Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
P A G F FO U R THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1949 K o o l ( j ’llu r N e a rs SUNSET VALLEY, Nov. 3—At the Helmer Julum ’s farm sale Tuesday, Mr and Mrs B P Arthur of Nampa, parents of Mrs Julum, spent the day and took motion pictures o l the afternoon sale. Mr and Mrs. Claude Wilson and sons were dinner guests at the Thomas Trostle home at Homedale Sunday. Claude Wilson has almost com pleted a root cellar. 30 feet by 14 BY R OLAN D 8 R O Y feet, on his farm. Carrots for the home The Hunter family are liv iexi year's crop will be stored in ing near Emmett. Mr. and Mrs the new cellar. Hunter have been picking fruit in Vern Alvin and Oalen Swanson, both ill Portland, were dinner guests California, while their son. Jerry, of Mr and Mrs. 8 E. Flanagan has been managing the dairy. Mr and Mrs. Clell Hill and Monday evening. Mr and Mrs Don Franklin and daughter, Nancy, of Mentone. Cali family are now living In the tenant fornia arrived Tuesday for a visit on the Neil Gimmick farm at the Neil Gimmick home. Dim- mick and Hill, who grew up together where Franklin is employed. Mi and Mrs. Ja y Howard and in Yakima, left Thursday on an elk hlldren of Bates were week-end hunting trip to the Granite area guests at the Cash Turner home < Anton Rolland, who has been liv Mr and Mrs. Turner attended the ing at the Andrew Tttland home for Idaho registered Hereford sale held i several months, left Saturday for at the Boise fairgrounds this week 1 Twin Falls Mr and Mrs. Andrew Titland and Mr and Mrs Kay Hunter and former Sunset valley residents, call j family were dinner guests at the ed recently at the O. P. Couasll j Andrew Ekanger home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Jam es Chadd and daughter spent Wednesday visiting at the Clyde Didericksen home in Caldwell. Paula Bergam, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Paul Bergam, celebrated ! her seventh birthday with a party I Friday afternoon at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Robb Thompson. Fourteen guests were present for EVERY M IN U T E S ! the games and a weiner roast. Mr and Mrs. Jam es Robb were A D W E L L IN G B U R N S dinner guests at the Homer Dider icksen home in Caldwell Sunday. While hauling beets Tuesday Robb sprained his ankle. On Friday Mr and Mrs, Charlie Culbertson and Don’t be under-insured. Mr and Mrs. Robb drove to Little valley, east of Harper, looking for See us now for complete bedding ground for cattle. Due to and proper protection. many delays, Robb, Culbertson. Pete Wilson and Vers Sessions were D ep e n d a b le service! unable to leave this week for the annual gathering of their cattle In j the hills, However, the group will leave this Friday. ED JAMISON and On Wednesday evening Mr. and KEN. POND \ Mrs 8. E. Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs. Juan Plada of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jayo, Mr and Mrs. N Y SSA , OREGON Wayne Chestnut of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs Stanley Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borge arrived at the Stanley Ooulet .home in Newell Heights, ! laden with food and a bathinette, I all set for a surprise party for Mrs. Ooulet. The group were surprised to find that Mrs. Goulet had al ready been taken to the Nampa Mercy hospital tale that afternoon. 'W i A However, the party continued with Mr Ooulet as host. At ten-thirty that evening a son was born to Mr and Mrs. Goulet. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham were week-end guests at the M. A. Rat- aezyk home. Mrs. Graham is Mr. 2 %/itoftuu/ie NEXT J n Hallowe’en there’« Load* of laughter— But whet about The morning after? Residential - Commerci* CO M PAN Y ; SERVICE CAI I S P H O F ■Hf-WAY 20 No. NYSSA, W IN T E R - PRO TECT YO UR TRA C TO R W r o n g types o f o ils and greases . . . o r a neglected coo lin g system may "freeze” your tractor on an im por tant jo b this w inter. Y o u ’ll be safe if you b rin g it in for a com plete checkup now, and let us do everything nec essary for j u l l w in ter protrU ion. C LU TC H Grover Cooper home Wednesday evening. Mr Cooper is recuperating from his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robinson of Los Angeles are spending this week visiting Mrs. Ora Newgen. sister of Mrs Robinson Mrs Thomas Nlshitani attended the W 8. C. S. meeting in Nyssa Thursday evening. Plans were be- ing made for a bazaar to be held November 18. William Buffington of Nampa, former resident of this area, was an overnight guest at the Lew McCoy home one night this week Mrs Fred Mitchell, after visiting several days in Pocatello, returned her children, who will visit at the Mitchell home. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Clonninger were dinner guests of Mrs Albert Notheis Thursday evening at a birthday party given for Mr. Noth- eis. Mr and Mrs Harley Wilson ac- companied by Mrs. Charles Wilson of Roswell are leaving this week for a visit in Oklahoma. They plan on being gone about three weeks, returning through the southern states and California. Darrell Wil- son will visit at the Omar Hite home, and his brother, Melvin, at PHONE WHOLESALE - R E T A I L WASHING. POLISHING, LUBRICATING W A R T ”, The Speed Cop YtnUTTA VA JVVtN'TO DO-PULL THflT rO££ D ow n ? ' n o - J M \ h ü r j j v s r r p v iH 1J Ü L i/ o s t a l l ta / s t ■oe P/HCHÉD W BE/AG CRAZY (W AY ÛO YOU \ 1 , TH//YA / A d } \^C O A 2Y ? J the Lester Züricher home in Parma while their parents are gone. Miss Clarice Notheis left Thurs day for Portland as a delegate to the state teacher’s meeting Miss Notheis was sent as representative of the classroom teachers of Mal heur county. Thirty-six ladies were guests at the home of Mrs. Grant Patterson at a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Leland Maylan. Games, present ation of the gifts and refreshments filled the evening. Mrs. H. A. Wilson and sons and Mrs. Jam es Hite of Haines were dinner guests of Mrs. Prank Newbill in Nyssa Saturday. Mrs Hite was a week-end guest at the Wilson (Continued On Page 3) IN PIG-GROWING BATTLE! COM E IN AND S E E IKS T A K E TH E COUNT / / 7 C oC fuO vU , By Bingham YOU QAfTTBT HOTH/M £LS£— TPV//VG TO STALL A CAP PUS T S E R V I C E D BY MAY- •mar % GOT I k e ’« dow n for »he co u n t in ou i big pig-grow ing b attle. M ike put h im aw ay by growing bigger. And it coel leee to pu t 100 pounds of g a in o n h im . too. T h o t’e proof th a t it poye lo feed P u rin a ! C o m e in n eei tim e y o u ’re in town an d »»e th e coet of gain figurée o n Ih ie e o n le e t. YOU'I l H I THI b ! H l * t * C I F t HINA M A K I S I T O B L E R 'S FEED & FUEL ER TO GET AT ROISE PAYETTE : I -, j__ I 1 n I —— B ■ ] A D JU S T IN G S P E C IA L For This M onth O nly D o « your dutch »lip. grab nr dialler/ Have it linmantled. checked, and adjusted by our eapert service men. At this spe cial I I I S-Star introductory p r i c e ............................ .— (F a r it N e e d e d Em tra) — _ Ifill ***** 1 IflLI 5- s t a r I S E R V IC E 'cem aM — I Owyhee Truck and Implement Co. Y ou r In te rn a tio n a l Mi l o rm lik Hips. r hoi i e 111 ft has the Fashion Amarci Design No. 4142 advertised in the November issue ol Better Homes and Gardens by Weyerhaeuser W heie alt* can any amount of monay buy you Ford’« look» . . . tha style that won Ford tha New York Fashion Academy’s coveted Gold Modal aw ard at "Fashion C a r of tha Yaor." And bahind this style, you gat Ford’s 3 9 % rnoca rigid "Lifaguaid" Body and frama structuta. SECOND FLOOR PLAN a By the use of shutters, paneled door, white brick and a striking bay window effect the true beauty of colonial design is readily achieved. ft has a tOO hctse heait W hara alia can so littla monay buy you so much "go“f In its Bold, only Ford offars you 100 hotsapowar . . . only Ford offars you a V type angina . . . only Ford off a n you 8 cy lindar» . . . and only Ford offars you a Boshing now 95 hotsapowar Six in addition tu o V 8. Another desirable feature of this home u the provision for two ad- ditional bedrooms on the second Door with stairway rising from the central hall. The second floor c a n b e fin is h e d at t i me of original construction or left until later when increased bedroom space is required. Note size of seco n d floor bedroom s and closets, also the vast storage space. ft has the new ft* / "Ref W het# else con you go« Ford’s “Mid Ship" Rid«» O r tha "»««r of 3 3 % «osier acting "Magic Action” Brakes . . . Hydra Coll" and "Poro-R aa” Springs • . . "Sofa-W ide" Seats. Come In for a ride. FeW Ford’s new comfort yourself. ★ Not when a designer uses ingenuity in room arrangement and imagination in exterior de sign, while still observing the basic principles of economical construction. That, the architect of this colonial cottage has done. m T At the same time a p ractical room arrangement affords conveniences and comfort not often found in most smaller homes. Provision is also made for a future second floor which adds two more bedrooms. ★ All the while the designer has kept econ omies of construction in mind. This is evident from the rectangular shape, minimum dimensions and provision for a utility room in place of a basement. You Can Build This Home on Convenient FHA Terms For details consult year local Boise Payette yard WE C O O P E R A T E WI T H L O C A L C O N T R A C T O R S Tàlee the wheel... t r y the f e l H o rn « Really C o tto at^r F ord D ealer ' s Herriman Motor Co. For home rlans, specifications, materials, financing and aid in construction depend upon your Boise Payette yard. C. F. MINK, Manager Phone 15