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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1949 PAGE FOUR Elected By W om en'* Chili S U N SE T V A LLEY. Nov. 17—E le c tion of o fficers was held Thursday afternoon when th e m embers of the P leasan t Hour club m et at the home of Mrs. Fred Step h an s. O f ficera fo r th e com ing year are as follows: president. Mrs. G ene S t e phans, vice-president, Mrs. P au l Hou.>e, and secretary -treasu rer. M ri G rover Findley. P lan s were m ade for a farew ell party held W ednes day evening for Mr. and Mrs. H el- m er Ju lu m . who will leave th is m onth to live near Portland . On Thursd ay, th e m embers were to m eet at the Fred S tep h an s hom e to Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers Estimates Gladly Given GEORGE I. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmimm, and fam ily of Coolidge. Arizona. I D ldericksen. H arry H athaw ay Miss Andrew T itlan d . Idaho shopper* were K enn eth P rice, Albert M cG in G uests for the evening and late Dorothy B n d ged all. all o f Caldwell, ! ranging as fa r a s Nampa and Boise nis and Donald Bergam . As it was supper included Mr and Mrs. Homer j I t ontlnued » » P a g e S ^ 1 included th e Jo h n O rottvtet. the too wet to r beet harvest, they vis T itland , F ra n k Briggs and K en ited a t the Ja k e K ollen and W arren homes, returning home Friday. Lorensen fam ilies. M r and Mrs. Clell Hill and daugh Mr and Mrs. Je sse Gregg each Two miles east of Adrian on Parma-Adrian highway. 8 drove a ca r of young people from the ter, Nancy, houseguests of Mr. and miles southwest of Parma. V* mile north. V* west of Oregon side to Jam iso n to attend a Mrs. Nell Dim m ick the past two rally for the youth of the Am erican weeks, left Monday for P ortland for Wade schoolhouse on oiled road. a visit before returning to their Union Sunday schools Tuesday hom e in Los Angeles. evening. A ttending were Lurelle and Mrs. Larry Dim mlck and son, D a r Raym ond Bergam , Marion and H ar ry B um garner. D ick and Jim Cor- rell, who also were visiting a t the field, Phyllis Cheldelln, E sther Dim mick home, left W ednesday for B ened ict. Neta S m ith and B etty Yakim a. Her husband. L arry, re B retts. Sp ecial speakers, games and m ained, and Is assisting K la a s Stam refreshm ents were features a t the with beet harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Don F ra n k lin and m eeting. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D itty and two sons, and Mrs. F ra n k lin ’s p a r fam ily of O n tario visited Mrs. Leota ents, Mr and Mrs, L ynn K ygar, D itty Friday. Mrs. D itty Is still 111 spent Sunday In BoLse a t th e home of Mr. and Mrs. R ich ard Brow n. and confined to h e r bed A ttending th e Fellowship m eeting Mr and Mrs F ran k lin a re living in in Vale W ednesday were Reverend the Dim mick ten a n t house. Mrs. Lila M itchell was a guest a t and Mrs Jo e Dodson. Mrs. Frank Lands, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert the G lenn S a lte r hom e on the D itty T h e sam e group and Mr. and Adrian bench Satu rd ay afternoon Mrs. Henry Hlntz attended the As a t a pink and blue shower given for sem bly of God revival in O ntario Mrs. K en Olsen by Delores Sh arp e and D ar T h el Pike. Friday. Mr and Mrs. Delbert G arn er T h e Su n set h all was the scene of a large ch ariv ari party and dance m ade a visit of several days a t attended by friends and relatives of S e a ttle , Longview and G ran d Coulee. Mr and Mrs. Ellis Field of C lin the newly m arried couple, Mr. and Mrs. E arl K ygar Saturday night. ton, U tah were guests a t th e C hester Mrs. K y gar was form erly Dorothy Bowns home Friday. T h e two ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Fields plan Slippy. Dr. and Mrs. Stew art M errill and on spending a week visiting friends Mr and Mrs. K en n eth Roberts, all and relatives In the Nyssa area Mrs. Morgan Hansen and five of Wallowa, were dinner and supper i guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n R e ffe tt children, who have been visiting at Sunday. Mrs. M errill is a cousin th e home of Mrs. M organ’s parents, Herbert B ergam bought cinder Mr. and Mrs. Fred M itchell, moved blocks th is week for the co n stru ct to O ntario Thursday. M rs Fred M itchell leaves this ion of a pump house to be 5 x 10 week by bus for T a ft, C aliforn ia to feet. Mr. and Mrs. 8 . E F lanagan and visit a t the home of her son, D allis T erry and P a tty attended the R u s M itchell, who specializes as a m ag sian ballet In Boise Monday even neto m echanic Mrs. M itchell plans ing. Friday evening visitors were on an extended visit, traveling on Mr. and Mrs. Clayton P atto n and to S a n Diego later. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. family. R onn ie S m ith of Nyssa was [ an overnight guest Thursday and O laf Fyllingness Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. H elm er Ju lu m Friday a t th e Flan ag an home. L arry and Loren Hite, J r ., of and Helen and David Julum . Mrs. G ene Cleaver and children Haines have been visiting all week at the hom e of th eir grandparents, spent the w eek-end in Nampa vis iting a t th e hom e of Mrs. C leaver’s j Mr and Mrs. Jo h n R e fie tt. G len | and W illie M cG innis, W alter Hite sister, Mrs. C harles Davis. Mr and Mrs. Ja m e s R obb e n te r and Ellis G ivens o f Roseburg, W ash ington have been hunting elk and tained Thursday evening in their visiting Loren H ite a t Haines. Mrs. home for Mr. and Mrs. David Hall Loren H ite arrived Friday morning j at the p arental home. L ittle R ose m ary R e ffe tt of Nampa arrived F r i day too, for a w eek-end visit a t the home of her grandparents. Jo h n R e ffe tt Is building an addit- Optometrist j ional room on th e house occupied by his son, R obert R e ffett. T h e new Eyes Examined room on th e north will be 12 by 12 j feet. Mrs. E. J Hobson and her daugh- Phone 720 [ ter-ln -la w , Mrs. Jo e Hobson of O n tario, attended an all-d ay m ission 718 Arthur St. ary m eeting a t th e home of Mrs. Russell S m ith Thursday Caldwell, Idaho A fam ily dinner was held a t the hom e of Mr. and M rs H erbert B e rg am Sunday P resen t were Mr. and j Mrs. Donald T osch and fam ily of Prosser, W ashington, Mrs. Bessie Eldum, Mr. and Mrs. Rob T hom p- j son and Mr and Mrs. Paul E. B e rg am and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd and Mr. and Mrs. Harry G ah an were dinner | guests a t the F ra n k C ah ill home last Sunday. Mrs. B u rl Collins and Mrs. Veva C astle of New Plym outh spent j Thursday visiting Mrs. Clifford j W olfe. Mr and Mrs. C lifford W olfe | and two daughters were dinner guest Sunday at the Harold A cker m an hom e in Payette. Word had been received from Miss The following property will be sold by Olaf Carlson: B e th Chapin, who Is teach in g in M adras, th a t she attended Arm - m istice hom ecom ing w ith friends a t L a G rande. Mr. and Mrs. Dayn P rice of O n tario were surprised a t th e ir home Tuesday evening upon th e arrival of guests laden with food for dinner, as a surprise for Mrs. P rice on her birthday. G uests included M r. and Mrs Elver Nielsen and two sons, M r | and Mrs. Ewen Chard, and Mr. and } Mrs K en n eth Chard of Nyssa. B oth the Clifford Nielsen and E l- j ver Nielsen fam ilies were guests a t | the W allace O rcutt hom e In P ayette | Satu rd ay evening Melvin Pendarvis and W alt Hillls were elk hunting near P rom ise, O re gon th is week Mrs. W alter Hillls underw ent a tonsillectom y Monday m orning. Mrs. Devon Larson was honor guest a t a pink and blue shower J given Friday evening a t th e hom e ' of Mrs. Nell Tanner. Visiting In M adras a t th e home of form er Su nset valley residents m ake stuffed toys and C hristm as boxes for orphans. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C orbett of N orth D akota were guests a t the Ja m e s Chadd hom e five days. C or- e tt was a buddy o f Chadd and a form er gunner on a B -1 7 piloted by Chadd from E ngland to G er m any in th e last war T h e two are on a two-w eeks trip through C alifornia. Ed S te in e r h as rented the J . C. O lsen farm for th e coming year. Elm er Olsen, who h as farm ed it the past four years, drow one of the h o m e teads in th e T u le lake draw- i n ;, and Is moving to C alifornia S tein er has been farm in g G abriel A storeca’s farm th e past year. Delores and D elbert W olfe, twins of Mr and Mrs. Irv in W olfe, cele brated th eir first birth day T h u rs day. Supper guests for the occas ion were Mr and Mrs. Clifford W olfe and two daughters Mr. K laas S ta m was a host S a t- I urday evening, en tertain in g Mr. and j Mrs Neil D im m lck and Mr and Mrs Russell P atto n , 8 r. T h e group attended th e th e a te r in Payette, I dined in O n tario and attended the opening dance in th e new Boulevard G ran ge building. Shopping In O n tario this week were Mr and Mrs. R obert R e ffe tt, Mr. and Mrs. C h arlie Schw eizer, Mr and Mrs F ra n k B riggs, Mr and M rs Jim Robb, and Mr. and Mrs. We Will Give You $50 and Up It is time to start thinking about your loved one's Christmas presents. Why not make this $50 or more count on your other presents and at the same time solve one of your problems by giving your loved one the finost present that money can buy? For the next three weeks we are offering as a special, $50-and-up-trade-in-allowance on any refrigerator or ice box toward the purchase of a new I. H. C. Refrigerator. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT COME IN AND SEE US FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ON Refrigerators and Home Freezers Owyhee Truck and Implement Co. Your International-McCormick Hqts. Phone 245 PUBLIC FARM SALE Wednesday, November 23 DR. G.W. GRAVES \ FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call J . C. S MI T H 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J A N D Y ’S Rug, Carpet and Furniture Upholstery CLEANERS 425 South Oregon street Ontario, Oregon, Phone 580 \ SALE STARTS 12 O'CLOCK NOON LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS —CATTLE— 1—Roan cow, 5 yrs. old, 4 V2 gal. now. 1—Roan cow, 2 yrs. old, 3Vi gal. now. 1—Red cow, 2 yrs. old, springer. 1—Brindle cow, 5 yrs. old, 2‘/2 gal. now. 1—Brindle cow, 4 yrs. old, 2 calves by side. 1—Roan cow, 4 yrs. old, 2 gal. now. 1—Red cow, 2 yrs. old, 2 gal. now. 1— Roan cow, 5 yrs. old, 3 gal. now. 2— White heifers, 7 months old. 1—Red heifer, yearling. 1—Red heifer, 6 months old. 1—Roan heifer, 6 months old. 1—Red heifer calf, 2 months old. 1—Red heifer calf, 3 months old. 1—Red bull calf, 2 months old. 1—Jersey bull, 14 months old. —HORSES— 1—Bay mare, smooth mouth, 1200 lbs. 1—Black horse, smooth mouth, i200 lbs. 1— Gray mare, 9 yrs. old, 1600 lbs. —HOGS— 2— Spotted Poland sows, to farrow in Feb ruary. 10—Weaner pigs. —MACHINERY, MISCELLANEOUS— 1—Wagon and rake. 1—Buck rake (new). 1—McCormick dump rake. 1—Ford Ferguson mower. 1—Ford Ferguson system plow, 16 inch. 1—Set steel dual wheels for Ford Fergu son tractor. 1— 1949 Ferguson tractor. 1—Steel corrugator (3 rows). 1—Walking plow. 1—Conda 2-unit milking machine. 1 — McCormick-Deering cream separator, No. 3, stainless steel bowl. 4— 10-gallon milk cans. 1—Lawn mower. 5 or 6 tons of wheat. 200—Bushels of oats. 404—Bales of alfalfa clippings. 1—International electric fencer. 1—Wheelbarrow. 1—Hay rack and wagon. 1—Walking plow. Electric fence. Harness and Collars. Electric sycle grinder. 1—Weed burner. 3—Milk cans. 1—Hog feeder. Hog houses. 1—Hot water tank. 1—Milk cart. 1—Jackson fork and rope. 1—Garden plow. 1—Wheeler and Wilson portable sewing machine. TERMS: CASH J O E BROCK, Owner Auctioneers—Col. Bert Anderson and Col. Joe Church Clerk—L. H. Fritt: A NYSSA LIONS CLUB GIGANTIC CARNIVAL SATURDAY NIGHT. NOVEMBER 19 Bring The Family and Have A Good Time -: A COLOSSAL NYSSA GYM All Kinds of Concessions NO ADMISSION CHARGE Buy Chances NOW on $200.00 Worth of Door Prizes Chances Bought Saturday Night Will Not Be Included In The Drawing i