Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1949 ! celebrate 4-H achievement week Mrs Nedbalek's brother. Joe Stupka Steve and Darryl BoU. Kenny Kls- | H. Grasmick went to Nampa and daughter, Mrs. Max Schweizer and to Boise Sunday to visit with Barney with a broadcast over Station who passed away Sunday night. As sell. Bob and Gary Shaw, Gary | Meridian on business Thursday. family of Richland. Washington. LiddeU. a relative of Mr. Pow Partitioning Hall KSKV„ Ontario, November 8. from he had not been ill. his death was Thomson. Melvin Barney, Dale and Mrs. Merle Thomson, Mrs. M. C. eU, who is playing with the Law rence Welk 17-piece orchestra at the 4 to 4:30 Several 4-H club mem Visit Relatives— j Seuell and Mrs. E. M. Seuell picked unexpected. Mr and Mrs Nedbalek Lynn Blanchard, Bob and Barbara NU-ACRES. Nov. 3-Johii and bers from this community will take will visit their son. Joe, and family Thomson, Jerry Preston, Delbert apples Monday and Thursday after Mr. and Mrs. Eddie PoweU went Miramar. Oeorge 8mlt attended the funeral part in the broadcast. ! in Collyer, Kansas while they are Wilson, Joan Mootz, Sharon Cruson. noons for the white elephant bene for Dale Tuttle In Caldwell last John Smit went fishing for sev | away. Johnson and the hostesses. fit sale held for the Malheur mem A joint birthday and Hallowe'en Jimmy Mr and Mrs. Hugh Smith, who orial hospital Saturday. week. eral days at Bruneau. party was given at the Julius Field have been living at Arock. Oregon, Mrs. Sam Phillips and Mrs. Leon Mrs. Frank Nedbalek has been Mr and Mrs. Thomas Nedbalek home last week. Those present were spent the past week with Mr. and Burt entertained at a birthday din We Are Now Available For Land Lev sick for several days. W. B. Robertson and children, Mrs. Roy left Tuesday morning for Burnell, Mrs Lobb. They have pur ner Tuesday evening honoring Mrs. Payette County boys and girls will Nebraska to attend the funeral A Mrs. Lavern Dishozer and children. chased a ranch F. A. Johnson at the Sam Phillips east of New Plym Mrs. Lloyd Pierce and children of outh. in Nyssa. Those present were eling, Sub-Soiling, Dragline Work Payette and Mrs. Jim Ooff and M. C Seuell was In Walla Walla home Mr. and Mrs. Carl Petterson and children of Fruitland. family of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. on business the first of last week. Elray Field is here from Wayne, Mrs. Henry Ooff and daughters, E O Blanden of Caldwell and Mr. Nebraska to make his home with Karen and Pamela, of Valejo, Cali and Mrs. Avery Roten of Burbank, the Julius Field family. and her mother. Mrs. Rem California Mrs. Mary Ballard and Pauline of fornia, ington of Nampa, were Tuesday eve Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Climer and Parma visited Sunday with the Cecil ning LOCATED AT THE CAIRO JUNCTION guests of Mr and Mrs. W. H. twin daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Tom Evans families Phone 257-W Kenneth Woll of Boise spent the Mr. and Mrs Ira Ttsh of Green- Grasmick. week-end visiting and hunting Shirley Johnson and Judy Preston leaf called at the Cecil Evans home entertained a group of friends at pheasant at the L. G. Hawley home. LUMBER AT WHOLESALE BRICES Sunday afternoon. a Hollowe’en party at the E. C. The men of the Nu-Acres Grange Ed Meroney attended a fair board Johnson evening. have been building partitions to en meeting at New Plymouth Monduy Mrs. M. home C. Saturday Seuell and Jean close the kitchen in the Nu-Acres evening. attended the wedding of hall. WEST COAST FIR: Mr and Mrs. Flanary and Mr. Blakesley McOee and Tom Church at Jimmy Durrington attended a Meuller Fum aces- and Mrs. L. E. Poe and Linda of Janice the Methodist church in Fruitland Hallowe’en party at the Eber Eld Nampa were Sunday dinner guests Sunday No. 2 or better (75% No. 1) red home Friday evening. evening of last week. of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hene. and Mrs. W H. Grasmick The last new Ford to arrive in Evelyn Evans attended a Hallo and Mr. Mary Link Belt Stokers Lou visited in Meridian this community is that of Mr. and we’en party at the Eber Eldred home at the O. D. Rockhold home Wed Mrs. Sherman Keck. near New Plymouth Friday night. nesday TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON evening. Mrs. Fry and children had dinner Joy Cullen, Wanda Johnson and Mrs. Carl Vincent and Mrs. Sadie with Susan McD’Roe Monday. Shirley Preston1 entertained 16 of Walker of Heppner. Oregon called Mr. Mrs. Avery Roten of Bur ALL BUILDING MATERIALS their friends at Joy’s home Satur j on Susan Me D’Roe Thursday Mrs. bank, and California were guests at the Estimates Gladly Given day night. Those present were Walker stayed with Susan McD’Roe F. A. Johnson home several days until Friday afternoon. last week. Mrs. Roten is a sister Mr and Mrs. Carol Baker and of Mr Johnson. of Nampa called on the McD’ Cambell McClatchey of Nebraska FOR YOUR PLUMBING sons Roe family Sunday. and F. E. Sager of Middleton were GEORGE J. KINZER Jean Blakesley attended a birth- callers at the H. E. Eager home NEEDS ! day party for Mr and Mrs. E. K. Friday. at the city hall in Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry received Bath Sets, Water Heaters Burton HEATING Friday night. a letter from their son, Roger Jen and Pressure Systems Mr and Mrs. Ray Tyree of Fruit kins, saying that he had gone to land came out to hunt pheasant it San Fernando, California and had Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho Call the Pat Hohstadt farm Sunday. Mr. visited with his aunt, a sister of Hohstadt went deer hunting on Mrs. Fry, who lives there. J . C. S MI T H Indian Mountain Sunday and re Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higgins and ports good luck. Mrs. Guy Douglas of Parma at 13 Years In Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Leon Burt were a- tended the wedding in Nampa of mong those attending the lootball Miss Caliroy Stathopolus and Kar- Phone 78-J game at Fruitland Friday night. roll Pervitt. The wedding was held Mrs. D. L. Durrington and Mrs. W. at the North Side Nazarine church. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Elwood came to their ranch Wednesday from Prlneville, Oregon and returned Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Higgins are living on the Elwood ranch. Having decided to quit farming. I will sell the following Mrs. Pat Hohstadt and Denny items on the old Gamble Island two miles north of Nyssa on spent Thursday at the home of her First or Third street, then East to River. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ivie, in Fruitland. Mr. Hohstadt and their daughters joined them in the SALE STARTS AT 1: P. M. evening to help celebrate the birth day ot Mr. Ivie. Muss Edna Hiatt of Nyssa spent Sunday night as a guest of Delora May Sager. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Alexander of Change To Winter Lubricants In Redmond, Oregon were guests Sun WHEN YOU BUY A FORD TRACTOR FOR day night of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Crankcase, Transmission, Differential Sager. The Sager family attended the fifth Sunday meeting of the Baptist $ church in Nyssa the past three days. Nil-Acre* Men Are Cairo Junction Lumber Co. C. E. L E S E B E R G # You tan Pocket UP tO fil jy - $300 O n ly 1397.75 9 You can not this because the Ford ED tractor sells from $200 to $300 less GIVE YOUR CAR A "BREAK HAVE IT WINTERIZED Official Here— a than other 2-way tractors equipped with hydraulic controls, fenders and electric starting- ready to go to w >rk. an use the money you save to buy one or more of these. . . Dearborn Dearborn Dearborn Dearborn Moldboard Plow only Disc Plow only Wagon only Cordwood Saw only $ 2 0 0 .0 0 $ 2 4 9 .2 0 $ 1 2 9 .1 0 $ 9 6 .0 0 Nothing has been “»tripped” from the Ford Tractor to m ake this low price possible. You gel ei-erp great feature of this great tractor! Why give asvay the price of one or more Dearborn Imple ments, or of many other things you may need, when you can get a Ford Tractor for so much less? W e're all scl to dem onstrate right on your farm. Sec us and save! KROPP & SONS Your Ford Tractor Dealer Ontario, Oregon ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION A U CTIO N SA LE Friday, November II Check Carburetor, Fuel Pump, Spark Plugs, Ignition Points, Generator, Battery Mrs. Martha Elhart of Portland will conduct the school of instruct ion for the officers of the Job’s Daughters at 4 o’clock Thursday and will be present for the rguular meet ing Thursday evening. Check Cooling System, Test Antifreeze Mrs. Louise McGavin, who recent ly underwent an operation at the St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise, has left the hospital and is at her home in Boise. Her daughter, Mrs. Joe Maughan, is with her. Leaves Hospital— Parents Visit— Remember An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure Mr. and Mrs. M. Lawrence of Nampa visited Tuesday at the home of their son, Lynn Lawrence, and family, and attended the high school orchestra and chorus concert Tues- I day evening. Here From Rexburg— Mrs. Lottie Virgin of Rexburg left for her home last Sunday after vis iting the past week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Eldon Ulmer and family. Former Resident III— H errim an M otor Co. Your Transportation Merchant Attention Farmers We Specialize In Farm Implement Repair Bring In Your Farm Implements For Overhauling And Repair FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL ALSO PARTS FOR KIEST LIFTER LOADER Factory Trained Repairman Tom Morris, former {lyssa resi dent is convalescing at the Theo Moore home in Ontario following a serious illness thhat confined him to the Holy Rosary hospital for the past three weeks. Visit In Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Hunt and family of Pondosa visited Sunday at the Lloyd Lewis and Robert Wil son homes. Here From Loe Angeles— Ralph Eyres of Los Angeles vis ited over the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs A. C. Sallee. Mr Eyres Is a brother-in-law of A. C. and George Sallee. Return From Richland— Mr and Mrs George McKee re turned last Wednesday from a two- weeks visit at the home of their BEFORE BUYING SEE US. You can save m o n e y th ro u g h o u r B a n k > A u to F in a n c e P lan . No ch a rg e fo r this service. TERMS: CASH J a m is o n & Pond Real Estate and Insurance Phone ttS-W B. & M. E Q U I P M E N T CO. MlnnaapolU Mollo* Dealer 1—1948 Model 8N-Ford Tractor. 1—6-foot 18-inch disc. 1—16-inch 2-way plow. 1—Grain drill with fertilizer attach ment. 1—Ditcher. 1—Tiller. 1—3-row corrugator. 1—Buck rake, new. 1—Power mower. 1—Harrow. 1—Scraper or land leveler. All the above equipment is for a Ford tractor. Some of it has been used very little. The most any has been used is to farm 110 acres of grain for two years. 1—1947 Allis Chalmers Model 60 com bine with pickup attachment. 1—Horse-drawn dump rake. 1—Converted disc. 1—Guernsey milk cow. 40—Pigs from 60 to 175 pounds. 1—Jamesway hog feeder. 50—Colored fryers. 9—Young hens. Several chicken waterers. 90 new fence posts. 5 rolls new barb wire. About two tons of alfalfa hay. Also miscellaneous items. Note: Most machinery will be on river bank, off the island. Will have a ferry operator to assist in moving other items off island. This 150-acre island is for sale. 110 acres in cultivation. Very good land. See Ed Jamison and Ken Pond, Real tors in Nyssa. N orthwest C asualty Owner: Ralph Cornwell Auctioneers: Bert Anderson and Joe Church Clerk: C. L. Fritts tr