Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1949)
THE NASSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1949 Classified Advertising RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. front, 4 room house, $2500, terms, also two-wheel trailer, $30, phone FOR SALE—Used General Electric 166, Teresa Byrd. lOntfc range, only $49.50. Ostrom Broth ers Appliance. lOntfc FOR SALE— 1946 Reo truck with 2- ----------------------------- -------- -------------- - | speed axle, 16-foot flat rack, looks FOR SALE—1941 Chevrolet, 1H ton i and runs like new, guaranteed, $890. truck with beet bed. see this ex- Owyhee Truck and Implement ceptional buy for $550, phone 245,; company, phone 245. 10n2xe Owyhee Truck and Implement com- I------------------------------------- ---------------- pany. 10n2xc ! FOR SALE— 1947 Chevrolet, four- ------------------- -------------------- ------------- | door, all-around fine condition, FOR SALE—7 head of cattle, six , radio, rine heater front and back, Jerseys, 6 years and one Holstein, 3 ' undercoat. Phone 246-J. 3ntfc years old, middle milkers and heavy springers. Art Mayes. south of FOR SALE—Rabbits, 4 does, hutch 3n2xc Mitchell butte. 10n2xp free, phone 154-W. FOR SALE with deal, excellent location. $6000. Good paying auto repair shop build- ing, stock and equipment, busy junction location, for only $7,500. Three acres good land on Snake river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 house, good pressure water system, $6,000, terms. Several good dwelling lota, well located. 200 x ISO lot on Ontario high way, next to Polar Gold storage About 3 acres, unimproved, edge of town on Adrian highway, good soil. All or any part. FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 x 119, paved street, $560. Residence lots priced from $100 up. BERNARD EASTMAN Insurance Real Estate Phone 64 FOR SALE—Milk cows. Guernsey. Holstein and Jerseys. Milkers and springers. Phone Noel Gwartney. Phone 306. Ontario. Across from Nyssa Sales yard. 6otfc FOR RENT—Basement room for a No. 4 st. Phone 126-J, Nyssa, Ore. man, in quiet home. Phone 141-J. lOntfc gotfc M I S C E L L A N SOUS — Christian FOR RENT— Polish your owu church would like beet dirt at 5th floor«. Rent our high-: pol- and Ennis, across from the park, help unload in mornings. 3n2xs Ishlng equipment. Easily by women. Nyssa Lumber company. MISCELLANEOUS — Appliance re U lfe . pairing. washing machines, oil stov- FOR RE NT-160 acre row crop and 150 * “ * r ° “ rth or » g g dairy ranch, close to Nyssa, phone j ---------------------------------------------------- - t 7 9 _j gotfc I MISCELLANEOUS — Custom corn ‘_______ —------------------------------- ! picking, new machine. Charles Dur- 3n2xp FOR RENT— 80 acres good row fee, R2. Nyssa. crop land. See Mel Beck, Grigg MISCELLANEOUS — Beet growers. Brothers and Butler. _____ Don’t forget to bring your largest FOR RENT—Space for two offices beet to us. We are offering $15 for or an office and display room, the largest beet, $10 , v the second Carl and Burt's Machine ahop. largest and $5 for the third largest 18atfc Nyssa Lumber company. ]7otfc MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices paid for slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, phone 306. Ontario. Across SHOP EARLY The best buys will soon be gone. from Ontario Sales yard. 6otfc 40 acres on Idaho side, well im MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need proved home, nice yard with plenty FOR SALE—Have farms and homes money to remodel your home or to of shade, garden spot, fruit and for sale. Need more. Ust with Ken build outbuildings or garage? We Renstrom. Phone 284-W. 29Jtfc. berries. 20 acres of Irrigated land. Buy can arrange a loan for you and give FOR SALE— Unpatn ted cabinets this for less than the house and you up to three years to pay it. 29stfc FOR SALE—Maxwell truck frame FOR SALE—New and used pianos. and chests of drawers. Cabinets yard would cost in town, only $5000. Nyssa Lumber Co. with wheels, $10; sitting at Helmer We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. are in section and can be bought 40 acres near oil road and school, MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar Gtntfc complete or in sections. Julum’s ranch, Vi mile east of Ole's Grigg Bros, and Butler. Nyssa sandy soil, good and level, year range loans for you to rebuild or corner. Send check to S. Nil. box Lumber company, phone 118-W. round stock water on place, a fins remodel your home. bam. garage, FOR SALE—Dining room set com 676, Nyssa, Oregon. lOnlxp 16Dtfc place for dairy, $9,000, terms. or other outbuildings. Nyssa Lumb plete, one table with eight leaves, 29stfc 63.8 acres, 51 acres row crop er Co. FOR SALE—One used Norge wash eight chairs and one buffet. 130 FOR SALE 3n2xc er, one used G. E. washer, priced East Fourth, phone 279-W. land, 7-room home, bath and MISCELLANEOUS — We m a k e to sell, Ostrom Bros. Appliance Co. basement, in very good condition. loans on ranches and city property. FARMS AND RANCHES lOnlxc FOR SALE—45 tons. 2nd and 3rd 184 acres of perfect laying, deep This is a real value at $20.000, H Grigg Brothers and Butler. I5stfc cutting hay, baled. Irene Hatch, down, oaiance at 5% Interest. 27o3xp creek bottom soil. Ideally suited for FOR SALE—150 tons baled hay, 5 Adrian, Oregon 160 Acres, close to town with large MISCELLANEOUS—Available now. beets this coming year. miles north of Nyssa, one mile west 40 acres, 22 acres level land with basement house and tennent house. Electrolux oleaners and air puri A r Rmtt/in FOR SALE—International two-way on King avenue The soil is excellent and the land fiers. Sales and service. Bd A. inn-hrn traU Plow' 8°°<1 condition. Jake 4-room home. $8.500, terms. lun xp | Fischer, phone 05R-1. 13o5xc 40 acres perfect laying row crop lays perfect for row crop. $37.000, Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, 14Jtfc and dairy ranch, attractive two- only $10,000 down. Balance long phone 0287J4. FOR SALE— 1949 GMC H ton pick terms at low rate of interest. up, long wheel base, E. F. Blanken FOR SALE—Apples. Jonathons, De bedroom home. $12,750, $8,000 down. MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no 62 acres perfect row crop land on ship, Trailways Bus depot. lOnlxp licious, Romes and Saps. 50c bushel 80 acres of the finest soil, lays fuss, call us, rockwool Insulation. and up, 1 1/4 mile east of Gayway. oiled road, 2 Vi miles from Nyssa, 27o4xp 6-room new modern home with very good, new spud cellar. This We have our own insulation blow FOR SALE—Maxwell truck frame Ed Mess. place will gross $20,000 this year. ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp with wheels, $10; sitting at Helmer basement, chicken house, cow barn, 5-room plastered house, c'ose to any. aamtlc Julum's ranch, *4 mile east of Ole’s FOR SALE— 1931 Chevy, 4-door paid-up water right, $26,250. town. Price $25,000, H down, bal corner. Send check to S. Nli, box sedan, good tires, also motor, you 40 acres with 31 acres irrigated, ance can run 10 years. MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and 676, Nyssa, Oregon. lOnlxp push it away for $60. Fred Norman, suitable for row cropping and dairy tree pick-up ok your dead, crippled phone 294-J. 20otfe ranch, cow barn for 11 head, three- 150 acre island, fine soil, abund- or sick livestock. Calls received be FOR SALE—Kitchen sink com room home, deep well, close to i ance of irrigation water, new Terry, fore 9 o'clock are picked up by plete with mixer faucet and trap, FOR SALE— Two-bedroom mod Nyssa. $7,000, 14 down. ' at the amazing low price of $12,000, noon. Efficient drivers. Call col phone 136-R. 10n2xp ern home, $3500 with easy terms. 440 acres of perfect laying row % down, easy terms on balance. lect Payette Q180-J3 or 155, or Nys Two-bedroom home with base crop land In potatoes, beets and Here is a chance to get a lot of sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products FOR SALE—John Deere under ment, like new, modern, insulated, Company. 6Jtfc. slung plow. L. F. Mesler, five miles extra large lot, set up with state grain, plenty of cheap water, 6-room good land at a bargan. modern home, two tenant houses, west on Alberta avenue. 10n2xp loan, easy payments. 441 Ennis. 2 dandy acres and about the fin MISCELLANEOUS—FUr really per machine shed. $100.000, H down, Two-bedroom modem home with est home you would ever see. 4 nice sonalising your gifts, try gold FOR SALE—1940 Studebaker, two- M city block just east of hospital, easy terms on balance. bedrooms, attached garage, fine cow stamping. Beautiful lettering done Five acres adjacent to Nyssa, new door sedan, good seat covers, heater, nice lawn, trees and garden plot. 6-room modern home with full base barn, on pavement. This place is on napkins, stationery, book match will take good Model A in trade. New. modem 5 rooms, excellent new, $10,000, some terms. es, leather goods and special ■ oc Adrian Oil Co. lOnlxp location, hardwood floors, laundry ment, well Insulated, easy terms. casion ribbon. Oste City Journal. 79 acres, 23 acres irrigated, pro room, storage space, furnace, FHA- 80 acres, well suited for a good ductive soil, good well set-up, small asjtfc. FOR SALE—Westinghouse, combin built and financed. dairy, old Owyhee water, fair set of home. $4,725, terms or will trade for ation radio and phonograph, desk Apartment house with two large buildings, $12,000, Vt cash balanoe MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car model. Inquire at 850 N. 1st. lOnlxp apartments on ground floor, extra city property. and cylinder look keys made. Hen- 80 acres with 60 acres irrigated, on easy terms. large room upstairs, three-room FOR SALE—New Hudson 1949 club 250tfc lays good, row crop and dairy for 40 acres in high state of culti nesnan’s. coupe, brand new, for quick sale for apartment in basement, $6,800. stock ranch, two bedroom modern vation. Nearly all seeded to past NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY MISCELLANEOUS- Need mosey? only $1995. Write to J. W. Day, home with full basement, $13,000, ure. clover and alfalfa. This would Ralph G. Lawrence ana on farms for refinancing, Weiser, Idaho or phone 29-J, Weiser. ‘A down, easy terms. really kick out the spuds, $11,025. building. Improvements, b u y i n g . Nyssa, Oregon 3n2xp 80 acres with five-room modern 80 acres of fine laying land and Long term, low m iete«, see Ber home, machine shed, barn and gar FOR SALE—Westinghotue, combin FOR SALE;—Outside white paint, age, very productive soil, $25,000, very good soil, some small buildings, nard Eastman, phone e l Nyssa. National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, ation radio and phonograph, desk SAtfc. plriced for quick sale at $13,650, terms. model, inquire at 805 Iff 1st. 3n2xp $3.50 per ganon, Nyssa Lumber 80 acres with 50 acres irrigated, very easy terms. company. 12mtfc Dead animals picked up free. with large 2-bedroom home with1? FOR SALE—One of Nyssa’s better For prompt service call collect. HOUSES homes, five rooms. 1200 square feet, FOR SALE—1948 Ford tudor sedan. basement. Will sell or trade for a Ontario—Ontario Orala Co. 55 home in town. Run only 10,000 miles, a beauty for double brick construrtion, full base Very cozy 2-bedroom home, nice 36 97 acres. 60 acres cultivated sandy lawn and shade, only $4,000. $1,400 Burma Parma Seed Oo. ment partially finished, automatic $1345.00. Herriman Motor Co. 3nlxc Nyssa—Main plant 100 loam soil on oiled road, 14 x 80 cow down, balance $33.00 per month. oil heat and air conditioning, park Idaho-Oregwa Rendering Ce. homesite, one block from school, FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, barn. 36 x 46 basement home, $14.- New 2-bedroom home, excellent MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching priced for immediate sale. Call new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent 700, terms. 90 acres close to Nyssa. 30 acres workmanship, near schools, in quiet done in my home. Leave with Mrs. Verne Chadwick, 291-J. 3n2xp down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. Bstfc of free water, five-room modern part of town. $5,000. Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa home, 10-head cow barn, 14 down. FOR SALE—Used circulator heater, store. Mrs. Irving Duf- Small, very cozy 1-bedroom cot Furniture 100 acres. 65 acres cultivated, five- coal or wood, phone 146-R. 3n3xp FOR SALE—Good business oppor 20m tic tunities. Good blacksmith shop room modern home with full base tage, $2,500, terms can be arranged. fln. FOR SALE—Two city lots, 76 foot completely equipped, also house goea ment, 30 acres of level row crop MISCELLANEOUS—Four your in Large 2-bedroom home on North land Irrigated one direction, $16,800, surance needs of any kind see Third. We are offering this at the terms. This place is for sale below Mel Beck, Orlgg Bros, and Butler. low price of $5,500 only $1,500 down, knife appraisal price. balance easy terms. 80 acres, 60 acres irrigated, 20 MISCELLANEOUS—Oeneral truck acres in pasture. 3-bedroom modern 2-bedroom home with stoker heat, home with full basement, 11-cow very large rooms, close in. $6,000, ing. John Barnett and Kenneth Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. barn, orchard, $10,500, 'A down. very easy terms can be arranged. 80 acres perfect laying row crop LEGAL ADVERTISING land, five-room modern home, t4 Why not inquire before some other basement, hog house, garage, ma lucky fellow beats you to these fine NOTICE TO CREDITORS chine shed, chicken coop, shop and places? In the Matter of the Estate of one tenant home, $27,300, terms. For evening appointments call Charles Phillips, Deceased. HOMES NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e , 298-J or 54-M. That the undersigned has been duly cheap buy at $2,900. ED JAMISON AND KEN POND and regularly appointed the Admin LODGES PHYSICIANS One acre with basement home, istrator of the above entitled estate; located close to Nyssa on oiled road, Real Estate and Insurance all persons having claims against good soil, $4,000, terms. Nyssa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC Phone 276-W said estate are hereby notified to Two-bedroom modern home with 60 No. Third present the same, verified as by law American Legion four lots that has another house on Dr. J. J. Sarazin required, to the undersigned at Nyssa, Oregon Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. the property, good down payment or Nyssa, Oregon, at the office of Clyde Dr. K E. Kerby would like to trade for farm prop H. Snider, his attorney, In the Heldt Veteran’s Hall — 8 P. M. WANTED erty. Dr. L. W. Scott Building, within six months of the All Veterans Welcome Duplex with two apartments that WANTED—To rent, a small house date of the first publication here Physician and Surgeons would rent for $50 per month, new, or apartment, permanent resident, of. modern, good location, would trade phone 181-W. Max Rlrle. Gate City Lodge lOntfc Warren B. Lowe, Administrator of for small house and lot. the Estate o f Charles Phillips. De L. A. Maulding, M. D. No. 214 Two acres with 7-room home with WANTED— Custom plowing with ceased. Physician and Surgeon full basement, all aluminum barn tractor and equipment, Fred Kratz- I.O.O.F. Dated of first publication Nov. 3. Pnoue 37 for 5 cows, on paved street, $10,000, berg, route 1, Nyssa. 10n3xp 1949 Meets every Monday Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 H down. Date of last publication Dec. 1, Daily except Saturday and 5 acres. 1/4 mile from town, $1,- WANTED—To care for children, 1949 night, 8:30. phone 63-J, Margaret Kreps. 3n2xp Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 500 with $1,000 down South First Street 3 acres joining Nyssa, $2,100. WANTED—Plain sewing in my Hallowe'en Party Drive-in restuarant for sale. Mrs. Ray Llnvllle, Reece C. J. Kopp, M. D. DENTISTS We make loans on ranches and home. 3rd. Given At Nu-Acres homes. Insurance, real estate and avenue between south 2nd and Physician and Surgeon 27o3xp service. DR. C. M. TYLER Fry Building See Mel Beck at HELP WANTED — Available, the NU-ACRES, Nov. 10—Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Building Office hours GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER best one-man business in the towns H E. Sager and family called at Phone 1S5-J. Nyssa 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Phone 179-J of Vale and Nyssa. We provide cap Nie T. E. Sager home in Middleton Office hours from 9 to 5 except Daily except Saturday and ital. Car required. Write J. R. Saturday. Saturdays, 9 to 12. Miss Alice Orable, a teacher in Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 FOR RENT Watkins C o, 137 Dexter avenue. Seattle. Washington. 13o6xc Frultland, had dinner with Mr. and FOR RENT—New modern apart Mrs Cecil Evans and family Sunday. J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORES ment. close in. Bernard Eastman WANTED—Holstein and Guernsey Those from this community tak 3ntfc Dentist springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and ing part in the 4-H program given Phone 56-J Noel Owartney Phone 306 Ontario. over Station K8RV Sunday after PAULUS FOR RENT—Oood used washing Across from the Ontario sales yard noon were Carol Montague, an Sarazin Clinic machines, $3.50 per month, rental 6otfc nouncing: Mary Jo Jenkins, report JEWELRY STORE NYSSA OREGON may be applied on purchase price on the 4-H trip to Portland; Carol of new machine. Ostrom Bros Ap WANTED— To ouy anything is Durrlngton, poem: Phyllis, Evelyn Union Pacific Time Inspector pliance Co. lOnlxc beef or veal. Also custom killed and Deanna Evans, songs and Jac- JEWELRY — DIAMONDS OPTOMETRISTS and delivered to Polar OoU Stor WAT^HBB FOR RENT—Furnished two-room age Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 1 IF lie. olyn and Barbara Oreutt, and How ard and Earl Fields songs. DR. C. L. HERMANN cabin. Oil heat. Laundry facilities Main Street a. 8econd The men of the Nu-Acres Orange Phone 122-J after 5:30 lOntfc MISCELLANEOUS^ Visual Specialist expected to complete work on the Room 4, Fry Building FOR RENT—«* acres, row crop MISCELLANEOUS — Custom plow partitions in the hall Monday eve WYCKOFF Nyssa. Oregon Phone 171-J land, cash rent. Marlon Chard, box ing, phone 01R-4. Tyrus Washburn. ning At the last regular meeting Office hours • to 12; 2 to 5 JEWELRY STORE of the Orange the men served an $14, Nyssa. 462 north 6th street. 10n4xp oyster supper. 10n4xp Official Time Inspector lor The Sager home was the scene of DR. J. A. MCFALL FREE—A ride to Logan or Ogden. Union Pacific FOR RENT—Small apartment with Utah. Contact Maurice Glover, Rt 2, a Hallowe’en party Monday evening ONTARIO ORBOOM D R .^ ^ E ^ S L Y bath, phone Roy Sewrlght, 63-J Nyssa lOnlxp. Forty-two members of the Baptist 3n2xp church and neighbors of the Sager MISCELLANEOUS—Many Fires still family attended VETERINARIANS Roy occur in spite of apparently excel FOR RENT—Potato storage Mrs. Glenn Gallant and son. Fred ln2xc lent fire prevention practices "Luck dy. have been visiting her parents, Hashttanl. phone 013-R5. DR. HAL D. WHITE FOR RENT—Three-room house, on is where preparation meets oppor Mr and Mrs Oeorge Smlt. Sr. Mrs. Be prepared for fire” . Oallant and son and Mr. and Mrs. Veterinarian East Third street, possession at tunity” . once, cal] 177-Ji H E Collins 27otfc Help save property and live* Smlt. Sr and Oeorge Smlt. Jr. Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone Call your local dealer for free esti went to Boise on a shopping trip We have the bast fire Friday F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. mate Claud Willson. 690' Mr and Mrs H. B Sager and Motfc i extinguishers Chadwick’s camp professional and Business Directory 21, Ontario, Ore FOR SALE PAGE THREE family took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hiatt west of Nyssa Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Raymer of Boise are spending their vacation with relatives here. They spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmick. Frank Johnson was injured and his car wrecked in a collision with another car near the sugar factory in Nyssa shortly after noon Sunday. He was taken to the Nyssa Nurs ing home. The extent of his in juries had not been determined Monday. Several from this community at tended the Water Users association meeting at Plymouth community hall Friday night. For future meet ing dates members are asked to watch the papers. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nellson of Meridian were visitors Sunday at the Henry Oreutt home. Callers at the Ed Meroney home Sunday were Mrs. Eleanor Wherry of Payette and Mrs. Frank Ned- balek. Mrs. Henry Blane'tard and Mrs. David Barney gave a pink and blue shower Wednesday, honoring Mrs. Bill Riddle. Twelve guests were present and after playing several clever table games, refreshments were served to them by the hostess es. Mrs. Ridd'e was presented with many useful and attractive gifts. Mr and Mrs. Ben Raymer, Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmick and Mr. . and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek visited in ■Boise Sunday. Mrs. L. G. Hawley went to Boise Thursday evening with her brother, Kenneth Woll, and stayed in BoLse at the home of her daughter. Mrs. L. D. Cllmer. Mrs. Hawley attend ed the Relief society conference in Boise Friday, returning to her home Friday evening. Mary Lou Grasmick entertained the Queen Esther girls of the Fruit- land Methodist church at her home Wednesday evening. The hostess served refreshments of chicken sal ad. pumpkin pie, cider and candy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins of Fruitland visited at the F. C. Fry home from Saturday evening until Sunday evening. James McD’Roe made a bus trip to BoLse Monday. Mrs. Mary Oxford and daughter, Shirley Ann Whittle, of Tahlequah, Oklahoma are visiting at the home of Mrs. Oxford’s daughter. Mrs. BUI Riddle. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans, Sr. have purchased a new Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. George Smlt. Sr. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Stam visited at the Smlt home In the afternoon. M. C. Seuell returned Thursday from a business trip to Council and McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woll and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Cllmer of Boise visited Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hawley Sunday. Mrs. M. C. Seuell helped serve cof fee, cider and doughnuts at the Nyssa hospital Sunday. Mr. Seuell acted as one of the guides. The Pinochle club enjoyed a ham dinner and scavanger hunt Saturday night at the community hall. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oreutt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek, Leo Elllbee. Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmick and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durrlngton. Couple Leave On Trip T o Missouri BUENA VISTA, Nov. 10—Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver left Wednes day for an extended visit in Mis souri. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks of Vale spent Wednesday afternoon at the BUI Brooks home. Loyd and Lester Cleaver purch ased a John Deere A and La Vern Cleaver purchased a new John Deere B tractor the past week. Phillip Patterson left for Cali fornia Friday after visiting several weeks at the home of his sister, Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks went elk hunting. Mrs. Clifford Nielsen called at the Willis Bertram and the Alva Oood- ell home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Delbert Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffitts, attended a birthday party given in honor of Ray Griffitts and Claude Day at the Day home. A potluck dinner was served. The honored guests were given gifts. Edward Topliff is picking his corn, which is yielding very heavily. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jamison called at the Alva Goodell home Wednes day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jamison came here recently from Hermlston and are moving on the Pfiler ranch. They left this county about nine years ago. Parents Of Son— Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ingebrltsen are the parents of a boy born Monday morning at the Holy Rosary hos pital. Mr. Ingebrltsen is a member of the high school faculty. Ontario Dinner Guests— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldredge were dinner guests last Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Jim Smith of Ontario. Year in and year out you’ll do well with the HARTFORD /» HARTFORD Accident And Indemnity Co. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from IN S U R A N C E STOMACH ULCERS d u e t o EXCESS ACID SEE FrooBookTollsotHomoTraatmanttliat Moat Halp or H Will Coat You Nothing Over three m illion bottloe o f the W ii . laro T m a t u i n t have been void fo r relied o f ■ ympuniuinrdiKtreeearifllna from Stom ach and Duodenal Ulcere due t o E u m i A d d — P eer B isection , Sour o r U p n t Stom ach, O at l l n m , H eartburn, S i n H o I n t u . etc., due to Cacace A d d . Hold on 16 d e y c’ trial t Ask for “ W Olard'e Meeeage” which fully eapialna thla treatm ent— tree— a t Bernard Eastman Insurance Real Estate Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon NYS8A PHARMACY Ostrom Cabinet Shop CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES Phone 118J SCREEN DOORS Free Estimates Drive In For Your Winler Tuneup Look Forward To A Safer Winter By Having Your Car Checked NOWI Com plot. WINTER TUNEUPS Cost Very L it t le .... And They're Sure Protection against Traffic Mishaps S top In T oday And Let Our E x p ert M e c h a n ic s S e r v ic e Y o u r C a r F o r W in t e r ED P R U Y N G A R A G E Phone 56-W