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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
P íftP THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1949 9 tY lyn Kekler of Glide, Oregon were Many In _ . Friday evening guents at the home Adrian Section of Mr and Mrs. Jess Norris. Mrs Bill Nelson and children are ADRIAN, Nov. 17—Visitors at the .. ... . ... spending this week with Mrs. Ver- W. C. Plercy home this week are non parlter his mother, Mrs Mary Leader of ' Mrs. Threlma Elliott visited Bun- Buhl, Idaho, and his sister, Mrs. day with her mother. Mrs Dollle Doris Hill of Gooding. j McCreary, at Snlvely’s springs. Mrs Earl McKee visited In La Mrs. Jimmy Wilson and son, Jim- Crosse and Spokane over the week- my Lee. of Ontario visited Tuesday end with friends and relatives. | evening with Mrs. Threlma Elliott Bob Ktartin and Bonnie Bigsby They plan to Join Mr Wilson In of La Crosse visited over the week- Panama soon. Wilson has been end with Mr and Mrs. Clarence promoted to the rank of corporal Keller and children. j in the army. Mr and Mrs Bob Hamilton of [ Mrs. George DeHaven, and Mr. Arock visited Mr and Mrs. BUI Ash- and Mrs Ray Landau of Nyssa vls- craft over the week-end | Ited Mrs. DeHaven’s father. Mr. Mr and Mrs. Jack Rainey of Par- Vardley, In the veterans hospital ma and Mr. and Mrs Herb Thomas j Sunday. and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft 1 Miss • Shorty" Schuman and Mrs were guests Sunday evening at the Marilyn Kekler of Glide were over home of Mr and Mrs Bill Ashcraft, night guests at the home of Mr and Mr and Mrs Oeorge Cartwright Mrs Henry Reuter Friday and Sat- and Mr. and Mrs Jess Norris spent I urday night. Armistice day In Boise. | Visitors at the Glen Brown home Mr and Mrs. Glen Brown, Mr. I for Sunday dinner were Mrs. Helen and Mrs. George Cartwright, and Webb and daughter, Joan, former •'Shorty" Schuman, and Mrs. Marl- Adrian residents now of Bend, Mr BATHROOM FIXTURES REDUCED THREE PIECE BATHROOM SET and Mrs. Jim Attebery and daugh ter. Judy of Ontario. Mr and Mrs. Robert Eastman of Caldwell and Mr and Mrs Robert Brown. Mr and Mrs. A. C. Henderson spent Saturday night with their daughter, Mrs. Glennon in Emmett Robert Webster. Harvey Bennett, LeRoy Bennett and Earie Mausling hunted elk several days last week on the IJttle Malheur river Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney and children and Mrs. Anna Sparks and son, Wayne, visited Sunday with Mrs Lorraine Olennon In Emmett George DeHaven. Walley Stiener, and Elmer Sparks are hunting elk in central Oregon this week. E. E. Nelson. Bill Nelson. Vern Parker, Howard Hatch, and Oayle Martin are elk hunting this week near Pilot Rock. Mr and Mrs. Olen Brown, Betty Korman and Kristine, and Mr and Mrs Robert Eastman of Caldwell were business visitors in Boise Arm istice day Mr. and Mrs Olenwood Pounds visited friends in Vale Friday and attended the Vale-Ontario football game. Mrs. Vernon Parker and children vi Ited Mrs Parker s father, Mr. Toomb In Nyssa Thursday Charles West returned home Tuesday after visiting for three days with his son and daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs Charles West. Jr., and children In Longview, Washington. Mrs Charles West and Mrs. Ada Pearl Scott and son spent Thurs day visiting Frank Rookstool and Mr and Mrs Dale Rookstool. Mr and Mrs Bill Willis and Mr and Mrs Claude Smith were Cald well visitors Saturday. thing about Armistice day and from Caldwfell included Mrs. Marlon Thanksgiving. Refreshments of Gieson. and Jack and Bob. and sandwiches, salad, cake and coffee Charles Glesen. Mrs. Lottie T h om - ton, Mane and Momo Thorton. Mrs were served. The next meeting will be held at the Alva Goodell home December 8. with Mrs Delbert Cleav er as hostess. The annual Christ mas party will be held. Those going elk hunting from this community were Willis Ber tram, Howard Day and Delbert. Lester and Loyd Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell, Mr and Mrs. Loyd Adams and Mrs Thurman Hill were in Boise Sat- urday. uunmjr Cleaver, small son of Mr and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, has been ill with ear trouble. Mr and Mrs Delbert Cleaver and boys were in Ontario Thurs day. Mr and Mrs. Robert Goodell o f 1 Caldwell were dinner guests at the Edward Topllff home and supper guests at the Alva Goodell home. Edward Topllff has purchased a new Ford automobile Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie were Sunday dinner guests at the Doug las Bateman home. RESOURCES S125 FOR ALL PLUMBING NKKDS VISIT THE BROWER PLUMBING SHOP Nyssa Vale Phone Nyssa 196-J Proof of tlie PUDDING.. braska. former neighbors who had been visiting In Idaho, and were overnight guests at the Chapin home Sunday. FIRST N A TIO N A L B A N K Lenve For Oxnard— Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pheiler will leave this week for Oxnard, Cali fornia to spend the winter In their California home. Officers Elected By Women’s Club (Continued from Page 4) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sharpe, and Mrs Bill Hamilton and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bouer of Boise were supper guests of Mr. and H i i p i u i Vista Men Mrs. Frank Briggs The two ladies Co Elk Hunting are sisters. Irvin Swanson of Nampa has BUENA VISTA. Nov 17—Mr and rented the Otto Wolfe farm for the Mrs Leslie Topllff were in Boise coming year. Clint Snyder and Buck Reed help Monday. Mrs. Willis Bertram is visiting ed Claude Wilson this week when at the home of her parents, Mr they ran the cement for the found I and Mrs. E. L. Jamison in Nyssa. ation for a new cow barn. The abeth Goodell of Emmett vis- house also rated cement steps and tted at the Leslie Topllff home walkway. Claude Wilson, Ora Newgen, and She spent Thursday afternoon and Friday at the Alva Ooodell home. Elver Nielsen are harvesting carrots. Mr and Mrs. Hiroto Okano and Mrs Manctl Bishop entertained the Out-Our-Way club at her home family were dinner guests of Mr with seven members attending. and Mrs. Joe Inaba Sunday. If the weather holds, most of the Roll call was answered with some- farmers hope to finish their beet harvest by the 19th, while the re maining farmers are hoping to fin ish by Thanksgiving Mrs Gregg and son. Phillip, vis ited Wednesday at the Lloyd Dibble home In Apple-valley, and on Mon day she accompanied Mrs. Jesse Gregg to Payette for dental work. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder vis ited at the Ed Price home Saturday and took the family to their home in Melba for an overnight visit. Mr and Mrs Jim Baird. Gerda Price and Clifford Kates went to Melba Sunday evening to bring the Price family home, as Mr. and Mrs. Price are now without a car since their car accident late Friday afternoon A group of 35 friends and relatives bringing food for dinner and sup per. completely surprised Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Chapin and Jim Wol cott Sunday morning. Out-of-state relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Walcott COMPLETE WITH TRIM Glady Carpenter. Olenda Carpenter, and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Gaskins. Also present were Mr and Mr* Dolph Gaskins of Ainsworth. Ne OF PO R TLA N D NOVEMBER 1, 1949 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Cash in vault and in Federal Reserve B a n k ............................................ $ 6 6 ,6 8 0 ,3 1 6 .4 9 Due from B a n k s................................................. 3 3 ,6 8 4 ,3 8 5 .9 1 Total C a s h ........................................................................................... United States Government O bligations, Direct and Fully Guaranteed State, Cawnty and M unicipal Bonds and W a rra n ts.......................... Other Bonds and Securities..................................................................... ... . . Stock in Federal Reserve B a n k .« ............................................................« « Loans and D isco u n ts..................................... Accrued Interest Receivable.......................................................................... Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and Safe Deposit Vaults Other Real Estate ow n ed ..................................................................................... Customers' Liab ility on Accounts of Letters of Credit, Acceptances, and Endorsed Bills ............................................................... Other Resources ....................................................................................................... TOTAL R ES O U R C E S ..................................................................... $ 1 0 0 ,3 6 4 ,7 0 3 .4 0 1 9 6 ,2 0 1 ,1 4 1 .0 1 4 3 ,6 4 9 ,9 1 9 .3 9 2 ,3 3 4 ,2 7 0 .4 8 5 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 5 4 ,8 1 8 ,1 4 5 .6 4 1 ,6 4 6 ,2 1 9 .3 0 5 ,2 1 4 ,9 1 6 .5 9 None 3 ,8 4 7 ,0 3 0 .0 1 4 5 2 ,1 7 7 .5 2 ¿ 5 0 9 ,0 3 8 ,5 2 2 .3 4 LIABILITIES C a p it o l............................................................................................................................. $ S u rp lu s ............................................................................................................................. Undivided Profits ond Reserves...................................................................... Total C ap ital Funds..................................................................... RESERVE FOR POSSIBLE LO AN LOSSES. This reserve it to ap ply ag ainst an y loan losses that may develop in the future; sf has not been allocated to an y particular loans or type of loans (Established from current earn in g s— Ja n u a ry 1, 1949 thru October 3 1 , 1 9 4 9 ) .................................................................. 4 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 1 3 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 1 5 ,2 5 4 ,8 1 2 .4 0 $ 3 2 ,2 5 4 ,8 1 2 .4 0 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 DEPOSITS ) ° * " ond j - .............................................................................. 1 1 S .4 1 4 .3 1 S .5 I I 4 6 8 7 4 0 „ , 47 I S avin g , and T i m ......................................................................... 1 4 3 ,1 1 1 ,6 0 3 .4 6 J Liab ility for Letters of Credit and os Acceptor Endorser or M aker of Acceptances and Foreign B ills ...................................* 3 ,8 4 7 ,0 3 0 .0 1 Interest Received in A d v a n ce ........................................................................... 1 ,5 2 7 ,3 9 3 .5 1 Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Etc........................................................................ 1 ,9 9 2 ,6 0 7 .9 3 Other L ia b ilitie s........................................................................................................... 1 7 5 ,7 5 9 .0 2 TOTAL L IA B IL IT IE S ...................................................................... $ 3 0 9 ,0 3 8 ,5 2 2 .3 4 In a d d ition to its 4 5 b ra n ch « ! th ro u g h o u t O r e g o n , 17 o t h e r O r e g o n B a n k in g O ffices a r e m e m b e r t of the First N a tio n a l B a n k G r o u p DEPOSITS T h . Pint N ational la n k of Portland and 45 B r a n c h .,............................................. 17 o th .r O r.g o n ta n kin g O f f i c i in tho F in i N ational G ro u p ................... $ 4 6 8 ,7 4 0 ,4 1 4 .4 7 4 4 ,1 1 1 ,4 7 1 .0 0 LO AN S AND DISCOUNTS Tho F in i N ational la n k o( Portland and 45 I r a n c h .i ............................................ 17 o th .r O r.g o n ta n kin g O f f i c i in Ih# F in i N ational G ro u p ................... $ 5 6 7 ,1 6 3 ,8 4 0 .4 7 $1 5 4,11 8 ,1 4 5 64 1 4 ,6 6 4 ,8 4 1 .5 3 T O T A l RESOURCES $ 1 7 4 ,4 8 7 ,4 8 7 .1 6 T h . F in i N ational Bank of Portland and 45 I r a n c h .i ............................................. 17 o th .r O r.g o n tan kin g O f f i c i in Ih# F in i N otional G ro u p ................... $ 5 0 » ,0 3 8 ,5 3 3 .3 4 1 0 6 ,0 0 9 ,3 7 8 .8 3 TOTAL RESOURCES of t h . 63 B A N K IN G OFFICES In l h . FIRST N ATIO N A L GRO UP $ 6 1 5 ,0 4 7 ,9 0 1 .1 7 Look at the itecord! CHEVROLET ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS . . . IS IN THE EATING. PREFERRED OVER NEXT MAKE Tlmf old saying was never more appropriate than when applied to BY MORE THAN 2 TO 1* foods cooked the eleckical way. Foods cooked on an electric range not only taste better Hoc a if clear-cut endorsement by truck buyers and usert a t revealed by official registration figures— and what's mors, Chevrolet trucks outsell the next tw o makes combined.* That's the record—now leak at (he reasons. Leek a t Chevrolet's sturdy construc tion, rugged power with econom y, handling ease and convenience. Leek at all the extra advantages of Chevrolet trucks and then add the fewest list pricei in the industry. New yeu knew why Chevrolet trucks lead them all I Come in and let us show you and tell yeu the full story of Chevrolet truck value! • Official Registration Figures covering Chev rolet weight class for the ten months. Dec. 1948—Sept 1949 . . . they are better. Quick, even heat is directed into utensils and all the natural, rich flavors and lusciousness are cooked right in the foods and they keep their natural color and shape. The sealed in vitamins and other food values are served with the meal . . . not boiled out and thrown down the drain. Entire meals can be cooked automatically in the electric range oven. Just set the dials, take the afternoon off and though you're miles from home, your electric range cooks the meal perfectly and has it ready for you on your return. One of the most important advantages of electric cooking is its economy. It's time and labor saving at a very low cost ticularly at Idaho Power's low electric rates. I D Cfctkicib/ A H O t> V P O W E R ots So MUCH-Costs So UTTLE! par F e a tu rin g V A L V E -IN -H E A D E N G IN E S — OrM tar pou m r oer gallon, ‘orror ore, P »r tool • D IA P H R A G M S P R IN G C L U T C H Smooth ——g- q— ' • 3YNCHRO- M E S H TR A N S M IS S IO N S — QuMk. smooth «Tufting . H Y P O ID R EAR A XLES — 8 tu rn . strong« Hen b m i typ. . D O U B L E -A R T IC U L A T E D B R A K E S - C o n w m i W n w control • W ID E -B A S E W H E E L S — In c r e n d i n m ie m . . A D V A N u T X S I B h S T Y L IN G — With th . C O that " B r m t h W • B A L I-T Y P E « T F F P . N G _ E m w Iw W L n g . U N lT -O C S IG N B O O l E S - P r s c o n Cables Chevrolet Co. ONTARIO, OREGON