Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1949 42 beds, building cost $249,258, per Lettermen Flan Dance— 8 p. m„ every Wednesday we have D i r e c t o r s G iv e bed cost $5,934. Harney county—31 The annual ball of the Nyssa High services. Hospital Figures beds- bulldin8 cost $236,593. per bed School Lettermen s club will be held We extend to you a cordial In 1 0 cost $7,632; PrineviUe—35 beds. Friday evening at 8:30 in the gym building cost $268.570 ner bed cost nasium. Leo Long, letterman presi vitation. (Continued iron* Page 1) Wallowa county— 28 beds, dent, has appointed committees for $76,410. Contract was awarded low $7,673; building cost $252.384. per bed cost the affair. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH est bidder, a local contractor. $9.013; Weiser hospital—30 beds, Rev. C. L. Callahan. Rector building cost $300,000, per bed cost Visits In Vale— Summary Church school, 10 a. m. , 000 . Mrs. Wayne McPheeters spent the Church services, 7:30 p. m„ every "The increased cost of building $ 10 NOTE: The cost per bed is de week-end in Vale with her son, Sunday evening. was due to change of plans from a termined by the total cost Milton. 32 to 42 bed hospital with solid outer of the building taking without equipment MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH walls instead of brick veneer over and without architect’s fee, then W. M. Turner wood frame. this cost by the number of MU» unary Pastor “During the period of collection dividing beds. Sunday school, 10 a. m. of subscription accounts until con Open The Doors Of Your Hospital Morning service, 11 a. m. tract for building was let, there was “There may come a time in your ASSEMBLY OF GOD Song service, C3U p. m. an increase in cost of material and life when the doors of the Malheur Sterl D. S pleas. Fas to) Young People's service, 7:30 p m labor, Sunday school, 10 a ,m. Memorial hospital will renresent the service, 8 p. m. "Your hospital will be air-con difference between life and death Morning worship and praise, 11 Evening Wednesday evening prayer ser ditioned (air changing every 3 min for some member of your family or a. m. vice, 8 p. m. utes in patients’ rooms) and dust- yourself. It will make a great dif Young people, 7 p. m. Friday evening service, 8 p. m proof, have radiant heating, will be ference whether this hospital Is open Evanglistic, 8 p. m. fire-safe (one story high, doors of or closed. Tuesday, prayer and bible study, CARD OF THANKS patients' rooms wide enough for "In ____ _ to ___ open Its __ doors $130.- ^ _ 8 p. m. order We desire to express our thanks i>e<iS,it?fbe °ut thrnugh halls 000 be raised pay the build in- You are welcome to all services. for the expressions of sympathy in 4 different C.a directions). The build- crease must in cost of an to enlarged by our friends and neighbors ing is designed for economy of op- ing, equipment and polio section to THE METHODIST COMMUNITY shown during our recent bereavement. eration. There is a polio and con- meet the demands of an ever-grow- Mrs W D. Patch. tagious disease isolation section. j ing ai*ea. The problem of raising Donald S. CHURCH Campbell, Minister Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patch and tt ft w®“' lcnown engineer of the this money is yours—You will want 9:45 a. m„ church school. United States public health service to use this hospital—Why not help 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser family. from San Francisco, who checks open its doors? “The Divine Ledgers' An T o o L a t e T o C la s s ify hospital plans to enforce the rigid “Work and give to the best of mon: them: “Sing Heavens” by Holton. requirements of the federal govern- your ability—the work you do and Solo by Hugh O Tobler, RENT—Duplex at 133 Ennis ment under the Hill-Burton act of the money you give will save human to God’’ toy Dixon. “Thanks Be FOR Avenue, Nyssa, 3 rooms and bath, congress, said. The Malheur Mem- lives—perhaps someday your own’* 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. furnished with electric stove, re orial hospital is the best constructed * _______________ 8 p. m., evening service. Discus frigerator, and oil heater, bed, etc. hospital on the Pacific Coast at the Here From Unity— sion: “Our Faith in God”. Owner Mrs. D. Pomperien, phone lowest cost per square foot of build- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coleman and Monday evening at 8 o’clock the 3035, Vale. 17n2xp ln^ ° r cosJ per bed Rodney and Billy Coleman of Unity on community and i he following is a tabulation of were visitors in Nyssa over the commission world service will meet at the par MISCELLANEOUS — Appliance re the contract price for new hospital— week-end. sonage. pairing, washing machines, oil stov es, etc. 130 East Fourth or phone CHURCH OF CHRIST 279-W. 17n3xc Don R. Maxfield, Pastor 10 a. m., church school hour. FOR SALE—One-bedroom house In 11 a. m., morning worship and Ontario, 28 x 30, fireplace, Irriga Lord's supper. tion system, three lots, will con 7:15, young people’s service. sider trade for property In Nyssa. 8 p. m„ evening worship. Call Ontario 3Q2-W 17nlxp Wednesday 7:30 choir practice; FOR RENT—Three-room furnished 8 p. m., young people's activity apartment with bath. Roy Se- night. wrlght, phone 63-J. 17n2xp Your baby's First Pair Of Shoes can Be INDEPENDENT BAPTIST FOR RENT—Three-room apartment MISSION Metalized In Either with bath. Inquire at 537 N. 6th Meetings Held at I. O. O. F. street. J. B. McKinney. 17n3xc Temple. BRONZE. GOLD, or SILVER Sunday school, 10 a. m. FOR RENT — Furnished basement Classes for all ages. house, with bath. W. O. Bailey, Morning worship, 11 a ,m. Sixth and Maple. 17n2xp SUNSET VALLEY FOR SALE—Beginning November ASSEMBLY OF GOD 18, we will have cut flowers, potted For Life R ot . Joe R. Dodson, Pastor plants, corsages, funeral sprays, etc., Sunday school, 10 a. m. for sale at the Nyssa Oreenhouses. Warship services, 11 a. m. 716 N. 1st st. 17n2xp Young People, 7 p. m. CAN BE MOUNTED ON Evangelistic meeting, 8 p m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. Plaques For Bookends PAGE SEVEN CROSLEY MILLION'DOUAR GIVEAWAY Church N otes Baby Shoes Preserved Forever DOUBLE-BARRELED CONTEST! Ye*, over $2,000,000 in cash and valuable prizes to be awarded by Croaley and Crosley Dealers. You get a double chance to win! FIRST —a Local Contest judged by local judges right in your own community. All you do is write your reason in 50 words or less on the Local Entry Blank why we should give you a new 1950 Shelvador* Refrigerator. If our judges select yours as the best reason, you will get a new 1960 Shelvador Refrigerator to be awarded by us and delivered right to your home. T H IN * ANYTHING SEN TIM EN TA LLY PRECIOUS CAN BE PRESERV ED AS A LA STIN G K EEPSA K E Christmas Orders Are Being Taken Now 130 East 4th St. North of Sugar Factory Phone 279-W CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Galre. Pastor Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. FAITH »IITHKRAN CHURCH Rev. Sherwin Schmidt, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Divine worship, 11 a. m. THE CHURCH OF THR NAZARENA Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a. m„ Sunday school. 11 a. m„ congregational and special singing and sermon. 7 p. m., we have three different group services. 8 p. m„ evangelistic service AROUND THE HOUSE WHERE THERE'S SEE US FOR ENTRY BLANKS AND CONTEST RULES. HOME A P P L IA N C E S Better Products for Happier Living NYSSA FURNITURE CO. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FLOORS FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY, NOVEMRER 18,19 & 21 MEN'S FELT HATS $ 4 .9 5 Regular $7.50 and $8.50 Felt Hats Nationally Advertised Brands PRO TECT w ith BROWN, GRAY AND TAN COLORS Sizes 6% to 7 Vi BOYS' JACKETS $ 1 .9 8 NYLON HOSE 57 * PAINT PRODUCTS Waterproof» and beautifiesl Concrete . . . Cinder block . . . Stucco Basements or Exterior Walls. PARATEX Alkali proof, rubber based Floor and Wall Covering. Use on concrete, wood, or masonry. Gives longer wear. CLOSEOUT MEN'S SHIRTS $ 1 .8 7 TRUSCON ★ There la no finer, longer-wearing covering for masonry and concrete surfaces in any part of the home than those products manu factured by Truscon Laboratories. Truscon products are time-proven... especially designed even for the hard wear of industrial use. They beautify and protect at the same time. In a variety of colon, Regular $2.98 and $3.95 COLORED DRESS SHIRTS A Good Quality Shirt In Most Slzss From UVi to 17 WINTER CAPS MEN'S HEAVY WOOL, PLAID AND PLAIN COLOR WOOL CAPS Regular Price $1.00 to $1.25 MEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS $ 1.00 Regular $2.98 I t 's E a s is r to G E T . . . a t HEAVY WEIGHT, ASSORTED COLORS AND SIZES FLOR-DYE AND ART-ROC New Fall Colors In A Regular 80c Scheer Nylon Hose WOOL YARDAGE $1.00 and $2.00 yd. REGULAR $1.98 to $3.98 Woolen And Part Wool Yardage. Gaberdenas And Worsteds. Mostly Plain Colon WOMEN'S RAYON GOWNS Regular $1.69 SALE $1.19 Beautiful Stripe Rayons. Small, Medium And Large Size« And Colon Of Blue.Green and Peach BROWN MUSLIN. 19c Yard ANKLETS—Women and Childreh 10c Pair WOMEN'S COTTON KNIT PANTIES AND VESTS. Large Size 25c SUSPENDERS—Men's Button-On Dress Styles 25c Provide» color, beauty and extra hardneu for concrete surface». EASY IRONER SPECIAL LU M BER See it and get details in our appliance department C . F . M INK, M anager \ WOMEN'S WINTER COATS 25% Less Brown And Grey Tweeds, Grey, Red And Green Coverts; Also Several Colors In Worsteds Colors In Plain Twills And All Wool Plaid Zipper Jackets CONCRETE TITEWALL One Block West Of Railroad Depot A HARVEST of SPECIALS Sizes 4 to 16 WALLS V itf SECOND —a National Contest, in addition to and separate from our local contests, where the same words you write for the Local Contest (or different, if you prefer) may be submitted on the National Entry Blank and compete for the Grand Prizes of cash, kitchens, and refrigerators to be awarded by Crosley! Workmanship Guaranteed Porlrait Stand For 8"X10" or 5"X 7" Photo Desk Sets With Pens Plaques With Flower Bud Vases, Plus Other Items > Phone 15 Nyssa Nyssa Oregon