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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1949 PAGE FOUR ! Mr and Mrs Lem Wilson. Mr SkoiiHcn S|M*aks Mrs. Wayne Lewis, and Albert On P. T. A. Program Kimmy. OWYHEE, Nov 24—Adrian P. T A met Thursday evening at the grade school. Mrs Leslie Stoker, program chairman, presented Rouland Hunt ington of Vale In two vocal solos, ac companied by Jean Short. Mrs Huntington gave two readings. The guest speaker was LeRoy Skousen, also of Vale, special agent for the F B. I„ who gave an Interesting talk on the background of F. B 1. some of the qualifications for agents and some of the training they are given. During the business meeting the newly-drawn by-laws were read by the secretary, Mrs. J, O. Lane Plans were discussed for Christ mas treats to be given the children. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Charlie Culbertson, Mrs. Martha Klmgback, Mrs Wilson Winter and Mrs Kenneth McDonald The O K K club met Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Jesse Ditty with Mrs. Neal NlckoLson assisting Roll call was answered by 21 mem bers and one guest, Mrs. A, C Pat terson of Ogden. Bingo was played during the afternoon. Prizes went to Mrs. Wilson Winter and Mrs Lynn Kaygar. The members of the Busy Cooks 4-H cooking club were entertained with a party at the home of their leader. Mrs Kenneth McDonald Fri day after school The girls played games prepared by their program chairman. Jeannle Crocker Re freshments of Jello, cup cakes and punch were served Mrs. Charlie Culbertson entertain ed Sunday with dinner for her hus band on his birthday Ouests were Mr and Mrs. Mearl McClure and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar and family and Buster Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Mills were hosts at dinner Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton, and Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strickland were Sunday guests In the Lee House holder home. Jesse Ditty, Jr., of Boise visited his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jesse Ditty, Sunday evening. Mrs A C Patterson of Ogden Is visiting here with her son, Orant Patterson, and family. Mr and Mrs. Wilson Winter and Harley were business visitors in Vale Friday. Mr. and Mrs Darrell Williams and Mary Ellen were Sunday dinner guests In Nyssa at the Rodger Tuck er home. Mrs Lee Householder and Mrs. Lee Strickland called In the Vic Marshall home Fridn" afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orant Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell attended a dance and social Friday night In Vale. Mrs. Lynn Kygar gave a dinner In honor of her daughter, Maxine on her 13th birthday Wednesday evening Ouests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and Wesley and Oary. Mr and Mrs. Ray Fletcher of Hotnedato were Sunday dinner guests In the Kenneth McDonald home. Fred Kllngback, Ted Holly and George Elfers came from Boise Friday night to attend the carnival at Adrian high school. Kllngback and Elfers returned Saturday to Boise to attend the homecoming game. dinner and dance sponsored by the Attend Special Dance— lowing Monday. She will teach eral daVs this week. Several members of the first and Special Interest group of the M. I. A. second wards, L. D. S. attended the last Friday evening. Word was received from E. M. i physical education and English. To Hold Hull Sale Hauser, county 4-H club agent, that Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown and Mr. Charlene and Oay Harris of Adrian and Mrs. Hero Thomas visited Sun The First annual fall bull sale of won second place in the state of day In Welser with Mr. and Mrs. the Idaho Cattlemen's association Oregon In their homemaking dem will be held al Welser Saturday, onstration held at the state fair at Riley Dille. former Adrian residents. | Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft were December 3 with 92 purebred Here Salem The Adrian high school it. closed week-end visitors in Nampa at the ford bulls, 14 Hereford females and four purebred snpruioni bulls en this week due to difficulty with the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nelson. The Adrian Lions club entertained tered by consignors from Idaho and well. School will be resumed as S Oregon, according to Walter Sc hod- soon as the well Is pronounced all 12 Payette members and 5 Parma members at a banquet Thursday de, Burley, chairman of the associ- j right, or a new well is dug. The annual Adrian high school evening. Altogether 25 members at atlon's bull committee. All animals will be judged by C. carnival was held November 18 A tended. Mrs Earl Winn attended the play W Hickman, head o f the depart- large crowd attended the carnival ment of animal hu*andry, Univer- , and was all pleased with the games ••Hamlet" last Thursday evening In slty of Idaho, Moscow, and Thomas and with the selection of prizes. The Nampa, accompanied by her sister. F Pence, Payette rancher. All ani three door prizes were won by Don Mrs Mark Purcell of Parma. Mrs. George Cartwright, Mrs. mals will be classified in A, B and Elliott, fishing rod; George Elfers, Doris Norris and Mrs. Threlma C lots and sold in that order blanket, and Mrs. George Rlddli. Elliot shopped In BoLse Wednesday. through the ring All animals will radio. Mr and Mrs. Jess Norris. Mr. and George Bright, high school prin be garanteed by the consignors and cipal. announced this week that Miss Mrs. Robert Webster, Mr. and Mrs. the association. ' George Cartwright, Mrs Vern Park All bulls must be 14 months old Elinor Edwards of Seattle has been er and children, and Mrs Bill Nelson to be entered In the sale. This rul- , hired to take the place vacated by | and children skated in Ontario last lng was made by the association sj Miss Ladonna Hinds She Is expect Tuesday night. that bulls being purchased now at ed to take over her duties this fol the sale will be ready to be of ser vice next spring when they are — PUREBRED RANGE — turned on the range. Col. E. O Sponsored by Second U ard M. I. A. Walter of Filer will start the sale promptly at noon and will be as sisted In the ring by Col. Herman Schwartz o f Grangeville and Col. Joe Church, New Plymouth. After the sale a banquet and WEISER LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. YARDS Floor Shoic dance will be sponsored by the WEISER. IDAHO Washington County Stockmen’s as sociation at the Washington hotel in WeLser. All cattlemen and their wives are Invited to attend. 92 HEREFORD BILLS 14 HEREFORD FEMALES 4 PUREBRED SHORTHORN RANGE BULLS Iilaho (iatllenicn GOLD and G R E E N — BALL— Salurday, December 3 Nyssa Gymnasium BULL SALE Regular Admission $1 per couple. School I n Cloned Visits In Mountain Home— Mrs. Herman Towne visited last Because Of Well week at the home of her daughter, Mrs Robert Berry, In Mountain ADRIAN, Nov. 24—Mr. and Mrs. A. | Home, Idaho. C. Henderson and Mrs. Bill Looney shopped in Ontario Saturday. To Portland— Mrs. Olen Pounds visited in Vale Martin Grelg left Saturday for over the week-end. Portland to be with his mother, who Mrs W W. Smith visited her Is 111. daughter, Mrs. Alvon McGinnis, sev- All Bulls Over 14 months Old And Guaranteed By Consignors And Association Sale Sponsored By IDAHO CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATION «a IM a it a n - iM signed to start quiet, run quiet. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 New three Wade lad— scoops in more air at lower, quieter fan speeds. SALE STARTS AT 12:30 P. M. 44—CATTLE—44 1 Registered Holstein cow, Ida Royal Maid Inka Preference, sired by Carnation Haz elw ood Preference, 30 months old, bred back November 2. 1 Holstein cow , com ing 3 yrs„ heavy spring er. 1 Holstein cow , 4 yrs„ giving 6 gal. 1 Holstein cow , 3 yrs., giving 6 gal. 1 Holstein cow, 4 yrs., giving 5 gal. 1 Holstein cow , 4 yrs., giving 5 gal. 1 Holstein cow , 2 yrs., giving 5 gal. 1 Holstein cow , 2 yrs., giving 4 gal. 1 Holstein cow, 3 yrs., giving 4 gal. 1 Holstein cow, 6 yrs., giving 7 gal. 1 Holstein cow , 6 yrs., giving 5 gal. 1 Holstein cow , 3 yrs., giving 4 '/2 gal. 1 Holstein cow, 3 yrs., giving 4 gal. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 yrs., milking, to freshen February 23. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 yrs., milking, to freshen February 19. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 yrs., milking, to freshen February 12. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 yrs., milking, to freshen February 24. 1 Black Jersey cow, 3 yrs., giving 4Vi gal. 1 Red Durham cow , 7 yrs., h eavy springer. 1 Red Durham cow, 4 yrs., giving 5 gal. 1 Red and white Durham, 3 yrs., milking. 1 Red and white Guernsey, 3 yrs. milking. 1 Brindle Durham heifer. 2 yrs., milking. 1 Purebred Holstein bull, 30 months old, no papers. 7 Holstein heifers, 2 yrs., to freshen in Feb. 6 10 months old heifer calves. 7 Younger calves. New timing fear— it’s made of “ hushed material for extra quietness New camshaft has lobes designed for quieter valve operation. This 97 acre ranch is for private sale. TERMS—CASH LUNCH SERVED ON THE GROUNDS By Nu-Acres G range IVAN RICHARDSON, Owner Auctioneer»— Col. Bert Anderson and Col Joe Church. Clerk—L. H Fritts Pash Duties deer handle an chored at both ends. A touch of a button is all it takes— and you can t catch your sleeve or budget tickets Idaho And Oregon And Utah FARM SALE Due to ill health, I will sell the following described property, 2 miles east and 2'/z miles north of Nyssa on highway | 95; 7 miles north of Parma or 7 miles south of Fruitland. [ Including Tax Entries From Top Purebred Herds In PUBLIC Cow* are recently I os tod. Production and freshening dates will be qlven tale day. Public la Invited to see this herd before sale day. FARM MACHINERY 1 Massey Harris hay loader. 1 Valley Mound corrugator. Ford or horae. 1 Tractor drag. 1 2 section harrow. I 20 Inch rubber tired hay wagon. 1 2 wheel trailer. Some dry wood. Forks, shovels, etc. DAIRY EQUIPMENT— 1 new Sears Roebuck milking machine and 2 stainless steel single unit burketa. 10 10-gal. milk cans. 1 milk cart. H A Y - 35 tons long iancy alfalfa. 15 torn chopped hay. 12 tona baled hay. 3rd cutting hay. HOUSEHOLD GOODS— 1 new Frlg- tdalre. 8 cubic foot refrigerator. 1 good player piano. 1 new combination Monarch range. 1 new coal heater. I cupboard. 2 tables. 1 bed daveno. 1 electric sewing machine. 1 Mont gomery Ward washing machine. 2 chests of drawer«. 2 dress ers. 2 beds. 1 large baby bed and tnnersprlng mattresses. 1 radio. 1 phonograph, some miscellaneous articles. 1 female Collie dog and 3 pupa, purebred. • SATURDAY. DECEMBER 3. NOON 5 0 WAYS NEW FORDforSO The on e fin e ta r in th e low -p rice fie ld Advanced 95 h g. Six en|ine, too — gives remarkable gas and oil economy ments. illuminated by soft, non glare black light" are grouped in a single large cluster lor easy leading Now colorful concave control knobs contrast pleasingly with lighter color of panel 1 M fwd "Id«guard" Bedm heve more strength Carefully ptenrwd application ot sealing and insulation material throughout tha entire body structure mean new comfort and riding pleasure leifreved beet leteensiee with new torsional slabtltiet adds to fo rd 's roadability Swart Hardware inside and out. has been designed to give you more beauty sagging springs are ftimly buoyant hold then shape »•«g W **M -« t0 p VM With 35% Itss pudal pfttsuid from new M a v le r g a u g e steel fram e a n d 13 w a y stronger "lif e g u a r d " B od y to new designed ceiling and seating for greater h e ad room. N ew com fortable foam ru bber front seat cushions, o ver new special n o n -sa ggin g springs. New richly colored upholstery fabrics. N e w push button d oor handles, new rotary secure d oor latches. Dust a n d w ater seals at 41 places. Eleven b rand -ne w b a ke d -o n enamel colors that keep their freshness because they're "built to live outdoors." Juft tou ch the latch of Fo rd 's l u g g a g e Locker— 2 2 .9 cu. ft. o f aw aits o n y loa d you can muster. '5 0 Fo rd 's luxurious new interior b ig p e o p le — Ford has more hip and shoulder room than a n y ca r in its class. For an even b ig g e r thrill drive this '5 0 Ford. Take the wheel and you'll a g re e . . . it's the fine car in its field. The 1 9 5 0 F ord is 5 0 w a y s new and fin e r. . . FORD built to live outdoors Theres a duck adds not* ot bu»uty lo f o l d s fa sh io n C m styling. in your future ...with a future built in "D e e p D eck" usable space Just sit in the that seats six See . . . hear . . . an d feel the difference at y o u r FORD D E A L E R ’ S Herriman Motor Co.