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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1949)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1949 many are probably unaware of the Hutcheson and David and also the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and he attended a meeting for all coun weeks with Mrs. Hahl's sister and Cattle Taken To eternal sentry duty there, that is Wade teachers, Mrs. Morgan and Mr and Mrs. Karl Baart attended ty-wide Representatives of school brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jess the Boise Junior college-Albion boards in Salem. He returned home Norris. Tensen Feed Yard» relieved at four-hour intervals, and Mr. Witty. football game in Boise October 28. Monday. of the worn path on the marble Loraine and Loretta Van De Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Patterson Mrs. C. W Wilson of Klamath Dean Uodenheuner of Boise visit ADRIAN,Nov. 10 The last football COLUMBIA AVE, Nov. 10— Mr. walk over which the sentry paces Water played a piano duet and : and son of Nyasa visited Mr. and game of the season will be held on ed .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Olen Falls is visiting this week with Mrs. Ethel Mecham reported on her at and Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia back and forth. Mrs. Bob Webster Sunday. | Elliott. the Adrian field Armistice day It Brown. were callers at the Dick Groot Mrs. Clarence Hutchison was host tendance at the 4-H summer school Ed Keller and daughter and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Bill Willis attended Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Bonde of Em- ess with Mrs. Goldie Roberts as in Corvallis. will be a game betwen Adraln and the Adrain-Metba football game Reller of Sweet Home. Oregon visit ' e tt, with their children, visited home. Fred Levy brought several head sisting. Homedale high school Kick-off time aiid took a load of hjtjh school stu ed over the week-end with Mr. and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill of cattle to the feed yards at the Mrs. George Elfers. Mrs. John Here From Seattle— : Mrs. C. A. Keller. dents to the game Saturday. will be 2 p. m. j Looney. Mrs. Fred Le Clair and Earl W. Packwood, Mrs. Esther Bennett, Tensen ranch. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keller, Jake The 11th annual Adraln high, Mrs. Don Linvllle and family of Mrs. Anna Sparks and Mrs. Hen Pete Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Oroot en Mrs. Harvey Bennett. Mrs. John Kinser of Seattle arrived in Nyssa school carnival will be held, I Owyhee corners visited at the home Borge and Gene McKee attended derson shopped in Parma Saturday tertained relatives and friends at a Steiner, Mrs. Boyce Van De Water j to visit their mother. Mrs. Parralee November 18 starting at 7:30 p. m„ | of Mr and Mrs. Alvon McOinnls i the football game in Melba Satur- Mrs. Anna Sparks and Miss Es luncheon 6 at their home and Mrs. Victor Morgan attended Kinser. and their sister, Mrs. Wil ; day night. In the Adraln high school gym. A Sunday. ther Fogeman visited Mrs. J. A. in Apple November Valley. Places were laid the P. T. A. council meeting in liam and family. Mr and Mrs. Berthel Caverhill of Coon of Notus last week. radio, a casting rod, and wool j Mr and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft visit blanket will be given as door prizes. ed in Madras over the week-end Bend and daughter, Dixie, visited Mrs. Bill Looney acted as substi for 19. Out-of-town guests were Mr. Adrian Saturday. From Baker— The games will Include bingo, j with Mr and Mrs. Ira Richards several days last week with Mrs. tute teacher for Mrs. Newblll Tues and Mrs. C. De Jong of Beaverton The Wade P. T. A. will sponsor Here Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cook of Baker and Mr. and Mrs. D. De Jong of a dinner to be served at the school j Threkna Elliott. shooting gallery, rlng-a-duck, orl- ' and children. day and Wednesday of last week McMinnville. house Sunday, November 13 In spent the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Wilson and at the Adraln grade school. The Pinochle club In Adraln met ental dancers, fish pond, cake walk, Whist club met at the home honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr. Cook’s brother, A. V. Cook. eats, baseball throws, and guessing at the home of Mrs. Bill Ashcraft son of Klamath Falls visited Mon Mrs. Glenwood Pounds visited In of The Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail day with Mrs. Threlma Elliott. Friday. games. Vale Friday with her family. Her Mrs. George Bright has been 111 sister. Miss Hazel Hart, returned to Sunday afternoon. Those present K I Peterson visited In Portland An Armistice dance will be held were Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of In Adraln In the Adraln Legion and also in Scappoose, Oregon where for several days. Adrau. with her for a week’s visit. Parma, and Mrs. Gerrit Oroot Mr and Mrs. Bill Hahl and small hall. Music will be furnished by he visited his daughter, Miss Arlene Rev. Ray Wilson of Ontario visit of Apple Mr. Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mae Cook's orchestra. This dance Is Peterson, who teaches school there son left Thursday for their home in ed Saturday at the home of Rev. Groot, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen sponsored by the Adraln P. T. A. Thursday and Friday. On Saturday Denver after visiting for several j and Mrs. Henry Moore Mr. and Mrs. John Timmer The contractors erecting the Ad and LOCATED AT THE CAIRO JUNCTION of NeweU Heights. raln Oymnasium plan to have the man Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam enter work completed In time for the tained Monday evening for the coming basketball season. The brick following Mr. and Mrs. LUMBER AT WHOLESALE PRICES facing was finished Monday, and Joe Stam guests: Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. the inside work will be completed Z. Davison of of Parma, Mr. and soon. Gerrit Groot of A|>ple Valley The Adraln cannery completed Mrs. their house guests, Mr. and W EST CO AST FIR: another successful season October and C. De Jong of Beaverton and 29. Approximately 86,600 cans were Mrs. processed during the 1949 season or Mr. and Mrs. Dick De Jong of Mc- No. 2 or b etter C75% No. 1) about 1000 cans more than during MlnnvUle. C. W. De Boer of Ontario call- the 1948 season. relatives in this commun Mrs. Charles Culberston of Owy e on Sunday morning. hee was Friday visitor at the home ity Dave TREMENDOUS SAV IN G S ON Hawkins was an Ontario of Mrs. Vem Parker. visitor recently. Mr and Mrs. George Sindberg Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and j ALL BUILDING MATERIALS and children were dinner guests Neil Carolyn called on Mr. and | Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. and George Ray of New Plymouth Mrs. Henry Reuter. Dwalne Hatch of Star was a din Saturay and afternoon. Mrs. John Broad and C. | ner guest Sunday at the home of M. Mr. Tensen left Tuesday for Port- j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard We ml rise you to take advantage of the opportunity of sel land. Hatch. Ontario visitors Tuesday were Mr. I A. R. Willey, Earl Beven and BUI Dennely, all of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. ecting from this great variety of llu rg o y n e Christm as curds , and Mrs. Henry Moore and hunted I pheasants last week. Mrs. Haworth Gives Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caine of Talk On Eon}? Trip Kalama, Oregon visited with Mr rangin g in price from . 7 c to otic each , u ith u i the next few | and Mrs. Howard Hatch last week I. Rose of Portland vLslted several BIG BEND, Nov. 10—Mrs. Ralph days last week at the home of Mr. Haworth guest speaker at Wade P. Estim ates G la d ly G iv en und Mrs. Howard Hatch. T. A. meeting Friday, November 4, day». See the sam ples in our window. Mrs. Fern Hatch took a group of discussed a trip taken by herself high school typing students to Nyssa and Mr. Haworth last winter. The : to see the demonstration given by & trip included a sight-seeing tour of typing expert, Orace Phelan. They Chicago and Washington, D C , and were very much impressed by her a visit to a colonial type mansion exhibition of typing 132 words a in North Carolina. Mrs. Haworth j minute while carrying on a conver was appalled at the living conditions sation with four high school boys. of the laboring class of people and Mrs. Vera Hatch and Mrs. John at the lack of sanitation in many IMI’KIM EI) OK UN IMPRINTED CARDS Jarvis attended a party at the home sections along the route. Phone 134L2 P a rm a, Id aho of Mrs. Verla Costley in Ridgevlew. In speaking of Arlington cemetery, John Johnson of Salem visited Mrs. Haworth mentioned the tomb Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard of the unknown soldier, saying that Hatch. Names P rinted In C old , S ilr e r , lila c , Red n r R lack Betty Jarvis, Barbara Hatch, and Shirley Sparks are dancing students every Saturday at the new Arthur Murry dance studio in Boise. NICE SELECTION OF OTHER CHRISTMAS The Boy Scouts held their annual Hallowe'en party at the high school October 31. More than 30 boys played games until 10 o'clock. Re CARDS IN STOCK freshments of cider and cookies were served. Bob Patterson chaperoned the party Ray Holly received word that his wife, Maura, and daughter, Sylvia, arrived Thursday in Alexandra, Egypt. Mrs. Holly and baby will spend three months visiting her family and friends. Adrian To Hold Annual Guriiivul Cairo Junction Lumber Co. — SC O l< E S O F— CHRISTMAS GREETING SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM M euller Fum aces- Link Belt Stokers ORDER QUICKLY GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING * 'L / ¡8 0 4 & Ü / Stationery Department NYSSA CATE CITY JOURNAL t j e t I fo c n Here From llomedale— Elsmere Fenn and daughter, Ann, of Homedale were visitors In Nyssa Saturday. LIONEL TRAIN ■■M l. IT PAYS to Protect Farm Machinery N OT J UST AN ORDI NARY ElECTRIC TRAI N I T' S T H t F A M O U S L I O N E L ” cal, S l u r d t j . h in e .„ d » y ‘Firesfone s l SHOP The Thoroughbred of the Roils! F A S T POW ERFUL Built to haul Long Strings of Cars a at Express Speeds ¡pecificationa: «mended with 20-ft shop, vl .nay be constructed any o b e extended whenever ,nq utilizes Teco Q sm aller tun- r a v Ä ‘S , e Payette yards lt sides. 14 It -6 m at end. « naraae with entry be- que constructiorjjnth “Æ S r i'Æ S U - .» .y <*"»< It'* railroading at it* best! Ama*. ing Lionel "Manumatic" control uncouple* cars in a jiffy. The locomotive is a real workhorse — ha* a powerful headlight > and goe* forw ard or re- j f a k verses by remote con- trol. There are also a tender, gondola, oil car, caboose. 9 sec- tions of track, an A t B M h ■ ^ DEPOSIT * H O L D S IT . ON OUR LAY-AWAY P LAN k: track s e c t i o n and transformer «»mV» M .t.rU l«n d T .rm .A r* A U i»* ■ BUDGET TERMS Toyland Now Open C. F. MINK. M anager Phon« IS Nyaaa DOR B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE