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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1949)
THE N Y SSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. TH UR SD AY. NOVEM BER 24, 1949 PAGE EIGHT U n c ia l i\ n t c s - J - A U X IL IA R Y HEARS R E PO R T Mrs. E K. Burton entertained the members o f the American Legion auxiliary at her home last Thurs day evening A report was made on the gift-to-the-Yanks contributions Members suggested that other groups Join with the auxiliary In this worthwhile project. Mrs. E K. Burton told of her recent trip to Portland, where she attended a conference of the presi dents and secretaries, and o f the banquet, at which Laura Goods, past national president, was the guest speaker. Mrs. Burton also told of her visit to the Portland veteran's hospital and of the work carried on there by the Oregon Legion aux iliaries. Refreshments were served at the close of the program. — 8— M ETH O D IST CIRCLES MEET The two afternoon circles of the women's society of the Methodist church met last Thursday afternoon. The Dorcas society met at the home 2 if Mrs. David Beers, with Mrs. Carl Sebum assisting. Mrs Merrlldean Robbins was in charge o f the de- /otions and Mrs. John W ulf had harge of the program on Pakistan refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs, K E Keveren and Mrs Den nis Patch entertained the members <f the Mary and Martha circle at he Patch home, with Mrs Clifford Main leading the devotions and Mrs. W. W Poster giving the pro gram on Pakistan Mrs. Poster showed a number of pictures that portrayed the conditions in Pakistan during recent years. Mrs. Buchner and Mrs Holcomb gave reports on the dinner and bazaar to be held at the church. The December meeting will be held at the home o f Mrs Clyde Snider. Refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. - I - EAOLE8 A U X IL IA R Y MEETS The ladies auxiliary of the P. O E held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening at the Eagles hall Formal initiation was held for M ar jorie Pace, Barbara Jaques and Esther Potter Mrs Finley Shuster was appointed head of the child welfare health and M tty f N Y S S A TO BOISE! a rvo o Boise-Winnrmucra now links East ern Oregon and Southwestern Idaho I with two schedules dally each way! EMUCCA STAGES B O IS E ¿¿¿Jed ew 2C IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE! G IN IR A L AM ERICA P R EFER R ED STREET PR O P ER TY OW NERS HAVE N EV ER SAVED LESS THAN 15% ON FIRE INSURANCE COSTS. Ask now if your property qualifies! RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY N Y S S A Telephone 108 program THEATRE FR ID AY AND SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25-26 "Streets Of San Francisco" with Robert Armstrong- Mae Clark DOUBI-F, FEATURE "Rythm Hits The Ice" Ellen Drew Jerry Colonna Admission Fvrntngs lir-t, Inr. Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY. NOVEMBER 27-28 Clark (¡able— Alexis Smith Audrey Totter—Edgar Buchanan In "Any Number Can Play" A great new romantic team drawn together by gamb ling's irresistible lure (¡able is possessed by a power more devastating than the seven deadly sins. Mat. Sun., 3:30; A dm. 30r-9r, Inc. Tax Aduil«ion Evening* 44c-9c, Inc. Tax TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 BARGAIN NIGHT "Impact" Brian Donlevy- Ella Rains Its a shocker of a drama . unsurpassed for thrills and suspense. An adventure more startling than your wild est dream. Adm. Mr !k, Inc Tat W EDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOV. 30, DEC. 1 Ida Lupino—Glenn Ford Gig Young Fdgar Buchanan In "Lust For Gold" The story of two men and a woman in a land of a thousand temptations. Where millions of dollars in hidden gold await the man who dares to find it. AdmixahMi Evening» 44c-9c, Inc. Tax High scores were held by Mrs. W yatt Smith and C. H Bennett. Traveling prizes went to Mrs. John Ostrom and Harry Kingry. senior princess, Donna Trabert; Jun ior princess, Bonnie Ward; guide, Bonnie Kreasley. and marshal, Patty Orunke. During the business meeting plans were made for the - 5 - initiation and party for the "myst B R ID G E OLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman ery dads”, to be held December 1. entertained the members of their Coming Events— Sunday evening bridge club at November 29— Senior play at gym their home this week. High score went to Harry Miner and second nasium. November 28— Hospital auxiliary high to Mrs. George Sallee. Caliroy Stathopolus of Nyssa and Carroll Pewitt of N a m p a were married Octob er 30 in the North- side Nazarene church In Nampa, w h e r e they are m a ki n g their home. (Evans photo) -5 - 4-H OLUB MEETS The Happy-Go-Lucky 4-H club met last Wenesday at the home ol Mrs. Harold Flvecoat. The mem bers responded to roll call by nam ing a bird. T h e members worked on their project books, and played ;ames. Refreshments of sandwich es. cookies and cocoa were served. ‘WART”, The Speed Cop m * y - o fo c ta \ \ , mo L v 1 s t o p t h o s e . ; T H I V 'D * , By Bingham ( TM EV WAS SMART Exc-'UM TO I S a y - o o n t call ) ( - a n d W H V s r r A l- KNOW T H E B i-S ES T S m e D u m b - w h y i oo y o u t h i n h TOWN MAI a C.AA **D V lC fù »T TH EM B lQ DS IS / / t h e y M í W TO O iM A D T FOOl \ E X T P A SM A 0T? ANY C OP » , > ■ - 1 T > m acheqel ! C DO OM S - T h e y vE < STocf m o n e Of / j meeting with health film shown by Mrs. June Davis. December 1—Job's Daughters in itiation and party. December 2— Delphians at Mrs. i Clyde Snider’s home, changed from ! November 28. December 7— St. Paul's bazaar. December 10— Bazaar and food sale by St. Anne’s Altar society. December 11— Public bingo party by St. Anne’s Altar society. ) V ( C ROOKS y K $V<& ' BIRHETT J£WV)CX -| _ clinic program and announced that the next pre-school clinic would be held Tuesday, December 13 at the Eagles hall, with Dr L. A Maulding In charge. Following the business meeting of the auxiliary, a social hour was held with cards as the diversion of the evening. Prizes went to Sadie But cher, Florine Toombs and Virginia Brandt. At the close of the evening refreshments were served by Clara Phillips. Arlene Keefer and Bertha Taylor. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Edward T op liff entertained the Chatter Box club at her home Friday afternoon with 16 members answering roll call. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Edwards were guests for the afternoon. Officers were elected as follows: President. Mi^. Leslie T op liff: vice president, Mrs. Harold Session; secretary, Mrs. Scott Hiutt; treasurer, Mrs Edward T opliff: song leader, Mrs. O. E Cheldelin; welfare chairman, Mrs. Minnie Lueck; program leader, Mrs. C. H. Bennett and news reporter, Mrs. | Alva Goodell Plans were made for the annual Christmas party to be held at the Odd Fellows hall December 16. Hus bands of members are Invited to at tend the potluck dinner, which will be served at 12:30. An exchange of the club Christmas gifts will be held. Refreshments o f pumpkin pie. whipped cream and coffee were served by Mrs Topliff. - § - 4-H O IR L S MEET A regular meeting of the Busy Neddies 4-H Sewing club held Fri day, November 18 at the home of the lender. Mrs Alfred Adams. After the business meeting the project work was started. Refreshments were served to the 13 girls, who played a series o f games. The next meeting will be held December 3 at the home of Mrs. Adams. Irene Jayo and Doris Smith will furnish the games. OBSERVES B IR T H D A Y S At the regular meeting of the Eastern Stars Monday evening at the Masonic hall, the semi-annual lirthday party was held for those whose birthdays had occurred dur- ng the past six months. The guests were asked to repeat the first recita tion they had performed as a child. Refreshments were served, Including a special birthday cake. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Marie 31ack, Mrs. Ernest Wilson and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker. nett. assisted by the hostess. O PEN HOUSE HELD Mr. and Mrs. John W ulf will be j honored on their 40th wedding an- j niversary with an "open house” held Thanksgiving afternoon from 4 until 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster. CHURCH HAS D INNER Members of the Christian church and their families enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner held at the church last Thursday evening. Sixty-eight members were present to enjoy the turkey dinner that was prepared under the arrange ments o f Harold Robbins, Mrs. Roy Baines, John Strickland and Dick Mason. - 5 - B jA / lM dJÜUSÔCb W HOLESALE-RETAIL PHONE / / 7 WASHING. POLISHING. LUBRICATING — M R AND MRS. CLUB M EETS Dr. and Mrs. John Kopp enter tained the members of their W ed nesday evening Mr. and Mrs. bridge club last week with Miss Shirley Walker and Sterling McOarvie of Ontario as guest players. Honors went to Dr. and Mrs. Don Soli of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Ted M or gan of Nyssa. On Monday afternoon, Mrs. Kopp entertained the members of her Monday afternoon bridge club, at which prizes went to Mrs. Ed. Knettle and Mrs. Ted Morgan. Mrs. Norman Skoonover of Parma, Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs. Gene Stunz were guest players. — 8— D IN N E R GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. John McDonaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Messner, all of Ontario, were dinner guests at the Nick Smit home last Sunday. The occasion marked the birthday anniversary of Mrs. McDonaugh. —t W ED NESD AY CLUB P L A Y S Mrs. C. Mink had the members o f her bridge club as guests last Wednesday evening, with Mrs. Rob ert Wilson holding high score and Mrs, Walter Roth second high. The traveling prize was won by Mrs. Rene Hadley. BO O K REVIEW O IVEN Mrs. J. P. Dunlway entertained the members o f the Kingman K ol- ony Book club at her home last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hilda Tensen reviewed the book “ Father Flanagan o f Boy's Town” written by Will and Fulton Oursler. The lunch eon table was centered with an ar rangements of chrysanthemums. -S-J— E N T E R T A IN BRID G E CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farmer en tertained the members of their W ed nesday evening Mr. and Mrs. club last week. Quest players were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lovejoy. High HOSTESS T O CLUB score was held by Howard Lovejoy Mrs. Burnall Brown was hostess and second high by Warren Farm to the members of her Thursday a f er. ternoon bridge club at her home last week with the prize for high score E N T E R T A IN S BRID G E CLUB going to Mrs. Artie Robertson and Mrs. Warren Farmer entertained traveling prize to Mrs. Tom Eld- the members o f her Tuesday after redge. Mrs. J. L. Herriman was noon bridge club at her home last a guest player. week. Honors went to Mrs. Edward Boydell and Mrs. Ward Wleneke. JOB IS D AU G H TE R S ELECT Mrs. L. A. Maulding was a guest. Members of Job’s Daughters met last Thursday evening for their reg PIN O CH LE CLUB P L A Y S ular meeting and election of officers. Mrs. c. H. Bennett entertained The following officers were elected the members of her pinochle club to serve for the next six months: at her home last Saturday evening. Honored queen, Donna Cheldelin; ,0' low it « S I The W ay Y o u n g * »«« lo V e á "• b young*lcr* u i,d r r “ , - V - » ^ '“ ^ s '“ ” “ iu roberde‘ ler' Insulating Building Board W jT T lffîY . DECORATIVE PLANK & TILEBOARD fo r Ideas and from Estimates See STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY NYSSA, OREGON -5 - O RANO E CLUB ELECTS The Oregon Trail Orange Home Economics club held Its November meeting with Mrs. Walter Fox as hostess. Officers elected for the coming year are Mrs Thelma Parr, president. Mrs. Mildred Sisson, vice president, and Mrs. Jansle Stum, secretary-treasurer. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Kettle Knowles (or the annual Christmas gift exchange. Each member Is to provide a gift o f approximately 31 in value. Refreshments of pumpkin pie and ice cream were served by Mrs. Ben NEWS VIEWS BY LEW HE R RIM AN Did you notice that a group of people have gotten together to pro mote a national campaign called •Relax. U 8. A " ? They've got the Idea that most Americans are wound up tighter than a dollar watch . and who are we to say they're off the beam? Just take a look at the faces of the people you pass on the street any day, and It’s obvious that a lot of folks are about as re laxed as a bowstring Anything that will develop a little slack In the day's nervous tension ought to be as wel come as a friend's snple We can work better and enjoy life more If we all Just remember to "Relax, U. 8. A " The sooner we open the door of our hospital the sooner we can relax and be proud of a Job well done. Let's all push hard to complete our present drive for funds quickly Don't watt for your neighbor to con tribute first—beat him to the draw and get your contribution in now. A homing pigeon that took o ff from Georgia for a race to Balti more wound up 6 months later in tios Angeles Probably read all the California Chamber of Commerce ! publicity. No matter where It's headed, be sure to stamp all your mail with , Christmas seals this holiday season Get in on the fight against T B ! And get in on the excellent auto motive service at H E R R IM AN M O T OR C O . phone 77 You 11 find it pays to keep your car In good re pair. Herriman Motor Company t m m m - e « SKOOTERS WAGONS TRICYCLES DELUXE STU R D Y FUN Heavy Gauge Steel SERVICEABLE COASTER Parking Stand Ballbearing Pedal Wheel Steel Body Wire Spolcea Large Double Disc Wheels Rubber Tires Rubber Tires Rubber Tires $ 13.50 ROCKERS $ 12.75 RECORD PLAYERS $ 13.75 DOLL BUGGIES STU R D ILY BU ILT KEEP YOUR CHILDREN Singing Rockers H A P P Y AT HOME Plays Lullaby While She Rock. Wi,h A Miniature Record Player Playa Any Site Record Her Baby To Sleep Low Priced At $ 2.95 $ 9.95 Streamlined Foot Brake W ATC H HER EYES SPARKLE When She Spies This Lovely Gift $ 12.85 Also Many Other Gifts For The Children. Including Table And Chairs sets. Chrome And Wood; Kiddy Cars, Ironing Boards, Carpet Sweepers, etc. SHOP EAR LY AT PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY STORES Nyssa Ontario Vale Payette "Your Dependable Furniture Store"