Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
1 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1949 FOR SALE—Have farms and houses FOR RENT— 80 acres good row MISCELLANEOUS—Available now.1 i t for sale. Need more, list with Ken \ croo i^nd. see Mel Beck, Origg| Electrolux cleaners and air puri- ‘ o l n o n a Renstrom Phone 264-W 29Jtfc 1 Brothers and Butler. 22Stfc fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. PAGB TH PrE all went to the home of Joyce and Margie Christenson of Spokane, M eet At Nu-Acres former Fruitland residents who re FOR SALE—Apples, Jonathons. De FOR RENT—apace for two offices Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, cently moved to Spokane. licious, Romes and Saps. 50c bushel 14Jtfc NU-ACRES, Nov 17—Mr. and Mrs. an office and display room, phone 0387J4. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and and up. 1 1/4 mile east of Gayway. or George Smit, Sr. and George Smlt, MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no Jr. attended the opera. "Carmen", Joy were Saturdey guests of Mr. and Ed Mess. 27o4xp Carl and B urts Machine 1 Miop. S atie fuss, <»dl os, rockwool Insulation. in Boise Thursday evening. On S at Mrs. A. E. Bevan of Marslng. FOR SALE A number of parents from this We have our own Insulation blow urday evening they were accompan FOR SALE community attended the visitors RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in ing machine. Stuns Lumber comp ied by Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Stam of day FARMS AND RANCHES program at the Fruitland school E d J a m is o n a n d K e n P o n d S a b - advance, is 30c. 80 acre* of perfect laying land, n u t th e F ollow ing P e rso n a lly I n any. 20m tie Nyssa to see the opera. "La Tra- Wednesday. They attended a pot- cheap water set-up: lays perfect, sp e c te d R a n c h e s. F arm * a n d H om es vlata" in Boise. They report both luck dinner in the lunch room at MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and operas were very good and were en the one of the best, beet growing ar noon hour. A P. T. A. business eas. two-bedroom modern home, free pick-up at your dead, crlppleu joyed very much. The operas were meeting and discussion hour fol FA R M S given by the Boston Opera company. FOR SALE—Two City lots, 76 foot $20,000. $12,000 down. or sick livestock. Calls received De- lowed the visiting and was well a t One of our best 160's, close to tore $ o'clock are picked up by FOR SALE 120 acres with 79 irrigated, three- Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell attend tended. front. 4 room house. I2S00, terms, town, large, very nice basement room home, $12,600, $5000 down. ed a Co-op meeting at New Plym trailer, *30, phone F. C. Fry and Jim Me D. Roe FOR SALE— 1941 Ford deluxe for also _ two-wheel „ 120 acres, 104 acres irrigated, 5- home, good tenant house. This noon. Efficient drivers. Call col- outh Monday evening. The Co-op made a business trip to Ontario Sat . . _ . „ , 166. Teresa Byrd, iOntfc dor sedan. This is really a slick_______________ room modern home, 2-bedroom ten place is nearly all in legumes and lect Payette 0190-J3 or 159, or Nys- also held a meeting at Vale Thurs urday afternoon. ready for row crop. Total price ** 102-W. Idaho Animal Product* day evening. car and well worth $675. Herriman FOR SALE—1946 Reo truck with 2- ant home, $20,000, $8000 down. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nedbalek re bJtfc. Mrs. O'Neil Holloway and Jean turned Tuesday from Burwell, Ne 184 acres of perfect laying, deep *37,000, only *10,000 down, balance Company, Motor Co. 17Nlxc speed axle, 16-foot flat rack, looks ------ ------------------------------------- and runs like new, guaranteed. *890. creek bottom soil. Ideally suited for long, easy terms at 5% interest. MISCELLANEOUS—For really per Blakesley entertained a group of braska and Collyer, Kansas. They FOR SALE— Or trade, one com- Owyhee Truck and Implement beets this coming year. sonalizing your gifts, try gold former classmates at the Seuell were in Nebraska, called there be A line 80, very close to warehouse home Wednesday evening. Those 40 acres, 22 acres level land with bination gas range and trash bur- I company, phone 245. 10n2xc and beet dump, good home and stamping. Beautiful lettering done present were Mrs. Art Wheat and cause of the death of Joe Stupka. 4-room home, $8,500, terms. brother of Mrs. Nedbalek. They vis on napkins, stationery, book match ner, will trade for beef or w hat: TOR SALE-1947 Chevrolet, four- Larry of Payette, Mrs. Jerry Mel- 40 acres perfect laying row crop large new potato cellar, all of this have you. Also 1935 Dodge pick-up i door all. around flne cond tlon and dairy ranch, attractive two- place can be row-crop farmed, es, leather goods and special oc cher and Miss Ethel Manser of ited their son, Joe Nedbalek, and wife and sons. Tommie and Jim casion ribbon. Oate City Journal. in fair condition. Phone 78-J. 17n2c|radi0 rine heater front and ^ Fruitland and Mrs. Charles Myers mie in Collyer. bedroom home. $12.750, $8,000 dov'n. *25,000, 44 down, balance very easy 23jtfc. of terms. Ontario. 62 acres perfect row crop land on FOR SALE— 1946 Chevrolet fordor, undercoaL Phone 246-J. Sntfc The 4-H achievement program The Reverend and Mrs. L. P. Rob for Payette county, which was held road. 24* miles from Nyssa, A low priced place with very MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car sedan air cushion tires, good heat- j * o r SALE-New and used pianos, oiled erts and four children of Delta, 6-room new modern home with at the Fruitland school auditorium, and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- er. We call this one our chorus we sell Baldwin pianos exclusively, basement, chicken house, cow barn, good soil, 7-room basement home. 250tfc Colorado were visitors at the Wil was well attended by the Do-More This place is an ideal dairy set-up, nesnan’s. girl car because it has such good! Gngg Bros, and Butler. 6«ntfc paid-up water right. *26,250. liam Grasmick home from Monday 4-H members and their parents knees. Yours for $1025. H errim an; ______________________________ 40 acres with 31 acres irrigated, *11,550, terms. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? until Wednesday of last week. Rev. from tills community. All 4-H Motor Co. 17N lxc ' FOR SALE— Two-bedroom mod- suitable Roberts is pastor of the Nazarene members received their seals and lor row cropping and dairy Very good home on this 80-acre Loans on farms tor refina ncing, -----------------------------—----1 ern home, $3500 with easv terms pins. FOR SALE 1938 Chrysler coupe- j Two-bedroom home with base- ranch, cow bam for 11 head, three- farm, 50 acres irrigated, good soil, building. Improvements, b u y i n g . church in Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hathaway pick-up, good tires and motor, lots mentp uke neWi modern, lnsuUtedi room home, deep well, close to *10,000, 44 down, balance easy Long term, low interest, see Ber Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hawley made were week-end guests at the home Nyssa, *7,000. »4 down. nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. of transportation for $375. Hern- , Atra large loti up ^ slate a business trip to Parma Thurs terms. of Frank T. Johnson. Mr. H ath 440 acres of perfect laying row tétte. day. man Mutoi Co. lTNlxc ¡oan easy payments. 441 Ennis away is a brother of Mrs. Johnson, An alfalfa seed farm of 80 acres, crop land in potatoes, beets and The meeting of the Pomona Apartment house with two large grain, plenty ol cheap water, 6-room 4-room basement home, *7500 cash. Dead animals p ic k e d HP trim who gave a birthday dinner hon FOR SALE— Creto, the guaran granges of Payette and Washington For prompt service call collect oring Mrs. Hathaway Saturday eve counties was held at the Nu-Acres teed waterproof paint, Creto water apartments on ground floor, extra modern home, two tenant houses, Excellent soil, very level 40 with Ontario—Ontario Oraln Co. 63 ning. proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc- large room upstairs, three-room machine shed, *100,000, 44 down, community hall Thursday night modern basement home, *11,025, Parma- -Parma Seed Cb. co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. ■ kPartment in basement, *6,800. 26 The Roy Lobb home was the scene with .approximately 55 present. easy terms on balance. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY very small down payment required Nyssa—«Main plant 100 of a birthday dinner Sunday in The meeting was conducted by Po Waterproofs by application and Five acres adjacent to Nyssa, new Ralph G. Lawrence honor of Hiss Helen Lobb and her mona Master J. B. Howard. The 6-room modern home with full base to handle this. Idabe-Oregon Rendering Co. permanently waterproofs walls and Nyssa. Oregon cousin. Ray Lobb of Caldwell. Those ment, well Insulated, easy terms. floors, inside or outside, wet or Fine potato land, 40 acres, good MISCELLANEOUS — Henutltchlag attending from Caldwell were Mr. partition in the hall has been com 79 acres, 23 acres irrigated, pro buildings, dry, new or old, painted or un FOR SALE—Outside white paint, pleted and Is a great Improvement paid-up water rights, on done in my home. Leave with Mrs. and Mrs. W. B. Lobb and Ray and to painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntlc National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, ductive soil, good well set-up, small ly *9000, easy terms. the hall. Many compliments were Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa Jackie and Myrna, Mr. and Mrs. received home, *4,725, terms or will trade for on this addition to the hall. Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duf- FOR SALE— 1935 Ford fordor. you *3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber city property. Jake Schafer and Alvin Orlffin of Adrian bench, 52 acres, very good Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Crandall of 12mtfc 26mtfc Ontario, Miss Evelyn Butler of New Jerome can't lose on this one at $235. Her company. 80 acres with 60 acres Irrigated, 6-room new home, land is very lev fln. and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin riman Motor Co. 17Nlxc FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, lays good, row crop and dairy for el, $10,000. Doris Carpenter, Lola Crandall and Douglas of Parma MISCELLANEOUS—Four your in Plymouth, Ilett, and Mr. Edmonton and son, stock ranch, two bedroom modern were visitors at the L. O. Hawley new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent surance needs of any kind see Ray of Nu-Acres. Helen celebrated FOR SALE—Used General Electric home with full basement, *13,000, ACREAGES Mel Beck, Origg Bros, and Butler. her 17th and Ray his 18th birthday. home Saturday evening. Mr. and range, only *49.50. Ostrom Broth down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. 44 down, easy terms. Mrs. Hawley and Dick took Sunday 8s tic 5m tic ers Appliance. IOntfc A bargain, 3 level acres and large John Smit attended the Vale-On- dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin 80 acres with five-room modern nice home for only $3500, very easy tario football game Armistice Day. machine shed, barn and gar Crandall. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—1941 Chevrolet, 144 ton FOR SALE—Good business oppor home, very Armistice day supper guests of Mr. productive soil, *25,000, terms. In the Matter of the Estate of Mrs. Alton Bales and children vis truck with beet bed, see this ex tunities. Oood blacksmith shop age, terms. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek and Don completely equipped, also house goes ited Mrs. Pat Hahstadt Sunday. In ceptional buy for *550, phone 245, Lovely home of 7 rooms, 2 acres Charles Phillips. Deceased. na were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Raymer 80 acres with 50 acres irrigated, with deal, excellent location, *5000. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN the afternoon they took their child Owyhee Truck and Implement com with large 2-bedroom home with 4* line land on highway, small dairy That the undersigned has been duly of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. George ren for a visit with Mrs. Bales’ par pany. 10n2xc Good paying auto repair shop build basement. Will sell or trade for a bain for five cows. This place must and regularly appointed the Admin Orasmlck and Dick. ing, stock and equipment, busy ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hohstadt be seen to be appreciated, $10,000. istrator of the above entitled estate: Miss Collene Smith of Fruitland of Ontario. FOR SALE—7 head of cattle, six junction location, for only *7,500. home in town. was an overnight guest of Mary Lou 97 acres, 60 acres cultivated sandy all persons having claims against Jerseys, 6 years and one Holstein, 3 Three acres good land on Snake Mrs. Ralph Baxter has been at Beautiful view of the valley, 20 said estate are hereby notified to Orasmick Wednesday. years old, middle milkers and heavy river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 loam soil on oiled road, 14 x 80 cow acres nice Improvements, *5000. Redmond, Oregon the past week at Frank Johnson, who was injured the home of her daughter, Mrs. present the same, verified as by law springers. Art Mayes, south of house, good pressure water system, bam. 36 x 46 basement home. *14,- 700, terms. HOMES required, to the undersigned at in a car accident last Sunday, is Ralph Walker, who has been in a Mitchell butte. 10n2xp $6,000, terms. improving at his home. Julia H ath hospital.. Several good dwelling lot*, well 90 acres close to Nyssa, 30 acres Nyssa, Oregon, at the office of Clyde White stucco large new home, H. Snider, his attorney, in the Heldt away, sister of Mrs. Johnson, is of free water, five-room modern FOR SALE—150 tons baled hay, 5 located. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Davis and miles north of Nyssa, one mile west Building, within six months of the staying with them and helping with Jerry of Boise and Mrs. and Mrrs. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high home, 10-head cow barn, 44 down. $6800. the work. on King avenue. O. B. Bratton. way, next to Polar Cold storage 100 acres, 65 acres cultivated, five- "L. D Climer and twin daughters, Fine workmanship, two-bedrooms, date of the first publication here Mr, and Mrs. Allen Curtis of also of Boise, visited Mr. and Mrs. 10n2xp About 3 acres, unimproved, edge room modern home with full base breakfast nook, in the suburban of. Fruitland visited Friday evening ment, 30 acres of level row crop Warren B. Lowe, Administrator of L. O. Hawley Sunday evening. FOR SALE—Kitchen sink com of town on Adrian highway, good land irrigated one direction, *16,800, area, only $5000. the Estate of Charles Phillips, De with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lobb. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Capper plete with mixer faucet and trap, soil. All or any part. Mrs. Sam Henne has been ill the terms. This place is for sale below ceased. and family of Umltalla. Oregon vis A lot of value for the money, phone 136-R. 10n2xp FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 x lit, appraisal price. past few days. Dated of first publication Nov. 3, ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. paved street, $560. two-bedroom home, living room, Kyle Sager and Rodney Burt a t Qlen Osborne the first of last week. 80 acres, 60 acres irrigated, 20 dining room, bath and utility room. 1949. Residence lots priced from $100 up. FOR SALE—John Deere under acres in pasture, 3-bedroom modern Only $3500. Date of last publication Dec. 1, tended a birthday party in honor Mr. Capper is a brother of Mrs. Os BERNARD EASTMAN slung plow. L. F. Mesler, five miles of Richard Stephens Friday after borne. 1949. Real Estate home with full basement, 11-cow west on Alberta avenue. 10n2xp Insurance noon. barn, orchard. *10,500, 44 down. FHA LOANS Mr and Mrs. Mike Earlywlne, who Phone 64 80 acres perfect laying row crop FARM LOANS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Mr- and Mrs George Smit, Sr. have been working the past summer FOR SALE—200 New Hampshire land, five-room modern home, .44 Sealed proposals will be received pinochle at the home of Mr. east of Parma, have moved to a INSURANCE pullets, ready to lay, *1.50. Joe King, FOR SALE—Unpatntea cabinet* four miles south and east of Adrian. and chests of drawers. Cabinet* basement, hog house, garage, ma ED JAMISON AND KEN POND by the City Recorder of the City of and Mrs. D. Oroot of Nyssa farm east of the Nyssa Junction, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. chine shed, chicken coop, shop and Nyssa at the City Hall, Nyssa. Mai 10n2xp are in section and can be bought Real Estate and Insurance Mrs. M. C. Seuell were Mr. and Mrs. one tenant home, *27,300, terms. heur County, Oregon, until 8:00 Sam Phillips. complete or in section*. Nyssa 60 No. Third Phone 276-W o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 29th E M. Seuell and Darryl, Dorothy HOMES FOR SALE—Turkeys, family size 6 Lumber company, phone 1H-W. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans and Nyssa, Oregon Lobb, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o me , to 12 pounds, live or New York day of November, 1949, at which Janice went on a shopping trip to leD tfc and daughters of Nyssa and Mr. Nampa Thursday. cheap buy at *2,900. dressed, corner of King avenue and time they will be publicly opened by For Evening Appointments, One acre with basement home, Clark boulevard, first place to left. FOR SALE—Milk cows, Guernsey, the City Council of the City of and Mrs. K. L. Baker and family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter had Phone 298-J Place your order now. Mrs. Oxnam. Holstein and Jerseys. Milkers and located close to Nyssa on oiled road, Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, at of Weiser. Sunday dinner with friends in Boise. Bob Clcle of Fruitland was a caller 10n2xp springers. Phone Noel Owartney. good soil, *4,000, terms. the Council Chambers In said City, Mr. and Mrs. Prate Chesney are WANTED Two-bedroom modern home with Phone 306, Ontario. Across from for the construction of a fire house Saturday afternoon at the W. H. the grandparents of a baby1 boy FOR SALE—Used circulator heater, Nyssa Sales yard. Orasmick home. four lots that has another house on 6otfc born to their daughter, the former WANTED— Will employ women, as an addition to the present fire coal or wood, phone 146-R. 3n3xp Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Nelda Ohesney, who is now living the property, good down payment or 25 to 40 years of age for sales- house In the City of Nyssa. Plans would like to trade for farm prop work. Oood education and pleasant and specifications may be obtained Mrs. Ed Meroney were Mrs. Bill in South Dakota. Harm and children of Weiser, Mrs. erty. personality required. Write box 698, at the Office of the City Recorder O. O. Wherry of Payette, Marjie Duplex with two apartments that Caldwell, at City Hall, Nyssa, Oregon. The Idaho. 17Nlxp would rent for *50 per month, new, Council reserves the right to reject and Shirley Johnson and Jakie QUICK RELIEF FROM Myers. modem, good location, would trade WANTED — Custom plowing with any and all bids. Symptoms ol Distress Arising from Mr. and Mrs Frank Nedbalek and for small house and lot. E. K. Burton tractor and equipment, Fred Kratz- Two acres with 7-room home with berg, route 1, Nyssa. City Recorder Donna were Sunday dinner guests 10n3xp full basement, all aluminum barn First publication, November 10, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nedbalek due to and Rudy. for 5 cows, on paved street. *10,000, HELP WANTED — Available, the 194». Richard Orasmick. accompan Fr«gBookT«llsofHomeTr«atin«nttliat 44 down. best one-man business In the towns Last publication, November 24, ied by Henry Farrow, Wanda Lee Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing 5 acres, 1/4 mile from town, »1,- of Vale and Nyssa. We provide cap 1949. Shaw and Frances Breon, all of O v e r th r e e m illio n b o ttle e o f th e W i l l a r d 500 with *1,000 down. ital. Car required. Write J. R. o b e e n s o ld f o r re lie f o f Fruitland, left for Spokane early s T y k m k p a to t m m e s n o t fd h iN a v tre 3 acres joining Nyssa, *2,100. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter avenue, s iia ris in g fro m Stomach LEGAL ADVERTISING Friday morning to spend the Arm a n d Duodenal Ulcers d u e to Excess Acid — Drive-in restuarant for sale. Seattle, Washington. 13o6xc istice day week-end. They stopped Poor Digestion« Sour o r Upset Stom ach, We make loans on ranches and rn , Sleeplessness, etc., NOTICE OF BOND SALK at Lewiston and picked up Bud Gassiness, H eartbu homes. Insurance, real estate and WANTED—Holstein and Quernsey LODGES PH Y SIC IA N S A cid. Hold o n 1ft d a y s ' tria l! NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Shaw and at Moscow, where they d A u sk e to fo r Excess springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and service. "W illa rd 's Message" w h ic h fu lly Noel Gwartney. Phone 306. Ontario. that the City of Nyssa. Malheur were Joined by Lawrence Limbaugh, e x p la in s this treatm ent — free— a t See Mel Beck at Nyssa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC Across from the Ontario sales yard. County, Oregon, will receive sealed Stanley Bray and Ted Martin They PCYS8A PH A R M A C Y GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER American Legion 6otfc bids for the purchase of seventeen Phone 179-J Dr. J. J. Sarazln general obligation coupon The City Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. WANTED— To ouy anything In of Nyssa. Fire House bonds, for con F O R SALE Dr. K E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles SW of beef or veal. Alse custom killed struction of a fire house as an ad Dr. L. W. Scott Nyssa, 5-room basement house, »11,- and delivered to Polar Cold Stor dition to the present fire house, All Veterans Welcome 000; *6,000 down, terms on balance. age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. dated December 1. 1949, in the de P hysician an d Surgeons nomination of » 1,00000 each, ag 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa, 38 G ate City Lodge gregating *17,000.00, maturing serial MISCELLANEOUS acres under cultivation, nearly new 4-room house, tractor and all equip MISCELLANEOUS— The three ly in numeriai order at the rate of L. A. M aulding, M. D. No. 214 (1,000 00 on the 1st day of June In ment goes, *8.900. Physician and Burgeon common causes of accidents— each of the years 1961 to 1967, In I.O.O.F. CUSTOM BU ILT CABINETS 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 most Phone 37 didn't see- I didn’t hear- I didn't clusive. Interest on said bonds shall acres hay, 40 acres good row crop. I know! M eets every Monday Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 Nyssa Public Safety council not exceed five (5%) per cent per 175-head range permit, large base W INDOW AND DOOR FRAMES Daily except Saturday and night, 8:30. annum, payable semi-annually on ment home, nice yard, *17,500. MISCELLANEOUS — Custom plow the Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 1st day of June and the 1st day Phone 97 South First Street ing, phone 01R-4. Tyrus Washburn. of December. Both principal and SCREEN DOORS R o b e rt F. T h o m p so n 10n4xp interest of said bonds shall be pay F R A N K T . M O R G A N A G EN CY Phone U 8 J Free Estimates C. J. Kopp, M. D. DENTISTS MISCELLANEOUS—Many Fires still able at the Office of the City Treas P hysician an d Surgeon occur in spite of apparently excel urer of the City of Nyssa. Malheur FOR RENT DR. C. M. TYLER lent fire prevention practices. ‘‘Luck County, Oregon. F ry B uilding Bids for said bonds must be in POR RENT—Furnished apartment. is where preparation meets oppor Wilson Building Office hours Phone 18-W. 17nlxc tunity”. "Be prepared for fire”. writing and sealed and must specify Phone 165-J, Nyna 10 to 12: and 2 to 5 Help save property and lives. the rate of interest et which the Office hours from 9 to 5 except Daily except Sa*urday and FOR RENT—Four room furnished Call dealer for free esti bidder will take such bonds at par. Saturdays, 9 to 13. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 apartment, phone 123-J or call at mate your We levai have best fire plus accrued interest and will be Brownie’s cafe. lVntfc extinguishers. Claud the Willson, 650 received by the City Recorder at _ A 99 ROVI 0 ^ the City Hall, Nyssa, Oregon, until J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORES FOR RENT- Small furnished trail No. 4 st. Phone 128-J, Nyssa. Ore. the hour of 6:00 o’clock P. M. on lOntfo er house, suitable for two people. Dentist Tuesday, the 29th day of November. H. E. Collins, box 500, Nyssa, or Phone 56-J 1949, at which time they will be PAULUS call 1T7-J. 17Ntfc MISCELLANEOUS — Beet growers. publicly Sarazln Clinic opened by the City Council Don’t forget to bring your largest JEW ELRY STORE of the City of Nyssa. Malheur NYSSA ORBOON F O R RENT — Three-room apart beet to us. We are offering $15 for County. Oregon, at the Council the second Union Pacific Time Inspector ment, north 4th and Locust avenue. the largest beet, $10 largest and $5 for the third largest. Chambers in said City. All bids See Mrs. Crlsmon on north 2nd JEWELRY — DIAMONDS OPTOMETRISTS 27otfc must be unconditional and must be If you are driving a K aiser or Frazer car street. 10n2xp Nyssa Lumber company. WATCHES accompanied by a certified check we are equipped with the latest testing Main Street at Second DR. C. L. HERMANN FOR RENT—Furnished two-room MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices in the sum of Five Hundred paid for slaughter horses Clyde 1*500 00) Dollars as a deposit to in cabin. Oil heat. Laundry facilities equipm ent and factory trained m echan Visual Specialist Phone 122-J after 5:30 IOntfc Smith, phone 306, Ontario. Across sure fulfillment of said bid, which Room 4, Fry Building ics to put your car in the best of condition. W YCKOFF from Ontario Sales yard. 6otfc deposit shall be the property of the Nyssa, Oregon Phone 171-J FOR RENT—88 acres, row crop City of Nyssa if the successful bid JEW ELRY STORE Office hours 9 to 12; 3 to 9 land, cash rent. Marion Chard, box MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need der falls to comply with the con Official Time Inspector lor 814, Nyssa. 462 north 6th ____ street money to remodel your Itome or to tract of sale awarding said bonds 10n4xp build outbuildings or garage? We to the bidder. DR. J. A. MCFALL Union Pacific _____ I can arrange a loan for you and give BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US The approving legal opinion of ONTARIO OREGON DR. JOHN EASLY F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin you up to three years to pay It. Messrs Win free, McCulloch, Shuler Free Pick-Up A nd Delivery From Nyssa Chadwick's camp. 20otfc Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc At Sayre will be furnished the suc VETERINARIANS cessful bidder FOR RENT—160 acre row crop and MISCELLANEOUS — We can a r The City of Nyssa reserves the dairy ranch, close to Nyssa, phone range loans for you to rebuild or 1W-J. 6otfc remodel your home. bam. garage, right to reject any and all bids DR. HAL D. WHITE E. K BURTON or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb Veterinarian City Recorder FOR RENT— Polish your own er Co. 29« tfc First publication, November 10. Highway 30—East of Town floors Rent our hlgh-R>eed pol Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore ishing equipment Easily handled MISCELLANEOUS We m a k e 194» Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 publication, November 24, by women Nyeea Lumber company.. loan* on ranchea and city property. *AUc..Origg Brothers and Butler 1 Satie 11949 Classified (» ra n g e rs Advertising > - r professional and Business Directory STOMACH ULCERS EXCESS ACID Ostrom Cabinet Shop * KAISER-FRAZER S ervice Sales & Service MUTCH OIL CO. \