Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
PAGE EIGHT THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1949 b u r ia l N o te s - I - W E IID IN O Hr.LD IN VALE The 8t l*atrlrk‘x church In Vale «•as the scene of a wedding Friday, October 21. wlien Miss Mary 8chaf- feld. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry Hchaffeld o l Vale, became the bride ol Harold Wilson, sou of Mr mid Mrs L K Wilson of Nyaaa The double ring ceremony was performed by Father John O'Brien before a background of fall flowers Preceding the candlelight rere- moncy. Bobby Fujtwara sang "B e cause" and Mrs Arle Hunt, Jr., sang "Are Marta". Both soloists were accompanied by Francis Christy, who also played the wedding march es 'Hie bride's gown was of tradition al «lu te satin, fashioned with fitted bodice anti the full skirt was edged with chanlllly lace The finger-tip veil fell from a coronet of seed pearls The bride\ bouquet was of rosebuds and white carnations She wore a string of pearls, a gift from the groom The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, who gave his daughter In marriage Candle- lighters were Frances and Oertrude Hchaffeld. sisters of the bride who wore blue floor-length taffeta dres ses Jimmy Fulleton was ring bear er and Marianne Poppey was flow er girl She wore a white taffeta gown Mrs Allan Krstrom. matron of honor, wore a gown of gold taffeta The bridesmaids, sisters of the bride, were Miss Adele Hchaffeld, who wore an aqua gown and Lillian Hlrovatka who wore a maroon gown The at- tendenls' dresses were fashioned In Speed Typist To Demonstrate Skill | the same style as the bride's. The gruom was attended by Rob ert Wilson as best man. and Pete and Ted Hchaffeld as alter attend- j cuts Bill and John Wilson were j ushers. A reception for a large number 1 of friends und relatives was held following the ceremony at the par- j i ’ ll hall Mrs Wtlmer Robert-on had charge of the gift book, and I Mrs Bill Wilson and Mrs Robert M orfltt were in charge of the gifts , The wedding cake was cut by Mrs d rier Robbins of Halfway, and was -rrved by Mrs Frank Syrovatka and Mrs Joe Hton The wedding cake was baked and ! decorated by Hans Hchaffeld of Hlouk Falls. South Dakota, uncle of | the bride. Tlie bride's mother wore an after- I noon dress of plum crepe with black ] accessories, und the mother o f the I groom wore a maroon afternoon j dress Both wore gardenia corsages j The bride Is a graduate of the : Vale high school, and the groom Is j a graduate of the Nyssa high school i Mr Wilson served two years In the j armed forces. Following a wedding trip, the i couple will reside In Nyssa. where the groom Is employed /leua ifci. CHEN YU ietti+Uf the t\tra Smarf n«w fa>hldni at only 35c and 50c »ach New functional tineor- rcsi containers! Long- W# alio carry a comptât« lin« of regular Owyhee Drug Co. F fu v n * at 25c Nyxsa, Oregon Golden Rule Store \ V S S A Telephone 108 pr o g r a m THEATRE F R ID A Y A N D SA TU R D A Y . NOVEMBER 4-5 Strike It Rich Rod Cameron -Bonita Granville DOUBLE FEATU RE E N T E R T A IN S BRID G E CLUB Mrs Howard Love joy entertained the members ol her Tuesday evening bridge club at her home this week Mrs Warren Farmer was a guest player Prizes went to Mrs Walter M (Partland and Mrs. Grant Rine- I hart -i- M ASQUERADE P A R T Y HELD The members ol the Come Double and the Loyalty classes o f the Christian church school enjoyed a masquerade party held at the church last Friday evening Games and refreshments were enjoyed A r rangements for the party were made by Mrs l>m M axlield and Mrs. Onn Moyea. — I — ______ C I FB HOLDS M EETING Mrs Fern Runcorn entertained the Chatter Box club at her home Friday afternoon Twelve members answered roll call by revealing their W ith Mat . Hal- ! M M m tor V , I w Tat UauwM ii I n w a p U r * lnr Tax S U N D A Y A N D M O N D AY. NOVEMBER S-7 James Strw a rt-Ju rw A t Kaon Frank Morgan Agnes Mooretwwd In "The Stratton Story” A triumph story of a man struck down by over whelming tragedy A magnificent saga of a battle against staggering odds M at Saw- > to; M m M r-*«. Inc Tax M m anm i f m u a p M r-*«, lo r Tax TU ESD AY. NOVEMBER $ The Castaway Btllie Burke Eugene Pallette DOUBLE FEATU RE "Frontier Investigator** Rocky Lane Mm tor-1* Eddy Waller tor Tax W E D N E SD A Y A N D TH U R SD AY. NOVEMBER »-10 Burt Lancaster Paul H ta m d Claude Rains -Suzanne Renaud In Rope Ot Sand” Greed drew them together only murder can part them The story o f two men and a woman Caught off guard by one blinding flash of fate X«mi«ml.a »r r a to g i M r-*«. tor. Tax NEWS VIEWS RI I f W H I RR t t o X N Seven out of o w y 10 prvvple questioned in a nauontl survey claimed they had made at Iraq one major mistake in their lives W eTr still waiting to meet anyone who never made any. The admit ted errors were not enough ed ucation. marriage mistakes kwt op portunities. etc However the Im- Vvsrtance of mistakes is In bow we lake them TV s u m folks slips are experiences that help to guide the future otlvrrs broou -roer u«e error and let it ruin their Urea. Worry never got anybody anything except vmnkJes. One «wallow doeanl make a summer and one mntakr shouldn't wreck a life Moecow claims that Superman and other evenir strip heroes arc tocto of W all Street and are dr- atgned to make Fascista out of child ren Thai's funnier than the comic strips What's funny about your car breaking down %hm rosile try ing to get there in a hurry* Take prerauuons Take advantage of our esperi preven uve m ainem aixe arr- Ytce at HER K IM AN M OTOR CV> You can comm on ear in « Herriman Motor Company Saturday, November 19 N YSSA GYM Bingo! Rouletle! FUh-Pound! Dart Throw! And All The Trimmings! FUN FOR ALL $200.00 In Door Prizes Buy Tickets Now! No More Heating Worries! Demonstration On Oven Meals Set A demonstration on oven meals will be given by Mrs. Miriam Col- ford. home demonstration agent, for her next project leaders training meeting, which will be held at the Arrow store two blocks east of the hospital on the highway in Ontario from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m , Novem ber 9. The aim of the project is to help the homemaker plan well-balanced oven meals that are pleasing to the taste as well as saving time in dish washing. preparation, and cost of fuel. Project leaders are asked to furn ish a covered dish for the potluek lunch as well as silverware and a cup. There will be plates for every one. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. INSULATE NOW FOR WINTER Enjoy More Comfort and Smaller Fuel Bills This Winter B Squad Wins— The Nyssa high school B squad defeated the Parma football B's on the Parma gridiron Monday by a score of 3.“ tc 12 to register their fourth victory against one defeat and one tie. The Nyssa boys will play South Boise Junior high school today at Boise for their last game of the season. W ith O ur Blower Method of ROCK W O O L Insulation W e C an Save Labor, Coming Lient» M aterial and time. November 5— County P. T. A. meeting at Adrian grade school November 6— Memorial Hospital Open House November 7—Eastern Star meet ing November 8- F O. E pre-school clinic at Eagles Hall A N K Garden club meeting November 10— Nyssa P T. A. meeting. November 11—Rebekah Armistice day dinner at I. O O P Hall. November 16—Civic club meeting. November 18—Dinner and bazaar at Methodist church. November 19 — Hospital benefit carnival. LET YOUR SAVINGS ON YOUR FUEL PAY YOUR INSULATION BILL STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY NYSSA. OREGON A Smooth C asu al That G oes To School, Market, W ork O r Anyw here Classmate Moccasins COLORS RED and BLACK Smart Maid Size 4 to 9 Sizes 4 to 8*2 S2.98 S4.95 G o Everywhere W eather Bird LOAFERS With GAYLÀ CASUALS "Roaring Westward” Jimmy W akrly -Cannonball Taylor CARNIVAL Grace Phelan, noted speed typist and former holder of the world's amateur typing chamblonship. will give a typing demonstration for the instruction and entertainment of local students when she appears in the Nyssa high school building F ri day. November 4. Miss Phelan, a native of Pennsyl vania. has been winning champion ships since she became state cham pion as a high school freshman. Miss Phelan, who established a world's amateur record for speed and ac curacy at the New York world's fair, reached a speed of 133 words per minute for 30 minutes. Miss Phelan will appear here through the. courtesy of the Royal Typewriter company and the Idaho Typewriter exchange of Boise. Com mercial students and their instruct ors of Adrian. Parma and Vale high schools plan to attend the demon stration in Nyssa. The public is ! also invited to attend the dernon- i stration. D K LPH IAN S MEET The Delphian Study club met last Friday morning at the home o f Mrs Orant Rinehart Mrs Bernard East- j man was discussion leader on the subject. "Religion and Civilization ' I Topic leaders were Mrs. Harold Henlgson. Mrs Orant Rinehart. Mrs J J Sura/.m and Mrs. Wesley Browne —I - EAHTERN S T A R S E N T E R T A IN AT BANQUET Members of the Eastern Star en tertained the members of Job's Daughter- and guardian council at a banquet held at the Masonic hall | last Thursday evening Arranging for the dinner were j Mrs Lillian Dunn. Mrs Finley Shuster. Mrs Cecil Morrison and Miss Katherine Peterson. The Mr and Mrs. Harold Wilson IMise Mary Hchaffeld of Vale) were tables were decorated with stream married October 21 in Vale by lath er John O'Brien. (Harano Photoi ers of orange and black, and Jack olantem a. The rooms were attract ively decorated with bouquets of with the Holkiwecn season most embarrexstng moment. Mrs chrysanthemums and In keeping A program of musical numbers Viola Lundy and Mrs Marjorie P h il was presented Joanne Garrison lips were guests Plans were made played some popular piano seleet- for the club's annual Christmas par loin Mrs Herb Pish or and Donna ty Refreshments of pudding and Lee Wilson played two violin duets, coffee were served. The next meet and the Job s Daughters sexet sang Come Holy Spirit” . Members of ing will be held at the Edward Top- the sextet are Dons Rigney. Jo lif f home November 18 as only one anne Garrison. Loretta Russell. meeting will be held in November Dus Wilson and Keltha Strasbaugh. In f i n g e r t i p f a s h i o n s They were accompanied by Donna 4-H CLUB O RG AN IZED Lee Wilson The Happy-Qo-Lucky 4-H cook Bingo was played for the remaind er of the evening, under the direct ing club was organized last Wednes ion ot Dr L A Mauldins Stunts day afternoon at the home of Mrs by the girls were interspersed Harold Flvecoat, leader of the group. Colleen Fenn was elected president: throughout the evening. Darlene Smith, vice president. Gen- - J - eta Connaughy, secretary, and M ol FTRESIDE HELD A T W ILSO N New Chen Yu — faster ly Connaughy. reporter Four first- ROM E drying, harder setting! I ah ' i lie Mitchel and Nola Brown year club girls: two second-year club Extra safe. pro i were co-hostesses at a Fireside, held girls, four third-year club girls and tective. rvfno hcauiiful Sunday after church at the home of two fourth-year girls were present Molly Connaughy I Mr and Mrs Calvin Wilson Mr at tile meeting . . . in new. brighter j Skousen of Vale. F B I agent, and and Darlene Smith are the assistant f.ishion-cued colors! Refreshments of cocoa. ! member of the Latter Day Saint leaders church was the speaker Refresh jeUo and cookies were served The ments were served to 32 young folks, next meeting will be held November who were Oleanors and M Men also * er-lastinj;, it’f a emume ; the Junior guLs and Explorers of Ai. ifu cr . . . bOC (/J«» /« J j the second ward M I A W« will b« glad to got for you any NYSSA LIONS CLUB For Girls and Women Wilh Crepe Sole As Shown Are In Leather Sizes 4 to 9 Sizes 4 to 7 S4.95 $6.95 PETERS D IA M O N D BRAND WORK SHOES H fest/w -ßtJ Peters Diamond Brand Work Shoes FU Better Hold Their Shape Longer. Last Longer Than Ordinary Work Shoee See Our Complete Stock— W e Can Fit You In Any Type Priced From S7.50 to S 14.95 Shoes baby , too ! You'll Love To Live In These VELVET STEP SHOES Styles As Shown S7.95 Be Sure And Attend "Hospital Inspection Sunday" BRACKEN'S Nov. 6 Dry Goods Shoes Clothing TELEPHONE 4? W Hours 2 to 4 O'Clock NYSSA. OREGON X Ray Shoo Fitting *