Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1949)
PAGE THREE Classified Advertising ^ FOR SALE—New and used pianos. FO R R E NT — Two-room cabin. ' MISCELLANEOUS - Custom plow- | c f M . home from the lake, the snow was We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. Chadwick’s camp. deep enough that it took them four Origg Bros, and Butler. 6m tfc ------------------— ----------------- aootfc , ln«, phone 01R-4. Tyrus Washburn. | Injured By Cow hours to travel two miles in the FOR RENT—Space for two offices 1_________________________ iw>4xp FOR SALE—Child's scooter, reason or display room. ' MISCELLANEOUS — Appliance re- SUNSET VALLEY. Nov. 24—Ira pick-up. ably-priced Phone 109-J 24ntfc Carl an and office Burt and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell underwent s Machine lBatfc shop. | pairing, washing machines oil stov- Price was injured rTiaay morn- surgery this week at the Holy Ros _________lee. etc. 130 East Fourth or phone1 while doing the milking. A ary hospital in Ontario and was ex FOR SALE 17n3xc fresh cow threw herself and laid pected home soon. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. 5 27»-W FARMS 24nlxc ! I MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and down squarely on Price's knee and Mrs. Nelson Field was taken to RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash In 80 acres, all top row crop land on See Bernard Frost the ligaments loose. He the Holy Rosary hospital Thursday the old Owyhee water right, no nox FOR RENT—Four-room house with free pick-up of your dead, crippled leg. on tearing advance, Is 30c. crutches. suffering from acute attack of ious weeds, three-bedroom modern bath, unfurnished, phone 05-R11 or sick livestock. Calls received oe- is Mrs. Fred Mitchell left Wednes- asthma, from which complications 24n2xp, fore 9 o'clock are picked up by home, machine shed, garage, barn, have developed. on a trip to California to visit rel ^ SB close to Nyssa. ----------—------------------------- 1 noon. Efficient drivers. Call col atives. Mr. and Mrs. Qrover Cooper and FOR RENT—Three-room furnished 100 acres good row crop land, the apartment with bath. Roy 8e- lect Payette 0180-J3 or 156, or Nys Members of the Pleasant Hour Miss King spent Monday I FOR SALE—1947 Chevrolet, four- sa 103-W. Idaho Animal Products club and their families gathered at visiting Mertrude FOR SALE best dairy set-up In the lower Snake wright, phone 63-J. in Caldwell at the home of I door, all-around fine condition. River 17n2xp Company. 6Jtfc. the Fred Stephan home Wednesday the Claire Snyder family. valley, $35.000 worth of build FOR SALE—Used electric range, *e- radio, rine heater front and back ings. Including a mansion for your for a supper honoring Mr. A birthday dinner at the Ewen MISCELLANEOUS—For really per evening FOR SALE home, sandy loam soil, $47.000, hi Mrs. Helmer Julum,. The Julum Chard home Friday evening hon frlgerator, Evans oil heater, living undercoat. Phone 246-J. 3ntfc down. sonalizing your gifts, try gold and family moved over the week-end to ored both Mr Chard and Mrs. Ken Ed Jamison and Ken Pond Sub stamping. Beautiful lettering done their room suite. 2 lamps. 2 ubs end writine tables,! p . , «, ___ „ ...------- ~ 320 acres. 176 acres irrigated, 125 mit Chard of Nyssa. Ouests for the Following Personally In on napkins, stationery, book match Oregon. new home at St. Helens, neth washing machine and tubs, writing TOR . . . SALlE—Outside white - paint. - acres of alfalfa ready for row crop the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. desk, and radio, Dhone 05-RU. ^ atl°nal Titanium. 5 gallon lots. ping. good potato land, good big spected Ranches. Farms and Homes es, leather goods and special oc Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Corbett and Elver Nielsen and sons. Mr. and FARMS 24n2xp $3-30 Per gallon, Nyssa Lumber spud cellar. 24-cow barn, excellent casion ribbon. Gate City Journal. Mr. and Mrs. James Chadd arrived Mrs. Doyn Price of Ontario and ONE OF THE BEST 160’s, close to 1 company. 23jtfc. 13m tfc shop and garage, three-bedroom Kenneth Chard. home Monday after completing a FOR SALE—Nearly new model 12,1__________ ___________________ modern home with full basement, town, large, very nice basement trip from Eugene. Oregon south The Doyn Price and Elver Niel Winchester pump, 16 gauge shotgun i Q. , -, _. home, good tenant house. This MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate I through California to Tia Juana and son families attended with >4 down. equipped with Weaver !hokeand TORwSALE~ Two-bedroom mod- $36.000, the theatre in place is nearly all in legumes and and cylinder lock keys made. Hen 560 acres. 453 acres watered and ready for row crop. Total price ri email's. home, in 11 days. The high spot of Ontario Sunday. skeet handle. Phone 197-J. 24nlxp Jern home, $3500 with easy terms. cultivated. 250tfc 250 acres in alfalfa and $37,000, only $10,000 down, balance the trip was a reunion in Los Frank Knotttingham of North Two-bedroom nome with base clover, 2 barns, three homes with long, easy terms at 5% interest. FOR SALE—160 acres, deep, rich ment, Angeles of four members of a B-17 Bend arrived last Friday morning like new, modern, insulated, Dead anhnafc picked up free sandy loam row crop land. First sxtra large lot, set up with state 2 modern. $60.000. down. bomber who had seen action over at the home of his mother, Mrs. Por prompt service call collect. A FINE 80, very close to warehouse 20 acres close to Nyssa. cheap unit Mountain Home project. Jos. Qermany. It had been four years O. P. Counsll, where his wife and easy payments. 441 Ennis. water right, three-bedroom modern and beet dump, good home and Ontario—Ontario Ora in Co. 6k since Corbett, Chadd and the other son have been visiting. Mr. and R. Ward, route 1, Box 156, Ontario, loan, Apartment house with two large Parma—Panna Seed Co. large new potato cellar, all of this home, sandy loam soil, $12,000, easy two crew members were together. Mrs. Knotttlnham and son left Sun Oregon. 24n3xp apartments on ground floor, extra terms. 100 Mr. and place can be row-crop farmed, Nyssa—(Main plant Corbett left Thursday day morning for their home. large room upstairs, three-room 90 acres close to Nyssa, 30 acres $25,000. t4 down, balance very easy Idaha-Oregan Rendering Ça for their Mrs. FOR SALE—Horse, 2 years old, Lee | apartment home in St. Thomas, North Mr. and Mrs. Flank Briggs drove in basement, $6,800. Anderson, 1 mile north of Nyssa on NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY of free water, five-room modern A terms. Dakota. to Boise Tuesday for medical at MISCELLANEOUS—Pbur your in LOW PRICED PLACE with very the Ontario highway. home with 10-head cow barn, 4 good soil, 7-room basement home. surance needs of any kind see John Qrottviet has been helping tention. 24nlxc Ralph G. Lawrence down. with the siding of Andrew Tltland’s Sunday dinner guests at the Nyssa, Oregon FOR SALE—Registered spotted Pol This place is an ideal dairy set-up, Mel Beck, Origg Bros, and Butlei. 40 acres with 22 acres level and $11,550, house this post week. Charlie Schwelzer home were Mr. 6m tfc and China boars. Heber Origg, mile terms. 4-room home, $8.500, terms. VERY GOOD HOME ON THIS 80- The date of November 30 has been and Mrs. Ouy Glenn and family. east and 1/4 mile south of Nyssa- !FOR SALE—Have farms and houses with 62 acres perfect row crop land on acre farm. 50 acres irrigated, good NOTICE TO CREDITORS set for the presentation of the L. D. Evening vLsltors were Mr. and Mrs. _ 24n3xp , Renstrom. for sale- Need list wit^i Ken oiled Parma junction. road, close to Nyssa. six-room soil, $10.000, 14 down, balance easy In the Matter of the Estate of 8. plays by the M. I. A. group. The Lee Householder. Phone more, 264-W 29Jtfc new modern home with basement, public is invited to attend that eve Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schweizer Charles Phillips, Deceased. FOR SALE—Used oil heater, five- ---------- 1 --------- AN ALFALFA SEED FARM of HO chicken house, cow barn, paid-up NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN ning at 8 o'clock for three hours of have moved into their apartment in room size, used 6 months $45 50 l SALE—Good business oppor- water right, $26,250, 1/3 down. acres, 4-room basement home, $7,- That the undersigned has been duly entertainment. The audience will Vale, located Just north of the bank. Ostrom Bros. Appliance. 24ntfc I | completely tu™u,es , equipped, Goo<L blacksmith shop 500 cash. 235 acres, 160 acres cultivated, and regularly appointed the Admin see the presentation of plays by all Sunday callers at their apartment also house goes suitable for row crop and cattle, EXCELLENT SOIL, very level 40 istrator of the above entitled estate: four L. D. S. wards. Owyhee. Parma were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oce FOR SALE—Beginning November with deal, excellent location, $5000. cheap water set-up. close to Nyssa, with modern basement home, $11,025, all having claims against and Nyssa one and two, and also Schwelzer. 18, we will have cut flowers, potted Good paying auto repair shop bulld- six-room modern home, small dairy very small down payment required said persons estate are hereby notified to musical numbers and entertainment plants, corsages, funeral sprays, etc ing. stock and equipment, busy barn, tenant home, garage, to handle this. the same, verified as by law between the four plays. for sale at the Nyssa Greenhouses. junction location, for only $7,500. shed, milk house and barn, $36.750, FINE POTATO LAND. 40 acres, good present required, to the undersigned at Members of the Chalk Butte Ilashitani Moves 716 N. 1st st. 17n2xp Three acres good land on Snake terms. buildings, paid-up water rights, on Nyssa, Oregon, at the office of Clyde Orange worked Friday at the hall, edge of town, new 24 x 34 156 acres with 106 acres Irrigated, ly $9000, easy terms. To Ontario Home FOR SALE— Or trade, one com river, H. Snider, his attorney. In the Heldt painting the basement and clean house, good pressure water system, sandy ADRIAN BENCH, 52 acres, very good loam soli, paid-up water right, Building, within six months of the bination gas range and trash bur $6,000, terms. ing the grounds in preparation for COLUMBIA AVE., Nov. 24—Mr and new home, land is very lev date of the first publication here the November Pomona meeting. ner, will trade for beef or what Several good dwelling lots, well close to Nyssa, 4-room home, soft 6-room Mrs. Roy Hashitanl moved last week well water, $31,500. $13.000 down, el, $10,000. The birthday of three individuals of. have you. Also 1935 Dodge pick-up located. from the Herb Fischer home to ACREAGES Warren B. Lowe, Administrator of was celebrated Wednesday evening in fair condition. Phone 78 J. 17n2c 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high and easy terms on the balance. their new home, which they bought 120 acres with 79 acres cultivated, A BARG AN. 3 level acres and large the Estate of Charles Phillips, De at a supper at the home of Mr. and recently way, next to Polar Cold storage Ontario. FOR SALE— Creto, the guaran About 3 acres, unimproved, edge small home. $12.600, $5000 down. nice home for only $3500, very easy ceased. Mrs. Lester Cleaver. Those honored Mr. and at Mrs. Jake Oroot of Ar teed waterproof paint, Creto water of town on Adrian highway, good 120 acres with 104 acres irrigated, terms. Dated of first publication Nov. 3, were Ray Orr, Elmer Scott of Pay cadia entertained the members of proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc soil. All or any part. five-room modern home, granary, LOVELY HOME of 7 rooms, 2 acres 1949. ette, and four-year-old Sylvia Cleav the Whist club at their home Thurs co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 x 119, two-room tenant home, $20,000, $8,- fine land on highway, small dairy Date of last publication Dec. 1. er. Others present were Mr. and day afternoon. High scores for the Waterproofs by application and paved street, $560. bam for five cows. This place must 1949. 000 down. Mrs. William Orr, their son, Ray afternoon held by Mrs. Pete permanently waterproofs walls and Residence lots priced from $100 up. 80 acres with five-room modern be seen to be appreciated, $10,000. and his family, and their daughter, Tensen and were Jake Oroot. Two tables floors, inside or outside, wet or home, machine shed, barn and gar BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF THE VAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Mrs. Elmer Scott, and family. BERNARD EASTMAN Refreshments were dry, new or old, painted or un Insurance very productive soil, $25.000, LEY, 20 acres nice improvements, Sealed proposals will be recflved Ladles of the Pleasant Hour club were in by play. Real Estate age. the hostess. $5.000. terms. painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc by the City Recorder of the City of met Thursday afternoon at the served Phone 64 left Sunday after HOMES 80 acres. 60 acres Irrigated. 20 Nyssa at the City Hall. Nyssa, Mal home of Mrs. Fred Stephans. The C. M. on Tensen the train for Portland to FOR SALE—Used General Electric FOR SALE—Milk cows. Quernsey, acres WHITE STUCCO large new home. heur County. Oregon, until 8:00 afternoon was spent making stuffed noon In pasture, 3-bedroom modern receive medical treatment. range, only $49.50. Ostrom Broth Holstein and Jerseys. Milkers and home with full basement, 11-stan $6800. P. M. on Tuesday, the 29th antmaLs and dolls for the orphans Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson ers Appliance. lOntfc springers. Phone Noel Gwartney, chion cow barn, orchard. $10,500, FINE WORKMANSHIP. 2 bedrooms, o'clock day of November, 1949, at which for Christmas. on friends of this community breakfast nook, in the suburban time they will be publicly opened by Mr. and Mrs. George Polkman left called 306, Ontario. Across from % 80 down. FOR SALE—1941 Chevrolet, 114 ton Phone Wednesday morning. area, only $5000. acres with 65 acres cultivated, Sunday for Ogden. They planned the City Council of the City of 6otfc with two-bedroom semi-modern A LOT OF VALUE FOR THE Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, at on visiting relatives and bringing Klaas Tensen truck with beet bed, see this ex Nyssa Sales yard. was an Ontario vis ceptional buy for $550, phone 245, FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, home $11,600, with $7,000 down. itor last week. MONEY, 2 bedroom home, living Mr. and Mrs. James Etherington of the Council Chambers In said City, Owyhee Truck and Implement com new. F. H. A. financed. 10 per cent For rent: 79 acres with small room, dining room, bath and utility for the construction of a fire house that city back with them. Mr. and Fred Levy called on friends In pany. 24nlxc down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. semi-modern home, good deep well, room. Only $3.500. last week. as an addition to the present fire Mrs. Etherington, the parents of Arcadia Tensen made a business trip FTIA LOANS house in the City of Nyssa. Plans Mrs. Folkman, and Mrs. Delbert to C. the M. Vale 8s tfc 2 chicken coops. FOR SALE—Two city lots, 76 foot section Saturday. For rent: 160 acres close to Nyssa. FARM LOANS and specifications may be obtained Oarner have both been ill but felt Callers at the front, 4 room house, $2500, terms, Jacob J. Oroot home FOR SALE For rent: 80 acres In the Adrian well enough to Bpent the Thanks were Mr. and Mrs. at the Office of the City Recorder INSURANCE also two-wheel trailer, $30, phone 80 acre dairy Oerret Oroot of farm, 5 miles SW of area. at City Hall, Nyssa, Oregon. The giving holidays with their daughters. Apple Valley. ED JAMISON AND KEN POND 166, Teresa Byrd. lOntfc ' i Nyssa, 5-room basement house, $11.- Forty acres with 31 acres irrigated, Real Estate and Insurance Council reserves the right to reject Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Oarner and Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail FOR SALE—1946 Reo truck with 2- j 000; $6.000 down, terms on balance, suitable for row cropping and dairy 60 No. Third daughter stayed at the Folkman called on Mr. and Mrs. Pete Van Phone 276-W any and all bids. Nyssa, Oregon E. K. Burton home during their absence. speed axle. 16-foot flat -ack, looks 80 aces. H miles SW of Nyssa, 38 ranch, cow barn for 11 head, three- and runs like new, guaranteed. $890. i acres under cultivation, nearly new room home, deep well, close to City Recorder Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland and der Oord Saturday afternoon. For Evening Appointments, Owyhee Truck and Implement 4-room house, tractor and all equlp- Nyssa. »7,000, hi down. Phone 298-J First publication, November 10, daughter were nmong the guests at Former Resident Visits— 100 acres. 65 acres cultivated, five- company, phone 245. 24tfc ment goes, $8.9.00. tending the Thanksgiving family Mrs. Dwayne Anderson of Port 1949. 160 acres. 83 acres cultivated, 70 room modem home with full base Last publication, November 24, dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs land, WANTED formerly of Nyssa, visited three FOR SALE—Unpainted cabinets acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, ment. 30 acres of level row crop Faye White in Ontario. Mrs. White days last week at the home of her and chests of drawers. Cabinets 175-head range permit, large base land, balance of land irrigated in WANTED TO RENT—Potato and 1949. is an aunt of Mr. Strickland. brother. Marlin Fagan, and family beet ground. Phone Ò18-J3. On LEGAL ADVERTISING are in section and can be bought ment home, nice yard, $17,500. one direction. $16.800, terms. Members of the Worthwhile club with friends. Mrs. Anderson 24utic Phone 97 complete or In sections. . Nyssa 150-head cattle ranch, 160 acres tario, Oregon met Thursday afternoon at the and was en route to Salt Lake City to Robert F. Thompson Lumber company, phone 118-W. with 106 acres cultivated, four-room WANTED—Hemstitching, work done home of Mrs. Thomas Nishltanl, be NOTICE OF BOND SALE with Frank, prior to his 16Dtfc FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY semi-modem home with full base in my home. Leave with Mrs. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN with Mrs. Robbert Ditty assisting. departure her on son, an L. D. S. mission in ment, barn, granary, hog house, Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa that the City of Nyssa, Malheur Ten members were present with two Texas. chicken house, 2 sets of corrals, Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duffln. County. Oregon, will receive sealed guests, Mrs. Jack Field and Miss 3-room tenant home, 880 acres of Mertrude King, visiting. Plans were bids for the purchase of seventeen made 24ntfc general fenced range right, $17,000. for the Christmas meeting QUICK RELIEF FROM obligation coupon The City We have any type of a ranch you WANTED — Custom plowing with of Nyssa. Fire House bonds, for con to be held at the home of Mrs. Pete Symptoms of Distress Arising from are looking for. Wilson, when the Christmas ex tractor and equipment. Fred Kratz- struction of a fire house as an ad change HOMES will be held, and Mrs. George STOMACH ULCERS 10n3xp dition to the present fire house, Schwelzer Five acres adjacent to Nyssa, new berg, route 1, Nyssa. will give a demonstrat due to EXCESS ACID dated December 1, 1849, In the de 6-room modem home with full base WANTED—Holstein and Quernsey nomination of (1,000.00 each, ag ion on Christmas table arrange Free that ment, well insulated, very easy springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and gregating 917,000.00, maturing serial ments. A lunch of salad, wafers and Must BookTellsofHomeTreatment Hslp or It Will Cost You Nothing terms. Noel Gwartney. Phone 306. Ontario. ly in numerlal order at the rate of coffee was served. three m illion bottle« of th e Wn.i.Ann Two acres with 7-room home with Across from the Ontario sales yard. 81,000.00 on the 1st day of June in Mrs. Walter HlllLs, who was to Over T hratmcst have been «old for relief of full basement, barn for 5 cows, on have had a tonsillectomy last Mon «yinntoinflof 6otfo (ll«treMarl«lnR from Stam ach each of the years 1961 to 1967, In paved street, close to Nyssa, hi down. day, bled much too freely, so the Poor and D uodonal U lcarsdue to E««aaa And clusive. Interest on said bonds shall operation Dlgootlon, S au r or U pw t Stom ach, WANTED— To ouy anything in not was postponed. 3 acres Joining Nyssa. $2,100. exceed five (5%) per cent per Walt Hlllls and Melvin Pendarvls O asslnoot, N oart b urn , S looptninrr«, otc., One acre with two-bedroon base beef or veal. Also custom killed annum, LODGES PHYSICIANS to Eicooo Acid. Hold on 10 day«’ trial! payable semi-annually on arrived home Saturday after hunt due and delivered to Polar Cold Stor the 1st day ment modern home, $4,000. Ark for “ WHIard’o M oooat«'' which fully of June and the 1st day eiplaluo thio treatm en t —troo—a t age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. in both the Wallowa urea and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES * Nyssa Post No. 79 of December. Both principal and ing SARAZ1N CLINIC NYSSA PHARMACY Office space for rent. also at Anthony lake. En route Interest of said bonds shall be pay American Legion MISCELLANEOUS Two complete business lots for able at the Office of the City Treas Dr. J. J. Sarazln Meets sale. 1st & 3rd Thurs. urer of the City of Nyssa, Malheur MISCELLANEOUS—Will care for Drive-in restaurant for sale. Dr. K E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. Oregon. children and do housework. Phone County. Mel Beck at Bids for said bonds must be In 78-J and ask for Mrs. Braun. 24n2xp Dr. L. W. Scott GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER writing and sealed and must specify Phone 179-J Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome Fires still the rate of interest at which the With offices In Vale, Ontario, and MISCELLANEOUS—Many occur In spite of apparently excel bidder will take such bonds at par. Gate City Lodge Nyssa. lent fire prevention practices. “Luck plus accrued interest and will be L. A. Maulding, M. D. No. 214 Is where preparation meets oppor received by the City Recorder at Physician and Surgeon tunity". “Be prepared for fire”. the City Hall, Nyssa. Oregon, until I.O.O.F. CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS FOR RENT Phone 37 Help save property and lives. the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. on Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 Meets every Monday Call your local dealer for free esti Tuesday, the 29th day of November. FOR RENT—Duplex at 133 Ennis mate We have the best fire 1949. at which time they will be WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES Daily except Saturday and 8:30. Avenue, Nyssa, 3 rooms and bath, Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 night, Claud Willson. 650 publicly opened by the City Council furnished with electric stove, re extinguishers. South First Street SCREEN DOORS Ore. of the City of Nyssa, Malheur frigerator. and oil heater, bed, etc. No. 4 st. Phone 128-J, Nyssa, lOntfc County. Oregon, at the Council Owner Mrs. D. Pomperlen, phone Phone 118J Free Estimates C. J. Kopp, M. D. DENTISTS Chambers In said City. All bids 3035. Vale. 17n2xp MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices must be unconditional and must be Physician and Surgeon DR. C. M. TYLER paid for slaughter horses. Clyde accompanied by a certified check FOR RENT—Four room furnished Smith, phone 306. Ontario. Across In the sum of Five Hundred Fry Office Building apartment, phone 123-J or call at Wilson Building from Ontario Sales yard. 6otfc i $500.00) Dollars as a deposit to In hours Brownies cafe. 17ntfc Phene 1S5-J, Nysaa 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 fulfillment of said bid. which MISCELLANEOUS—Do you Office hours from 9 to 5 except FOR RENT—Furnished two-room money to remodel your home or need to sure Dally except Saturday and deposit shall be the property of the Saturdays, 9 to 12. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 cabin. Oil heat. Laundry facilities. build outbuildings or garage? We City of Nyssa If the successful bid Phone 122-J after 5:30. lOntfc can arrange a loan for you and give der falls to comply with the con tract of sale awarding said bonds “ A P P » O V I D ~ J J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORES FOR RENT—88 acres, row crop you up to three years to pay It. to the bidder. Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc land, cash rent Marion Chard, box Dentist The approving legal opinion of ervice 814, Nyssa, 462 north 6th street. Phone 56-J MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar- Messrs. Wlnfree, McCulloch, Shuler PAULUS 10n4xp I range Sayre will be furnished the suc Sarazln Clinic _______________________________ loans for you to rebuild or 8c bidder. ORBOON JEWELRY STORE NYSSA FOR RENT—Three-room apartment remodel your home. barn, garage, cessful The City of Nyssa reserves the with bath. Inquire at 537 N 6th I or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb- right Union Pacific Time Inspector to reject any and all bids. street. J. B McKinney. 17n3xc Ier C° »«tfc JEWELRY — DIAMONDS OPTOMETRISTS E. K BURTON If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car City Recorder WATCHES FOR RENT—180 acre row crop and MISCELLANEOUS — We m a k e we are equipped with the latest testing ranch, close to Nyssa. phone i loa"s on ranches and city property. First publication, November 10, Main Street at Second DR. C. L. HERMANN1 dairy 179-J. 6otfc Clrlgg Brothers and Butler. 15stfc 194» equipment and factory trained mechan Visual Specialist Last publication, November 24. MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, 1949. Room 4. Pry Building FOR RENT— Polish your own ics to put your car in the best of condition. WYCKOFF Nyssa, Oregon Phone 171-J floors. Rent our high-speed pol Electrolux cleaners and air puri fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. JEWELRY STORE Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5 ishing equipment. Easily handled Anderson, route 3, Welaer, Idaho, Attend« Beauty Meeting— by women. Nyssa Lumber company. phone 0287J4 Pumlka K «.Sahara of the Owyhee Official Time Inspector lor 14Jtfc Beauty SAtfc. shop attended a beauty and DR. J. A. MCFALL Union Pacific show In the Baker hotel BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US muss, no educational ONTARIO ORBOON DR. JOHN EASLY FOR REFIT— 80 acres gflod__ MISCELLANEOUS—-No Baker November 8. The show call us, rockwool Insulation. In Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa crop land. See Mel Beck, Origg We have was sponsored by the Oregon Beau our own insulation blow ticians Brothers and Butler. 226tfc ing machine. association, an affiliate of VETERINARIANS Stunz Lumber comp the National Hair dressers and Cos 28m tic FOR RESIT- Small furnished trail any. er house, suitable for two people. MISCELLANEOUS- Need money? metology association DR. HAL D. WHITE H. E Collins, box 500, Nyssa. or Loarw on farms for refinancing. Visit la r aid wed— Veterinarian call 171-J. l7Ntfc building, improvements, b u y i ng . Mrs. n . H. Bolltho and daughter. Highway 30—East of Town Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore FOR RENT — Furnished basement Long Barbara, and Lorena, Vivian and term. low Interest, Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 house, with bath W O. Bailey. nard Eastman, phone *4. Nyaaa. 1 Raymond Parten ware Caldwell Yl- lAtfc. ti tors Saturday. Sixth and Maple. 17n2xp Onrvcf e/vtw DU 04? A Ilf professional and Business Directory Ostrom Cabinet Shop KAISER-FRAZER S Sales & Service MUTCH OIL CO. U lN Ifl IC IIIli « v rw iiiw tv u v , m w a^^ «I au «» ) w < raw i »ao va