Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1949)
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1949 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, PAGE TWO ils to keep hog and chicken pro- duction at a high level it will re- quire a vast amount o f new grain storage in the grain belt to han- die the surplus corn next year, and will result in a higher price for pork, chickens and eggs. --------------------- _ Executive Board To Meet— The executive board o f the Nyssa Parent-Teacher association will meet Thursday, December 1. The Gate City Journal K LAS8 V. P O W E L L ...............................Editor and Publisher HLB8Í R IF T IO N RATES One Year $2 00 Six months $1 25 Single Copies .06 (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act AD VE R TIS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch National, per Inch Classifieds, per word Minimum 40c 49c 2c Here From McCall— Mrs. William J. Melton and twin children of McCall visited this week at the home of Mrs. Mellon's sister, Mrs. Bud Wilson, and family. 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879 PRESCRIPTIONS i Precision Filled O W YH E E D R U G CO. G. H. Peirsol Phone 255-W Emergency Phone 255-R Nebraska Visitor Here— Roland Rygerson o f Fremont, Nebraska visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Wilson. Mr Wilson and Mr. Rygerson were in the armed forces together dur ing the war. lIu|i|»in«*HH l*t Tlimik*fiilm>s Well, at least we can be thankful that the fog has lifted after depressing spirits in the Snake river valley for several days. You know, we have ignored our blessings for so long that we are hard pressed to find something to be thankful for. The blessings are here, but we take them for granted so thoroughly that we actually do not realize w e have them and resort to being thankful for such minor things as the weather. Thinking of Thanksgiving, we are reminded of the old hymn that says “ Count your blessings, one by one” . Perhaps if we did sincerely count our blessings we would find happiness in the realization of the great advantages that Americans hold in their economic, social and re ligious lives and thus become attuned to the spirit that prompted the Pilgrims to offer thanks to Alm ighty God for their meager blessings. Just think how fine the world would be if every one who should be happy with his myriad of blessings was truly thankful. Genuine happiness brings thank fulness and true thankfulness brings happiness. The two are inseparable. Undergor* Operation— Mr. Irl Nolan returned to his home Baturday after undergoing surgery performed at 8t Luke's hospital In last week. | : ( Wlsok. young bright bay Arabian stallion, is shown in a picture taken at the Neil Dimmiek farm, where the animal has been kept for the last year. Prior to Wlsok’* recent purchase by Mr. Dimmiek from the U. S. army remount service, the stal lion was sent to the Dimmick farm as part of the remount service’s pro- gram of improving the nation's riding horses. When the government curtailed expenses, the remount service was discontinued and horses were orfered for sale to individuals. Wisock was one of the fine horses captured in Austria by General Pat ton's third army. Ills sire, Witez II, sold this year for more than $8000. (Evans Photo) General Contracting and Building Custom-Built Cabinets snd Furniture Furniture Repairing and Refinishing 114 miles north o f Nyssa-Panna Junction support program for hogs, chickens Highway 95 A n d ( llifk ill and eggs does not constitute gener- j S u p p o r ts U r^eil al endorsement of the price support | Feed manufacturers have warned principle by the feed association, j IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY By PLOTNER So / T/AAXò X/4X O A J t OUR 7 / 4 AX GOT AW AV/ $ 1 ¿IL L ÍD B/2AKE 6 E W ICÍMÉN A p r "AX V0UI2 tP líN O l O 6 ÍÍ2 V / IC E " l * C ( L L l Ki r ÉVERV M OU12 OP T 7 d £ DAV ’«/♦i rtukiU* A QUA** MRRIMAM M O T O R CO. bog 137 A IV S iA . OPCÍOM. PAOMt f t but rather Is recognition that, with | supports mandatory at 90 per cent of parity for corn, farmers must be given a strong incentive to feed the grain to animals rather than sell it to the government. Trade representatives report Brannan did not commit himself either for or against the proposal at the meeting. Under the recent legislation passed by congress in October, the price support of hogs, chickens and eggs is recommended, but remains discretionary with the secretary. A study earlier this year by the feed survey committee of the asso ciation indicates that if farmers follow through with their present lntenltons to expand their hog and poultry feeding operations, the en tire 1949 crop of corn, currently estimated at 3358,000,000 bushels, would be used up by October 31. I t would mean that the carryover next year would be the same as this year, Mr. Berger told the sec retary. But if farmers become fright ened that supports on hogs, chick ens and eggs will be withdrawn or lowered drastically, they will li quidate their holdings and place their corn in increasing amounts under loans or purchase agree ments, Berger warned. The re sult would be a loss of meat, eggs and poultry that consumers want, while the department of agricul ture would be forced to take over a huge amount of corn for which there is no market. In addition to causing an un economic use o f the corn crop, Berger reportedly warned the sec retary that if the government fa- TRIAL OFFER! Johnson Cabinet Shop -< Phone 023J1 lln g Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan that adequate price sup port programs for hogs, chickens and eggs must be carried out next year if the nation is to consume its mounting corn supplies. Walter C. Berger, president of the American Feed Manufacturers association and J. D. Sykes, vice- president of Ralston Purina com pany, met with the secretary earli er this week and urged him to set Leave For Wyoming— up support programs for these com Mr and Mrs. John Murphy left modities tliat will encourage the Monday for Rawlins, Wyoming, feeding of corn priced at the man where they will visit relatives for datory level. one month. The endorsement of an adequate HOME VKlIie M l 77 U nnI A N kin a n /NU BY V R O LA D & RO Y " m i 10-Day Free Trial in Your Own Home GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLE DISHWASHER e're grateful for Our roasters 'lectric. They make Thanksgiving Day Less hectic. N o expense — no obligation. W ash your own Residential ** Com m ercial W iring dishes in your own home with the new General Electric Portable Dishwasher. Call us-NOW COMPANY SERVICE C A I LS PHONE H IM H I-W A Y 20 No. N Y S S A Phone 106 Henneman Hardware Co. y W e Will Give You $ 5 0 and Up It is time to start thinking about your loved one's Christmas presents. W h y not make this $50 or more count on your other presents and at the sam e time solve one of your problems by giving your loved one the finest present that money can buy? THIS YEAR W e are offering as a special, $50-and-up-trade- in-allowance on any refrigerator or ice box we have so much to thank you f o r . . . toward the purchase of a n ew I. H. C. Re * r| l| IK O H ;| | O U T thi* great country, |>c<>plc 1 are taking lime out frolli their la I h ira to capre*« thank* throiigh |iravrr ami thanksgiving. Ami aloug witli thrie permutai cipressini!* of gralitude, Me wntild like to atiii a *|M*rial ine**agr o f lliauk* to all our friend*. I mii I i ol<! ami new. I li \NKS lo all of you who liavp bonghi new ( hevmlel cara and truek* front ua. \\ e apprceiali* your cimice, ami kuow you will limi truc driving enjoymeni in ihe extra-valur Chevrolet olfer». ITI \ NKS lo tiltv<e of voli » Ilo have pi,n ed order* and are M.ntuig delivery. Your patienee ami your lo va li' lo thè I he v rote t standard will fimi a mire reward in the eoinpletr satisfaction your new Chevrolet will bring you. T U IN K S to our many ter vice customers, for the confidence vin i have ehown in our service method*. We are proud of the fact that you like the way we take rare of vour car. We an* happy that you kcc|rcntning back to us when it need* attention, liecamie we want your car to pive you perfect satisfaction. I'll IN K S to everyone who ha* made tliia one of the greate«! years in Chevrolet history . . . in new ear »ale*, in new truck sales, in service. Your preference has proved again that Chevrolet is tlie ear America like* hr»t, and we thank you for it. Cables Chevrolet Co. O N TA R IO , OREGON frigerator. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT C O M E IN A N D SEE U S FOR EXCEPTIONAL V A LU E S O N Refrigerators and Home Freezers Owyhee Truck and Implement Co. Your International-McCormick Hqts. Phone 245