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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
JOURNAL meNYSSA VOLUME XXXXIV NO. 43 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1949 Are Taken On Special Viewing 21 Slate Carnival Given Charges Of Truck Overloading For Youngsters Of Hospital To Called Success Be Held Nov. 6 .IZ? ------------ $ 4 0 0 In Door Frizes To Be Civen; City Bam! Will Plav 1 5 ,0 0 0 Tickets Put On Sale For Carnival Crowd Rev. Merlin Clark, pastor of the Fifteen thousand tickets have Boise Valley Church of the Breth been placed in the hands of Lions ren, spoke to the Boise Valley Fel club members for sale to local rest lowship of Reconciliation at a din $ 2 7 6 . 0 4 Netted On An- dents who desire to squander their Affair Well Attended; ner in the Nyss Methodist church Educator Recommend* Tuesday evening. hard-earned cash at the Lions' an All O f Articles Investigation O f Fact* nnal Event For F. Rev Clark said that the desires nual gip party to be held Novem for security, prosperity, and prestige In Problem Are Sold ber 19 in the gymnasium. T. A. Benefit were worthy objectives but that war Otherwise known as a carnival, can give none of them to the world. Dr. W. K. Ferrier of the extension The first benefit sale sponsored The third annual Hollowe'en car the party will feature all kinds of “If you should say that the sec nival sponsored by the Nyssa Par games of chance as well as other by the Malheur Memorial Hospital ond world war brought security." of the Oregon state system of high er education told members of the auxiliary proved to be a successful Mr. Clark said, "I would question Nyssa chamber of commerce Wed ent-Teacher association in the grade types of entertainment. your sanity. But should you think school building Monday night pro Each ticket purchased prior to the project. that security could be attained nesday noon while discussing 'The The all-day auction sale held last through a third war—atomic and Clinical Approach to the Problem vided an evening of fun for the carnival will be good for a chance of Alcoholtst” that some prohibition children of Nyssa. on $200 worth of door prizes. Tick Saturday at the city park cleared biological- I would be sure of your ists and some members of the wet Girant Rinehart, general chairman ets purchased the night of the car $500 for the auxiliary, which will use insanity. If we would have peace element believe that the liquor the proceeds for hospital furnish of this year's carnival termed the nival will not be good on the prizes. ings. The sale was well attended we must substitute love for hatred, problem has already been solved, make our one-world a brotherhood, carnival "smooth and successful" If all of the tickets are sold before and all the articles and produce practice the way of Christ in all re but he contended that there is much five din of noise-making gave evi .be night of the carnival, success were sold during the day. All items lationships. believing the kingdom to be learned, especially for the benefit of the younger groups, who dence to the fact that the young of the affair for the Lions club from for the sale were donated by resi is possible for our world.” must still make their decisions on dents of the Nyssa ana rural areas, Welser, New Plymouth. Ontario. sters were having a good time. A the financial standpoint will be as with the exception of the ton of Kuna, Caldwell, Nampa, Boise and the subject. Both of these extreme groups variety of concessions offered en sured, with the customers taking all beet pulp that was donated by the Nyssa were represented at the think that all that is necessary to tertainment to both children and of the chances. Despite the appar sugar company. meeting. adults. Some of the most popular The success of the sale was larg Rev. Donald S. Campbell, presi solve the problem is to get the events proved to be the spook rooms, ent mercenary motives of the Lions ely due to the efforts of the general dent of the reconciliation organiz public to accept their viewpoint, Dr. Ferrier said. the fish ponds and ring toss and club, the net proceeds will be used chairman. Mrs. Frank Perko and ation. acted as toastmaster. Giving a background for his sub darts, and those rooms where food toward the purchase of X-ray equip her committee, and to the assistance ject. Dr. Ferrier said about five was served. ment for the Malheur Memorial of local organizations. The equip years ago plans were formulated and This year the policy of giving ment for the sale at the park was a course was offered under the non- children tickets for food and articles hospital. handled by the L. D. 8 . Boy 8cout glamorous title of “ Alcohol Studies All committees have been appoint donated for the carnival was used troop under the leadership of Reed in School Curriculum", which was for the first time. The carnival ed by General Chairman Dennis Ray. and the women’s council of first offered in Portland. The committee cleared *276.04 on the Patch and are functioning success- | the Christian chureh. who arranged Following their 27 to 6 shellacking course was well received, so offic event. Mr. Rinehart and the P. T. fully. the tables. The electric coffee mak of the Parma Panthers on the Par ials decided to offer it to the public A. officers expressed their gratitude er and hot plates were furnished ma field last week-end, the Nyssa through the extension division. to the teachers, room mothers and by the Idatoo Power company, which Bulldogs will meet Fruitland Fri The speaker pointed out that parents who assisted with the car also furnished a truck and helpers. day in a football game to be played nearly everyone has a strong view nival. The auxiliary expressed its ap in the afternoon Instead of at night point on the alcohol problem and preciation to Joe Church and Bert because of the cool weather. The very few think there is a middle Anderson, who donated their serv game to be played on the Nyssa Crowd Appreciate* A group of Malheur county bus ices as auctioneers, to the Episcopal field, beginning at 2:30, will be the giuund, in which scientific investi gations can be conducted. There iness mer.. civic officials, and agri guild members who served as clerks, last home contest of the season for Concert Presented is a lot known about the problem culture officials, meeting at the to the Nu-Acres club who served the Bulldogs. By School Groups Moore hotel in Ontario Monday coffee and pop. to the L. D. 8 . In the Parma game, the Bulldogs because the use and abuse of al night made preliminary plans for Owyhee and Nyssa second wards tallied a touchdown in each of the coholic beverages are not new. Al School officials as well as towns the Oregon State Corn show, which who contributed pies that were sold four quarters and Mitchell, Nyssa cohol has been used for 4000 years people expressed the belief that is to be held in Ontario December and to all other groups and Individ guard, kicked three out of four con by almost every race and creed. It must have had some function in uals who assisted with the sale. the concert given toy the hkjh 9 and 10. versions. The Panthers tallied their society or it would have died long school orchestra and new mixed Harry Sandqulst. Malheur coun lone touchdown early in the fourth ago, the speaker said. People use chorus Tuesday night was the best ty agent and this county's repres quarter on a 58-yard run by Harley it for various reasons, to get warm, Phone Repairman given here in several years. entative on the state committee for Breshears, fullback. Parma’s kick to get cool, to escape from the A large crowd attended the con the corn show, charged the group T o Live In Nyssa for extra point was blocked. realities of life and to relieve pain. cert, arranged and directed by with the responsibility of securing The Bulldogs took to the air to "Until 30 years ago, opinion was Lynn J. Lawrence. corn exhibits from "as nearly every Gene Orasty of Ontario has been loosen up a stout Panther defense biased” , Dr. Ferrier said. “Yale The orchestra played “Petite corn grower in Malheur county as appointed repairman for the Nyssa and then alternated their attack by university became interested in the Suite De Ballet" from Gluck’s op possible." exchange o f the Mstoeur Home running the en d. and going througli problem as a problem of physiology, eras in four parts, "Hungarian While the official com show for Telephone company, according to the center. Wilson, Nyssa quarter which later branched out into many Donees 7 and 8". “Tres Jolle”, the docs not ir any/‘allow M. Robertson of Ontario, Mal back hit his receivers with short other angles. Yale Is now the cent "Songs of the Sdutto", “Les Adieux", j a n c e ^ f X out-of-stottd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e _ n _ t r i » there C. passes down the middle Two of er of alcohol research. Between 62 heur county telephone manager. selection from Bezet's opera "Car- will be a section for Idaho xhlblts Mr. Orasty, who has been em Nyssa's four touchdowns came on and 65 million persons are using al !I?fn . W fy ^ ou Look ! with classifications to be announc- ployed as Installation man at On passes form Wilson to Pecka. The cohol in the United States. From Tonight". The mixed chorus sang ed later. tario. will move to Nyssa with his first Bulldog touchdown resulted •^Climtoin’ Up the Mountain", Prizes and awards ranging from wife and son as soon aa they can from a 45-yard punt return by six to eight million use it to excess. There are close to four million who Tramping . 'Good N ew s, “Rain $2 to *30 and varying some with find living quarters. Pounds, who was downed on the are so accustomed to alcohol we and River”, "Conchlta", "There’s a different classes are offered In the Mr. Robertson said the company Parma 12-yard line. Three plays lat say they are addicted to its use or Long, Long Trail", “Skip To My following general classifications: will be able to give Nyssa much er Hale cracked over from the two- are chronic alcoholics.” Lou” and "The Lord Bless You Open class (10 ears); 4-H Com faster service, as the serviceman yard marker. In the talrd period Discussing the technical phases of and Keep You”. club class (10 ears); F. F. A. class has been commuting between On Nyssa drove 54 yards for a tally with the effects of alcohol upon the hu Accompanists were Carlene Jones (10 ears); hybrid yield contest; 4-H tario and Nyssa. This district in for the chorus and Betty Louise Judging contest: F. F. A. corn Judg cludes Nyssa and Adrian and ad Hunter going into paydirt from the man body. Dr. Ferrier said drink five yard line. ing is a symptom of mental disease. Fife for the orchestra. Concert ing contest; adult com Judging; and joining communities. The Nyssa-Parma fray and the 32 Most people decide whether they mistress was Angela Peterson. shucking contest. to 25 victory of the Emmett Husk will drink or will not drink. Most A silver cup will be awarded to ies over Payette last week-end left people can drink or leave liquor the champion exhibit in each 10 ear Opening O f Garage the 8 RV league standings unchang alone. The condition is now rec Damage Caused By class In addition to the cash prizes. Is Well Attended ed. with Ontario still leading the ognized as a social problem as well Hallowe’ en Prank The winner's name will be inscrib pack, Vale in second spot and Em as a public health problem. ed on the cup and he will have pos “ We hope to enroll as many Between 500 and 600 persons at mett and Nyssa tied for third. The only Hallowe’en damage of session of it for one year. These tended the garage opening of Rob teachers as possible in this course any consequence reported to police cups become the permanent prop erts Nyssa, Inc. at Second street to give them facual. unbiased in Parent* Invited officers in Nyssa occurred at Gord erty of anyone winning them for and Good avenue Tuesday formation and help them to teach three years. on’s Drive-in, where oil from an 'Large baskets o f flowers given T o Visit School* it in an acceptable way to help the oil stove barrel was released into In the yield contest a champion bv well-wishers provided a beau boys and girls make an intelligent the firm's storage warehouse. ship cup donated by the Oregon tiful eettlng for two new (Bufck Parents f Nyssa school children decision. The oil line had not been re-con- State Farm Bureau will be awarded automobiles shown in the display "In the past almost every possible are invited to visit the sohools dur nected to the stove for the winter to the champion of the adult class room. ing National Bucation week, which system has been set up for control and when the valve was opened, Owner Paul Roberts said he was will be observed throughout the of liquor. None has been ideal; we oil ran onto the floor and was ab well pleased with the opening and nation November 7 to 12. haven’t found any very good sol sorbed by cartons and merchandise. Examinations Are with the community. In order to avoid congestion, ution. The boys and girls are going Damage was estimated by Owner "This community has the best Given By Graeber parents will be asked to visit school to form their own opinions; our Gordon Ray at (150 to *200. prospects of any that 1 have had alphabetically, about one-fourth of object is to help them reach a better The principal activities of the anything to do with”, Mr. Roberts them each o f the four days on decision". Beginning Monday o f this week. children Hallowe’en night Included Dr. Fred O. Oraeber, county health said. ‘T h e trade territory here can which school will be held next attendance at the carnival given by officer, started giving Nyssa first not be excelled". week. However, if parents cannot Fined In Police Court— the P, T. A., “trick or treating” and graders physical examinations. Willard B Lowe of Nyssa was visit on the designated date they soaping windows. should feel free to visit whenever fined 17.60 by Judge J. O. Smith Dr. Graeber finished the Nyssa The carnival is believed to have first grade Wednesday noon and Adrian And Kuna they can, Superintendent Henry H. in police court October 28 on charge kept many children off the streets. will work at Arcadia for the re of driving an automobile over a fire Play T o Grid Tie Hartley said. The Nyssa Education association hose. The alleged offense Is said to mainder of the week. He will go to Oregon Trail next week. The The Adrian Antelopes and the is making arrangements for the have occurred when firemen were Handicapped Child called to the Orlgg Brothers and examinations, the first to be made Kuna Kavemen battled to a score observance. Butler office. Officials felt that the Clinic Scheduled in the county, are conducted on a less tie in a furious football game more-or-less experimental basis. played October 28. fine would serve as a warning to Visits Idaho Lodges— Mrs. C. A. Wernick returned last other motorists. A clinic for handicapped chil Under state law. these examinations With hard line play predominat are supposed to be made every dren will be held in Malheur county ing, Hite and Keller continuously Thursday from a three weeks visit during the week of November 14, year. When youngsters are found broke through the Kuna forward to the Pythian Sister lodges, os Dlstrict Election Cancelled— As only one candidate has filed in need o f a doctor's care, parents according to School Superinten wall to smear the Kuna ball car grand chief of the grand Juris are called for consultation. Mrs. Wernick for director of the Owyhee Irriga dent Henry H. Hartley. riers and passers in their tracks. diction of Idaho. The clinic will be conducted by I - - ■ '-------------- The line play of Mecham, Van De officially visited eight groups in tion district no election will be held experts on eyesight, speech, hearing Many Attend Ball— Water, Newblll and Smith was also Idaho, and was guest at the district this year. 8 E Flanagan, who has and low vitality and a consulting A capacity crowd attended the outstanding. Asumendl's punting meeting held at Creston, British filed for re-election, is the only can- psychologist Their schedule will I Nyssa firemen's annual ball held kept the Kuna team deep in their Columbia. Mrs. Wernick was in idate. According to irrigation laws. be as follows: Adrian and southern Saturday night in the gymnasium, own territory. He also threw passes stalled as grand chief last June at Flanagan will be automatically el part a t the county, at Adrian, Nov- The net porceeds. amounting to ap- which Mecham and Jordan pulled Kellogg and will preside at the ected for the three-year term. He ember 1*; Nyssa. November 16 and proxlmately »300. will be used to down. Davis and Stoker made con grand lodge sessions that will be has served as director for several years. 16; Ontario. November 17 and 18, help furnish the firemen's quarters siderable yardage through the Kuna held at McCall next June. and Vale and Pioneer, at a later in the new city fire station and line. Hero From University— Visits In Welser— date. Increase the firemen’s health and The Antelopes will play the Mel James Heldt, student at the Unl- Mrs. J. C. Smith is spending this Only children known to have death benefits fund. Paul Shanna- ba Mustangs at Melba November 4. verslty of Oregon, visited at the week in Welser visiting at the home disabilltles will be examined. The felt and his orchestra of Boise fur- home of his mother. Mrs. A. L. of her daughter, Mrs. William Lewis screening has already been done nlshed the music ■ ChlMren's CUale Held— and Mr Lewis, who are parent* of by teachers and the county and The F. O. K auxiliary will spon Heldt, over the week-end a Infant son. Appointed Policeman— state health departments. sor a free clinic for five-year-old C W Pollard of Nyssa has been children to be held at the Eagles Portland Hunters Here— Visitors last week at the Lloyd German Student To Speak— appointed as a city policeman, suc lodge Tuesday. November 8. at 2 p. No reiebratien Planned— Arno Preller, a student of political Because of the Nyssa-Payette ceeding Don Buell, resigned. Buell m. Dr. Kopp will be In charge of Lewia home for the hunting season, were Reeve Helm of Tigard, Peen science at Reed college in Port'and high school football game to be has gone to Tacoma to engage in the examinations. White of Portland, Roy Ungar of will be the guest speaker at the played at Payette and a dance to landscaping work Pollard has done Multnomah and M Ourskl. indust Nyssa Parent-Teacher association be given In the Nyssa gymnasium police work in Vallejo. California Awarded Oregon Filao Jimmy Llaiman of Nyaaa has been rial accident commissioner from meeting Thursday evening, Novemb Friday night, veterans of Nyssa and North Platte Nebraska and has Salem. er 10. Preller is a German student do not plan to officially observe worked for the Nyssa police depart swarded third prize in Oregon by ment part-time from Berlin, who during the war, the National Orange for his essay Armistice day November 11. was in an enforced Oerman labor on ‘Conservation of Our 80U Re Benefit Dinner Held— sources". The prise, amounting to Visit Relatives— The member* of the Rebekah camp. Music at Thursday’s meet Attend O. S. C. Homecoming— Mr and Mrs Don Sherwood and $50 in cash, was given as the re lodge will serve a roast chicken ing will be provided by a men's Mr. and Mrs. R M. Cochran re turned Monday from Corvallis, sons of HermLston were week-end sult of a contest held lost spring dinner at the I O. O. P hail Arm quartet and the mixed chorus of where they attended the homecom guests at the parental H. R Sher Lissman is a member of the P. P. A. istice day, November 11, beginning the high school. at 6:80 p. m. The dinner will be ing activities at O 8 . C. and visited wood home. They were returning chapter at Nyssa. followed by pinochle, with prizes Leave Ny home from a three-weeks motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cochran. given to players. Mr. and Mrs. James Spofford left to Illinois and Michigan. Monday for Burley, where they will Firemen were called to the Orlgg The ladies of Faith Lutheran make their home. Mr. Spofford was Brothers and Butler real estate and Te church will hold a bake sale Rotur- Here From Caldwell— Mr. and Mrs Walter Brewer left recently appointed superintendent Mr and Mrs Neil Holmes and Insurance office Wednesday because day. November 5 in the Eder store, Wednesday for Iowa, where they of the federal reclamation project at Home-made pies and cakes will be family were Sunday visitor* at the I of a smoking oil stove No will make an extended visit Minidoka home of Mr and Mrs. Hugh Tobler I was reported offered for sale. farmers have been arrested by representatives of the I state highway department on a charge of overloading beet trucks. A jury trial will be held November 9, beginning at 1:30 p. m. in Judge Don M. Graham's justice court in the city hall, with Edward Mahoney appearing as the first defendant in the test case. The Oregon law allows a load limit of 18,000 pounds on the rear axle and 9900 pounds on the front axle of a truck. Most of the trucks under consideration were reported to have had loads from 2000 to 3000 pounds under the total load limit, but were loaded too heavily on the rear axle. District Attorney Charles Swan of Vale will represent the state and Clyde Snider of Nyssa will repre sent the farmers. Game law violation cases handled in justice court since the first of the season Included those Involving 11 men charged with shooting from a public road. The offenders, ar rested by state police, were fined $29.50 each by Judge Don M. Ora- ham. Inspection Sunday, pr ividing an opportunity for local * dents to inspect the new Malheur Memorial hospital on Alberta avenue will be sponsored by the Nyssa ch -iber o f commerce and civic orge- iza- tions November 6. A special invitation is extended to the public to visit the hospital from 2 to 4 p. m. Fifty-seven door prizes valued at $IC0 have been given by Nyssa bus iness and professional men for the occasion. Tickets will be given at the entrance to the hospital and after names and addresses have been written on them will be de posited in a barrel at the exit to the building. The drawings will be held Wednesday, November 9 and the winners will be announced in Thursday's issue of the Gate City Journal. Louis D. Barr, hospital advisor, who will conduct a fin ancial campaign to raise funds with which to finish the hospital President F. W. Bracken of the and equip and operate it for two Nyssa chamber of commerce an years, suggested to local residents nounced at the weekly luncheon of that they watch the local news the organization Wednesday noon paper next week for details as to that the last chamber meeting be the final handling o f the drawings. fore the opening of the hospital No solicitation will be made at campaign will be held next week. the hospital on “See Your Hospital" Mr. Bracken appointed a com day. Persons attending the affair mittee, consisting of J. L. Herri- will be ituided through the building man, Klass V. Powell, Oeorge J. and will be given an explanation Mitchell and Bernard Frost, to nom of the various plans and specifi inate officers, who will be elect cations. The Nyssa municipal band ed at next week's luncheon. will give a concert. The ladies hos The committee arranging details pital auxiliary will serve coffee for the annual meeting to be held and doughnuts free of charge. Jn January or February has been Mr. Barr said “ I am certain that appointed and will report its pro the whole community is vitally in gress next week. terested in obtaining at the earliest Plans are underway for decor possible date the protection that ation of the business section for this hospital will afford the people Christmas under the direction of who reside in this large area to be Olean Wells. served by hosn't»'. For the tv»sj The pretent sales promotion com 25 years I have seen hospital devel mittee will continue to function un opment throughout the entire west til after the December 3 drawing. and without reservation will state that Malheur Memorial hospital is of the very latest design from the Norman Waud Is standpoint of safety and comfort Killed In Crash of the patients and especially ec onomy of operation. It is therefore Norman Waud, son of Mr. and important that all citizens who are vitally interested in hospital pro Mrs. Joe Waud of Madras, former ed last Friday in an automobile ac- tection for themselves and their families to take advantage of the Nyssa residents, was fatally lnjur- opportunity to go inside the hos cident near Redmond. The youth, pital and obtain some idea of the attend a football game with three size and the various facilities that who was en route to Redmond to it will contain to better serve the other persons, died Monday night of this week. people. Waud. who was graduated from “The community should be very much interested in a statement the Madras high school last year, made by one of the outstanding moving to Madras three years ago. hospital engineers in the west. W. attended school in Nyssa prior to E. Fianagan. chief engineer of the He and his father visited friends United States public health ser at Nyssa recently. Mr. Waud op vice with headquarters in SanFran- erated a farm near Nyssa. cisco, who must pass on the rigid requirements of the public health Pouring Wall* O f service as well as the requirements I w of the state board of health, said School (Completed 'The Malheur Memorial hospital is the best constructed hospital on J. H. Wise and Son, contractors, the Pacific coast at the lowest cost poured the last cement for the per square foot of building or cost walls of the new Nyssa school per bed. The cost of beds are de building Tuesday evening, com termined by taking the total cost pleting the walls of the gymnasium. of the building without furnishing» The concern still has some cement or equipment and without arch to pour for floors and other miner itect's fees and dividing this cost sections. Trusses for the gymnasium roof by the number of beds”'. The contract price of the 42-bed arrived Tuesday and work of er Malheur Memorial hospital was ecting them will be started Mon- *249.258. representing a cost per j day, bed of $5934 74 Comparisons of j -------------------------- other hospitals with the local h o s -' Travelers Visit— pital are as follows: Harney coun- Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Miller of ty, 31 beds, total cost $236,503.86, Enterprise visited 'rom Sunday until per bed cost *7632.06; Prineville. Tuesday at the home of Mr. and 35 beds, total cost $368,570, and per Mrs E. H. Fleshman. Mr. and Mrs. bed cost *7673; Wallowa county. 28 Miller, aunt and uncle of Mr. Flesh- beds. *252384, per bed cost *9013.71, man, were returning to their home and Welser. 30 beds, total cost in Enterprise after an extended *300,000, and per bed cost $10.000 trip to the eastern United States The main part of the present and British Columbia. local hospital is so built that add- | --------------------------- itional beds may be provided to New Arrivals At Nursing Heme— meet the expected increase in pop- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent ulation. Skubal of Nyssa; October 28. a girl, Jake Ftscher, president o f the weighing 4 pounds, 7 ounces; to Mr. hospital board of directors, has is- and Mrs R. C. Hild. Jr. of Vale, sued an appeal to all men of the October 29, a boy, weighing 7 pounds, community to volunteer at once 3 ounces: to Mr. and Mrs. Everett as workers in the coming campaign. Hurley of Parma, a boy, weighing 7 pounds. 10'v ounces, and to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haro of Nyssa. O ctober Leave On Trip— Mr and Mrs. Ira Ure will leave 30. a girl, weighing 7 pounds, 10 «4 this week-end for a trip to the Ore ounces. gon coast and California. They will go to Cottage Orove. where they will Leaves For Camp Worden— Corporal Norman Stathopulos who visit with their daughter. Mrs. Afton Ray and from Cottage Grove they has been visiting his parents Mr. will go to Eugene to visit another and Mrs. N. C. Stathopulos, will daughter. Beverly. They will then go leave Sunday for Camp Worden, where he will train until May with to San Diego. the engineering corps. Corporal Stathopulos has recently returned Here From Nebraska— from two years of service in Japan. Mrs. Maude Riley, mother of Mrs Oeorge Henneman. arrived Monday from Bassett. Nebraska for a visit Attend Game— at the Henneman home Mr and Mrs Ira Ure. 8 r . Mr and Mrs Tom Bumlngham. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Bumlngham. Mr and Leave* For ( lowland— Mrs Robert Peterson, who has Mrs Ormand Thomas. Mr and Mrs been visiting at the home of her Dave Mitchell Mrs. Mamie Baker. mother. Mrs Hilda Tensen. and with and Bill Jackman of Salt Lake City other relatives and friends, left Frt- were In Boise Saturday to attend day for her home in Cleveland, the University of Idaho-Port land Ohio . university football game Chamber Shows Activity Plans Says Peace Hospital Group Clark Alcohol Studies Cannot Be Caine«! By Armed Conflict Nets More Than Cited At Nyssa On Auction C Of C Meeting Grizzlies Ami Nyssa To Play Plans Outlined For Corn Show