE Nyssa, Oregon FOR YO UR PL U M B IN G NEEDS "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY” Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call B M ltw tt SjUUHCJb //7 J. C . phonb wholesale - retail SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J WASHING. POLISHING. LUBkICATING — tu f By PLOTNER WE'VE ALL AIE AUD A B O U T T A t 'A A A V M A M " , „ x A N D Y REDFORD, master of cere monies for the Weiser Fall Square Dance festival, will introduce a pro gram of square dancing and specialty numbers starting at 8:70 p. m. Saturday at the Weiser school gym. The program will feature the area’s best callers and four specialty acts. Music will be furnished by l.lpka’s orchestra of Boise. Dance tickets, limited to 500. have been allocated to clubs of the area. Spectator tickets will be sold at the door. The festival Is sponsored by the Weiser recreation commission, with the cooperation of all Weiser civic clubs. W£/w\l£ 0ÜL.V ^ c— ' 0N£ a m M i - /M T Z M f O U I? U SED CA1?6 APE B B T T tn CAKS BECAUSE T P fcJ 'K H //or To M iM T tO N C O U N T L E S S / Ml T A T O T Z S MV M A M A -«ö i- SAVS./tlE A B U S IN E S S M A N 'C A U S E I G IV E B V E T iV T '/ N G Locate in Ontario— John Denenk and his mother, Mrs. Denenk. have sold their home in Nyssa and moved to O n tario, where they will reside. AW AV (fU A R A fe D H£RRIMAM Mordkco. ecor at i n g . . . . With DEVOE Wall and Floor Finishes Win a Brand New 1950 Custom Model Shelvador* Refrigerator V E T 1" Y 6 T * ★ Home activities, social and otherwise, assumq more Importance now—during winter months. You will enjoy those activities more with a home that is brightened with colorful new walls and gleaming var nished floors. The easiest, most economical way to have such a home is to redecorate with supreme ouality, time proven Devoe Paint Products Any re decorating problem Is simply solved by a visit to your nearest Boise Payette yard where you can secure such useful products as; Devoe One-Coat Semi-Gloss Spar 87 Varnish M irrolac Enamal Davopaka (Flat W all Finish) Kam tona Supar Klaan Brushes Local Contest Closes Midnight, D ecem ber 15, 1949 HURRAY—HURRAY GET YOUR FREE ENTRY BLANK TODAY Our local contest, designed for you and judged by local judges in your own community. W rite on the red local entry blank in 50 words or less w hy w e should give you I f you buy a new 1950 Crosley refrigerator during this a new 9-cubic foot Shelvador refrigerator. contest and win one as a prize you may elect to take The winner w ill get a new 1950 Shelvador refrigerator to be awarded the retail price c. your refrigerator in cash. by us and delivered right to his home. Use the Devoe “ Library of Colors” to give you any of 256 colors with Devoe paints •M . M> to C M » T . I I t t l N K HOME A P P L IA N C E S Budget Building Terms on Redec orating Costs Are Easier to GET . . . at B L I T E R P R U D L C T S FUR H A P P I E R LIVING Nyss*’* Only Authorized SPARK Dealer NYSSA FURNITURE CO. C. F. Mink. Mgr. Nyssa. Oregon 1 Block West of R. R. Depot