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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1949 PAGE EIGHT SALE SUOCE3FUL Tile 4-H sewing clubs of Nyssa co-operated In a candy, popcorn ball and cookie sa-e held Saturday, November 12 in Ralph Lawrence’s real estate office. The net proceeds, amounting to tl9 S6. were turned over to the M al heur Memorial hospital building fund Twenty-three «¡Iris worked at the sale In half-hour shifts. The sale wax opened at 10 a m and all of the merchandise was sold before 2 p. m. The proceeds were given to Ber nard Frost of the hospital organi zation at a party given Saturday evening by Mrs. M. W Myers' club, honoring the other two clubs. The party was held in the basement ol the Methodist church, which had been eleverely decorated by two member.-, of Mrs Myers’ club, Jean Walkc and Marylln Chadd. who also planned the party for the girls. After a short program, Mrs. R. O. Whitaker presented the money to Mr Frost. Games were enjoyed and refreshments were served. The club leaders thankd the Wilson su per-market for the bags used at the sale and Mr. Lawrence for the sale space. MOTHERS E N TE R TAIN E D A T TEA The girls of the Future Home makers of America of the local high school entertained their mothers at a silver tea held at the home eco nomics rooms last Thursday. Dur ing the afternoon the formal in itiation for 24 new members was held. Avon Peterson and Phyllis Hadley sung a duet, accompanied by Angela Peterson, and Elnora TH EA TRE D INN ER A T C O U N T R Y CLUB Walter Roth was honor guest at a birthday dinner arranged last F ri day evening at the country club. Following the dinner, dancing was enjoyed during the evening. Those invited for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zobell and Mr. and Mrs. Roth. FRIDAY, NOVKMREK 18 "Manhandled" Dorothy LaMour—Dan Duryoa by step they went deeper and deeper.. and murder. Until it was too late to turn AiliiiUsion KviningM 44c-9, Inc. Tax SATURDAY, NOVKMBKR 19 "TROUBLE MAKERS" * with the Bowery Boys DOUBLE FEATURE W EDNESDAY CLUB MEETS Mr and Mrs. Ed Knettle enter tained the members of their W ed nesday evening bridge club at their home last week. High scores were held by Dr. and Mrs. Don Soli of Panna and low score by Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stunz. "West Of Eldorado" with Johnny Mae Brown Max Terhunt M.u '. il . ::i(l;Adm. 3tn ■ - ' i t , In, Tax Admission Evenings 44c-9c, Inc. Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20-21 Van Johnson Judy Garland “ Cuddles” Zakall Buster Keaton In "In The Good Old Summertime" Get Pop and Mom and the kids together Stir some old memories and some new emotion ... .Everybody has u good time. Mai. Sun., 2:;iU; Adm. 30c-9r, Inc. Tax Admission Evenings 41c-9c, Inc. Tax TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22 "Jackpot Jitters" with Jiggs and Maggie DOUBLE FEATURE "Haunted Trails" with Whip Wilson—Andy Clyde Adm. .10r-9r, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28-24 Wayne Morris Janis Paige Bruce Bennett- Geraldine Brooks In "The Younger Brothers" Riding into the nite, Roaring into danger. They’re fearless They're Lawless - They’re unmatched in murderous fury. Admission Evenings 44c-9c, Inc. Tax _ .*_ R O S E -T YIN G CEREM ONY HELD The junior girls of the M I A. entertained their mothers at a for mal rose-tying ceremony held at the home of Mrs, Sherman Bybee Tues day evening During the impressive ceremony, the bouquet, composed of the roses presented by each girl, was given to Mrs Thum Baker A program was presented consisting of a violin trio by Angela Peterson, Nonl Child and Laura Schenk; a reading by Betty Fife, a chorus number by the Junior girls and a piano solo by Carlene Jones. Following the ceremony, refresh ments were served at tables placed about the room. TU E SD AY CLUB P LA Y S The members of the Tuesday evening club were guests this week at the home o f Mrs. Artie Robert son. High score was held by Mrs. Bernard Frost and second high by Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. Tom Eldredge was a guest player. PR O G R A M one Martin gave a reading. Mrs. Ron Campbell and Mrs Sherman Bybee, the club mothers were presented M m Dorothy Erwin, president of the F. H. A . presided at the tea table, which was attractively cent ered with an arrangement of red and white carnations and red tap ers. FOURSOME E NTERTAIN ED Mrs Bert Lienkaemper entertain ed a bridge foursome at her home recently Mrs. V. IJuus received the prize for high score. D E LPH IAN S MEET ' The Delphian society met last Thursday morning at the home of Mrs. Frank Morgan, with Mrs. J. J. Sarazin leader of the topic, "The Art of Clear Thinking". Assisting with the discussion topics were Mrs. Bud Wilson, Mrs Harold Henigson, Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs Oerrit Stam, Mrs Dale Garrison and Mrs. Clyde Snider. She’s a 14-Inch .... A FOTO-ilECTRIC FOOTBALL GAME Watch the ball carrier dodga h it w a y d ow n th e O K W ie ld . L o t s o f fu n i O v e r 1000 p o s s ib le play combinations. 5 Little Mothers leva her' She* cute and cuddly. H -r M agic Skin body feels el mo*t human — can be bathed and powdered She has sleep ing eyea Outfit tnclarie* dices, bonnet, aUp. pan Lex. shoes xnd ■si J Kids lo v * ' BAS KET' BASKETBALL GAME Choeee up aides . . . M T f one to all eaa play I Lots o f action, excite- monk A Small Down Payment Holds it on Layaway, PROTECT CONCRETE, BRICK & STUCCO Prevent Cracking, Crumbling and Paint Flaking WATE RPROO F WITH EVENING CIRCLE MEETS The Ruth and Naomi circle of the Methodist Women's society met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. James Leslie. The evening was spent in sewing for the bazaar, and refreshments were served. The group will meet December 20 at the home of Mrs. Dale Overstake. HOSTESS T O BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. L. A. Maulding entertained the members of her Tuesday even ing bridge club at her home, with Mrs Eldon Ulmer and Mrs. W ar ren Farmer as guest players. Prizes went to Mrs. Howard Lovejoy and Mrs. George Vaughan. M OTHERS E N TE R TAIN E D The mothers o f the pupils in Mrs. Nolan's sixth grade of the Nyssa school were guests at a tea held Friday afternoon, November 4. An Armistice day program was present ed by the pupils of the room. The tea table was attractively decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and tapers, arranged by Mrs. George Schweizer. Mrs. Sid Flanagan pre sided at the tea table Twenty-one mothers were present for the occas ion. Mrs. Flanagan and Mrs. Dur- lin Hammon, room mothers, assist ed Mrs. Nolan during the after noon. Use Our Convenient Lay Away Plan SHI COOS'SI!t CRIES-SHE SOBS SHE EVEU SCREAMS! The Only Way to E N T E R T A IN S BRIDGE FOURSOME Mrs. Stan Newman entertained the members of her bridge foursome at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ward Wienke was a guest play er and Mrs. Houston Wilson was high scorer. PINOCHLE HOSTESS Mrs Harry Kingrey was hostess S T PAU L'S G U IL D MEETS to the members of her pinochle Mrs. Fred Savage was hostess to club last Wednesday afternoon at the members of the St. Paul’s Épis her home. Mrs. Bat til Ostrom held copal guild at her home Monday high score and Mrs. John Ostrom, evenint;. During the business m eet low score Traveling prizes went to ing plans were made for the ann Mrs. Ed Jamison and Mrs. Walter ual bazaar to be held December 7, Fox. with Mrs. J. L. Church, Mrs. A. V. Cook » id Mrs. V. W Duus In char MR AND M RS CLUB MEETS ge of arrangements. Plans were also The members of the Wednesday made for the Christmas party of evening Mr. and Mrs club were the guild. Rev and Mrs. Callahan guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. were guests of the group. Edward Boydell. High score was held by Grant Lewis and second Youth Believes high by Edward Boydell. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding were guest Iron (liirtuin Mvtli pluyers. (Continued from Page 1) E N T E R T A IN A T D INN ER listening to the radio.” Mr and Mrs John Ostrom en "The main purpose o f the com tertained the following guests at a munists In eastern Europe Is to de dinner at their home last Sunday: stroy the middle class” , the speaker Mr and Mrs. Fred McKenzie of said. "That is the class the com Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bartil Os munists fear most. T o enter insti trom and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. tutions of higher learning, students Ostrom and family and Mr and must have Hie right political atti Mrs Helmer Ostrom. tude from the viewpoint of the Rus sians. "W hat is the attitude of the aver age German toward the United States?. To me there Is no average Oerman as there Is no average in any country A large percentage of the people are trying to find an understanding with all nations. I believe any person who likes his country at all has some nationalism. I don't think that is bad. I believe the Marshall plan has been a terrific success. The first part of it has been successful, but it will be the second part that will prove whether It will be entiely satisfactory. We ■night call it an Ideological plan. I think we are closer to federal unions than we believe we are. I think we will at least have strong inter-de pendence Prior to the talk, the high school --------------- and Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Fraser of Oregon T rail; third and fourth grades. Miss Crandall; fifth and sixth grades, Mrs. Nolan; seventh and eighth grades. Mr. Lancaster, and high school, juniors. M O ND AY CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs Ed Knettle was hostess to the members of her Monday after noon bridge club las', wee* Mrs. John Kopp held high score and Mrs Don Soli, low. Mrs Edward Boydell and Mrs. Warren Farmer were guests players. BY LEW H E RR 1M AN You know, we often pretend to be amused at the Oriental fear of "losing fa c e ''...y e t we're afraid of being the "laughing stock" of our community, our club or our class. Often we won't try new games, new Ideas or new skills .. because we're afraid w ell be awkward at first and people will laugh at us. That's sillier than eating broth with a fork Nobody starts out at the top. We all have to learn . .. and if we're afraid to try. w e ll miss a lot of fun. So if there's anything you want to d o ... go ahead and do It. You can't go anywhere without starting And it anyone wants to laugh let him. Remember this when we square dance Mel Day has to have some fun too. In Spain. Mtguel Ruberte ate 17 pounds of green alfalfa and three pounds of uncooked corn. Now there's a fellow who really doe* rat like a horse. Incidentally, if the horsepower In your car Is ’ eat ing'' too much gasoline, bring It in for an expert check-up at HKRR1- MAN M OTOR CO . phone 77 You'll find It pays to keep your car well- regulated rriman Motor Company One Low Cost Application Gives You Permanent Protection Use CRETO inside and outside, on painted or unpainted surfaces . . . on floors, walls, driveways, patios, swimming pools, base ments, etc. Also prevents grease and acids from penetrating into concrete floors and driveways; nukes them easier to clean. EASY "r O A P P L Y —brush, spray or mop it on. N ot« the voi d l ^ w hich perm it th« •o sy p o isag « o f m oistur«. enemies Note progressive penetration of CR ETO — density increased — no m oisture can pass through. r E very d a y in eve ry climate« m oisture — ra in , normal hum idity ond o rd in a ry dew — penetrates through i yo ur m asonry reactin g w ith the a lk a li therein / V to c a u s e s u r f a c e d a m p n e s s , s w e a t in g o f I \ w a lls, a lk a li burns to the underside of p ain t — resulting in p eeling , crackin g , 1 I \ crum bling ond g en eral deteri- / I C R ETO (o liq uid p re ie rv o tiv «) p « n « lro t* l through to tool o ratio n of m asonry. w ithin th« tu rfo c«. Chem ical action binds a ll particle« into on« solid m a st increases d ensity ond seals out moisture p erm anently. It forces out surface a lk a li, A M A Z I N G L Y LOW IN COST. One application gives you protection forever NYSSA LUMBER CO k \ d irt, grease ond im purities and seals in re* j m aining a lk a li. Provides a b in ding surface fo r p ain t, prevents stains, p eeling o f / f p oint, cracking and crum b ling . Dealer For Malheur County John Ostrom—Owner OMh Am P m QJO j ÌA DURHAM & SAMSON Tables M oth er draws out a Samson, so handy for quick pressing and cleaning jobs; for sewing and packing Dad and Juniot draw up to a Samson for checkers. Samson model* all are strongly underbased with sleel, have steel frame* and electrically welded tubular sleel legs. Choose from six wonderful patterns l y in “ strong enough to r stand on” Durham tables. Use them all over your home. And at the amazingly low price of 13.95 each-you'll want lots and lots of them. P. S. We have matching fold ing chain In six stunning decorator colon. Du riunii & Samson F O L D IN G TABLES and PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY ta Your Dependable Furniture Store Ontario Vale Payette C H A IR S