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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1949)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL- N YSSA, OREGON. TH U RSD AY. NOVEMBER 10. 1949 PAGE SIX Officers Named At (ilialk lliitte SUNSET VALLEY. Nov. 10— Elect ion of officers was held Tuesday night at a meeting of the Chalk Butte Orange Officers are as fol lows: Master, Russell Talbart, re elected; overseer, Jim Reed; stew ard. Kenneth Price; treasurer, Ken neth Price; secretary, Adeline Tal bart, re-elected; assistant steward. Lore!) Bergam. assistant stewardess, Jo Ann Price; chaplan. Mrs Ernest Smith; lecturer, Donald Bergam. and gatekeeper. Raymond Bergam Miss Jean Dlerklng was initiated as a new member. The Chalk Butte H E C met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Russell Talbart, where the women completed plans for serv ing dinner to the Pomona Grange tills month. The Saturday night dance spon sored by the grange, with music furnished by the Idaho Wranglers, was well attended. Mr and Mrs, John Reffett cele brated their 30th wedding annivers ary with an elk hunting trip. Ac companying the Reffetts were Mr and Mrs. Frank Conley of Hood River and Mr and Mrs. Loren Hite and family of Haines. While en route to the hunting area near Granite Mr Reffett stopped in Baker and bought several yards of bright red rayon material for Lula- bclle, the burro, to wear as protect ion from other hunters. The group returned Thursday with Lulabelle and three elk. Mrs Delbert Garner returned home last Monday after visiting her father, who Is 111 in Utah. Mrs. Vern Garner, arrived home Saturday after spending a week in Ogden. Utah visiting her mother, Mrs W J. Coy, who is 111 Mrs. Coy observed her 65th birthday last week Seventeen ladies attended the Sunset extension unit Friday morn ing at the home of Mrs Jesse Gregg. A long list of varied foods were prepared by Mrs. Grover Cooper, unit demonstrator, illustrating simple but tasty foods for entertain ing The group had the same foods for lunch. The December 2 meeting will he held «1 the home of Mrs. Delbert Garner. The demonstration will be on oven meals. Mrs. Thomas Nishitani was hos tess to 10 members of the Sunset Auxiliary Thursday afternoon at her home. Guests were Mrs. Donald Tosch and son, of Prosser, Wash- I ington. and Mrs Prank Knotting- I and Mrs. Leota Ditty. Mrs Leota ham and son of North Bend. Plans Ditty has been confined to her bed were completed for the bazaar to be , for several days with a cold, held Saturday. November 19 at the I Mr and Mrs. Olaf Fyllingness en- ; Peterson Furniture store In Nyssa. \ tertained friends at dinner Sundav. . . „ 1 Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Bert An open meeting, arranged by **> j Paulson, who have just returned J. Adams, was held Tuesday night i after spending the summer in Nor at the Sunset hall for the farmers w Reverend and Mrs. Elmer in the valley Movies furnished by Poulsen of Caldwell. Mr and Mrs the Phillips Petroleum company were John Qrottviet and two daughters, shown. The Other Side of the and Mr and Mrs. Andrew Tltland Fence illustrated the results of i and famijy mineral deficiencies In both human | Mrs Wlifred oilbert is convalesc- and plant life The group was also mg at the home of her mother sh ° * n «£• va ue of using products Mrs George WUson after under. of -he Wyoming Mineral Products going an appendectomy, company. Free sandwiches dough- Mr and Mrs Cash at. nuts and coffee were served to 40 ^nded the special Hereford sale in persons. Ontario Friday. On Sunday they Last week's good weather per visited the Hans Off ranch at On mitted the completion of the thresh tario. viewing Off's 150 head of reg ing of alfalfa seed for many farm istered Herefords. ers. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell spent Louie Astoreca arrived home last Friday visiting at the home of Mr. week-end after spending several and Mrs. Harry Fry in Homedale. weeks In the veterans hospital In Payette visitors, Mrs. Harold Ack- Portland. __ erman and son David, and Mrs. The young people's class of the Veva CasUe spent Thursday at the Assembly of Ood church gave a Ha - ; c ,ifford Wolfe home Mr and Mrs owe en party Fr day evening invlt- cufford Wolfe and two daughters lng all the adults. The party was were dinner gUest.s at the Burl Col- a„ ma^ H e afialr and We“ I “ us home in New Plymouth Sunday, attended. . Fred Howitt, Fred Powell, and Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robinson of H H o t t all oi Gresham, were Los Angeles left for their home Wednesday dinner guests of Mr and Wednesday after visiting the past Mrs Cash Turner as the made week at the home of Mrs. Robin- . thelr annua, tri the vaU for «m s sister. Mrs Ora Newgen. Mr. heasant hunting. Supper guests Robinson a welding inspector at one , at the T u r n e r home the same even- o the divisions of the Bethlehan , ing were Mr and Mrs Kranenburg SS "I wish I was people! The first thing I'd buy would be some electric bedding, because hibernating's not as com fortable as you think. "First I gotta find a warm spot (and be sure a relative didn't get there first). Then I curl up and hope my fur is heavy enough to protect me. If it's an extremely cold w inter— b r-r-other, do I shiver. "People are just lucky, I guess. W ith electric bedding they can pre warm their beds and then sleep and rest as warm as toast no matter how cold it gets outside." Sales & Service If you are driving a Kai»er or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30— East of Town Western Corrugator M anufacturing Division and Furniture Upholstery C- I &ect\4ciñj Po«» So MUQf Corti So U TTU t • .V Attention Farmers We Specialize In Farm Implement Repair Bring In Your Farm Implements For Overhauling And Repair FU LL STOCK OF GENUINE PA R TS FOR A LL EQUIPMENT WE SELL A LSO PA R TS FOR K1EST LIFTER LOADER Factory Trained Repairman B. & M. E Q U I P M E N T CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer KAISER-FRAZER A N D Y ’S Ruq, Carpet I DA H O ? POWER 1 MARRIAGE l ic e n s e s Marcus C. VUsmeyer and Thelma F. Parr, both of Brogan. Oscar R. Peterson and Dorothy L. Laca, both of Jordan Valley. ' Elmer M. Tiffany and Edrle A. Foster, both of Vale. SteMr Stande Mrs. Hlroto Okano and | NEW S OF RECORD Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 family were dinner guests at the COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Kendo Yaxuda home In Payette Myrtle Cherry vs. Arvel G. Cherry, Sunday. divorce. Charlie McCoy arrived home Wed Payette Cooperative creamery vs. nesday. He has been working for J. Ford Anderson, recovery on ac James Trummel on a construction count, $508.54. Job near Rigby, Idaho the past two United Credit Men's association months. vs. Walter E. Gillespie, recovery on Mr and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell left this week for Utleyvllle. Colorado to visit at the homes of their daugh ter, Mrs. Charles Couchman, and their son, Hollis Mitchell. They plan on spending several weeks In Colo rado, where they lived years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albritton of Elgin spent the week-end visiting at the home of Mrs. Albritton's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price. Mr and Mrs. Larry Dimmick and son arrived Friday from Yakima | for a visit at the Neil Dimmick home. Mr. and Mrs. Clell Hill and daugh ter, Nancy, of Los Angeles, house- guests of Mr and Mrs. Nell Dim mick returned Saturday night from a five-day hunting trip to the Gran ite section. Mr and Mrs. Ervin Kincaid and FOR YOUR PLUM BING family of Burns spent Sunday as One man with one tractor can stay seated, and with the guests at the James Langley home. NEEDS help of the Ferguson System, load, hitch, haul and spread Later Mr and Mrs. Herbert Hester and family of Boise arrived at the Bath Sets, W ater Heaters manure at the rate of 40 loads a day. Langley home. Mrs. Kincaid Is a Your entire farm operation gets a big, speedy lift— with and Pressure Systems sister of Mr. Hester. All stayed for all the slow, tough, hand labor taken right out of this supper and an evening of home * daily chore by the new Ferguson Spreader and Loader Call movies. combination. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C . S M I T H Jesse Oregg Sunday Included Mrs. SPREADER: The new hook V eye hitch couples Annie Gregg. Herschel Oregg and 13 Years In Nyssa and uncouples by Finger Tip Control right from family, and Fred Kllngback. the tractor seat. Shreds and spreads 70-bushel Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson and Phone 78-J load in a 7-foot path, 4 to 20 loads per acre, Ernest Baker drove to Caldwell to hear Rev. Glenn Orlffith Sunday as set afternoon when he told of his trip LOADER: Fork lowers and raises by Finger Tip through Argentina and British Hon duras. Control— Foot pedal operate* trip latch to At the Wednesday evening M. I. A. dump. One-man attachment — once mounted, meeting, three Welser stake visitors goes on and off in a few minutes. were present. Pregrams for the | November meetings will be present- j ed by the Boy Scout! under the 1 direction of their leader, Nathaniel Ashby. Mr and Mrs. Donald Tosch and Phone 181-W G ood A ve. and 1st family of Prosser. Washington ar rived last Monday at the Bob Thompsen home for a visit. Tosch Is helping harvest the crops of his brother-in-law, Edwin Bergam. Elver Nielsen Is building a seven by seven foot pumphouse, that Is to be Insulated. At present he Is working on the roof. Mrs Thomas Nishitani attended a stork shower Saturday afternoon 425 South Oregon street in Ontario at the home of Mrs. Joe Salto, honoring Mrs. Paul Salto of a n d F erguson System Ontario, Oregon, Phone 580 Welser Im p le m e n ts All the men having cattle In the hills or on pasture are endeavoring to locate the animals and bring them home Upon their return home, most of the men still have either a crop of carrots or their beets to harvest. Dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Henry Hintz Sunday Included the Robert Ditty family. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Dodson. Sharon Query. J Brother Bruno is right, but he forgot to mention one of the greatest advantages of electric bedding— warmth without weight. And the cost of operation is so small, particularly at Idaho Power's low electric rates. There's a fine selection of electric bedding at your dealer's . , . blankets . . . comforters . . . sheets. Choose the color you like and . . . pleasant dreams. vacation duGng th l and daughter, Gale, of Bates.______ vorce. and you’re loaded, ready to spread EOPLE HAVE MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY it a °X n account, $360. Mary Haught vi. Fletcher Haught. divorce. Mary Louise Roscoe vs. Willard Alton Roscoe, divorce. ______ Josephine Rinehart vs. W. _ L Lane. et. ux recovery on note. $2,- 740. Grace Howell vs. BUI HoweU, di- CLEANERS FERGUSON TRACTOR Nyssa Lions Club CARNIVAL Saturday, November Iç Nyssa Gym BINGO! ROULETTE! FISHPOND DART THROW! AND ALL THE TRIMMINGS! - F U N For ALL*- $ 2 0 0 in Door Prizes BUY TICKETS NOW !