Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOU RNAL NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1949 Classified Advertising are in section and can be bought FOR RENT—160 acre row crop and er Co. 29s tfc complete or In sections. Nyssa dairy ranch, close to Nyssa, phone Lumber company, phone 118-W. 179-J. 6otfc MISCELLANEOUS — We m a k e lUDtfc , --------------- — ---------------------------------- loans on ranches and city property. POiR RENT— 80 acres good row crop land. See Mel Beck. Grigg Grigg Brothers and Butler. 15stic FOR SALE Brothers and Butler. Z2Btlc MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, FARMS AND RANCHES Electrolux cleaners and air puri 156 acres with 106-acres culti FOR RENT—apace for two offices Sales and service. Ed A. vated. sandy loam soil and paid- or an office and display room, fiers. up water right, four-room home Carl and Burt's Machine shop. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minim»m, cash in phone 0287J 4. lijtfc 18atfc with 125-foot well and soft water, advance, is 30c. sheep lambing sheds, close to Nyssa MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no FOR SALE on oiled road, $31,500, $13,000 down. fuss, call us. rockwool Insulation. 89 acres with 83 acres cultivated, ED JAMISON A KEN POND We have our own insulation blow sandy loam soil, five-room basement ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp ------ I licious, Romes and Saps. 50c bushel home, all modern, 10-cow barn with FOR SALE—63.8 acres, 51 acres row any. 26m tic FOR SALE and up, 1 1/4 mile east of Gayway. cement floor and granary .on oiled crop land, 7-room home, bath and road, $20,000 with $14,000 down and basement. In very good condition. MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and FOR SALE—Used circulator heater, Ed Mess. 27o4xp terms on the balance. ‘I _ This is a real value at $20,000, *4 free pick-up of your dead, crippled coal or wood, phone 146-R. 3n3xp f o r SALE— 1931 Chevy, 4-door 10 acres close to Nyssa, lays per down, oaianee at 5% interest. Ed or sick livestock. Calls received be Jamison and Ken Pond, Real Estate fore 9 o ’clock are picked up by FOR SALE— 1947 Chevrolet, four- sedan, good tires, also motor, you fect, $4,200. 40 acres perfect laying row crop and Insurance. Phone 271-W. | noon. Efficient drivers. Call col ! push it away for $60 Fred Norman, door, all-around fine condition, and dairy ranch, attractive two- 27olxp lect Payette 0180-J3 or 156, or Nys phone 294-J. 20otfc sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products radio, rine heater front and back bedroom home, $12,750, $8,000 down. I • Submit the following personally Company. 6Jtfc. 80 acres with 60 acres under cul undercoat. Phone 246-J. 3ntfc FOR SALE— Two-Bedroom mnd- inspected ranches, farms and homes. __ „ . . ..— — ------ . . ~ ! era home, $3500 with easy terms. tivation, 3-bedroom home with MISCELLANEOUS—F\jr really per FOR SALE—Rabbits, 4 does, hutch ( Two-bedroom home with base- basement, 11 cow barn, small chick 160 Acres, close to town with large sonalizing your gifts, try gold free, phone 154-W. 3p2xc | ment, like new, modern, Insulated, en house, orchard, close to Nyssa, basement house and tennent house. stamping. Beautiful lettering done $10,500, terms. The soil Is excellent and the land on napkins, stationery, book match FOR SALE—One used Norge wash extra large lot, set up with stat- 160 acres perfect laying row crop loan, easy payments. 441 Ennis. lays perfect for row crop. $37,000, es, leather goods and special oc er, one used G. E. washer, priced land, productive soil, 6-room home, only $10,000 down. Balance long casion ribbon. Oate City Journal. Two-bedroom modem home with $57,750, terms. to sell, Ostroni Bros. Appliance Co. terms at low rate of interest. 3nlxc H city block just east of hospital, 23Jtfc. 80 acres, lays perfect, 30 acres in nice lawn, trees and garden plot. pasture and hay, 4-room iiome, cow 80 acres of the finest soil, lays MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car FOR SA L E --1941 Chevrolet Fordor New, modern 5 rooms, excellent barn 24 x 40, $11,500, $6,500 down. very good, new spud cellar. This sedan, for only $395. Herriman location, hardwood floors, laundry 62 acres perfect row crop land on place will gross $20,000 this year. and cylinder lock keys made. Ken- Motor Co. 3nlxc room, storage space, furnace, FHA- 250tfc oiled road, 214 miles from Nyssa, 5-room plastered house, close to neman's. ------------—------ -— —— ------- built and financed. FOR SALE—New and used pianos, i Apartment house with two large 6-room new modern home with town. Price $25,000, 14 down, bal MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. J apartments on ground floor, extra basement, chicken house, cow barn, ance can run 10 years.. Loans on farms Tor refinancing, Grigg Bros, and Butler.______ Smtfc iarge room upstairs, three-room paid-up water right, $26,250. 150 acre Island, fine soil, abund building, improvements, b u y i n g . 80 acres, all land lays perfect, Long term, low Interest, see Ber FOR SALE— 1938 Chevrolet truck. I apartment in basement, $6,800. new two-room home, deep well, $10,- ance of Irrigation water, new ferry, nard Eastman, phone 94. Nyssa. NVSSA INSURANCE AGENCY at the amazing low price of $12,000, 000. $6,500 down. you can’t lose on this one at $375. SAtfc. Ralph G. Lawrence 160 acres with 56 acres cultivated. 14 down, easy terms on balance, Herriman Motor Co. 3nlxc ' Nyssa, Oregon — four-room home, barn for 12 cows. Here is a chance to get a lot of Dead animals picked up free. FOR SALE—At cost or less 2-1948 I --------------------------- ;------------------------- granary, good large chicken house, good land at a bargan. For prompt service call collect. Kiest Lifter loaders. 3 Cimco 4 row ! FOR SALE—Outside white paint, two barns, $15,000. Ontario—Ontario Grain Co. 53 beaters. 2-Kiest 4-row bell toppers. I National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, 2 dandy acres and about the fin 235 acres, 160 acres cultivated, 26 1-1948 4-wheel drive civilian jeep ,! $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber suitable for row crop or cattle, cheap est home you would ever see. 4 nice Parma—Parma Seed Co. Nyssa—«Main plant 100 12m tfc $300. 1-1946 John Deere beet load- | company, water set-up, close to Nyssa, six- bedrooms, attached garage, fine cow Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. er, $250. 1-1946 John Deere Beet [ ~ R SALE__1948 Pord tudor sedan room modern home, small dairy barn, on pavement. This place is harvester $175.. Call 2063. H ansens' only 10 000 mlles_ a beauty for bar«, tenant home, garage, machine new, $10,000, some terms. MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching Shop, Vale, Oregon. 3n2xc: $1345.00. Herriman Motor Co. 3nlxc shed, milk house, and barn, $36,750, 80 acres, well suited for a good done in my home. Leave with Mrs. terms. dairy, old Owyhee water, fair set of Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa FOR SALE—Dining room set com FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, 80 acres with five-room modern plete, one table with eight leaves, new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent home, machine shed, barn and gar buildings, $12,000, *4 cash balance Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duf- fln. 26m tfc on easy terms. eight chairs and one buffet. 130 down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. age, $25,000, terms. East Fourth, phone 279-W. 3n2xc 8s tfc 40 acres with 31 acres irrigated, 40 acres in high state of culti MISCELLANEOUS—Four your in FOR SALE—Maxwell truck frame FOR SALE—Good business oppor suitable for row cropping and dairy vation. Nearly all seeded to past surance needs of any kind see ranch, cow barn lor 11 head, three- ure, clover and alfalfa. This would Mel Beck, Orlgg Bros, and Butler. with wheels, $10; sitting at Helmer tunities. Good blacksmith shop 5m tfc Julum’s ranch, V4 mile east of Ole’s completely equipped, also house goes room home, deep well, close to really kick out the spuds, $11,025. corner. Send check to S. Nil, box with deal, excellent location, $5000. Nyssa, $7,000, t4 down. Appealing to some one with M I S C E LLANEOUS—Insurance Is 440 acres of perfect laying row 676, Nyssa, Oregon. 3nlxp Good paying auto repair shop build crop land in potatoes, beets and pioneer blood In his veins. This not fire protection. Any minute FOR SALE— At cost or less two ing, stock and equipment, busy grain, plenty of cheap water, 6- large basement home on large lot day or night you can have a fire. 1948 Kiest lifter loaders; 3 Cimco Junction location, for only $7,500. room modern home, two tenant at Owyhee corners at the low price Automatic fire control protects millions In property and life. All Three acres good land on Snake homes, machine shed, $100,000, \<t of $1,600. four-row beaters; two Kiest four- extingushers are approved by un row bell toppers; one 1948 four- river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 down, easy terms on the balance. 80 acres of fine laying land and derwriters. 6ee your local dealer 50 acres close to Nyssa with four- wheel drive civilian jeep, $800; one house, good pressure water system, room semi-modern home, all level very good soil, some small buildings, for free estimate. Claud Willson, 1946 John Deere bet loader, $250; $6,000, terms. priced for quick sale at $13,650, 850 No. Fourth street, phone 128-J Several good dwelling lots, well land, $9,500, terms. one 1946 John Deere beet harvest very easy terms. Nyssa. 19m tic er, $175; call 2063, Hansen’s shop, located. 600 acres practically all top crop 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high land, close to beet dump and pack Vale, Oregon. 2702xc HOUSES MISCELLANEOUS—General truck way, next to Polar Cold storage ing shed, will sell any size of a farm, ing. John Burnett and Kenneth FOR SALE—45 tons, 2nd and 3rd About 3 acres, unimproved, edge 29 percent down, 20 years on the Very cozy 2-bedroom home, nice Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. cutting hay, baled. Irene Hatch, of town on Adrian highway, good balance. lawn and shade, only $4,000. $1,400 Adrian, Oregon 27o3xp soil. All or any part. 80 acres of perfect laying row crop down, balance $33.00 per month. LEGAL ADVERTISING land, top soil, new five-room mod FOR SALE—International two-way FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 X 118, New 2-bedroom home, excellent NOTICE OF ELECTION ern home. 44 basement, a good paved street, $560. trail plow, good condition, Jake Residence lots priced from $100 up. tenant home, garage, machine shed, workmanship, near schools. In quiet STATE OF OREGON, County of Fischer, phone 05R-1. 13o5xc part of town. $5,000. Malheur, Owyhee Irrigation Dis two granaries, $27,300. BERNARD EASTMAN 90 acres, good row crop land, lays Real Estate FOR SALE—1946 Chevrolet fordor Insurance Small, very cozy 1-bedroom cot trict. perfect, suitable for onions, potato*«, tage, $2,500,- MBfns can/be arranged. NOW HEREBY IS OIVEN, That Phone. 64 .sedan, a mighty fine car for $1025.00. an election has been called and will beets, four-room home, small barn, Herriman Motor Co. 3nlxc FOR SALE—Milk cows. Guernsey, $17,500, % down. Large 2-bedroom home on North be held ln the Owyhee Irrigation FOR SALE—Living room set and Holstein and Jerseys. Milkers and 100 acres, 65 acres cultivated now, Third. We are offering this at the District, Malheur County, Oregon, 9’xl4’ wool rug, almost new; Cole springers. Phone Noel Gwartney, 20 more acres could be but in, 30 low price of $5,500 only $1,500 down, on Tuesday the 8th day of Novemb er 1949, for the purpose of electing man oil heater. Call 286-J after Phone 306, Ontario. Across from acres excellent row crop land, S- balance easy terms. one (1) Director ln said District to 6:00 evenings. 3nlxp Nyssa Sales yard. 6otfc room modern home with full base 2-bedroom home with stoker heat, serve for the term of three (3) ment, 13 cow barn, granary, brooder FOR SALE—Jersey cow. second calf FOR SALE—Have tarma and homes house, chicken house, tenant home. very large rooms, close In, $6,000, years, and that said Director is to heifer; cocker spaniel, good bird for sale. Need more, list with Ken $16,800, terms. very easy terms can be arranged. be elected from the District at large. 29Jtfc. dog. Dixie Kinkade, three miles Renstrom. Phone 264-W. Said election will be held between 140 acres, practically all good row Why not inquire before some other west on Alberta avenue. 27o2xp FOR SALE—Unpalnted cabinets crop land, 5-room home, $17,500, lucky fellow beats you to these fine the hours of 8:00 o’clock a. m. and 5:00 o'clock p. m. of said 8th day 44 down, easy terms on the balance. FOR SALE—Apples, Jonathons, De- and chests of drawers. Cabinets of November, 1949, when the polls 80 acres, 60 acres irrigated row places? crop and dairy ranch, two-bedroom For evening appointments call must be closed. The Board of Directors of the modern home with full basement, 298-J. Owyhee Irrigation District has de $13,000, 14 down, easy terms. 40 acres, 22 acres level land suit ED JAMISON AND KEN POND signed the residence of Frank Ca hill at the southeast corner of the able for row cropping, 1 mile off Real Estate and Insurance southeast quarter of Section 27, oil, 4-room home, $9,500, terms. Township 19 South, Range 46 E. 180 acres perfect laying, the very 60 No. Third Phone 276-W W. M. in Malheur County, Oregon best row crop land that can be pur within said District, us the place chased, 6-room modern home, $50,- Nyssa, Oregon where said election shall be held. 000, 14 down, easy terms on the bal Dated the 6th day of October, ance. WANTED 1949. HOMES AND ACREAGES Last date November 3, 1949. New modern home with full base WANTED—To care for children, HAROLD HENIOSON. ment In good location, $9,000, $3,000 phone 63-J, Margaret Kreps. 3n2xp Secretary Owyhee Irrigation Dis down. LODGES PHYSICIANS trict. 1 acre with basement home locat WANTED—Plain sewing in my Mrs. Ray Linville, Reece ed close to Nyssa on oiled road, home avenue between south 2nd and 3rd. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nyssa Post No. 79 good soil, $4,000. SARAZIN CLINIC 27o3xp In the Matter of the Estate of 3 acres joining Nyssa, $2100. American Legion Charles Phillips, Deceased. Four-bedroom home one block off HELP WANTED — Available, the Dr. J. J. Sarazln NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Main street, suitable for business best one-man business In the towns Dr. K E. Kerby That the undersigned has been duly location, $5,500. Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. of Vale and Nyssa. We provide cap T w o-bedroom modem h o m e , ital. Car required. Write J. R. and regularly appointed the Admin Dr. L. W. Scott istrator of the above entitled estate; All Veterans Welcome double garage, fireplace, $7,350. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter avenue. all persons having claims against Physician and Surgeons BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Seattle, Washington. 13o6xc said estate are hereby notified to Two complete business blocks In Gate City Lodge present the same, verified as by law Nyssa for sale, ideally located. WANTED—Holstein and Guernsey Maulding, M. D. No. 214 Do you want to own Carl's Doll springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and required, to the undersigned at Physician and Surgeon Nyssa, Oregon, at the office of Clyde House—See Mel Beck. Noel Gwartney. Phone 306. Ontario. I.O.O.F. H Snider, his attorney, ln the Heldt Pnone 37 FOR RENT Across from the Ontario sales yard. Bulldlnf wlthIn Blx montha of the Meets every Monday Hours: 10 t6 12 and 2 to 5 Newly re-decorated completely 0 °U C Ln $iM 4 n ..K1<An»lAn date of f the first publication here Daily except Saturday and furnished home for rent. Will rent night, 8:30. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 for $75 per month. Must nave re WANTED— To OUjr anyth in g In of. South First Street Warren B Lowe, Administrator of beef or veal. Alas custom killed ferences. We make loans on ranches and and delivered to Polar Cold Stor the Estate of Charles Phillips, De C. J. Kopp, M. D. age Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. ceased. DENTISTS homes. Dated of first publication Nov. 3, Insurance, Real Estate and Service Physician and Surgeon 1949. MISCELLANEOUS Mel Beck at— DR. C. M. TYLER Date of last publication Dec. 1, Fry Building GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER M I S C E L L A N EOU8 — Christian 1949. Wilson Building Office hours Phone 179-J t t ____________________ church would like beet dirt at 5th Phone 165-J, Nym* 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 and Ennis, across from the park, Office hours from 9 to 5 except Daily except Saturday and FOR RENT help unload ln mornings. 3n2x* Arcadia Woman Saturdays, 9 to 12. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 FOR RENT—Small apartment with MISCELLANEOUS — Appliance re Goes To Calif. bath, phone Roy Sewright, 62-J. pairing, washing machines, oil stov J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORES 3n2xp es, etc. 130 East Fourth or phon* ARCADIA, Nov. 3—Mrs. Ben Hous Dentist 279-W 3n2xc ton left this week for California FOR RENT—Good used washing Phone 56-J where she will spend a month. She PAULUS machines. $3.50 per month, rental Sarazln Clinic MISCELLANEOUS — Custom com will visit her daughter, Mrs. Don may be applied on purchase price picking, new machine, Charles Dur- Btrawn and husband; a son, Clar JEWELRY STORE NYSSA OREGON of new machine, Ostrom Bros. Ap fee, R2. Nyssa. 3n2xp ence Houston of Los Angeles and Union Pacific Time Inspector pliance Co. 3nlxc Elwln Houston and family of River JEWELRY — DIAMONDS MISCELLANEOUS — Beet growers. OPTOMETRISTS POR RENT—Potato storage Roy Don't forget to bring your largest side. California. She will return by WATCHES Hashitanl, phone 013-R5. In2xc beet to us. We are offering |15 for way of Eugene, Oregon, where she will visit a sister. Mrs. Jets Bailer DR. C. L. HERMANN Main Street a . Second FOR REN T-Three-room house, on I “ >« tar*est ***• *10 ' * the second and family. Visual Specialist East Third street, possession' at largest and $5 for the third largest Mr. and Mrs. Delots Hoffman and Room 4, Fry Building WYCKOFF once, call 177-J< H. E Collins.27otfc | Nyssa Lumber company. 27otfc family of Charleston. North Car Nys.«a, Oregon Phone 171-J olina spent one night last week with Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5 JEWELRY STORE F O R R E N T -T W O -ro o m cabin MISCELLANEOUS Highest prices hU uncle, Ellis Warner and family. Chadwick’s camp. 26otfc P*‘d tor daughter horses. Clyde Official Time Inspector lor _______________ 1__________________ j Smith, phone 306, Ontario. Across He was on his way to the coast to DR. J. A. MCFALL visit his mother. Mr Hoffman Is Union Pacific FOR RENT—Furnished two-room i from Ontario Sales yard. flotfc with the U. 8. Navy and la stationed ONTARIO OREGON DR. JOHN EASLY cabin. Oil heat. Laundry facilities j MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need in North Carolina. Phone 122-J. Don Hlcky went to Nampa Sunday j money to remodel your home or to VETERINARIANS FOR RENT—Basement room for a \ build outbuildings or garage? We to attend the wedding of friends man. in quiet home. Phone 141-J. can arrange a loan for you and give at the North Side Nararene church 6otfc you up to three years to pay it. ln Nampa. DR. HAL D. WHITE Mrs R 8. Chandler and two sons Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc w Veterinarian of Caldwell were visitors Sunday in FOR RENT— Po 1Mb your own the Arcadia Sunday school. Mrs. floors Rent our high-speed pal- MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar- Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone tshlng equipment Easily handled, range loans for you to rebuild or Chandler gave a flannelgraph lesson Mrs. Chandler and by women. Nyssa Lumber company, remodel your home, bam, garage, after cl lA tfc I or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb- eons were dinner guest in th* home professional and Business Directory L. A. 21, Ontario, Ore ■N PAGE THREE of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Moeller Mrs. Chandler called on the Warner Stradley and Hickey families in the afternoon. Mr. Chandler had gone to Salem to attend a Sunday school conference. John Zittercob picked corn for Theo Matherly this week with his mechanical picker. Billy Stradley made a trip to Durkee Sunday. Joretta and Jean Moeller spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinney near Nyssa. Ellis Warner returned Monday from Unity, where he hunted elk. Harold, Cecil and Herman Hous< ton went to Emerson. Washington last week to see their mother, who Is very 111. The Arcadia Sunshine club post poned its meeting from October 28 to November 4. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Anna Dali. Wilmar Hipp of Nyssa called at the Norman Hipp home Sunday. Billy Stradley went to Durkee, Oregon Sunday returning Sunday evening. visit Mrs. Byer’s parents and other relatives. Mrs. P. O. Holmes ac companied them to Colorado, where she visited three of her sisters and other relatives. Rolland Holmes, who has been under a doctor’s care for several weeks, is greatly improved. Donald Byers attended the Uni versity of Idaho and Portland foot ball game at Boise. Mrs. John Ritter of King Hill. Idaho Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Olson and other relatives. Here From McNary— Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Bauer of McNary Dam visited over the week end at the home of Mrs. Bauer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lar son. Visit In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton visited from Sunday until Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cot ton of Boise. The two men are brothers. Queen Candidate- Miss Mardi Sallee, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. A. C. Sallee, has been recently Initiated into the Saber honorary at the Eastern Oregon BUENA VISTA, Nov. 3—The cement College of Education at La Grande, was poured Saturday for the base and was chosen as that organiz ation’s candidate for homecoming ment of Alva Goodell’s new home. queen. Mrs Edward Topliff and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the Chatter SALE CALENDAR Box club meeting at the Fern Run- corne home Friday afternoon. PUBLIC FARM SALE—Thursday^ Ben Cleaver of Burns was a Sun November 17. 1 p. m. Three miles day dinner guest at the Oeorge southeast of Welser (Idaho side) Cleaver home. across the tracks at the Feltham Mr. and Mrs. Bell Brooks and packing sheds, then 1/4 mile west on family were in Caldwell Saturday the Sauer place. 11 head of cattle, evening. farm machinery. Alex Achtziger Mrs. Willis Bertram visited Mrs. and John Sauer, owners. Cols. An Chet Sage and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. derson and Church, aucts. Jamison while Mr. Sage and Mr. Bertram were elk hunting. NEWS OF RECORD Howard Day killed an elk the past week. COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff have Dorothy Nestor vs. Raymond returned from a month’s trip to Nestor, divorce. Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Miss William Wise vs. J. Ford Ander ouri, Ohio and Illinois. They visited son, recovery of rent, $500. friends and relatives. W. J. Sellards vs. Ontario Oraln Ace Cleaver of Pocatello, Uncle of company, recovery on account, Oeorge Cleaver, visited several days $232.21. the past week at the Oeorge Cleaver PETITIONS. PROBATE COURT home. Ouardlanship of Earnest R. Brown, Jr. Cement Is Poured For New Residence Family Returns From Long Trip OREGON TRAIL, Nov. 3—Mrs. Hazel Farr was hostess to tho Merry Matrons club Wednesday afternoon, October 26. Ten members and two guests. Opal Ritter of King Hill, Idaho and Lorraine Chard of Nyssa were present. Dorothy Olson gave an Interesting report on Boys Town, Nebraska. In a guessing game Oladys Byers and Dorothy Olson received prizes. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Jessie Chard. The door prize was won by Jessie Chard- The next meeting will be held November 9 with Iva Adams as hos tess. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and Stanley and Robert Holmes return ed last Sunday from a 3600 mile trip through six states. They drove to the southwestern part of Iowa to QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO Year in and year out you'll do well with the HARTFORD HARTFORD Accident And Indemnity Co. IN S U R A N C E e x c e s s a c id Fro* BooKTells of HomeTreatment that Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing Over three m illion bottles o f the W illard T ine atm e n t have boon sold for relief o f •rm ptom aofdlatreaaarising from S te m a ch and D u o d e n a l U lce re due u> l i c e t » A d d — P e e r D ig e s tio n , S o u r or U p se t S to m a c h , RETTE Bernard Eastman sjjaH ii'.. Inaurane« Q e salno te, H e a r t b u r n , Sleeplossnoss, etc., due to Ceceaa A a ld . Sold on IS d ays' trial I Ask for " W i ll a r d 's M sssa gs" which fully explains this treatm ent— tree —a t NYSSA PHARMACY Real Estât* Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon Ostrom Cabinet Shop CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS W INDOW AND DOOR FRAMES SCREEN DOORS Phone 118J Free Estimate» Drive In For Your Winler Tuneup Look Forward To A Safer Winter By Having Your Car Checked NOW! CompUt* WINTER TUNEUPS Co*t V*ry L ittle .... And They'r* Sure Protection against Traffic Mishap* Stop In Today And Let Our Expert Mechanics Service Your Car For Winter ED P R U Y N G A R A G E Phone 56-W