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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1949)
PAG E TW O THE N Y S S A GATE C IT Y JO U RNAL. N Y SSA . OREGON. TH U R SD AY. NOVEMBER 10. 1949 ihe Gate City Journal KLAHS V. POWELL, . - - St HS« K il l ION RATES One Year $2 00 Six months (125 Single Copies 05 (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act W hy Not . . . - Editor and Publisher AD V E R T IS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch National, per Inch Classifieds, per word M in im u m ......... 30c 40c 49c 2c at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 ( loin liiiif W a r A nniversary O lehration.s ? Today we approach another holiday that w ill pro vide us with a good football name, but aside from that will receive comparatively little notice. Except for our three most blessed celebrations, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and, of course, New Year’s, our general observances are based on the successful culmination of wars in which this country has been engaged. Yet, we have not started celebrating the L. D. S. Wards Will j Give “Road” Shows in the time while the play perform Olson, vice president; Rex Gale and Dale Patterson. ers are en route between wards. The southwest conference meet The casts are already practicing ing of all schools that will play in twice a week for the performances, the southwest conference will be This year four L. D. S. wards are which are planned for late Novemb held in New Plymouth November 12. introducing a varation in the pre er. Adrian will participate In this con ference throughout basketball sea sentation of their annual plays to son. The meeting will be primarily the public. Each ward will again for coaches and principals of these prepare and present a play, but this schools. year it will be a variation of the old-fashioned road show. On pre From Utah —■ sentation night, the Owyhee ward, Fae Baker and his fiance, Miss Parma ward, and Nyssa first and AD R IAN . Nov. 10—The high school second wards will each present its Hallowe'en dance was held on Oct | Fields of Ogden, Utah, were in N ys play to Its own ward, then quickly ober 31 in the gym of the new grade sa the past week visiting at the pack costumes and travel to the school. The sophomore class spon- home of Baker's brother, B ill Baker, next ward to give the play to that sered this year's dance. Chaperones and family. for the dance were Mr. and Mrs. group. During that one evening .each Henry Reuter. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Attend Wedding At Wilder — Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Fisher and troup will continue until it has pre Ciafalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl sented its performance to all four Saari Refreshments of doughnuts daughter, Lorraine, attended the wedding of Mrs. Fisher's brother, | and cider were served. wards in the circuit. Although this road show plan has Officers of the F. F. A. went to William Maxwell and Marjorie A lli been used before, this Is the first Vale Saturday to attend a training son, both o f Wilder, at the Method introduction of it locally. It en school and conference for all of- ist church there Sunday evening. tails much preparation and gQpd 1 ficers and teachers. Those going Lorraine was one of the girls who timing. There will be skits and with Mr. Reuter, were Jess Aseum- lighted the candles and also played forms o l vaudeville furnished to fill endi, Adrian president; Dwaine piano selections. conclusion of the greatest war of all time. We celebrate the Fourth of July, the birthday of our national independence, with noisy revelry and enthus iasm in contrast to our Memorial day and Armistice day celebrations. The revolutionary war was fought to gain our independence, the civil war was conducted to pre serve our national identity and the Spanish-American war and world wars I and II w ere fought to maintain our independence and that of others. Memorial day, marking the end of the civil war, has developed gen erally into a day for paying tribute to the dead, regard less of whether they died on the battlefield or at home. The Fourth of July celebration is different from any of the rest. It still provides an opportunity for escapement of enthusiasm and exuberance at baseball games, rodeos, parades and other public functions. Armistic day, marking the end o f world war I and some people think the beginning of world war II, has been a time for reflection upon our good fortune in being able to preserve our democracy from the dictates of the Kaisers and their ilk. Without-any disrespect to the men who fought in World war I and the laudatory pur poses of the conflict, we must concede that its signifiance is naturally overshadowed by world war II. With no date set for celebration of the end of world war II, now would be a good time for combining our war anniversary celebrations into one national observ ance of such days, which would have many advantages over our present system. Church Notes Student* Conduct Hallowe’en Party IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY By PLO TNER f y orz - I <Q U /T/- A (O O U T 2. puBLicir*/ on * a » v t ■!H special singing and sermon. 7 p. m., we have three different j group services. 8 p. m., evangelistic service. 8 p. m „ every Wednesday we have ! services. W e extend to you a cordial In vitation. ASSEMBLY OF GOD I !U 2 lu s id r n ls !.. E. P A T R IC K , M. 11. Sterl D. Spies*. Fas tor Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat View H ospital Sunday school, 10 a. m. Announces the removal of his Morning worship. 11 a in. office from 509 First Nat'l Bank (Continued from Page 1) Young people, 7 p. m. Bldg., Boise, Idaho, to 26 Union F A IT H 'U T H E F » N CHURCH whole north end of the hospital Bldg, Caldwell, Id a h o ...T e l. 27 Evangllstic, 8 p m. Rev. Shervln Schmidt, Pastor Effective November 9, 1949 Here will be the delivery, emerg Tuesday. Bible study and prayer Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. ency delivery, and labor rooms, also meeting. 8 p. m. Divine worship, 11 a. m. A hearty welcome awaits you. a large nursery with a view window opening Into the corridor. Other M ISSIO NARY BAPTIST CHURCH facilities are examination rooms, a 1I1E M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY W. M. Turner special nursery for Infants suspected CHURCH ML » unary Pastor of a contagious disease, formula Donald S. Campbell, Minister Sunday school, 10 a. m. room, large utility and clcan-up 9 45 a. m , church school. Morning service, 11 a. m. rooms, a family waiting room, hos 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser Song service, v:30 p. m. pital rooms, and two and four bed mon: "Confidence In Our World". Young People’s service, 7:30 p m. wards for maternity cases. Anthem with descant: "W e Watch Evening service, 8 p. m. From the central nurses' station, ers and Y e Holy Ones”— 17th cent Wednesday evening prayer ser- j the surgical section of the hospital ury German melody. During the vice, 8 p. m. extends to the west as a wing to the church hour there Is a nursery pro Friday evening service. 8 p. m | building. This contains x-ray room, vided where parents may leave pre laboratory, emergency operating school children while attending the SUNSET VALLEY room which opens Into a corridor I service. ASSEM BLY OF GOD connecting t»i the south with the 4 p. m , Youth Fellowship cabinet Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor ambulance entrance. Next Is a large meeting In the church. Sunday school, 10 a. m. sterilizer room, anesthesia storage 7 p. in., Youth Fellowship Worship services, 11 a. m. room, dressing room for doctors, 8 p m., evening service. The hour Young People, 7 p. m. clean-up room for doctor; and main will be given to singing favorite Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. surgery together with many other hyms and gospel songs. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. rooms necessary for a surgical wing of a hospital CHURCH OF C H RIST Visitor Here— Extending to the south from the Don K. Maxfirld, Pastor Mr und Mrs Harold Thompson central nurses’ station along the 10 a. m „ church school hour. of Seattle and Mrs Perry Baker of , main length of the building on the 11 a. m., morning worship and Adams, Oregon, mother of Mrs. R west side, ure the nurses dressing { Lord's supper. V Wilson, visited from Thursday | room and lockers and dining room; I 7:15, young people’s service. until Saturday at the R. V. Wilson next the kitchen, which Is centrally j 8 p m , evening worship. home. located with referance to patients' Wednesday 7:30 choir practice: rounu. 8 p in., young people’s activity Here From OgffeA— . Along the east side of the building night. Mrs. Eliza B. Weston of . * ' *n extending to the south from the has arrived In Nyssa to viS r ner waiting room, are wards and rooms. INDEPENDENT B A P T IS T ttvo daughters, Mrs W. A. wybee At the west end of the building M ISSION Mrs Leslie Stoker until after j there Is an “ L " extending to the Meetings Held at I. O. O. F and the Thanksgiving holidays. east This contains 10 bet Is in rooms Tem p i« and wards thut may be completely Sunday school, 10 a. m. isolated from the main hospital and Classes for all ages be used for polio and contagious Morning worship, 11 a m. BV ROLAND 4 ROY disease cases. One room will con- I lain the Iron lung, and another ST. PAU L’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH j room selected equipment for polio Kev. C. L. Callahan. Rector | cases. There Is an outside entrance Church school, 10 a. in. to this section Church services, 7 30 p. m , every J Alr-Cundltlonlng Those who In Sunday evening. spected the hospltul saw the large alr-condlttonlng pipes. The air for C ATH O LIC CHURCH the patients will be properly humid Park Avenue and Third Street ified, dust free and will change Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor every three minutes In the patients' Mass on Sundays at 9 30. Cate rooms. chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. with Heating—The visitors Inspected the heating plant, in the basement, THE CHURCH OF THE for the radiant heating system and NAZARENK Its small copper pipes In the walls Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor of the patients rooms und through 10 a. m , Sunday school. out the entire hospital. Because 11 a m., congregational and these pipes are of copper, and the water In them is not changed except , added to occasionally, there lx no soli Tor years or General Contracting and deposit of mineral substance In the M onths or hours Building pl|>es and there will be no corrosion Custom.Hul*t Cabinets and Y o u ll find no store or rust This system Is most mod Furniture To com pere with ours. ern and delivers uniform heat to Furniture Repairing and the patients' rooms. It Is most ec Rrflnlshing onomical to operate R e sid e ntial - C o m m e rcia l W irin g m miles north of Nyssa-Parma Toilets and baths A modern feat Junction A Product of ure j » f the hospital Is placing toilets and baths between patients, rooms Standard of California and wards. Patients, who are able ! to do so, are encouraged to wait on COMPANY j themselves. Next best thing to put S E R V IC f C A ' IS P H O N G 111M Construction of the Building— H I- W A Y 20 N o . N Y S S A , Those who Inspected the building | Highway i>5_________ Phone 0C3J1 ting n new engine under had an opportunity to examine the the hood ie p u ttin g walls of the building which are com Chevron Supreme in posed of cinder blocks, concrete and cinder, with an outside veneer of the tank! For this great .. | brick, laid on re-lnforced concrete blend o f clean-burning Lei us m a k e sure n o w that y o u have I foundation These walls arc fire gudolinee ie climate tai proof and fulfill the requirements pro p e r a n d a d e q u a te fire insurance for modern hospitals lored to euit your local protection. C om e in— no obligation. Number of beds rite present hos d riv in g conditione.. pital Is designed for 43 beds and ; 13 bassinets. a ssu rin g you fa s te r Five construction companies bid | pick-up . . . smoother for the contract to erect the build drivin g... more pep.,. Real Estate and Insurance ing The highest bid was »325 «88. j Ihe lowest was »349.358 The lowest over more miles I bid was by Leslie W Stoker, a local 60 No. 3rd Phone 276-W j contractor, who was awarded the 1 contract The difference between | the highest bid and Mr Stoker's contract was (76410 The board of directors of the hos- j pital believe that Mr Stoker has I done a most excellent piece of con- j '»ruction work and deserves great luaise for the co-operation he has shown the community. 6UA1?ANT££D ¿J6 £ V C A 12S 0 ’» « S A 6 A 72 TfcP V A U b J iy ' •TAiit s A N Y T H IN G O N A T R A P fc-/N A C £ OUC ATT 12 ACflOH tRAVZ/M VOU&OLDCAR 5, W é p ÁV '(o ? m m tA A H There’s an easier way M OTOR C O . b o x 137 A jy ¿ $ A , o s tia * pMOtJt 11 Big Turkey Day Special J V K Ilie W ATT Johnson Cabinet Sh o p %rm a m t, trs too u tn A Jamison and Pond _________________ W. E. Schirem an Phone 61 -W Nyssa, Oregon * Four-Drawer W aterfall Chest. * Vanity With Plateglass Mirror. * Full Size Bed. IO -PIECE * Vanity Stool. Bedroom Su ite * Night Stand. ONLY * Innerspring Mattress. * Matching Boxspring. * Boudoir Lamps. $ I9 9 .5° * Bed Lamp. CH O IC E OF BLONDE W A L N U T OR W A L N U T Small Down Payment Easy Payments PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Nyssa Your Dependable Furniture Store Ontario Vale Payette M O O !: CHECKERBOARD CHUCKLES • From Your Purina Deafer . 'I g M 'T.' SPEEl BOISE WINNEMUCU STAGES EARLY 70 M ARKET ON HOG CHOW Purina Hog Chow goe* with your grain to make fast, economical gains— speed your hogs to market. Ask lo see proof of results. Two Schedules Dally. Nyssa to Boise,. . P LU S . . . Direct Connections to Cali fornia. Arizona, and Nevada! W'Uve H ie » in« y t o b le r s FEED &04M V & FUEL