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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
THE NYSSA. GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1949 PAGE TWO the prize for high score. Mrs. John Kopp the traveling prize and Mrs. Robert Peterson a guest prize. —t ~ TE A G IV E N FO R MOTHERS The pupils o f the first, second and third grades of the Oregon i Trail school entertained their moth ers at a tea held at the school house last Wednesday afternoon. The tea table was decorated with autumn leaves, flowers, berries and pump kins. Assisting the teachers with the tea were the following room mothers: Mrs. Daisy Pike, Mrs. The G ate Citv Journal K LA8S V. PO W E LL *- - - Publisher SU B SC R IPTIO N RATES One Year »2 00 Six months »125 Single Copies .05 • Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act AD V E R T IS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch 40c 49c 2c Classifieds, per word Minimum Mrs. Robert Norris, Mrs. Tyrus Washburn, Mrs. Charles Lundy, Mrs. Lem Wilson, Jr., Mrs. Chester Ash by, Mrs. Clifford Neilson, Mrs. Dal- I las Rogers and Mrs. Rulon Staples. C O U NC IL G R O U PS MEET The group meetings of the Christ- i ian women's council were held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Floyd Erwin and Mrs. Ralph Curry. The latter group tied two quilts that will be sent at Christmas time to the old people's home of the Christian church. 30c NOW! You Can Take II Wilh You at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 tained members and guests at a I hard times" party at the church last Friday evening. Mrs. Carlos Buchner and Mrs. Clifford Main j had charge of the games for the | —8 - YO U NO AD U LTS HAVE P A R T Y evening, and Mrs Vernon Robert The young adult Sunday school son and Mrs Melvin Spitze were class of the Methodist church enter in charge of refreshments. S n r i a l b a i t 's B0I5E-WINNEMUCCA STAGES,ux Eastern Oregon And Southwestern Idaho 2 Schedules n .H , , . N y * » to Boise o f f e r i n g comfort, Caldwell speed and economy! feoiae Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Church of Nyssa are wedding in the Fruitland Methodist church October shown with their attendants, Mrs. Robert Lord of 23. Mrs. Church is the former Janice Anne McGee. Boise and Robert Church of Nyssa, following their ; "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY” ZVLMIA, IVg DECIDED TO P A IN T THZ CAT2 M Y S E L f / - C A N S A V E VS T ME CO ST. VO If VOURSELf IAL-MAV6 SAV, ~JoOu Ôyi-V/A/ S ( /M flN lSHtV'J tained at the Whitaker home with i a tea for the mothers of the mem bers. E. M. Hauser, county club you NAME agent gave a talk to the group and MAD yE A D S O E presented Carol Vaughan with a EXPEDIENCE first year pin, and Carol Whitaker. Barbara Bolitho and Darlene And erson with second-year certificates. C ARS A program included a clarinet duet A N D NAME TME by Barbara Bolitho and Jeane Pet erson and a tap dance by Carol TlMiST MO DiP M Vaughan. Kristine Rinehart told of EQUIPMENT the history of the club and with AVA ILABLE, B IR T H D A Y S OBSERVED Carol Whitaker gave a demonstra Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Burton were tion on the making of mitered cor guests of honor at a birthday party ners. given by the city employees at the ■PEOPLE A G D EE^ city hall last Thursday evening. A- F AR E W E LL P A R T Y G IV E N D O -tT -V O U V S fL f bout 40 guests were present for the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brewer were ButiliiriPMvMMiS occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Burton honor guests at a farewell party were presented with a birthday cake given at the Christian church Tues- I from the group. evening. Arrangements for the party were made by Mrs. Don Max- ACH IEVM ENT PRO G RAM O IV EN field and Mrs. Charles Marshall. MOTOR Co. Four-H Achievement day was ob Mr. and Mrs. Brewer were presented box 137 served last Wednesday at 4 o’clock, with a gift. ----- X.OMiO* when the members of Mrs. Ron I Whitaker’s 4-H Sewing club enter- W O M EN’S SO C IE TY MEETS The members of the three circles and the Wesleyan Service guild of the woman’s society of the Metho dist church met for a general meet ing last Thursday evening at the church. During the business meet ing. Mrs. Walter McPartland report ed on the week of prayer and self- denial observance and offering; Mrs. F. A. Johnson reported on the Piece for Peace" project o f the federal council of church women, and Mrs. O. O. Anderson reported ’ ’ on the special effering to be sent to Korea and Poland. Mrs. Carlos Buchner, general chairman for the pre-Thanksgiving dinner and baz aar, outlined the plans for the baz aar and announced that the ticket sale would begin this week. A program, announced by Mrs. L. L. Tobler, program chairman, con- sister of "L ift Thine Eyes” by the Women’s chorus; a meditation. "Wisdom is Priceless", given by Mrs. McPartland. and a song, "L et Not Your Heart Be Troubled", by K ath ryn Crandall. Mrs. Logan Pruitt of Ontario was This week w e are featuring the guest speaker, telling of the work of the women's society o f the 4-H club beef Methodist church. Serving on the tea committee were Mrs Henry Hartley. Mrs. Fred Norman. Mrs. Ruth Chadd and Mrs. Robert Smith, Sr. By P L O T N E R PAINTING TU E SD AY CLUB MEETS The members of the Tuesday eve ning bridge club were guests this week of Mrs. C A. Mally. High score was held by Mrs. Ed Frost and second high by Mrs. Dean Smith, r I - LUNCHEON HOSTESS Mrs. Frank Morgan was hostess •to a group of friends at a luncheon at her home last Thursday after noon. honoring Mrs. James Spofford. Foldable Baby Stroller A n d W alk e r Folds Like M agic In 2 Seconds Self-Oiling W h eel And Swivel Bearings Sanitary Rem oveable Tray And Footrest Sturdy Aluminum Construction— 10 Pounds IN T E R M O U N T A E F I /—/ « m f e e company FOR YOUR <OM E . //ÍRRIMAM G ordon ’ s D rive -I n M arket ‘ ‘ Phone 176-W ■M £ 4 » * i r » * * from twilight to midnight Coouci^-^jjrxg JUNIORS GO P L A C E S IN O N E , WONDERFUL COSTUME! The Home o f Quality and Service Visit Our Store For Every-Day Low Prices Plenty of Free Parking Grocery Dept. ---------------o Dennison Catsup 2 Bottles 29<; Meat Dept. Large Hershey Bars 2 for 3 5 £ Swills Oriole Sliced BACON 5 9 $ lb. Sperry Pancake and Waffle Flour 10 lbs. 98<fc Minced Ham 3 9 $ lb. Produce Dept. Bakery Dept. Texas Ruby Red GRAPEFRUIT Size 96—3 for 2 9 $ Sweet Rolls 4 9 $ doz. Local Delicious APPLES 4 lbs 1 9 $ HOSTESS A T LUNCHEON Mrs. R. Q Larson entertained at a dessert bridge luncheon at her home last Wednesday, honoring Mrs. Robert Peterson of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs Edward Boydell received BATTERIES ? iß as seen in S E V E NT E E N • Plenty o f reserve power for tough going. A battery for Tea Rolls 1 5 $ doz. French Bread 10 $ loaf almoat every make o f truck. A ll are In te rn a tio n a l-a p CO^ COV ER-LT...Surpriae! You’d never guett that there wn z provocative dance-frock hidden under the cutaway jacket of ihia rayon taffeia iwo-aome! Together, in late day, proved. See ua for all truck they make a high-faihion coitume, at nighi, battery and ignition service. the drett >iep> out alone! Junior titea 9 to 13. OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. Phene »45 «liier Carole King Juniors from Nyssa . M i'. *895 W ilson Bros. Dept. Store Phone 32 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS j j j . ^